Maybe Baby Lite (5 page)

Read Maybe Baby Lite Online

Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #romantic and raunchy, #x, #erotic adult, #alpha billionaire

Trey?” a voice croaked. I
realized the voice was mine.

Hush now” he said,
stroking my face with his fingers. “Everything’s okay. We just need
to get you to the hospital.”

I snuggled closer to him,
burying my face into his chest and tucking my hand back inside the
blanket. I felt his warmth and I knew it was the best thing I'd
ever felt in my life. Trey held me close as I sank again into
darkness, a siren wailing in the distance.


My dreams had haunted me
for as long as I could remember. They didn’t seem like normal
dreams. In my freshman year at college, I'd taken Psychology I as
part of my degree curriculum. We studied a chapter describing body
rhythms and mental states covering dreams. There were so many
theories. I wasn't sure which theory I supported, but I definitely
felt that my dreams were an expression of something. Something from
my past frightened me; I didn't know what.

It seemed like I'd been
dreaming for days. My dreams had been interrupted routinely by
voices, lights, people checking on me, prodding me, lifting me. I
heard buzzers and beeping, phones ringing and footsteps, even
someone snoring. Even now, I drifted through a dream I’d had

It's my senior prom. I'd
begged my mom for a strapless dress. She told me that I'd have to
pay for it myself, because she couldn’t afford it. I worked every
day after school to save up enough money for a form-fitting peach
satin sheath that hit above the knees. It was strapless and the
bodice was cut straight across. It was the most money that I'd ever
spent on clothes, but it was prom, the first and only one I'd ever

By my side that night will
be my steady boyfriend, Daniel Henderson. We've been dating through
my entire senior year. He comes from a good family, and has a
scholarship to attend Purdue University in the fall. He is good
looking, with dark brown eyes and sandy blond hair. He is built,
too. He'd played football all four years of high school, and would
play in the fall for Purdue. Daniel means a lot to me and God knows
he has been patient. We hadn’t done much more than make out. I'd
let him feel me up inside my top and finger me a couple of times.
But now I'm ready; I want to give him a prom night he will

I slip my freshly bathed
and waxed body into my new silk underwear and bra. My mom helps me
zip my peach satin sheath in the back.

I want you to have these
earrings, Ty,” Mom says as she hands me a blue velvet box. I open
the box and there are two glistening pearl drop earrings nestled on
a pink satin pillow.

These are beautiful, Mom,
thank you!”

She smiles as I fasten
them into my ears. “They are perfect,” I say, looking at my
reflection in the mirror. Mom fusses with my hair a bit more. It's
piled up loosely on top of my head. She releases a few tendrils
from each side and frames them around my face.

There now, that’s better,
gives you a little bit of a ‘tousled’ look, now don’t it?” she says
with satisfaction. Mom spins me around to take a full look. Her
forehead creases a bit as she taps her index finger several times
against her bottom lip.

Needs one more thing,”
she says, hurrying off to her room and returning a moment later
with another blue velvet box. She opens it and presents me with a
gold necklace that has a single tear-drop pearl pendant. She tosses
the box over onto my bed, and fastens the necklace around my neck,
checking the clasp.

Your daddy gave me this,
along with those earrings, Ty,” she explains. “About the only
things he ever did give me, besides you of course. Seems only right
that you should have them. There now, baby girl, you look

I study myself in the
mirror again, and I feel pretty. My make-up is subtle, my dress
allows a bit of cleavage to show, but nothing overly daring. My
hair looks shiny and playful. It’s the earrings and necklace that
make it all perfect.

Thanks, Mom,” I say,
putting my arms around her and hugging her tightly. Mom gets that
uncomfortable look like always when I show her affection. Our
doorbell chimes, interrupting our rare tender moment. I grab my
clutch from the bed and start for the door. Mom stops me with her

Tylar, honey, listen and
don’t get mad, okay?”

What is it Mom?” I'm

Honey, wasn’t that long
ago that I went to prom, you know? Now, I just wanted to let you
know that I stuck a couple of condoms in your purse

Mom!” I gasp,

Now don’t ‘mom’, me. I've
given you permission to go to those after-prom parties. You think I
don’t know what goes on after prom? Well, honey, I do. I just want
to make sure that you have protection in case Daniel doesn’t, okay?
You have fun, now, you hear? This is your night, baby.”

I turn and descend the
stairs, still blushing as I reach the landing and open the front
door for Daniel. He's handsome in his black tuxedo, with peach
cummerbund and tie. He places a gorgeous wrist corsage with
peach-colored roses and white baby’s breath on me and

You're hot, baby!” he
laughs. “Are you ready?”

I nod, swallowing
nervously. “I am, Daniel,” I say softly, smiling at him.

I'd been
, too. I reflected
on my dream as it continued. I'd wanted to lose my virginity; it
hung around my neck like an albatross. The prom had gone by so fast
and the after-party was a whirl. I remembered dancing with Daniel
and kissing him as we swayed to the music. I remembered arriving at
the after party, where my friends handed me drinks.

There I am, laughing,
stumbling, and totally wrecked! I can barely manage to stand, so
Daniel is holding me up. He has one arm around my waist, half
holding, half dragging me up the walkway to my front door. My heels
and clutch purse are in his other hand. I look like a pathetic rag
doll; my hair hangs down my back. My sheath is torn from when I
stumbled out of his car. The satin is stained with rainbow vomit.
That's from the Jell-O shots. My mom's standing on the porch with
the front door wide open. She has her skimpy black nightie on, the
one with spaghetti straps that's cut low, really low. Mom motions
Daniel into the front hallway, and closes the door behind

What in the world
happened to her, Daniel?”

Daniel gives her his best
attempt at a sober grin. He doesn’t pull it off very well. “I’m so
sorry, Ms. Preston, I really am,” he says. “I didn’t know that they
were feeding her Jell-O shots. She’s small and, well, I think she
didn’t know her limit. But that’s no excuse! It's totally my fault,
ma’am. I take full responsibility.”

Now you call me Maggie
just like everyone else does.”

Ms. — I mean, Maggie? I
think it might be best if we made a bed for her in the bathroom if
that’s all right. I’m not sure she’s done tossing yet,” Daniel is
smiling at my mom now.

Okay, sweetie, let me get
a couple pillows for her. Can you get her upstairs by yourself,

Sure thing, Maggie,” he

Oh God, Mom was flirting
with Daniel—my Daniel. My dream continued on to a part that I'd
never seen before.

I'm sprawled across the
bathroom floor. Someone has taken my prom dress off and dressed me
in my nightgown. There is a pillow and blanket next to me. I sit up
and peer into the toilet; it looks like I’ve puked more rainbow
into it. I flush the toilet, no longer feeling nauseated. I'm tired
and my head is pounding. I just want my bed. I head down the
carpeted hallway toward my room, stopping at my mom’s bedroom to
see if she's sleeping or waiting up to yell at me. She's not in
there. Her bedside clock reads 3:47 a.m.

From downstairs, I hear
voices. Oh God, I hope Daniel's not waiting to see if I want to go
back out. I pad down the carpeted stairway, and the hall and living
room are dark. I see a dim light coming from the den off of the
kitchen. I tiptoe quietly across the kitchen linoleum, noticing a
couple of half-empty wine glasses, and an empty bottle of pinot
noir on the table. The door to the den is ajar, and my mom’s back
is to me. I can’t see Daniel’s face because my mom is kneeling in
front of him as he reclines on the couch. I can see that his tuxedo
trousers are down around his ankles.

As my mom moves, I get a
glimpse of Daniel’s face. His eyes are closed and his mouth is
slightly open and he keeps rolling his tongue over his parted lips.
My mom’s one hand is wrapped around his erection, making a fist,
and sliding it up and down, while her other hand is down her own
panties. I want to look away, but I can’t. I want to wake up from
this dream, but I can’t. I close my eyes for a second trying to
grip the reality, if there is one.

I hear a soft moan escape
from Daniel. I open my eyes and see my mom taking the full length
of his erection into her mouth. Daniel's hips start moving, first
in a circular motion, then thrusting his pelvis back and forth,
back and forth. His face is flushed. My mom continues sucking his
dick, drawing it in and out of her mouth with her right hand. She
scoots closer inside his outspread legs; she places each of her
forearms under one of his muscular thighs, drawing him up even
closer. His erection needs no help. Her mouth continues to cover
his dick, sliding up and down the full length, licking then sucking
alternately. Daniel’s breath is ragged as he moans, swiveling his
hips around and around.

Does Tylar do this for
you, baby? It’s okay, you can tell me.”

No, ma’am—I mean no,
Maggie, I swear,” he breathes.

You certainly have a nice
cock, Daniel.” My mom shifts around to face him. “As much I like
what I'm doing to it right now, I'd like to see what it feels like
inside of me. How do you feel about that?”

I think I’d like that,
too, Maggie.”

Mom shrugs off her black
nightie and panties. She leans down and removes Daniel’s shoes and
socks, pulling off his trousers, and tossing them aside. Daniel’s
tie is already off, and he peels off the shirt, tossing it in the
pile with the rest of their clothes. I see my clutch purse next to
the pile of clothes. Mom reaches for it, opens the flap, and
removes the condoms she gave me before prom.

It’s a shame letting
these perfectly good condoms go to waste, don’t you think Daniel?”
she giggles, tossing one over to him. He catches it and smiles at

Come here,” he whispers,
grabbing her arm and lifting her onto his lap. He enfolds her in
his strong arms, pulling her closer so that their faces are nearly
touching. They kiss, long and passionately. I know what that feels
like. He bends down and suckles one breast. He lifts her off of
him, gently pressing her down into the couch. His cock is erect and
ready. He bites the corner off of the foil condom wrapper and spits
it out, removing the ring from its package. My mom stops

Here, let me, baby,” she
says. Daniel watches as my mom expertly rolls the condom onto the
full length of his hardness. Mom lies back against the cushions,
propping a pillow underneath her hips. He lowers himself down,
slowly pressing his protected erection into her. He positions his
arms underneath her shoulders and once again searches for her mouth
with his own. He presses his full length firmly into her. Mom moans
with pleasure.

You’ve done this before
Daniel, I can tell,” she purrs at him as he continues sliding his
dick in and out of her, his tight buttocks now going in circular

Not with anyone you know
Maggie,” he says, his tongue now tracing along her neck. His mouth
moves to her lips, plunging and thrusting his tongue into her
mouth. My mom giggles, and rakes her nails gently over his bare,
humping buttocks. “There’s just one thing you have to promise me,
Daniel, or this stops now.”

Daniel slows his
thrusting, and props himself up on an elbow, peering at her
quizzically. “Tell me what you want, Maggie; tell me what I need to
promise,” he whispers.

I’ve decided that I want
you for myself. You can never fuck Tylar if you want to finish
fucking me here and now. Do you understand? I won’t share you with
my daughter. I want you again after tonight.”

Oh, Maggie,” Daniel
whispers huskily, pressing into her, “you have my promise. You're
the one I want to fuck.”

They continue on; I'm
horrified as I watch every time Daniel plunges himself into

Oh yeah, baby,” Daniel
groans, increasing his rhythm. Mom moans loudly, grabbing his

Ahh—oh, God, that’s it
baby, that's my spot, don’t stop… fuck me there, keep fucking me
there…that’s my baby…that's my sweet, sweet baby,—.” She visibly
shudders and her legs go limp as she moans, kissing his shoulders,
his neck and his mouth. Her body is flushed pink. She pushes him
back from her, his glistening cock slides out, still

At that moment her eyes
lock with mine. She knows I've been watching. She's delighted with
the show she has provided me. She smiles knowingly at me for a
brief second, and then turns her attention back to

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