Maverick Danker [Beyond the Marius Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Beyond the Marius Brothers 5

Maverick Danker

Maverick Danker’s been on the job for too long. Now that he has just celebrated his two thousandth birthday, he worries he may never find the mates he deserves after having spent his whole life serving others.

Tyler Gilroy, a werewolf who’s been beaten, tortured, and used, has long since given up hope of finding a mate. He’s sickened with himself for being willing to accept any sort of affection to feel wanted, but the alternative is too bleak to contemplate.

Asterio has never left the fae plane before. When he enters Earth, he must learn a new way of living, adjust to having two mates, and face his insecurities after a few hundred years’ dry spell.

Will Mav, Tyler, and Asterio fight to overcome the obstacles on their road to love? Or will they each choose the path of least resistance—and ultimately end up alone?

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

35,355 words



Beyond the Marius Brothers 5






Joyee Flynn











Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove




Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn

E-book ISBN:


First E-book Publication: June 2012


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Maverick Danker
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Beyond the Marius Brothers 5



Copyright © 2012






Chapter 1




I was depressed… Plain and simple. I was two
years old and I was still alone, always alone. I’m always the man behind the position, keeping them safe and putting my life on the line to protect them. Don’t get me wrong, Caleb Kyros was a great guy, and I was proud to be his head of security. It’s just that I’d spent so long ensuring everyone else’s happiness and way of life I couldn’t help but wonder when I got my own.

When I turned two thousand a few weeks ago, everything in my life seemed to change focus. It’s not like I got lax in my work. I just got fed up with it all and most of the people around me. Everyone always came to me with any problem, personal or professional, and looked to me to magically solve it. But who did I have to go to? No one. There was no one I could open up with and be myself. There was no one to love me.

And it sucked huge monkey balls.

It was always
Mav, what do we do?
Mav, I need this fixed.
Mav, I need your help
. Constantly. All day, every day, and I was just tired. It wasn’t like I didn’t like helping or being in charge. It was just I was tired of it. Caleb threw me a huge birthday bash, his mates’ brothers even flying in. I had gotten so excited, already having decided in my mind that after having met one set of twins that weren’t my mates, the last single ones would be.

Nope. Not my mates. It didn’t seem like I deserved mates and wouldn’t ever find any. But why? Why didn’t I? I’d spent my whole life in the service of others for the greater good. Why couldn’t I be happy, too?

Part of me just wanted to resign. Most warriors didn’t retire until after they were mated or took teaching jobs to train the next generation of warriors. But after one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four years of service, I thought I’d given enough.

I think Caleb realized I was close to quitting so that’s why he sent me on this trip—for a change of scenery and to clear my head. I know I’d become a bear with everyone. People who would always ask my advice or help were now giving me a wide berth at the palace. Which actually made me fall into this depression. If I had any real friends, wouldn’t they be making sure I was okay and trying to help
for once? I guess I didn’t have any friends.

Yeah, that helped my midlife crisis. Or late-life crisis? What was it called when you could live forever? Fine, my life crisis.

So now I was on a borrowed Boeing 787 Dreamliner to pick up a few hundred displaced fae. It was an eleven-hour flight, but I didn’t mind. I was alone with no one to pester me or give me funny looks or ask me for anything. And the plane was luxurious even though it was huge. We’d moved things around because while we had a lot of passengers coming, extra room was needed for all their belongings. I just hoped we could fit it all. A lot of people equaled a lot of stuff.

Either way I was being sent to be Caleb’s ambassador and get everything handled so the fae could make the transition into our world as easily as possible. I’d do him proud and welcome them. But when I got home, I was pretty sure I was going to talk to him and then our Council about stepping down. It was time to live my own life… Even if it was alone.


* * * *




I was a freak. There was no way around it. I was completely, totally, and utterly a freak. I’d been tortured by my Alpha, beaten several times within an inch of my life, and used for years as a blood whore. But I didn’t hate all that happened to me. That’s why I never let Ayden, our Kappa and trauma healer, help me. I didn’t want him to see what was going on in my head.

Granted, I didn’t like the beatings or being tortured. But I did love being used and treated like a slut when those demons were all hopped up on my blood. To a vampire or demon, shifter blood was like Viagra, speed, and an injection of testosterone. Once they had it in their system, they had wanted me
badly that it just flipped my switch.

Okay, I hated the way they would hit me or bite me savagely to where it hurt and left me bruised. But I missed all those men wanting me so badly, pounding into me until I passed out from the pleasure. Hell, they used to drink from some of the other shifters they held captive and then come to find me because I
to be their slut. Yeah, I was a freak and totally fucked in the head.

Even when I was back with my old Alpha after I’d been rescued, I was his slut. He’d fuck me over and over again and so would the other enforcers. I was a joke to them. I knew that, but the only reason they didn’t screw with me is because I’m built and very strong. Even more so than regular werewolves. I could kick any of their asses besides the Alpha. The sick part? I
the man. He was pure evil and the way he ran the pack made me sick.

But when he found me at night, it was like none of that mattered because someone wanted me. I’d long since given up any hope of being loved for who I was and was willing to take any scraps of affection just so I felt, even for a moment, I was special to someone.

Part of me wanted to walk into the warrior compound, bare my neck to them so they’d get all hopped up on my blood, and then offer my ass like the slut I was. I missed having men line up and fight because they wanted me right then. How sick was that? And it left me a shadow of a man, riddled with shame and guilt.

But I couldn’t help what I wanted and what my fantasies were when I was alone at night.

“Hey, Tyler,” Ferris said with a smile, interrupting me with my thoughts. “You packing up?”

“Yeah, I start working on the head of the East Coast Council’s house today,” I answered, giving him a hesitant smile. No matter what my sick mind wanted, vampires still scared me. Not because of the sex I’d had while captive, oh no, that part I loved. It was the way they used to beat me and try to rip out my throat at times. But those weren’t vampires, I reminded myself. Those were demons, and the vampires I was around now were good guys.

“Cool. Now that you guys are done here I can finally move in and start my protection detail.” I could tell Ferris was excited about it especially since he’d been asking almost every day how much longer until his room was ready. “Darcy said I was getting a room twice the size of the one I had at the warrior compound. I’m totally stoked.”

“Well, you have fun with that.” I chuckled as I picked up my toolbox, belt, and bag of extras. I gave him a quick wave and headed out to my truck. I was glad to have it back. When the vampires had come in to rescue Ayden’s younger brothers and anyone else who wanted sanctuary, we’d had to leave everything behind. But then our Elders got involved and my old Alpha was out of business.

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