Marked. Part I: The missing Link (28 page)

“You know, I can't recall,” Arianna ponders, “He's definitely called me gorgeous, sexy, hot piece of ass-”

I don't ever call a woman perfect,” Jay cuts in, taking note that I finished his glass and raising a brow at me. I give him a wink, and in return he shakes his head, grinning and mouthing “lush”, “In order for me to call someone that, they'd truly have to be perfect from the inside out. Perfect enough to make me wish for things I can never have, perfect enough to make me feel emotions I thought I wasn't capable of, and perfect enough to make me rethink what I want. You girls ever meet anyone like that? 'Cause please, send her my way if you do.”

My heart starts palpitating at a pace I'm sure is visibly pulsating my skin. Was he informing me that I'm all those things to him, or does he not remember ever calling me perfect? I hate how hard he is to read when he has his walls up, which is all the time now.

perfect,” Arianna scoffs.

Jay takes a sip of his newly refilled glass, “I didn't think so either.”

“Let's dance,” Arianna grabs Jay's hand, who easily lets her guide him up. They start to make their way to the dance floor, but Jay stops and turns my way.

Come on.”

Nope, sorry. I don't dance,” the words sound funny on my tongue and I giggle.

I can't leave you here alone.”

I can't tell if he's being cordial or if it's his overprotectiveness.

Arianna loops her arms around his neck, forcing him to look at her, “She'll be fine. It's been too long, Jay. I need your body next to mine.” Her body and voice leave no room for doubt on what's she's craving, and it comes in the impenetrable iron form of Jay Lincoln.

Join the club.

Usher starts blasting through the club and Arianna takes the opportunity to turn around and grind her ass against Jay, who plants his hands on her hips and glides it against him. She dips low and I'm completely forgotten as they head to the dance floor. They are obviously no strangers to dancing together. Arianna is the sexiest dancer I have seen, when it comes to grinding on a man. She has a way of making it look erotic and not at all slutty. They look hot together and I hate them both. When the server comes by I let her know I'm going to need another, pointing to all three drinks that are still full.

Halfway through the song, Jay locks eyes with me and nods to the dance floor and mouths “dance.”

I shake my head no. He shrugs and continues his seductive dance with Arianna. My lack of rhythm has never bothered me until now. I would give anything to be able to go over there and make everyone want to touch themselves with my moves.

A softer song comes on and they become entwined in each other. They bury their heads together and they are the perfect height, their bodies flowing in a sexual, rhythmic seduction against the other. I notice others watching because the sight of them together is captivating and sensuous. It's not every day you see an Italian goddess sexing it against a Greek Spartan.

When the drinks arrive I have mine finished in three quick gulps. I swirl the tiny black straw, sloshing the ice cubes together, throwing myself a drunken pity party. I could never compete with a woman like Arianna, even if I knew how to dance. I've never seen a woman more desirable than her. I wish she could be more of a bitch, so I could hate her and not feel guilty while trying to come up with ways to destroy her.

A man slides into Jay's empty seat.

“You look lonely,” he smiles at me. He's cute. Not nearly as tall or as built as Jay, but he still has an attractive physique to go with his boyish yet charming face, “and bored. Didn’t anyone tell you you're in one of the most desirable cities in the world? Not enjoying yourself is forbidden in a city like this.”

Maybe I would if I wasn't in a club you can find anywhere in the world,” I have an edge to my voice from my still sour mood. Why's this guy even over here? Maybe I'm a charity case and he feels bad for the dowdy, unattractive girl.

Sarcastic and cute. Glad I talked myself into coming over. I'm Chris by the way.” He flashes me a pearly white smile.

I try and muster up my most friendly smile, “Holly.”

“Has anyone ever told you you have the most amazing smile? It's absolutely beautiful,” he says with such honesty it takes me by surprise. I expected guys in clubs like this to be overly fake and cheesy. “Can I buy you a drink?” I can hear the hopefulness in his voice and I give him a genuine smile. It feels good to have a guy be interested in me, especially one as handsome as he is.

I would like that.”

I look around the club and wonder why he's here, considering the drab state of my attire and looks. This club has an overabundance of hot girls every place you look.

He summons over a server, “What are you drinking?”

That's not really any of your concern,” Jay quips as he leans his body over mine, knuckles firmly placed on the table. His body is wrapped over me in a state of possession.

She yours?” Chris asks, eyes wide, absorbing in the sight of Jay.

No,” I blurt out, frustrated.

Yes,” Jay responds at the exact same time.

Jay growls into my ear and I know its directed at me.

I tilt my head to view him, “What's your problem? You can sex a girl on the dance floor but I can't talk to a guy?”

Chris slides his business card across the table and slips it under my hand, “Call me.”

Jay takes the card out from under my fingers and slaps it against the man's chest, “Fuck off.”

He scurries away at the same time Arianna rejoins our table.

“We need to talk,” Jay demands, and I think he's talking to me but then Arianna speaks up.

Okay, let's go to my hotel,” her response purrs out, coated in sexual invitation.

Holly's with me,” Jay still has my body encased in his and I sit up straighter, hoping he'll back off, but he doesn't take the hint. Instead, his arms move so his hands are almost overlapping mine, securing me in place.

It's a suite. She can watch the television in the main room.” She leans over to let her perfectly round breasts spill onto the table, “It's been way too long, Jay.”

I'm actually pretty drunk right now, or the idea of them together would drive me mad with jealousy.

“Does your room have those cute little bottles with alcohol in them?” I ask, smacking my numb lips together.

Arianna's smile brightens, “See, she's ready to go.” She stands up, “Come on.”

“You don't care if we go with her?” Jay whispers into my ear. His lips are close enough that they move against my hair. I let out a sigh and sink back into him.

Not really,” I shrug, “I'll order a movie and drink the mini bottles. It'll be fun.”

You do understand what she wants if we go to her room don't you?”


I can't believe how airy and indifferent I'm coming across. I'll have to make a mental note to remember how uncaring I am when I'm this drunk. It's fantastic.

“And that doesn't bother you?” His voice is gruff and almost angry sounding.

Nope,” I snap my lips together when I say it, making the word pop out. I giggle at the way it feels on my lips and tongue.

So you're saying you won't care if we go to her hotel and we fuck with you able to hear?”

Now I can definitely tell he's mad. I would recognize the tone he's using no matter what state I'm in.

“She can always join in,” Arianna coos, trailing her hand up Jay's arm. “We haven't done that in awhile.”

I twist in my chair to better see her, “You guys have done that?”

Her body leans in closer and our faces are inches apart, “Oh yeah, wait until you see what Jay can do with his tongue.”

This makes me broadly smile and tilt my head back to look at Jay, who's glaring down at me. I turn my body around in my chair so my back is to the table. I rest my elbows and lean back into them, making it easier to look up.

“I'm very familiar with what he can do with his tongue,” my statement's not even close to flirtatious because of the extra large smile still planted on my face; apparently I'm an overly happy drunk tonight. Could be worse.

The evil glare Jay has been blazing into me turns into a coy grin and he winks at me, causing my smile to get bigger. I giggle because my face is numb and I can hardly feel my face splitting open across it.

“You're really fucking drunk right now aren't you?”

Yup,” I pop my lips together again when I say it.

Jay chuckles and shakes his head, “Let's get you home.”

He straightens and Arianna is clinging to his arm, but he doesn't seem to be paying her any attention as he helps me up.

I thought you said you two never fucked,” Arianna accuses, glaring at me.

We haven't,” Jay answers, taking my hand into his.

Arianna takes a step back, arms crossed, “What, you two just fool around?”

“Not any more,” I pout, or so that's what I would normally do, but I can't stop smiling and I sound extra perky. Naomi would kick my ass right now for being this upbeat. Stevie would love it and try to get me to drink more and see if she could turn me into a drunken cheerleader, probably even try to get me to do a few drunken cheers for her. “If you guys are into threesomes you should totally meet my friend Stevie. She'd have an orgasm at the sight of you, and she's wanted inside Jay's pants from the minute she saw him. Do you really do that kind of thing?” I look up to Jay again and giggle at how far back my head has to tilt, “God you're big!”

And you're drunk,” he chuckles, “Come on we need to get you to bed. Where are you staying?” He asks Arianna, who smiles seductively at him.

The Fairmont.”

We'll be there tomorrow morning at ten. I have a job for you.”

Jay takes hold of my hand, dragging me out of the club, and within seconds he has a cab pulling up.

As soon as we're inside, I notice Jay is sitting with his arms crossed, looking pitiful.

I nudge him with my elbow, “What's wrong with you?”


Sure, Mr. Mopy-pants,” I tease in a pouty voice.

He raises a brow at me, “Did you just call me Mr. Mopy-pants?”

“Well, you're totally being one, just because you didn't get laid. You're such a guy.”

This remark earns a sneer and a growl from him, “I can't believe you think that.”

“Then why are you being so grumpy?”

He pouts and turns his head to stare out the window. He looks like a child right now and it's adorable. I love adorable Jay.

I giggle.

What side of Jay don't I love by now? I'm hopeless when it comes to him.

“What's so funny,” he grumbles, still moping and staring out the window.

I pinch his cheek, “You're just so gosh darn cute.”

This earns a half-smile and a glance in my direction, “You have the oddest ways of describing me.”

That's because no one sees you like I do.”

Jay mumbles something under his breath I can't understand.


We're here,” he responds, paying the driver and pushing me out onto the sidewalk.

My walking is a bit off as we enter the lobby and Jay supports me to the elevator.

I push the button to our floor and Jay pushes another one.

Wrong one,” he informs me.

Oh,” I sigh, leaning into him and wrapping my arms around his waist. “I'm glad you're here with me and not her.”

I thought you said you didn't care,” he still sounds grumpy. What's gotten up his butt?

I don't care because I'm drunk, but I care a lot.”

That doesn't make any sense.”

I hiccup and shrug my shoulders.

The elevator door pings open and he takes hold of my hand, leading me to our room.

I happily follow with a cross between a skip and a drunken totter.

Jay slides the keycard through and opens the door for me. I stumble in, Jay somewhat helping to prevent me from hurting myself.

The door clicks shut behind me and I hear the dead bolt and latch lock in place.

That’s my cue to mean undress. First go my pants, which I trip over trying to get off. Who was the genius who invented those? Damn pants, it's like getting out of a straight jacket.


I giggle and I hear Jay chuckling, so I look up to see him watching me, highly amused.

Need some assistance?”

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