Mastering the Devil (Rush Series Book 4) (29 page)

“You, bitch!” he yelled.

Before he could get off his shot; however, Alex had retrieved his own weapon and fired two shots rapidly. Blood bloomed on Jacob’s chest and he fell back against the van, before sliding down over its fender to join Miguel on the floor.

Devon scrambled to her feet and moved to crouch in front of Alex. He dropped the gun and cupped her face in his palm. “Oh, Little Devil, you never cease to amaze me,” he said before pressing his lips against hers.

Devon ran her fingers over his beloved features, that was when she noticed the blood on his shirt. “You’re hurt,” she said calmly.

“I’m okay. Are you?” he asked.

“I’ve had worse beat downs,” she said with a grin.

“God, woman, you will be the death of me!” he groaned.

“Let me help you up,” she said.

“How’s Cash?”

“Too late to help, it seems,” said a voice from the garage door.

Both Alex and Devon turned to see Cash leaning heavily against door jamb.

“Took you long enough,” Devon grumbled.

Looking affronted, Cash said, “Well excuse me! I had two other gunmen to deal with.”

Devon grinned until she spotted the blood still dripping from his arms. She glanced at Alex’s bloody shirt and then down at her own useless arm. “We are all a sorry sight,” she declared.

“What are we going to do here? This is a huge mess,” Alex said, glancing between Devon and Cash.

Cash rolled his head on his shoulders and inhaled deeply. “I’ll take care of it. The two of you should get out of here.” He glanced at Alex, “You are a civilian, and our girl here is considered unstable. I’ll clean it up here and contact the proper authorities.”

Alex considered the other man’s words before slowly nodding his head. Looking to Devon, he said, “You good with that, Little Devil?”

She glanced behind her at Miguel’s lifeless body. Swinging back to Alex, she pressed her lips against his once more. “Thank you,” she whispered, for his ears only.

“I love you,” he whispered back.

Groaning, Cash said, “Alright already, get a room!”

Alex chuckled. “Ready?” he said to his battered woman.

“Ready!” she affirmed. She offered her good arm to assist him up and together they limped past a bemused Cash.

“Go make an honest woman out of her… and clean her up, she’s a mess,” Cash said as they walked away
, arm-in-arm.

“When has she not been,” Alex mumbled with a grin.





The water rushed against the shore, chasing the small Sandpipers up and back as they attempted to feed from the surf. The sun cast its rays of brilliant diamonds across the rolling waves, blinding any who’d dare to stare at it too long. The soft roar of the crashing waves was hypnotic and soothing, lulling the couple on the beach into a state of near comatose.

Devon allowed her head to
lull to the side and peered at the man stretched out on the lounge chair beside her. Their chairs were pushed together, so that if she chose, she could reach over and touch him; but she didn’t. If a man could be described as beautiful, he was – with his dirty blonde hair which curled at the ends; his lean, firmly chiseled body with its light coating of blonde hair; and those intense green eyes – she loved those the most.

He was so expressive with his eyes. He’d learned through the years how to hide behind a wall of icy indifference, but he’d never been able to shield his eyes. She’d just realized that when he was being untruthful, or hiding something from her, he’d look away. But she’d caught on to his little trick. She smiled as she knew he’d hate to know she had that information.

They were back at what she thought of as ‘their’ villa. She’d always loved it here; their love had blossomed in this, the only place in their relationship where they’d had peace and normalcy. Her jaw tightened – they’d shared heartache here as well; but at least it had been normal.

“Are you staring at me again, Little Devil?” Alex murmured, from behind his closed eye, covered by dark sunglasses.

She smiled at the sound of his husky, relaxed voice. Instead of answering his question, she said instead, “Your nose is red.”

Rolling onto his side to face her, he removed his shades and blinked against the glare of the bright sun. He pinned her with his beautiful eyes and his lips curved into a mischievous smile. “Well, I guess you’ll need to reapply my sunscreen then, won’t you?”

She carefully rolled onto her side to face him as well, being careful not to jar her finally healing shoulder. Her lips twisted in humor. “Why? I think you can reach your own nose. Don’t you?”

“Man, you sure are a sassy little thing, aren’t you? Don’t you know you’re supposed to be submissive to your man?” he said as he reached over and tucked the few strands of her long, dark hair which had escaped her band, behind her ear.

She smirked, “What century were you born in?”

“It’s okay. I like sassy,” he said with a grin, as he allowed his fingers to linger against her cheek.

“Good thing… cause I got a lot of it,” she replied, before shifting her head to place a kiss against the pads of his fingertips.

He traced her full bottom lip with his thumb and
his gaze became riveted to that spot. His eyes drifted over her face and finally held onto her dark, sultry eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known,” he said huskily.

She blushed at the compliment and the seriousness in which he’d said it. “I’m glad you think so.”

He looked at the woman across from him in her minuscule white bikini which offset her dark skin. He’d not been able to convince her to remove even a piece of it while outside. Her modesty amused him as he knew how completely immodest she was behind closed doors. He liked her openness during sex
… her genuineness. And he actually did like it that he was the only one she wanted to share her gorgeous body with.

He took in her high, firm lush breasts which practically spilled from her top. From her years in the I.D.E.A. and the intensity of their training, her body was fit and muscular. But due to her Latin roots, she’d maintained her luscious curves. He leaned over a little further and ran his fingers lightly over her jaw, down her neck, between the cleft of her breasts to land on the curve of her side. Goosebumps appeared on her heated flesh.

He glanced back up and saw the simmering desire his touch had inspired in her eyes. He scooted over until they were both on the same chair. Reaching behind her, he pulled the band from her hair, while keeping her gaze captured. He tangled his fingers into the riotous mess of her hair that he’d created and leaned into her.

Teasingly, he lightly brushed his lips against hers and drew back a little. She moved toward him until their lips were touching again. He kissed her, before parting her lips to softly touch her tongue with his own. She grasped his wrist and struggled to deep
en the kiss between them. He smiled against her lips. His Little Devil was impatient - he hardened at the thought. He licked into her mouth once more and gave her what she wanted. Maybe today would be the day she’d allow him to make love to her out here, in the sunlight with the sound of the waves lapping around them. He’d just reached around her curvaceous body to untie her top when he heard someone clear their throat.

He immediately dropped his hand and jerked his head up at the same time.

“For the love of God. How many times do I have to say this… get a room!” Cash groused, as he flopped down in an Adirondack chair positioned a few feet away.

Devon roll
ed over onto her back to stare at her old partner. “You should have called before coming over if you didn’t want see things you shouldn’t.”

He grinned, his teeth white against his tan face. “I like to live on the edge,” he replied.

Devon shook her head and but couldn’t help but smile at him. “Can I get you a drink or something?”

A look of astonishment crossed Cash’s features. He shifted his gaze to Alex. “Man, I am impressed. I didn’t think anyone could tame this hellcat, but my hat is off to you!” He gave a low whistle. “Why
… she’s learned manners. Who would have thunk it,” he said with a laugh.

Alex smiled. “I’d watch out. The cat still has her claws.”

Cash’s ever-present grin broadened. Turning back to Devon, he cleared his throat and said in his most proper tone, “Why, yes. I’d love a cool beverage if you please.”

She eyed him before saying coolly, “It’s in the house. Help yourself.”

He laughed. “There she is. I thought you’d gone all domesticated on me since you left the I.D.E.A.”

“Not a chance!” she replied with a smile.

Cash settled back into his chair and laid his arms against the arms of the chair. “So how is retirement treating you?” he asked her.

She glanced at Alex and smiled. “It’s awesome, I’d recommend to anyone.”

Closing his eyes in a posture of extreme relaxation, Cash said, “Not everyone has a sugar daddy to take care of them, sweetheart.”

Devon reached down and slung a handful of powdery-white sand at him. “I’ll have you know, I’ve recently secured employment.”

He cocked an eye in her direction. “Do tell.”

“She’ll be working with me at Drayton Enterprises,” Alex replied.

“Sweet,” Cash said. He reached up and straightened his T-shirt. “Well, I’ve recently secured new employment as well. And like Devon here, I have you to thank for it,” he said to Alex.

“Oh?” Alex asked, as his eyebrows rose in question.

“Yep. Due to me having singlehandedly taken out Miguel Munoz – the leader of a known drug cartel; and finding those payloads which had been missing for five years, I’ve been promoted. I leave for New York next week.”

Devon and Alex looked at each and laughed. “So glad I could be of service,” Alex said.

“So they bought the story?” Devon asked incredulously.

“You know how it is… they wanted to buy the story, so they did. Don’t worry, it’s all good. You both are in the cl
ear and not mentioned anywhere,” he replied to Devon. Looking to Alex, he said, “Thanks for the surveillance tapes; I was able to use quite a lot of it in building my case.” He gave a mocking shake of his head, “It’s a shame that all my marksmanship skills were deleted from the tapes when your equipment malfunctioned. You just can’t get good equipment anymore,” he said with a grin.

Alex gave a responding grin. “No, you really can’t.”

Pointing to Alex, he said, “So, how’s the wounds?”

“We were lucky to have a surgeon on hand. I expect a full recovery.”

Cash sighed and closed his eyes dreamily. “Now, that Dr. Ensley Ingram is something. I’d let myself get stabbed to have her hands on me.”

“Well, go get me a knife and I’ll assist you in that endeavor,” Devon said with a laugh.
“I guess you’ll have to wear a suit and tie now, uh?”

“Let’s not get all crazy,” Cash said with a shudder.

“Will you come back for the wedding? We are having it at Dragon Towers… thanks to our boss,” Devon said.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Cash said. He arched an eyebrow at Alex and said, “But dude, haven’t you
ever heard the expression… why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free? What are you thinking?”

Alex leaned over and linked his fingers with Devon’s. “Naw, this one’s a keeper,” he said before lifting her fingers to his lips.

“Okay… yuk,” Cash groused. “So when is the big event?”

Alex pressed his lips once more to Devon’s fingers before switching his gaze back to Cash. “Now that the supplies are flowing to the resort, it’
ll be a matter of a few months before the resort will be finished. So we’re thinking in six months, around October, I’d say. We’ll let you know.”

Devon looked down at their linked fingers and her eyes misted. She swallowed and looked seriously at Cash. “I would like you
to walk me down the aisle,” she said hesitantly, as if unsure of his answer.

His usual smirk faded as memories of the past weeks hung heav
ily over all them. “I’d be honored,” he replied seriously.

“Thank you,” she rasped through her suddenly clogged throat. Removing her hand from Alex’s, she brushed against the tears on her lashes. Uncomfortable in revealing her vulnerability, she clear
ed her throat, and said, “I’ll go get some beers.”

Both men watched her walk
towards the villa, her dark hair being lifted and blown by the sultry breeze.

“You’re gonna have your hands full with that one,” Cash said.

Alex smiled. “Oh, I think I know how to handle her.”

“Tiger by the tail, my friend, a tiger by the tail.”

Both men laughed at the absurd notion that a woman like Devon Montanez could be caught or mastered in any way.

“It’ll certainly make life interesting, don’t you think?” Alex said.

“Definitely interesting…,“ Cash agreed as he leaned back against his chair, and closed his eyes. “But I’d rather have my testicles surgically removed, than swatted off by a tiger.”

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