Mandy's He-Man (17 page)

Read Mandy's He-Man Online

Authors: Donna Gallagher

Mandy heard Caitlin gasp in the background.

“Oh, Mandy, I’m going to pay for that—thanks a bunch,”
her friend said, giggling nervously.

Amid the grunts, growls and spurts of jealous rhetoric, it was agreed everyone would go to the game together, but the women were to remember JT and Brodie were the toughest, fiercest men in rugby league, and the only men for them.


* * * *


That night, as JT tried to pull Mandy to him in their usual sleeping position, Mandy decided it was time to talk

time for some action.

“He-Man, if you don’t give me an orgasm soon I really might look at those other players. Seriously, Jon, I thought you had lost interest in me, but Cait and I had a girly chat today and she thinks I should just tell you how I’m feeling. So I will. I’m totally frustrated and incredibly sad my man is scared to touch me.” Mandy outlined JT’s face with her good hand, stroking his wide jaw and running her finger over his lip. “You haven’t really touched me since we got home from the hospital.”

JT stilled Mandy’s hand and brought it to his lips, placing a kiss in the centre of her palm, his black eyes so dark Mandy felt she could fall headlong right into them.

“Mandy, how could you possibly, even for a second, doubt my feelings for you? Especially with my hard cock always pressed against that sweet arse of yours? Honey, you’re in pain because you were protecting our child. How could I be so selfish as to cause you any more? Although it certainly would be my pleasure to help you relieve any frustration you may be feeling.”

JT’s words were instantly arousing. After resting her plastered left arm carefully on a pillow, JT positioned her with her legs spread wide on the bed, ready for him.

“Try not to move, honey,” he said as he settled between her legs, grinning up at her. Mandy’s mouth went dry, but her body warmed and moistened in readiness, eager for the pleasure she knew was about to follow.

Chapter Twenty-Five




Mandy was spread before him, her pretty pink lips glistening. JT took a moment to enjoy the view before finally lowering his head.

JT loved the sweet taste of Mandy’s pussy. Parting her folds with his thumbs, he blew gently on her distended nub. He licked her thoroughly, thrusting his tongue as far into that moist channel as he could, without going near that little bundle of nerves at the apex.

Mandy was begging that she needed more. JT could feel the moisture weeping from her folds as he lapped it all into his hungry mouth. She begged for him to do something, but he kept up with the slow, methodical and exquisite torture. She started moving, thrashing her head from side to side and arching her hips off the bed, trying to get relief.

“JT… Please!”

Watching her buck and squirm was making him wild. JT was so hard it was painful. He ached to feel his cock buried deep into his woman. Deciding it was now time to bring Mandy home, before she hurt her arm, JT grabbed the plump globes of her backside in his hands and anchored her pussy to his face, pressing and swirling his tongue around her nub. It took only seconds before he tasted the sweet cream from her orgasm on his tongue as she writhed, tensed and screamed his name.

JT sucked at her until she begged him to stop. 

He needed to be in her. Trying to not to think about his tight balls and throbbing cock, he slid up the bed beside her, unable to resist a taste of her erect nipples on the way past. JT kissed Mandy gently. He loved her mouth—the way it felt, her responsiveness. Mandy never held anything back from him. She always opened herself up fully, never ashamed to show him her passion. He needed to treat her the same way.

“Mandy, I need you, need to bury myself in you. I miss you so much—my cock’s throbbing for you. I know it’s selfish, but at least you know how I feel.”

JT was surprised by Mandy’s quick movement, considering she was still hindered by her injury. She grabbed him around the neck with her good arm and pulled him down on her, somehow managing to rub her wet pussy on his shaft at the same time.

“Oh, JT, I need you just as much. Don’t ever think I don’t. Fill me, make me part of you. Take me, please,” she begged.

JT entered her slowly, savouring the moment and the feeling as he pushed through her silken lips. He was unable to stop the moan from escaping his clenched jaw—the pleasure was so great as Mandy’s tight, warm channel swallowed his cock whole.

“Oh, baby, you’re always so hot and wet for me, makes me feel so fucking good. The way your body responds to me makes me wild. It’s taking all my willpower to not slam myself into you again and again. Are you sure you’re okay? I really don’t want to hurt you, Mags.” JT, holding his body still, waited for her answer, unsure how he would survive if she asked him to stop.

“Come for me, He-Man. Make it hot ‘n heavy,” came her throaty response.

JT began to thrust in and out gently, trying to be careful, leaning his body away to the side so as not to bump Mandy’s arm. The slightly sideways angle gave him access to that little bundle of nerves at the apex of her slit. Just before he shot his creamy wad deep into her folds, JT drove Mandy over the abyss to ride the wave of another orgasm. The added feel of her already tight pussy gripping and constricting around his cock in response was all the stimulation he needed to take him to completion.

Chapter Twenty-Six




The days preceding the Grand Final week seemed to roll together in a surge of excitement and expectation. The Jets team, with two resounding victories in the semi-finals, had reached the ultimate game. They were hot favourites to take that final prize. Mandy, Caitlin and Riley all noticed a slight change in the demeanours of the usually calm and collected JT and Brodie. Both men became slightly distant as they were bombarded with media requests while trying to keep the rest of the team grounded.

Mandy knew that JT was hesitant to leave her for even one night. She and his father had repeatedly tried to ease JT’s fears, pointing out that Mandy was not alone anymore and that at least, this time, he would actually only be a few minutes away. The hotel the team had booked into was only a few suburbs over. Mandy convinced JT that he had a job to do and that the younger players would need him more, over the next few days, than ever before.

Grand Final day was a fun-filled, festive occasion. Amid plenty of fanfare, noise and colour, the spectator-filled stadium came to life. There were popular bands, sky-divers and cheer-girls, all entertaining the crowds before kick-off.

Mandy sat in amongst a large crowd of the Jets’ family and friends, proudly cheering on her man throughout the game. Tears and hugs flowed freely as the final siren sounded, confirming the Jets as winners and season premiers. Mandy and Caitlin were both bursting with pride as they watched Brodie, as captain, lift the shield high and proud. There were excited cheers of approval as Rookie was named man of the match—he had scored all of the sixteen points in the victory over the scoreless Brisbane team.

Mandy found it hard to believe what she was hearing as the exuberant young player at the microphone struggled to be heard over the continuous roar of the crowd.

“I want to thank the Jets fans for giving us so much support this season. You guys are awesome.” The crowd’s approval of Rookie’s words was apparent at the increase in volume of their cheering. “I’d also like to thank the sponsors for this award. I’m truly honoured to be chosen with so many great men playing beside me, but I’d like to dedicate my performance and this award to a very special woman. She’s had it tough over the last few weeks and I just want her to know that the whole Jets team is behind her. Mandy—this one’s for you.”

Rookie’s dedication was so unexpected, unbelievably sweet and generous that Mandy was stunned. People around her turned and looked her way as they heard her name, applauding. Mandy felt her cheeks redden at the sudden turn of events had that thrust her into the spotlight.

“Oh, my goodness, he is so sweet. Laura Harris really did a good job raising him. Wonder what JT is thinking. Hope he doesn’t go all gung-ho, ‘that’s my woman you’re talking about’ on Rookie’s behind,” Caitlin said, doing a gruff voice to imitate JT before laughing so hard she doubled over in front of Mandy, clutching at her sides.

“Yes, he is sweet, but so is everyone. I love this club, these people. They’re just so good.” Mandy cried with happiness. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, flowed freely down her cheeks as the excitement of the day finally overwhelmed her. “Oh, again with the waterworks… Caitlin, I’ve got to tell you, pregnancy hormones suck. If I’m not crying I’m peeing. It’s a wonder I’m not dehydrated all the time, the amount of fluid I leak…” Mandy hiccupped out the words as she searched her bag for a tissue.

“Here, sweetie—will this help?” Caitlin held out a hanky towards her. “Tell you a secret, Mandy, I can’t wait for some of those hormones myself… You look radiant, even with your running mascara.”

It was near impossible to get any private time with JT, as the Jets team and hundreds of their supporters partied long into the night in celebration. It was nice to feel so much happiness abound, everyone smiling and having a good time. But in the end, a tired and content Mandy left JT with his boys. She accompanied an incredibly proud Jon Senior as he dropped Caitlin, Riley and June home.


* * * *


It was an unusually inebriated JT who finally stumbled home, noisily, at around sunrise. Mandy had never experienced a drunken JT. The giant of a man looked so cute and cuddly as he flopped happily onto the bed, with a smile that reminded Mandy of the Cheshire Cat—or was that more the big, bad wolf?

The motion of the bed, when JT fell on it, almost flipped Mandy to the floor, she bounced so high. The slurring way he had called her ‘woman’—which sounded more like ’shworman’

made her giggle. How could someone so rugged and ferocious on the field be such a loyal, loving teddy bear in reality? Mandy again reminded herself that she was one lucky woman. The fact was proven beyond doubt when, even drunk, JT turned out to be quite the accomplished lover, and spent many hours ravishing Mandy, resulting in multiple earth-shattering orgasms that left her well sated.


* * * *


A sobering JT lay watching Mandy sleep. He loved being able to lie down beside her and just watch her sleeping peacefully, with no frown lines marring her face, no nightmares disturbing her slumber. Gently, so as not to disturb her, he moved a strand of her hair that had fallen over her eyes, tucking the now longer and more feminine, silken, raven-black strand behind her ear. He’d loved Mandy’s spiky, short hair, but this new softer, longer style was very sexy. She looked so womanly, feminine. Her curvy, soft body was tucked into his side, the blossoming swell of her belly a promise of a life to come—his child forming within.

He smiled as he reminisced over what had been the most intense few months of his life.

JT had been so happy when his best mate Brodie, after battling some of his own demons, had met and fallen in love with the sweet and caring Caitlin, which in turn had led JT to meet young Riley, and later the love of his life, Mandy.

Dealing with his own emotions over what had happened to Mandy, and his inability to keep her out of harm’s way, safe from her abusive ex, had been hard. The frustration of being so far away when she’d needed him most still haunted him. Those feeling of utter helplessness were something JT wished to never experience again. The thought that he might have lost her, or the precious child she was carrying, was just too horrible to contemplate. He had, though, been able to see his father in a different light as the older man had let his own emotions flow freely, openly showing his love and concern for his future daughter-in-law. It had been such a shock for JT to see his usually stoic father so emotional.

JT was also incredibly proud to be a part of the Jets team’s success again this season. The young men who were new to the squad had shown such maturity with how they’d conducted themselves on and off the field, and the more senior members had made up a sort of kinship, and had been so supportive of him through thick and thin. Now there was the promise of another season, if he desired, to continue in the game that had given him so much over the years. Whether he played or not, he would always be a Jet.

But as JT watched his sleeping woman, he could not imagine spending another night away from her. He knew that he had, happily, played his last game in the winning Grand Final. It was a fine and fitting way for him to end his career. The future already promised so much—becoming a father and husband, and growing old with the love of his life. 

“I am indeed the luckiest man alive,” JT whispered to the universe.





In a joint press conference, held shortly after the hoopla of winning the Grand Final had settled down, JT and Brodie had announced that their playing days were over.

Brodie would be taking on the role of assistant coach at the Jets the following season. JT was still considering the offer to become part of the staff at the Jets, but it would maybe be down the track, as he was intending to spend more time with Mandy before making any firm decisions.

Mandy was feeling stronger, mentally as well as physically now, due to some wonderful counselling. JT had accompanied her to some of the more confronting sessions, holding her safely in his arms as she spoke of those terrifying times with her ex, helping her move beyond those memories with his strength and support.

Weeks later, with all the drama behind her, Mandy had stood looking on, teary-eyed once again, as Caitlin had gracefully walked down the rose petal-scattered pathway that indicated the direction of the makeshift altar and her waiting husband-to-be. Mandy had been overjoyed when Caitlin had asked her to be her bridesmaid—albeit a very pregnant one. The warmer November weather had allowed for a late afternoon wedding in the Sydney Botanical Gardens, before an intimate reception had been held—of course—at Mia’s Restaurant. Mandy and JT had put on hold any of their own wedding arrangements until after the baby was born.

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