MC Biker Romance: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Taken (Secret Baby Biker Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance) (24 page)

ll see me again, at graduatio
” she said with a smile. The clapping died down, and for the last time the studen
s gathered their belongings and headed down the stairs, glad to finally be done with classes and collage. Several of the students gathered around Sarah, all clamoring to tell her of their future plans, and Sarah was genuinely happy for them, she was reminded of her own colleague days, and the similar excitement she had felt just before her graduation. As the mill of students began to dissipate, Sarah finally caught sight of Brody at the back of the group, waiting to say his own goodbyes. As the last of the students disappeared out of sight, Sarah found herself pulled tight against Brody as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her hair softly.

I could
t have done this without yo
” he said pulling away from Sarah. The imprints of his hands burned into Sarah, and she wished the hug had lasted just a few minutes longer, his scent and touch intoxicating. Sarah blushed, then smiled

Yes you could of, and you would of Brody. Yo
re a very intelligent and capable young man.
m proud to have taught you
” Sarah said fiercely, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. Turning from him, she busied herself, collecting her sheets of papers and books, packing them neatly into her briefcase. Brody hesitated, opening his mouth to say something, before closing it again.

Goodbye, Sara
” he said softly, shouldering his backpack and heading out the door without looking back. She did
t watch him leave; she could
t bear to watch another man walk out of her life, knowing that she would never see him again.

Avery Matthews Bachelor of Anthropolog
” A male voice boomed through the large hall, a burst of applause rippling through the audience as a tall man stepped up onto stage and accepted his degree. Sara
s heart swelled with pride, as she watched her 2015 class graduate. Next to her sat Cliff, and Sarah turned to smile at him. Avery was his student, and Cliff had a soft spot for him. She was happy to be there next to Cliff, their relationship had not progressed romantically, and instead they shared a kindred friendship.

You look beautiful
” Cliff whispered as they watched their class accept their degrees, with the outburst of clapping from their proud parents sitting behind them. Sarah blushed, smoothing her hands over her floral print dress. She had chosen this dress especially for today, in the hope that she might see Brody one last time before he flew off to New York to begin his internship. Her mass of curls were pinned up on one side with a diamond hair clip, a dash of red lipstick on her lips.

Thank you
” she whispered back
you look very handsom
” she added, and he did. Wearing a tailored tuxedo, he looked every inch the academic.

Brody Young
at the sound of Brod
s name, Sara
s eyes swept back towards the stage
Bachelor of Anthropology, with honor
” Her heart swelled with pride as she watched him cross the stage, he looked so handsome, so grown up. She would miss seeing him every day, the way he smiled at her, always first to answer any questions she posed in class. But deep down Sarah knew she had made the right choice, she was a professor with an outstanding reputation, and he was her student. Sara
s eyes never left him as he accepted his degree, before sweeping across the stage and disappearing from view once again.

The sun beat down on them as they stood out on the green, a glass of wine in one hand, fanning themselves with graduation programs with the other. They stood outside their department, watching the steady stream of students walking past, wearing their cap and gown, with their proud parents in tow.  Sara
s heart stopped as she looked up to see Brody walking around the building corner, talked excitedly to his parents. He still wore his gown, but he held his cap in one hand, his hair stuck to his forehead, damp with sweat. Brody face lit up with a smile as soon as he saw Sarah, and he made a beeline straight towards her.

I wanted my parents to meet yo
” Brody said as he arrived, he was out of breath,and Sarah could
t help but smile.

It is lovely to meet you
” She said extending a hand and shaking both of his paren
s hands
It was an honor to teach your son
” It was clear to see where Brody had gotten his good looks; Brody was the spitting image of his father, and his mother retained a youthful and carefree appearance.  Thank god you brought a new dress, instead of one of your frumpy old ones she thought. Brod
s eyes burned into her as he moved his gaze appraisingly over her face and body. Sarah knew she looked good, her recent attention to her hair and clothing had caught her the admiring gaze of several men and she liked it. She liked feeling good, and her confidence had grown over the past few weeks.

He ca
tstop raving about you
” Brod
s mum gushed, holding onto Brod
s arms tightly. Sarah glanced over at Brody, who avoided her gaze, looking firmly at his feet, his cheeks coloring with a pink tinge
All he ever talks about is this amazing professor who inspires him to work in this field. We were
t sure about it at first, I mean what kind of career does one have with a degree in Anthropology
” she tittered nervously.

” Brody said gently, interrupting his mother.

m sorr
” his mother said blushing
I must be raving like a lunatic
” Sarah smiled politely before turning her attention back to Brody,

When are you off to New York
” Brod
s head shot up, his gaze catching Sara
s. There was something in his look that she could
t quite make out.

In two week
” he murmured. At that moment Sarah felt Cliff sidle up to her, putting his hand gently on Sara
s shoulder, whispering into her ear. There was no mistaking the look that flashed across Brod
s face, jealousy and hurt. Nodding, Sarah turned her attention back to Brody and his family,

Please excuse me, I am required over at the Dea
s offic
” Sarah said quietly, making her excuses
I wish you the best of luck Brody, I really d
” she reached out her hand, and was met with Brod
s firm handshake. She smiled sadly, before breaking apart, and turning on her heel towards the dea
s office. This time it was Brody who was left watching Sarah go, his heart aching I never want to see her leave me again, he vowed to himself, somehow, someday. He stood there for a few moments, collecting his thoughts, before leading his parents back across campus ready to pack his things and head to New York and his new life.



Sarah found herself once again standing in front of a mirror, but this time she was in Mac
s standing in front of their floor to ceiling mirror in their changing room. Beside her stood a much younger and more sophisticated sale assistant who had somehow managed to stuff her in a dress that Sarah was sure was a size too small. The sales assistant flapped around her, adjusting things that did
t need to be adjusted, and playing with Sara
s hair tittering as she worked.

You look amazing
” she exclaimed in a strong southern accent. Looking up, Sarah was shocked to see a woman staring back at her that she did not recognize. The dress was a deep forest green that complimented her skin coloring and hair perfectly; sh
s a bloody miracle worker, Sarah thought to herself. The dress hugged her figure tightly, falling to the floor and sweeping outwards, instead of making her feel fat and frumpy, her curves were highlighted and she nodded approvingly. A diamond shape was cut out of the top of the dress, showing her deep cleavage, which the sales assistant had assisted with miracle tape. This dress is half of your mont
s wages, the practical side of Sarah pointed out, who cares you look hot! Her fun and outgoing side argued.

Are you going anywhere special
” The sales assistant asked, as Sara
s internal war raged on.

” Sarah asked, turning back to the woman.

Are you going anywhere special tonight
” she repeated continuing to flutter around Sarah, repining her hair back from her face.

Department dinner, we have one every year after the students have graduated. Kind of a here comes summer part
” Sarah felt a twinge in the pit of her stomach as she thought about all the years Steve had attended with her, the copious amounts of drinking that would occur, and the amazing sex that would come when they got home, and more than once before they got home. Sarah felt her heat redden with the memories, the gesture not lost on the sales assistant.

Ohhh, is there going to be a special someone there
” She teased gently. Shaking her head,

Not this year, i
s my first time going alone after a breaku
” Sarah found herself admitting. The sales assistant adjusted the gown at the hips, making it tighter around Sara
s bust, as she leaned in and whispered,

Well, tonight le
s make him regret that decision

Walking into the private dining room Sarah suddenly felt hesitant. All around her small groups of her colleagues stood chatting away about the past year, and their summer holiday plans, she did
t feel as if she fit in at all. Those who were not part of the groups were standing with their partners, nibbling on the food provided, and wine glass in hand. The dance floor stood empty, it would fill later as people drank more alcohol and lost their inhibitions. Picking up a flute of champagne from a circling waiter, Sarah took a deep breath before heading towards a group of people she worked closely with in her department.

” was the first words that Sarah heard as she approached a small group of her friends, every head swiveling towards her.

You look amazin
” Her friend Becky said. There were murmurs of agreement, and Sarah politely thanked each one. The department dinner was a collection of professors, teaching assistants, office staff and a very select few students. The noise grew after each passing round by the waiter with the champagne, small cana

s following soon after. Sarah started to feel herself become tipsy, enjoying the sensation, and sense of camaraderie that came with it. As the night wore on the music changed from slow classical numbers, to an upbeat tempo that invited dancing. Sarah stood tapping her foot along to the music as couples started to join the dance floor.

Care to danc
” a voice whispered in her hair, a hand lightly placed on the small of her back. Sarah would know that voice anywhere, tipping her head ever so slightly; Sarah caught sight of the man standing behind her, Brody.

You know i
s against the rules Brody, professors and students
” Sarah whispered back, turning her attention back to the dance floor watching couples dance hand in hand.

s a good thing
ve graduated then
” his warm breath on her ear sending shivers down her spine. Butterflies danced in the pit of her belly, a slow smile spreading on her lips
What do you say
” His warm breath tickling the hairs on the back of Sara
s neck, sending shivers down her spine, she considered his proposition.

Just the on
” Sarah said, still not meeting Brod
s gaze, but it was all he needed. Taking Sarah by her hand, he led her onto the dance floor. Sarah ignored the quizzical looks by the members of her department, Brody was right, he had graduated and there were no rules that forbade them from dancing together. Besides rules are meant to be broken.

As the stepped onto the dance floor, the first strums of Steve Perry and Faithfully started to play.

Highway run, into the midnight su
…” Sarah found herself blushing; it was her back luck that the song would change into a slow song that was all about the hardship of love. For the first time tonight Sarah really looked at Brody, and she inhaled sharply. He was dressed in the most beautiful suit Sarah had ever seen, his silk dark blue tie complementing his eyes, and for the first time his hair was
t a messy mop that hung in his face, but was instead swept tidily back in a short pony tail. H
s gorgeous Sarah thought, as Brody swept her into his arms, carrying her around the dance floor with ease. He was a natural dance floor, and she found herself relaxing into him, enjoying dancing close with someone as the other couples around them were lost in their own worlds.

You look amazing
” Brody whispered in her hair and he meant it.
d do anything to have her he thought to himself. The sight of Sarah in her gown drove him crazy; she looked vibrant in her gown, clinging to every curve, the color making her eyes shine.

Thank yo
” Sarah smiled
you look very handsome tonigh
… all grown u
” she teased. Leaning into Brody, she caught his scent, his smell was intoxicating, a mixture of woods and citrus, and definitely not cheap. Sarah found herself leaning into him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and resting her head on his shoulders, at this moment there was nowhere else she would rather be. Brody responded, tightening his arms around her, holding her close. Sarah was no longer tipsy, her own desire sobering her up. God I want him so bad Sarah groaned inwardly. H
s ten years younger than you, her realistic side argued, your sleeping with him, not marrying him her dreamer side retorted. But she already knew the answer; she wanted him with every inch of being.

They danced well into the night, Brody twirling her around the dance floor and catching her, drawing Sarah into his arms. The air was electric, and it escaped nobody. Sarah knew people would be gossiping about her around the water cooler come Monday morning, but she did
t care and neither did Brody.

"That day, at the bar" Brody whispered in her hair as they stood in each othe
s arms, swaying to another slow love song. "I thought I would go insane with jealousy seeing you with someone else." Sarah tipped her head back to meet his gaze, the pain in his voice was clear, as Sara
s thoughts turned to that night, how much it had crushed her to see Brody with a beautiful skinny blonde woman who was much younger than her

I know
” Sarah whispered back
Seeing you with that woman crushed me Brody, but I ca
t compete with them, all the pretty young woman that follow you around
” She felt Brod
s arms tighten around her, before he swung her out, and reeled her back in.

"I don't want them, Sarah, I want you, it's always been you" They danced cheek to cheek, both lost in thoughts of that night, and how wrong they had been in keeping away from each other.

Announcing the last song, Brody pulled her tight into her arms, as the first whispers of Closing Time came across the speakers.

What happens now
” Brody whispered into her ear. He felt his cock tightened at the thought of Sarah naked, his hand and mouth exploring every inch of her.

Come home with me
” she whispered back, kissing his cheek softly. Her lips felt electric against his skin, and Brody responded with a deep guttural grown into her hair. Sarah was already wet thinking about Brody naked in her bed, her body aching for him. She had been with no one since Steve, but now there was no one else she would rather be with than with Brody. Waiting until the lost song, they broke apart to say their own separate goodby
s to their friends. Slipping out quietly, so not to arouse suspicion, Brody headed down the stairs, hailing a taxi as it cruised the streets, knowing that the restaurants nearby would soon be closing. Sarah followed a few minutes later, having made her apologies for leaving so early, knowing the party would move on down the street and carry on well into the night. As she stepped outside, she looked for Brody but could not see him in the darkness that surrounded them.

” she called softly, her eyes trying to make him out in the darkness. The only lights came from dim streetlights and the soft glow from the nearby restaurants and bars.

m here baby
” Brody replied as he came up behind her, opening the cab door and helping Sarah in. Giving the cab driver her address, Sarah leant back turning her attention to Brody. He looks so handsome, Sarah thought, the moonlight casting shadows across Brod
s face. Her stomach did somersaults, and for the first time Sarah felt hesitant, I hope you know what yo
re doing, she warned herself. Without thinking about it, Sarah reached her hand up and stroked Brod
s cheek, feeling the softness of his freshly shaven cheeks, before gently turning his head towards her, kissing him lightly on his lips. It was all the invitation that Brody needed, and he responded, kissing her passionately, her mouth eagerly accepting his, tongues intertwined. She tastes so fucking good, her taste drove him crazy; he wanted her now, his cock already straining against the confines of his clothing.

How much longer to were at your plac
” he said gasping for breath as they broke apart, resting his forehead against hers. Glancing out the window, she smiled

Were her

Thank Chris
” Brody moaned quietly so the taxi driver could not hear. Slipping the cab driver $20 for his time and silence, they headed up the driveway as Sarah rummaged through her bag for the key. Pulling it out triumphantly, she slid the key into the door and stepped inside. She had barely a chance to make it through the door, before Brody whirled her around and back into his waiting arms. Their lips met, their limbs tangled, as Sarah pulled at Brod
s jacket, pulling his shirt from his trousers, her hands exploring his chest as he kissed softly down her jaw and her neck. Breaking away from Brody, Sarah took him by the hand, a confident smile on her face, leading him upstairs and towards her bedroom. Her ass swayed as she walked up the stairs, Sarah smiled as she heard the thumps and stumbles coming from behind her, boys she thought to herself. Leading him into the bedroom, Sarah pushed him lightly onto the bed, watching first confusion then delight dance across his face. Catching his gaze, Sarah smiled as she slowly undid the zipper of her dress, letting it fall gently to the floor, a pile of emerald satin. Underneath she wore a black lace and pantie set, that the sales assistant had also helped her chose, with assurances that it would drive any man wild. Brod
s eyes widened, and from her viewpoint she could see Brod
s cock strain against his pants. Sarah loved this, she loved teasing him, making him want her, and she had no plans to stop. Stepping out of her dress, she made her way over to the bed, her heels sinking into the soft carpet. Slinking onto the bed, she lifted her leg, and straddled Brody, leaning down, her lips finding his. She could feel his hardness beneath her, teasing him with slow grinding movements, Brody groaning at Sara
s touch. His hands moved against her hips, sliding her gently down on top of him, as his hands explored her soft skin. Holding her gently, Brody flipped her over, laying her flat on her back, her hair splayed out around her like a halo. Brod
s lips met her skin, kissing her jaw softly, before moving slowly down her neck to her breasts. With expert hands, he unclasped her bra, and gently slid it off, revealing the most perfect breasts he had ever seen. Drawing her nipple into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the tip, feeling her body contract under his touch, as his other hand gently stroked her other breast.

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