Read Master of My Mind BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Master of My Mind BN (10 page)

Trevor started to giggle.


—it,” Savannah giggled before starting to

And like a chain reaction, my sobs turned to snorts, and my
tears of sadness turned into tears of laughter. Even in my drunken stupor, I
realized how blessed I was to have such loving and supportive friends. When the
bathroom door opened, the three of us looked up. Our laughter died instantly
when four, very unamused
—Drake, Dylan, Nick, and
Tony—stepped in. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, they looked down on three
guilty and extremely inebriated subs.

“Don’t put on your
Drake. We just had a little wine, that’s all,” Trevor explained as he held up
his finger and thumb, measuring a one inch gap.

“You address me as Drake, now boy?”

, I’m s…
,” Trevor stuttered.

“You’re sitting in the ladies room for fuck sake. You’re
telling me you only had a little bit to drink?” Drake snorted.

“Well you’re
in the ladies room, Master. How much have you had to drink?” Trevor giggled.



,” Savannah

“Not near enough to keep me from whipping your ass bloody,
you mouthy little shit,” Drake thundered.

“Oh,” the young man replied sheepishly.

Dylan slashed a brow at
Savannah as she slunk down a little lower on the chaise.

“Yes, Mass—

? Dammit, I can’t

—stop these fucking things.”

“Oh, precious.
You’re not allowed
to use that kind of language, no matter how drunk you are,” Nick reprimanded.

“Sorry, Sir,” she whispered and hiccupped again.

, what’s going on here,
sweetheart?” Tony asked as he crouched in front of me, taking the soggy napkin
from my fingers he patted it against my cheeks.

His brown eyes sparkled in compassion and understanding. I
desperately wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and hold onto him, forever.

“We came here for

food. But the wine was so
. I mean yummy. I
Did we eat?”
I asked leaning forward, looking between the blurry images of Savannah and
Trevor. She frowned and shook her head.

“Oh, I guess
to eat. I think
do that, but I
…needed a drink. Did chew know

George’s is…his ghost is everywhere I go. So we had some
drinks and I
got to laugh. So we had a
bunch more of both and…”

Through my wine induced fog, I realized that I’d probably
gotten Savannah and Trevor into a world of trouble with their Masters.

I looked up at Dylan and Nick and Drake.

not their fault.
Don’t be mad at
‘cause of me,
Sirs. I just wanted a day where my heart wasn’t being ripped apart.
And they
that for me.
I love
them. I really love them.” I turned back to Savannah and Trevor. “I really love
you guys.”

“We love you, too,
,” Trevor
choked, blinking back tears.

Savannah nodded and gave my leg a tiny squeeze. “Yes, we

“I wasn’t sure I could make it through all this
, you know?” I explained to the Dom’s staring at me
as their images blurred. “But
took the hurt away for a few hours. Don’t punish them
for that.”

I begged the other
to be
lenient on my behalf. “If it hadn’t been for me, they’d have… never have…
you guys. They love you.”

With the realization that I was the only sub in the room
that didn’t have a Dom to atone to, another wave of anguish caught me

The four
exchanged a glance.
Without a word, Drake bent and cupped his massive hands around Trevor’s cheeks.
Bending down, he slanted his lips over the young man’s mouth, lifted him to his
feet, and wrapped his burly arms around the thin man in a passionate embrace.

Nick cupped Savannah’s chin as another hiccup split the
silence. He couldn’t help but grin at her. “You’ve had a
whole lot
to drink, haven’t you, precious?”

“Uh-huh.” She nodded with a goofy grin.

“I’m going out on a limb here, kitten, but I suspect you’ll
feel like home grown hell in the morning. What do you say we take you home and
tuck you into bed? It’s late,” Dylan coaxed as he and Nick each took an arm and
helped Savannah stand up.

“Okay,” she exhaled on a wistful sigh before she melted
against her two
, kissing them as if she’d not
seen them in months.

I was left sitting alone, Tony’s erotic eyes gazing into
mine. I’d have given anything for him to lean in and kiss me and let me drown
in his affections, one more time.

“Come on,
. I’ll drive you
back to Genesis and get you tucked into bed as well,” Tony urged as he reached
out and took my hand.

“I love you, Daddy,” Trevor murmured as Drake led him out
the door.

“I love you, too, boy. Let’s go home.”

We all filed out of the ladies room, clinging to the strong
arms of sober and generously understanding Dominants. And as I waved good-bye
to my partners in crime, I felt a goofy smile crawl across my lips.

“Thank you, guys, I had a
time,” I called out as Tony helped me into his car.

The night was cold, and when he climbed in and started the
ignition, I released my seatbelt and slid across the seat, snuggling against
Tony’s hot body.

“What are you doing, angel?”

“Trying to get warm,” I replied as I closed my eyes and
drank in his blessed heat.

Slinking down further in the buttery soft seat, I rested my
head in his lap as he silently drove down the street. The fever emanating from
beneath his zipper called to the woman in me. I nuzzled my head upon his lap.
His thick erection pressed against my ear.

“Why do you have a hard-on?”

Tony chuckled. “Why is your head on my cock?”

“I asked you first.”

“Because you’re near me,” Tony replied as he lowered his
hand and threaded his fingers through my hair.

I closed my eyes and purred. His touch was sublime. Still
high on wine, I trailed my fingertips along the inside of his thigh.

,” he said in warning. “What
do you think you’re doing?”

“You’re touching me. I’m touching you.
all good.”

“It’s too good. And that’s what I’m afraid of.”

“When we get back to Genesis, will you make love to me?”

“What?” he gasped.

“Make love to me.”


“Why not?
Your cock is hard. It
wants to. And you’ve told me that you want me.”

“You’re drunk, sweetheart.”


“Baby, when we make love you’ll be stone cold sober. There
won’t be any regrets.”

“Are you just saying that to me or do you say that to all
the girls?”

“What girls?”

“Your harem of pain sluts.
they get drunk, are you so



“Yeah, are you that with them?”

“I don’t have sex with subs from the club.”

Rising up, I gaped at him—both images of him—and blinked.
“You’re bullshitting me, right?”

“No, I’m not. And stop cussing.”

“So you whip ‘
and you take ‘
to your room, but you don’t fuck ‘
Is that what you’re telling me?”

“Language,” Tony scolded.

I sighed. “
. You don’t
with them?”

“No,” he chuckled again. “Why is that so surprising to you?”

“I thought BDSM was a bunch of kinky sex.”

“Oh, angel.
You’ve got a lot to
learn.” I frowned and Tony laughed. “I enjoy the power exchange. It’s not about
the sex for me.”

“So who…you know, who cleans out your pipes?”

Tony laughed. “I have a friend with benefits, but we’re not
in a relationship.”

“Oh.” Mulling his words over, I settled my head back down on
his lap and closed my eyes. His erection felt as if it had grown even larger,
and I wanted desperately to ease his zipper down and taste his rigid cock.
Instead we rode in silence with his fingers massaging my scalp as darkness
pulled me under.

The next thing I knew, Tony was rousting me awake before he
led me up the back stairs of the club. I couldn’t focus on much of anything,
because the hall was spinning like a carnival ride. My stomach pitched, and my
mouth watered.

I don’t feel so good,” I
confessed. Tony looked down at me and cocked a brow.

“You’re turning green,
. Keep
that shit down until we get inside your room, or we’ll both be decorating the
carpet,” he warned as he jammed the master key into the lock.

As soon as the door opened, I raced to the bathroom and fell
to my knees in front of the toilet. Tony stepped behind me and gathered the
hair from my face in his fist. I retched until there was nothing left then
slumped over the commode. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. Limp and
exhausted, I felt like the biggest idiot on the planet.

Spitting the acrid taste from my mouth, I rested my forehead
in my palms. “You can go now. Show’s over,” I mumbled.

“Not on your life, angel,” Tony whispered as he lifted me
from the floor and carried me to the edge of the bed. Once seated, he crouched
low and removed my boots. “Do you want me to set the trash can next to the

“No,” I groaned as he tugged my sweater over my head and
released my bra.

Lowering me onto the mattress, he removed my jeans. Staring
down at me, I watched Tony’s hungry gaze linger on my hard nipples before
burning a path down my belly, pausing at the hot pink thong covering my pussy.

“Jesus,” he mumbled under his breath. He closed his eyes and
shook his head, dragging himself from the trance. Yanking the covers over me
with a heavy sigh, Tony stalked to the bathroom and returned with a large glass
of water and three pain relievers.

“Take these and get some sleep,” he barked.

I frowned at his tone and the angry expression lining his
face but sat up and followed his instructions. The beginnings of a headache
throbbed behind my eyes.

“I didn’t mean to piss you off. You didn’t have to come save
me, you know?”

“I’m not pissed,
,” he growled.
“Someone has to keep a goddamn eye on you. Now go to sleep.” He ordered as he
turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.

“If you’re not pissed, I’m a freaking virgin,” I murmured
before snuggling deep beneath the covers and closing my eyes.




I woke the next morning feeling as if a cotton factory had
taken up residence inside my mouth. My head pounded with every beat of my
heart, and even the soft light emanating from the bathroom had me squinting.
Oh, it was going to be a banner day alright, but I had no one to blame for it
but myself. Sitting up, my stomach swirled. I held my palm against my forehead
and groaned. Sliding into a pair of fuzzy pink slippers, I slipped on my robe,
intending to head to the bar and get something to wash down the sand coating my

I dropped the room key into my pocket before stepping into
the hallway. Glancing up and down the corridor, I was grateful no one was
around. Making my way toward the bar, the sound of a door closing behind made
me pause and turn. Looking over my shoulder, I watched Master Stephen and his
submissive, Carnation share a soulful kiss near his private room.

As if sensing my presence, the Dom opened his eyes and
raised his head. With a broad smile, Stephen turned and strode toward me, leaving
Carnation alone. Startled, her mouth fell agape as she slung a hateful glare my
way before hurrying to follow behind her Dom.

Addressing me by my club
name, Stephen clutched me to his chest in a tight hug. When he pulled away, his
green eyes sparkled as a smirk spread over his lips. “You don’t look so good
this morning, Dahlia. Feeling a little hung over?”

“Ah, yes, Sir. How did you know?” I asked shyly, wondering
if everyone at the club knew I’d tied one on the night before.

No doubt Carnation would have everyone convinced I was a
raging alcoholic before the damn doors even opened. Nearly every shred of
gossip that floated through Genesis originated with Carnation. She had a nasty
habit of judging and insulting her fellow subs, and unfortunately I’d been on
the receiving end of her callous remarks more than once. Watching as her eyes
narrowed, jealousy was written all over her face. I tried to ignore her, as I
often did, and focused on Stephen instead.

“Tony and I picked your car up from Maurizio’s after you’d
gone to bed.”

“Oh,” I groaned. “I’m so sorry about that, Sir. Thank you
for helping out with my car. I never meant to be a bother to you or Tony, Sir.”

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