Mastered by Her Mates (Interstellar Bride Book 0) (9 page)

Read Mastered by Her Mates (Interstellar Bride Book 0) Online

Authors: Grace Goodwin

Tags: #erotic science fiction romance

I was a red-blooded woman still half-aroused after an unbelievable orgasm. I looked. I couldn’t help it. I was mated, not dead.

“Close your eyes, mate. Now, or I will be forced to remind you exactly who your wet pussy belongs to now.” Grigg’s order made me grin, for I hadn’t realized my feelings at looking at the attractive giant were sensed through the collar. I obeyed, not wanting to start trouble by staring overlong at the biggest man I’d ever seen in my life. “What kind of alien is he?”

Grigg growled as he continued walking but Rav answered, as per what I was discovering might be the usual. “He’s an Atlan Warlord. They are one of the rare races whose warriors are larger than those of Prillon.”

Grigg’s hold on me tightened as he finally did something other than snarl. “The Atlans are fierce warriors and are in charge of all the Coalition infantry units. They fight the Hive on the ground, in close combat. That was Warlord Maxus. He has been fighting with us for seven years, and must leave soon, his fever is upon him.”


“Mating fever. If the Atlan warriors do not find and claim a mate capable of controlling them, they become beasts, berserker giants a third again as large as the one you saw.”

“Their mates control them?”

“Yes, in a way. Their mates are the only beings capable of calming the rage of their beast. Without a mate, they lose control and must be put down.”

What the hell? Put down? Like a dog? “Put down, as in killed? You can’t be serious. That’s cruel.”

“No, it is necessary. You are not on Earth any longer. You are not even in the same galaxy. Out here we fight for survival, we fight to defend all the Coalition worlds, including your Earth, from a fate worse than death. We do not have time for jokes. An Atlan in berserker mode killed six of my warriors on my first command before I shot him dead. He was a friend, a man I’d fought with and trusted. My hesitation cost lives, Amanda. The Atlans live by a different code of honor, a strict code designed to safeguard all they fight to protect. As he lay bleeding out, he thanked me.”

I tried to imagine the strength of conviction, the depth of pain, one would feel executing a friend and my heart broke a little for the warrior carrying me. There was much humanity did not know or understand about the alien warriors under whose domain we now lived. But, that was a big part of the reason I was here, to learn, to understand, and send information back to Earth.

I heard a door open and close, then another. Soon the faint sounds of others faded and Grigg was settling me on my feet. For reasons I could not explain, even to myself, my eyes were still closed as he’d ordered. His story made me sad, and made me hurt for him. He was so damn hard, so trapped by his choices, just as I was.

I didn’t want to like him overly much. I didn’t want to have sympathy for him either. Today was not going to be my best day to remain strong and detached. Perhaps it was the collar, perhaps I just
these men. Perhaps their sense of honor and service was not so dissimilar to the veterans who served at home.

No, they weren’t
. They were aliens. Prillon. And it didn’t mean they were right. Soldiers followed orders. For better or for worse, that was the way things had always been. And these warriors, my mates, were first and foremost, soldiers. It was up to me to discover the motivations and truths behind those issuing the orders.

When my feet touched the floor, Grigg allowed the sheet to drop and pool at my feet. His arms were around me, pressing me close, holding my cheek to his chest, the loud thumping of his heartbeat oddly human and reassuring, even through the hard press of his uniform. After a few moments, he ran his hands up and down my back, tracing my curves to the apex of my ass, then back up to my shoulders as if the feel of my skin soothed him.

“Rav?” Grigg’s voice was softer than I’d heard it yet, an apology in that one word, regret in the emotional tornado my collar forced me to feel.

“Yes.” That fast, the doctor was behind me, his heat like a fire at my back.

“I can’t control myself.”

“I know.”

“Take her.” Grigg shifted slightly, gently pushing me to take a step back into Rav’s arms. “Open your eyes, Amanda.”

I did, to find him backing away to sit in a large chair near an even larger bed. His gaze would have burned holes in me if in physical form and I realized there was a roiling of emotion building like a caldera in his chest. I sensed it, the intensity of it, through the collar.

“What are you doing? I don’t understand.”

I knew his cock was rock hard and desperate to fill me. I knew he wanted to touch me so badly he was afraid he would hurt me if he did so. He was afraid, afraid to lose control, afraid he would be too rough and frighten me. As he stripped naked, the massive muscles of his chest and back made my mouth water.

Rav wrapped his arms about me and I wasn’t sure if his hold was to keep me from escaping or because he wanted to feel me. He held me pressed to him, my back to his chest as Grigg stepped free of his pants, kicking them aside, his huge cock straining to reach me. It was swollen and thick, the blunt head so wide. An artery pulsed up the bulging length. I saw the drop of pre-cum on the tip, watched it slide down the smooth crown. I licked my lips, unable to stop myself from imagining what that little pearly drop would taste like burning down my throat and into my belly, or rubbed over my breasts. And it was like fire. The liquid had heated my clit somehow and I knew that it would do the same to the rest of me.

Rav’s hands rose to cup my bare breasts and Grigg, watching every move, shuddered.

“Yes, Rav. We will claim her now. Fuck her. Do exactly what I tell you,” Grigg growled.

Through the strange link forged by our collars, I felt Rav bristle at Grigg’s high-handed demands. The collars were a powerful and heady tool. I sensed things,
things I shouldn’t, having just transported. Somehow, I knew that Rav was used to taking orders from his commander and would do as he said, even fucking me. It was an easy order, for he was too eager to touch me to refuse. The cock pressing hard and thick into my back told me that he was more than ready to do anything Grigg wanted him to. We were both at Grigg’s mercy—I, certainly, was at both of theirs—at his whim, and for some reason, that thought made me so fucking hot I began to shake.

Grigg settled back in the chair, his knees spread wide, his cock at attention, and his arms spread across the armrests like a king sitting atop his throne. The king spoke, “Lift her and carry her to the edge of the bed. Lay her down on her back so that her head is hanging over the edge. I want her looking at me.”

I didn’t fight Rav’s hold as he lifted me and settled me on the giant bed. The bedding was soft and a deep blue just a shade lighter than my mates’ collars. Rav positioned me on my back, as ordered, my head hanging down over the edge where I had to look past Grigg’s cock, up to that enormous, muscled chest to his golden face. In the dim light his eyes looked nearly black as they devoured me, lingering on my breasts where they thrust up into the air. When his gaze met mine, I shuddered at the intensity of the lust flowing through me from my men.

God, I loved the collar. I knew, just
, how much my men wanted me. This wasn’t a game. This was…primal.

Grigg’s grin was pure cocky male, and I studied his face, this man I’d just met and was about to give myself to.

“Do you like it when I watch, Amanda?”

What? I’d never! I’d never admit it to him. “No.”

“Does it make your pussy wet?”

“No.” What did he want from me here? I was already naked, on my back, at their mercy. Now he wanted me to tell him I wanted him. Tell him I wanted him to watch like some pervert? No. No way. I knew Rav was kneeling at my feet, waiting, anticipation making both of us struggle to breathe.

Grigg’s gaze narrowed. “Do you want us to stop?”

Shit. No. No I didn’t. I wanted this, whatever it was. I’d never planned on having two mates, never planned to be dominated so completely. It disturbed me, how badly I wanted this. But I was too far gone to stop. I was here, in space. And these men were mine. Fucking mine.

“I can sense the lies through the collar, Amanda. Your mind may try to refuse, but your body will never lie to me or Rav. You’ve lied once. You shouldn’t do so again. I will ask again, do you want us to stop?”

I felt their power, their need, their strength, their arousal through the collar, which meant they could sense mine. I couldn’t hide. I could bare my body but the collar bared my soul. I licked my lips, uttered the words I could deny no longer.

“No. Don’t stop.”

Satisfied, Grigg held my gaze as he issued his next order to Rav. “Spread her legs and tell me if her pussy is wet.”

Chapter Seven



Rav’s hard hands went to my bent knees, forcing them wide until my thighs were nearly flat on the bed. I was limber, and suddenly very grateful for the rigorous physical workouts that never quite took off the extra weight, but kept me limber and ready for—

“Oh, God.”

Rav’s tongue went deep in my wet pussy and my back arched off the bed. Holy shit, no man should have a tongue that thick—that long. I raised my head to watch him.

“Look at me.” Grigg’s order made my pussy clench around Rav’s tongue and both of my mates moaned as my arousal flooded the connection forged by the collars. Rav’s tongue stroked me inside and out, teasing my clit, then fucking me deep. The surface was rougher than any man’s who had ever tasted me before, rough and expertly wielded.

He stopped and his words made Grigg raise an eyebrow. “She’s so wet her cream coated my tongue like wine.”

“Taste her again, Rav. Lick and taste her until her legs are shaking and her pussy swells to squeeze your tongue.”

Rav went back to my pussy and I quivered, biting my lip to keep the cries of pleasure from escaping. Dropping my head, I looked up at Grigg where he watched me squirm, the eye contact driving me higher. I shouldn’t enjoy the hunger of his gaze. I shouldn’t be so fucking hot at the idea of him watching Rav fuck me with his tongue, but I was. I knew if this went on much longer I would beg him to take me. Beg him to touch me. I felt like a pervert, a very naughty, naughty girl.

“Suck her clit, Rav. Tease her, but don’t let her come.”

I shook my head in denial of his order because I wanted to come
badly, but couldn’t tear my gaze from Grigg’s intense stare as he watched me. He noticed everything, every little thing. I felt like he was getting inside my mind. He noticed when Rav’s tongue hit a sensitive spot, making me jump. He watched, his scowl deepening when I closed my eyes for a moment too long. Every pulse of my empty core made me moan in pain, my arousal so acute that the folds of my pussy ached, too plump, too full. The soft sheets at my back were an erotic glide, softer than silk over my skin, but that was the only sensation I was allowed beyond Rav’s mouth on my clit.

I was empty. My skin bare. Other than Rav’s skilled tongue, no one was touching me.

I wanted to be touched. I needed it, needed the connection with another being. I felt like I was floating. Not real. I began to feel lost. Overwhelmed.

“Fuck her with your fingers, Rav. Make her come. Hard.” Grigg’s words elicited a growl from the man between my legs as what felt like three fingers spread me open, fucking me in time to the rough tongue working my clit.

Hands settled on my shoulders, holding me down. Grigg. I hadn’t heard him move. The pressure of his hands kept me in place. I couldn’t go anywhere. Couldn’t escape. I was trapped. Locked between them and so aroused my brain shut down. I felt like an animal, a wild mustang being broken.

“Look at me, Amanda. Look at me when you come.”

I hadn’t realized my eyes were closed. I opened them and immediately my gaze locked with Grigg’s, with my mate’s.

He leaned forward, watched my chest heave, my thighs shake. My lower back arched off the bed and I lifted my hips in an effort to escape the mouth and fingers driving me to a place I’d never been before. It was too much, too intense. I couldn’t take it. I was going to explode.

“It’s… I can’t… Oh God—”

Rav snarled at me, his animal intensity striking me through the collar as he followed my every shift and writhe. Grigg’s hold tightened. No escape. My body was trapped.

“Come, Amanda. Now.”

My mind—my body had long since become theirs—was gone, held in the authority of Grigg’s overwhelming control. Grigg’s command triggered something in me so dark and needy that I lost all sense of self, my body responded to him instinctively and I screamed as I came apart.

Grigg held my gaze as I shattered, he was my anchor as his desire, his need drove me higher. When the orgasm tapered, lessened, then ended, I wasn’t calm. I wasn’t replete.

I was out of control. Whimpering. Begging. I wanted them to fuck me, claim me, make me theirs. I needed more. My body was spun up higher than it had been just moments ago, on the verge of another orgasm just from the soft slide of Rav’s fingers in and out of my wet core, the soft rumble of his satisfaction as he gently licked my clit, sipping at me like I was the finest wine.

I didn’t want soft or gentle. I wanted rough, hard, fast. I wanted them to fuck me. Fill me. Own me.

“Now,” I begged.

Grigg’s hands move to his cock, wrapping around it with a tight grip, stroking it. His massive body was coiled like a predator about to strike. Instead of freaking me out, it made me hotter. I wanted him. Now. Right fucking now.

“Fuck her, Rav. Fill that pussy with your hard cock.”

Rav’s shock was like a jolt of electricity through our link. “What?”

“You heard me.”

I held Grigg’s gaze as I felt Rav’s confusion blossom via the collar. “I’m her second, Grigg. You are the one to fuck her. Her first child is yours by right.” Rav’s protests caused Grigg to stand taller, to tower over me. For the first time, he looked away from me to his second.

“Fuck her, Rav. You are mine, like she is mine. Your cock is mine. Your seed is mine. If she carries our child, it will be a child of the warrior clan Zakar. Fuck her. Fill her. Now.”

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