Read Mate Magic Online

Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

Mate Magic (11 page)

That damn big fellow came at her yelling.
“No more talking. Allen and Travis promised us land and we will have it. I’ll kill for it if I have to.”


Chapter 15


Paul scented Bailey to a clearing about two miles from Alpha house. He could hear Bailey’s voice clear and strong denying that she was the Alpha’s mate and openly claiming him and pack. Once again he was forced to admit she was her own savior.

He could feel his pack behind him, shifted and ready to fight, except him and
Jake. They needed to be able to negotiate when the time came. First they needed to listen to what was going on. He heard the lady mention Allen and his son Travis and once again he was taken aback that she had survived so long in such malicious company.

They were crouched down behind some trees waiting to make a move.
They heard that the bear shifters wanted, no needed, land and they would have offered them protection if they had just gone through the proper channels. Paul heard Bailey request that this whole thing stop and they simply talk but big dude was not happy.

looked to Paul as he yelled. “Now,” and ran toward the clearing with the full force of his pack behind him. Paul could see Bailey sitting with her back to a tree and a behemoth of a man charging her.

stopped next to Bailey and pulled his foot back to kick her while she was defenseless against the tree. She saw Paul coming for her but he wasn’t going to get there in time. She braced herself for the force of the blow that she knew was coming when she heard an earsplitting boom.

looked up to find Bernard clutching his shoulder with an expression of pain. She smelled his blood and smiled as she looked over at her mate who was braced with feet apart, gun in hand. Wow, that was hot.

She was so focused on
Paul that she didn’t see the boot coming at her belly. She had just enough time to curl her arms around herself and pull her legs up when she felt intense pain to her left arm and leg. She was not blessed with the option of passing out, no that would be too easy. Instead she felt a big fist in her hair as she was pulled up to her feet and slammed against a big body.

put her right hand to her hair to see if Bernard might be so kind as to loosen his hold on her poor hair. That’s when she attempted to use her left arm to fight him off but it was useless, wouldn’t work. Bailey saw an unpleasantly revolted look in Paul’s eyes and knew it must be horribly broken.

Katarina spoke first.
“Bear’s stand down. These people have done nothing to us. No more violence; let her go, Bernard.”

“No, we can still use her.
She’s mated to the sheriff and we can still claim the land. The whole pack came to see her safely home. If they want her they will abandon their territory. Decide.”

stood looking at Bailey. “I’m so sorry.”

smiled looking to Paul, “It was worth it.” She mouthed
I love you
before being hurled out of Bernard’s grasp. He was still clutching a clump of her hair in his hand as a black wolf clamped down on his neck.

rushed to Bailey’s side and pulled her into his arms but at her howl of pain he released her, a little. “I’m sorry, where does it hurt?”

opened her mouth to speak when she heard Jake’s booming voice. “You are no friend to our pack. You will leave our land immediately or we will notify shifter counsel and have you forcefully removed. We hold that man,” pointing to Bernard, “responsible for damages and will discuss amongst ourselves if we will bring charges against you,” pointing to Katarina.

Katarina lowered her head and apologized, and turned to leave calling the bears to her side in retreat.

Bailey’s voice was shaky. “Wait, Jake, they need a home. Their pack…or whatever is broken. Most of these people were innocent and following the bad direction of their leader. We shouldn’t punish the majority, for the crimes of a few.”

looked at her speaking softly, for her ears only. “I’m so grateful for you fast actions and wisdom. Stay; make this your permanent home. Paul needs you and so do we. If you leave, who will fight our battles and stick up for me.” He grinned down waggling his eyebrows at her.

“You remind me of
Trevor. Thank you for the speech but there is no way you could pry me from my mate.” She beamed up at Paul, “you came for me.”

shot back. “I did, and always will. We all came to protect you Bailey. But you didn’t need us. I’m so proud of you.”

spoke to the wolf that had Bernard by the throat, “dad, let him up. We’ll take him down to the station. Thanks for the help.”

shifted back to human while Deputy Chase cuffed Bernard. Bailey gazed up at the naked wolf that was her mate’s father. She wasn’t sure if she was delirious because of the pain, but she couldn’t stop her words, “Damn, you are one sexy wolf. Now, I know where Paul gets it.” Bailey was specifically looking at his flaccid member and at the gasps from the crowd she looked at his face and the blush staining it. “Sorry.”

walked to them, leaned down to nuzzle her hair. “Nice to finally meet you, Bailey, welcome to the family.”

Normally shifters were touchy feely and it brought comfort, not your mates hot naked father though.
She put her head in Paul’s shoulder. “Uh, we’ll talk when you’re less…naked.”

The clearing was filled with laughter and she enjoyed it briefly before whispering to
Paul. “Hospital, please.”

leaned down on Bailey’s right side and picked her up as gently as possible. He turned to Jake, “I’m taking her to the hospital. I have my cell if you need to contact me, but I should let you know I want to be with Bailey, so don’t expect me to leave her.”

nodded his head peering at Bailey. “You’ve been a wonderful addition to this pack and I intend to see you often in the future.” He leaned into her and whispered in her ear, “I’ve called your brother and he’s on his way. I’ll keep him occupied as long as I can.”

really didn’t want to see Dante right now. “I’d appreciate it.”

led her through the forest toward Alpha house. He wasn’t sure if she could remain conscious for the couple miles he had to hoof it. He kissed her brow and licked her salty flavor from his lips. “I’m really sorry I wasn’t there today-“

“You know what I like about this pack?
I can help, and not feel like I’m being judged for doing a man’s duty. I feel like I’m an essential part of a bigger family. When that bear tried to get Jake, I defended him thinking,
protect the pack.
I knew they needed Jake, and I also knew, without a shadow of a doubt that you would come for me with the full force of the pack. I love you all and am so glad I have been blessed to be a part of a real family.”

felt his heart clench in his chest for this beautiful woman who would sacrifice herself for a pack she’d been a part of for only a week. He knew that being a part of her old pack had been killing her slowly. “I love you. You belong here with me and our family. I don’t like that you put yourself at risk but it’s the selfish part of me that wants to keep you all locked up to myself.”

“I love you too,
Paul, and I promise you can have all of me.”

“Marry me?
Have my babies?”

She gave him a smile, “Eventually.”




Dante had heard the conversation between Alpha Jake, Paul and Bailey.
He was at a loss for words. He had no idea Bailey felt like she never belonged in the Sacramento pack. He was ashamed that she’d spent twenty plus years with him and she felt like an outsider. He was her twin for crying out loud. He should have known and helped her.

At the same time he realized
Paul was able to give her something that he couldn’t; soul mate. The sheriff was her one true love and the only person she couldn’t live without. He felt a momentary feeling off loss for the support person he’d always had. He relied on Bailey far more than she had him.

First thing he’d do is give
Paul and Bailey his blessing. He’d apologize to Paul first, explaining he only wants Bailey’s happiness; knowing Paul was it. He’d leave them alone for now to enjoy their mating. At the next opportunity he’d let Bailey know how proud he was of her and that she was always welcome in the Sacramento pack.

Things were changing and he’d need his twins support and she’d need his.
Twins could feel each other. It was time for them to tap into their shared feelings. They were the only family left and family is everything.




As Bailey sat once again naked on the cold hard exam table at the hospital she heard laughter from outside her room and then…yelling. An older woman barged into her room and to her bedside. Bailey quickly covered her scar with the sheet on the gurney. “Hey, who are you?”

was totally confused when the woman began to cry and pulled her in a rib cracking hug. Damn, shifter. Bailey screamed at the pain in her arm and leg when the female released her suddenly. “Oh, I’m so very sorry. Didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m Evalyn.”

“Are you the doctor?
If so, your bedside manner is lacking, not to mention inappropriate. Please, get my mate, I need my clothes.”

Evalyn simply laughed.
“Silly, I’m Kenneth’s wife.” At Bailey’s questioning look she continued, “Paul’s mother.”

“Oh, nice to meet you.”
Bailey held the sheet a bit tighter around her scar when Evalyn pulled the sheet right off. “Hey!”

Evalyn ran her index finger over
Bailey’s scar. “You can never hide from me. We are family and your pain is ours. You’re a brave woman who should wear this like a proud medal that you’ve earned. My Paulie is a lucky wolf.”

was crying and her vision was so blurry she didn’t hear the others enter. Paul’s mother was hugging Bailey fiercely and running her aged hand over her hair while making comforting sounds that every girl wanted to hear from her mother, but she’d never received. They were interrupted by Paul’s voice that was decidedly rougher. “Mother, let me hold my mate, you’ll have a turn later. Plus, the others have been waiting patiently.”

looked up to see an older man, Kenneth, Paul’s father, and several others that were new faces. She did notice Blake and Justin were looking at her with…respect, not the anger she had expected. Justin came to her side and touched her good arm relieving her of some discomfort. Paul came to her side and pulled her sheet up. “Everyone, this is Bailey. She is my mate.”

The room burst with sounds of laughter, tears, idle chatter; sounds of a family.
Bailey laid her head on Paul’s chest exhausted and before she knew her arm and leg were splinted. Since she was a shifter she would only need to wear them for five days to a week.




A week later, Bailey was back to work and felt confident walking into Insatiable. No longer a virgin but a mated woman who had a lot of experience in the sexual arts since she was locked in her mate’s home for the last week with nothing to do but enjoy his body, as he did with hers. She had also done quite a bit of research online about the various products that were in the store.

dropped her off and said he’d be back to pick her up around six. He gave her strict instructions not to leave the shop alone; he was going to call her on her new phone when he was out front. If today had gone like the past she would probably simply wander around and imagine Paul and what new positions she could try with him. He had a strong sexual appetite and she had learned that she did too.

The bell over the door rang and she turned to find
Shana standing in the doorway. Bailey really didn’t want to be ‘honored’ anymore, it was getting old. Shana walked further into the store quickly rubbed her cheek over Bailey’s before saying, “got any new or interesting product?”

“Uh, didn’t you just have twins a little over a week ago?
Yeah, you did, I was there. No sex for four to six weeks, you’re human.”

smiled. “Yes but my mate is shifter, and I get some of his healing ability through the bond.” Shana waggled her brows and continued, “What do you recommend?”

rolled her eyes, “I was a virgin a week ago and you’re gonna ask me?”

wasn’t buying it. “I know you. If you thought you were coming back you probably goggled all the products in the store. According to ratings online what’s the best?”

smiled; her Pack did know her. “Insatiable butterfly.”

laughed out loud, “Ironic, I have that one and it’s my all-time favorite. One time, when I’d just met Jake, I used it all night while he was downstairs. Drove him nuts.”

joined in her laughter as they walked around the shelves and she told Shana the different toys and their ratings. She really had researched, for the job and her mate. Shana bought a few things and as she walked out Tara walked in with her mate Decker. She reviewed the products and answered all the questions.

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