Maya's Triple Dare (13 page)

Read Maya's Triple Dare Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Kendall met Jack’s eyes and replied for him and his brothers,

“Good. She’s feeling better every day. I think she likes Divine. She loves the girls, judging by what I hear.”

“Think she might want to make a permanent move?” Adam asked quietly.

Kendall replied, “I think there’s a good possibility. We’re not rushing her to make a decision. Going at her pace like you suggested.

She’s taken to Boone and Richard and seems very happy.”

“I can tell by the sappy grins on their faces they’re not disappointed about that at all,” Angel replied, drawing a chuckle from Boone and a downcast smile from Richard. No, Kendall didn’t think there was a disappointed bone in any of their bodies.



* * * *



Maya glanced again at the three brothers leaning against the center island in the Warner’s kitchen. Every time one of their gazes landed on her, the heat of desire flamed higher inside of her. She


thought she would’ve felt scared or at least nervous if it were any other men who looked at her that way. The love in their eyes tempered the lust that was kindled there.

She’d fallen asleep with her head resting in Boone’s lap the night before and had only vaguely remembered being carried to bed. The one thing she hoped to change tonight was that she’d be wide awake when she went to bed.

Jack called from the kitchen, where all the men were congregated, and said, “The food is ready, y’all.”

Maya looked up as Boone and Kendall came to stand beside the chair she was sitting in, both men laden with plates. Richard followed behind with four bottles of beer.

Kendall asked, “Want to sit outside?” There were several picnic benches under the shade of the live oaks in the backyard. Grace’s men followed her outside, and the others joined them. Boone led the way to a shady spot, and she took a seat next to him and across from Kendall and Richard. Nobody else joined them at their table.

She smiled at the pastoral scene surrounding them. In the side yard was a grove of tall oak trees, perfect for a party under the stars.

To the rear of the property stood the two large red horse barns and the driveway connecting them to the foreman’s house where Kendall and his brothers lived. The whole place was situated on gentle rolling hills, much like the JWB was.

Kendall’s tone was serious and he watched her intently as he spoke. “We’ve been thinking, Maya.”

Maya stopped chewing as she looked at all three of them.

Swallowing her food practically whole, she replied, “What’s the matter?”

Boone rubbed her shoulder gently as he said, “Nothing’s wrong, baby. Nothing at all.”

Kendall smiled and shook his head. “Sorry, that didn’t come out the way I intended. We’ve been thinking about you. Wondering if you’re ready to move on with us. Tonight.”


Relief swelled through her, followed by a wave of hot desire as her body responded ravenously to the suggestion. Finally.

Feeling a little playful, she replied, “Sure. Where do you want to go?”

She froze, all friskiness forgotten when Boone gripped her ass cheek and squeezed. His lips brushed against her ear as he whispered,

“You know exactly where we want to go. We want to lay you down on our bed and make you come until you’re hoarse from screaming.

We want to make love to you until you can barely move. I personally want another taste of your creamy little pussy. You’re wet and hot right now just thinking about it, aren’t you?”

His dominant tone set off every nerve ending in her body. She wanted to strip naked right there and do whatever he commanded. She thought that part of her life, responding to a dominant male, was finished when Morgan had died so tragically in that hit-and-run accident. She’d told herself those days were over because what was the likelihood of her finding another man who got off on control like Morgan had?

She gazed up into his eyes, trying to express somehow, without words, how much what he was doing meant to her. She was thankful someone else understood this part of her.

He leaned close so only she could hear and whispered, “The look in your eyes right now sets me on fire, Maya. You like to give up control, don’t you? You’d like to put yourself in my hands.”

She nodded mutely, supper all but forgotten.

He smiled at her, looking very pleased and said, “Soon.”

Her cheeks heated up as their private exchange ended, and she looked at Kendall and Richard. They were eating and watching the two of them like the discussion was no big deal. They were all different, and so it made sense that what they each wanted with her might be different as well.

She went back to eating her food but wondered if the three of them could feel the heat her body felt like it was throwing off.


After a few, silent, thoughtful bites, Richard asked, “Maya, are you nervous? I don’t want you to feel worried or…scared.”

His thoughtfulness touched her heart, and she hastened to set his mind at ease. “I’m feeling a lot of things right now, Richard, but worried is not one of them.” She lowered her voice and continued.

“I’m mildly nervous, but any girl would be who’d never made love with three men all together. I’m looking forward to it, and you don’t have to worry about me feeling fearful at all.” That seemed to satisfy him, and she realized that must have been his real concern. She loved Richard’s caring nature. Honestly, she couldn’t think of three men she was less frightened of.

Well, Boone had a little edge that scared her, but in a good way.

She wondered how long she’d have to wait before the men said their goodnights and departed.


Chapter Eleven

Heart racing with anticipation, Maya stepped from the shower and toweled her body dry. Kendall, Boone, and Richard waited for her in the bedroom. She heard the water shut off in the other bathroom and hurriedly dried her hair and brushed her teeth. She stood before the mirror, staring at herself. She’d seen the same sad face in her mirror at home for over a year. Now a new woman stared back at her. This one had rosy cheeks, a sparkle in her eye, and dared to go after what she wanted.

She would make love with all three of them tonight. The thought caused her heart to race even faster, and her pussy lips throbbed so maddeningly she almost pressed a finger between them to massage the ache. Her clit felt twice its normal size and as she hung her towel her juices seeped out and dampened her thighs. She had to pause and breathe normally at the thought of their big cocks filling her there soon.

She heard male voices in the bedroom as she turned off the bathroom light and opened the door. After her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she could clearly see the three of them relaxing on the bed.

Her legs trembled as she walked to the bed and climbed up beside Kendall, who lay in the middle. Richard sat beside him against the headboard, and Boone lay across the foot of the bed.

Desire and lust were evident on their faces as they gazed at her, and she felt small and delicate surrounded by them. As big as they were and as hard and thick as their cocks looked, she should have been trembling with trepidation. But the lust in their eyes was


tempered by something gentle, and she knew she was in good hands with these men.

Kendall reached for her first, and she went to him, turning her head to look at Boone and Richard.

“Come here, Maya. You look a little nervous,” Kendall murmured. She curled into his arms at his side and allowed his warmth to steady her as Boone and Richard drew closer.

She gazed at him and smiled, shaking her head negatively. “No, I don’t know what you want me to do…how you want me to be. This is new to me.”

Boone nodded as he stroked her calf and the back of her thigh as he drew closer to her backside. Richard had moved closer and watched her with luminous eyes, the set of his mouth almost grim.

She wondered what thoughts went through his mind.

Kendall distracted her with his gentle touch and seemed capable of reading her mind as he said, “Maya, we want to make sure you understand that this is no fling we’re after. You agreed to come for a week, I know, but we want for you to stay. That feeling will only increase after tonight. You know already how much I love you. Hell, I’m practically your love slave already.” He grinned when he said it, but there was a deep tenderness in his eyes, and she knew, despite his teasing, that the words came from his heart.

The feel of his callused palm holding her breast drew a moan from her. She turned to Richard and held his gaze. “Richard? Is this moving too fast for you?”

A flash of surprise showed in his eyes, and he shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. “No, honey. It’s not moving too fast between us.”

She placed her hand on his bare, muscular thigh. “You look uncertain, like something is holding you back.”

He swallowed hard and seemed to search for the words as he laid his hand over hers. “I’m worried what will happen if this night doesn’t go well. What if you feel differently in the morning about us?


I’m a little concerned that physically this may be too much for you. In the morning, if you change your mind about us, it will…” His words trailed off as though he was afraid by uttering them they might come true.

Maya pushed carefully, knowing exactly what he meant because she felt it, too. “It will what, Richard?”

“If you leave us—me, it will devastate me. I don’t think I can handle that one more time.”

He looked away, and she could sense the tension in his body. Her lip trembled with compassion for him, and she wanted to do everything she could to reassure him. Her heart swelled with adoration for this tender, wounded giant.

Looking for approval from Kendall and Boone, she smiled when she saw they understood as she sat up. Kendall moved aside so she could reach Richard.

She had a feeling he would’ve stayed where he was until she drew him to her, so she went to him instead. He looked at her, seeming a little surprised.

Kendall and Boone stroked her back and her hips as she climbed over this big mountain of a man and straddled his thighs. Her cunt ached in a needful way at the thought of what she was about to do with him. He was almost tentative as he stroked her hips and thighs and looked a little surprised at this turn of events.

That increased her confidence as she placed her palms on either side of his jaw and looked him in the eye. “This relationship is far from conventional, Richard, but I know my own heart and mind. I don’t know everything there is to know about you. But I do know I want something beyond this night with you. All three of you. I’ve worried what the three of you might think of me for jumping so quickly into a foursome relationship with you. You accepted me so easily into your lives the other morning after not seeing me for over a year. I know love takes time, but this
like love to me. If I can’t fully satisfy you it would hurt me. Please don’t hurt me.”


She caught the flash of emotion on his face and in his pale blue eyes as he whispered hoarsely, “I’d never hurt you, honey.”

Slowly, he wound his arms around her, and she felt suspended in the moment as he pulled her to him and gave her a kiss so tender and sweet it curled her toes. No, he’d never intentionally hurt her, but she hoped he understood how much power he had over her now that she knew she was in love with him.

He groaned harshly as she wrapped her hand around his cock, her lips still pressed against his. His neatly trimmed beard and moustache tickled her lips and cheek. His kiss quickly turned ravenous, and he released her for a moment to roll on a condom. Her pussy clenched in excitement as Kendall and Boone’s hands caressed her spine and her buttocks.

Richard stilled her as she lifted up on her knees. She wanted to be filled with him, but she also wanted to savor this tender moment between them, and she appreciated his control.

“I want you to use lubricant. We’re big men and the last thing we want is for you to be sore tomorrow morning.”

Maya nodded and shuddered with desire as Richard received lubricant from the tube Kendall held and applied it to her already-drenched pussy.

“Honey,” Richard murmured in a tortured-sounding voice. Once he was finished, she rose over his lap and allowed him to position his cock at her seeping entrance. “Nice and slow. Take your time.”

She panted when his hot head nudged her lips apart and her pussy tingled warmly as his girth stretched her. She loved it and wanted to plunge down hard but did as he asked and took it slow. Richard bit his lip and growled in his throat as she descended on his cock. She rocked her pelvis and pumped up and down as more and more of him slid in.

“Fuck, that is beautiful,” Boone whispered as he and Kendall continued stroking her.

She smiled at Richard and leaned forward to catch his full lower lip between her teeth and suckled on it before kissing him. The

momentum built within her as she changed the angle of her hips and he thrust upward, rubbing her G-spot on every stroke. A deep, pleasurable rush coursed through every nerve ending in her body, and not just in her pussy.

Her voice was a husky-sounding whisper as she leaned against him. “You feel good inside me, Richard.”

Richard gazed into her eyes, watching her intently, and replied,

“You’re so hot and soft, Maya. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than you, right now.” He gripped her hips in gentle hands and guided her movements then slid his palms up to cup her swaying breasts and play with her nipples. He pressed his lips to her breasts, and the vulnerable look on his face and the reverent way he touched and licked her brought tears to her eyes. He suckled one nipple and her pussy quivered with the stimulation. Her body slipped hotly along the hard length of his cock, gripping him convulsively.

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