Read Melindas Wolves Online

Authors: GW/Taliesin Publishing

Melindas Wolves (11 page)

She lifted her head off his shoulder and glared at him. “We shouldn’t have to argue about this subject ever, Keegan. It worries me.”

His face grew serious. “I know, hon. And I respect that. Can we agree to disagree for now?”

She wasn’t sure she could live with that. Part of her felt like it was important to hash out their disagreement—with her coming out the winner—before they took another step toward mating.

Hell, part of her wanted to slam her own head into a wall for sleeping with them at all. She’d given them her virginity. Not one but two men.

Part of her wanted to do it again. Pull the truck over and strip in the bed of the truck. Insanity.

She pursed her lips and glanced out the window. A shudder shook her body.

Something about the casino development didn’t set well with her, something beyond her environmental disagreement.

“What?” Keegan glanced out the window, following her gaze.

“That place. It’s…”

“Gonna make a lot of people a lot of money?” he asked.

She jerked her gaze to his. “Keegan, stop it. I’m serious. Something isn’t right. It gives me the chills.”

He chuckled.

She slapped his chest. “I know you barely know me, but you need to understand a few things. I’m serious when I tell you I’m not like other shifters. It’s not a joke to me.

It’s real. I truly sense things.”

He sobered. “I know. It’s going to take some getting used to.”

“For both of us,” Trace added.

“I get that. But in the meantime, don’t make fun of me.” She narrowed her gaze at him and then turned her head toward Trace to do the same. “The quickest way to alienate me is to make light of my abilities.”

Keegan took her hand and squeezed it. “Noted.”

She glanced back outside as they left the construction site in the distance.

“Something isn’t right about that site, and it has nothing to do with my dispute over its destruction of a way of life on this reservation. It’s something else.”

Keegan cleared his throat. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, you may be right.”

“What do you mean?”

He shrugged. “I can’t be sure about anything, mind you. I get dozens of emails warning me about the casino or threatening me if we proceed. It’s normal in situations like this. Expected—”

She interrupted him. “Why you? Why not the developer?”

“Oh, I’m sure the developer gets thousands. But some people know I’m the one in control of the safety of the building. And people will say anything to grab my attention.

Including lie.”

“Lie about what?” Trace asked.

“Well, Friday I got an email from an anonymous source telling me the original construction was shoddy. Whoever it was said the builder cut corners to save money.

The email even itemized where I should look.”

Melinda gasped. “That’s serious, Keegan. And more than a little frightening. Have you called the sheriff’s office? Was anything valid?”

“No, he has not called.” Trace’s voice rose. “Why am I just now hearing about this?” His tone was clipped.

Keegan threw up his hands. “Hey, calm down. If I had a dollar for every email like that one, I wouldn’t need my day job at all. I only brought it up because that’s the first thing I have to do tomorrow—follow up on that one and check out its possible validity.

Do you have any idea how many hours I waste each week chasing dragons?”

Melinda relaxed marginally. “What if it’s not a hoax?”

“Then I’ll have an even bigger problem on my hands, and I’ll handle it. But I can’t call the sheriff’s office over every email.” He lifted his gaze to Trace. “You know how it is. The deputies on the reservation would run ragged if they got a call like that every day.”

“But this email is different, isn’t it?” she asked.

Keegan sighed. “Yeah.”

“How?” Trace asked.

“Anonymous. Pointed. Specific.” He released her hand and wiped his palms on his jeans.

“I have a bad feeling about this, Keegan. Are you sure it’s safe to poke around before you call the sheriff’s office? I could talk to some guys at the station. I know Corbin Archers. He’s a friend and a deputy.”

Keegan shook his head. “Actually, I need you to pretend we never had this conversation. The last thing I want is for anyone to suspect you or Trace have any knowledge of it.”


He wrapped a hand around her neck and hauled her face close to kiss her on the lips. “I’ll handle it. I promise. Just keep this to yourself. Please.”

“Keegan, keep me informed. I don’t like this any more than Melinda does.”

“Promise.” Keegan pulled her into his side and held her tight.

They rode the last few minutes in silence.

“You’re so stressed, baby.” Trace stroked a hand down her cheek.

She hoped he was watching the road. She nodded. The tension wasn’t something she could hide. To try and deny it would be futile. But the subject was closed for now.

Finally, Trace pulled up to her shop. She smiled as she glanced at the entrance. She smiled every time she arrived. She loved her shop and took great pride in making it inviting. Through the front windows, it caught the eye with the colorful displays she always kept in the window—blankets, beadwork, and fine leather clothing drew customers into her store. It was nestled in a strip between a small furniture store and a hair dresser. The perfect location in her opinion.

Keegan opened the door, jumped down, turned, and lifted her out. So fucking polite. And so familiar. She loved that about him. And hated it.

She held his biceps and set her forehead on his chest, taking a deep breath.

“Let’s go inside.” He gripped her waist. “I’m excited to see your place, meet your friends.”

She let him take her hand and lead her to the door.

When they walked in, her hand in Keegan’s and Trace’s palm at the small of her back, both her employees glanced up.

Sherri and Liz were smiling, but their faces immediately changed when they realized the implications of the trio before them. They were both shifters. The imminent mating wouldn’t escape their attention.

Sherri jumped from her perch on a stool at the cash register and clapped her hands.

She rounded the counter at an incredible pace and wrapped Melinda in her embrace.

“Oh my God. I’m so happy for you.”

Liz was right behind her, but her gaze was on Keegan…and then Trace. That was Liz. Assessing. Judging. Deciding. Thoughtful. Finally, she smiled hugely and reached out a hand. “Welcome. I’m Liz.”

Trace released Melinda to shake Liz’s hand.

Keegan kept a grip on Melinda with his left hand as he reached with his right.

“Keegan, and this is Trace.” He pointed at her other mate.

Sherri clapped her hands together again as she righted herself. “I’m Sherri.” She turned her gaze to Melinda. “What are you doing here?” she whispered as though that caused her words to become intimate and private.

“I own the place? I work here every day?” Melinda tried to keep a straight face.

Sherri rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but you obviously have other things to attend to.” She glanced both ways at the tall men flanking them.

Melinda wanted to groan. It truly sucked that any wolf on the planet could scent that the three of them were not only destined as mates, but that they had not yet consummated the claiming. “Take it easy. We just met last night.”

That was the wrong thing to admit.

Sherri gasped. “Last night? Last
?” Her voice rose. “I thought you were going to say an hour ago. Ten minutes. Two minutes. What the hell are you doing here?” She grabbed Melinda by the hand and tugged. As she manhandled her friend away from the men, she glanced back at them. “Pardon us for a minute. I need to speak to Melinda in the backroom.”

Melinda followed willingly, for once not the least bit angry with her slightly over-meddling friend. She needed the space, and Sherri was buying that for her.

Besides, Liz was the consummate hostess. She would give the guys a tour and keep them occupied while Melinda took a breath and pretended to listen to Sherri chewing her ass out.

Sherri shut the door to the storeroom with a snick. “Are you okay?”

Melinda was shocked by her first question. “Of course.”

“Are you attracted to them?”

She blinked. “Are you kidding?” They were both total visions of perfection. Any woman would be crazy not to be attracted to them at first sight. Too many women, actually. The thought made her shudder. She would forever be fighting off random women everywhere they went.

And this should not bother her.

It shouldn’t.

It did, but it shouldn’t.

They were hers.

She felt the possessive instinct at the same time she felt the hesitation.

She was so totally head over heels for them it bordered on illogical. She knew deep down they felt the same way about her.

“Well, nooo, I wasn’t kidding.”

Melinda realized she’d been vague. She smiled. “They’re the sexiest two men I’ve ever set eyes on, Sherri. Yes, I’m attracted to them.” She leaned against one of the stock shelves, careful not to dislodge the carefully stacked clothing and blankets.

Sherri perked up. “Then what’s the problem? Why are you here? When I met Mark, we immediately left the building and didn’t come up for air for two days.”

Melinda rolled her eyes. “TMI.”

“I’m serious. I’ve never heard of anyone waiting, and certainly not until the next day.”

Melinda paced, her hands on her hips. “It’s not that simple.”

“Why? Why isn’t it simple?” Sherri stepped in front of her and grabbed her biceps, forcing her to stop and meet her gaze. “Talk to me.”

Melinda took a deep breath and then groaned. Her shoulders slumped. “I don’t know them. I don’t know anything about them. What if they chew with their mouths open or leave the toilet seat up or don’t floss?”

Sherri laughed.

“I’m serious. This is a big deal. And…and…and there are two of them. Sherri.

Sherri sobered. “Now
I can understand. That
a little daunting.” She bit her lip. “Did you at least spend the night with them?”

“I did.” Melinda lowered her gaze.

“Okay. I understand this fear. It’s legit. You need to talk to them.”

“I have. And they aren’t pressuring me at all. They’re so fucking nice.” She wiggled free of Sherri’s clutch and tipped her head back. “It would almost be easier if they would just do it—take the option out of my hands and claim me already. It’s not like it would change anything.”

Sherri set a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You’d hate them for that.”

Melinda chewed on her bottom lip, thinking about what she’d said. “I don’t know.

Maybe not.”

Sherri frowned.

“It’s sort of how we, uh, handled things last night.”

“Handled what things?”

“Sex,” she mumbled.

“So you had sex with them? Both of them?”

Melinda nodded.

Sherri scrunched up her face. “I may regret this, but if you really want me to understand this better, you’re going to have to be more specific. I’m not following.”

Melinda turned around, faced the shelves, and let her head fall against a colorful pile. She took several deep breaths before she turned back around, putting her palm on her forehead. “I had normal sex with both of them, one at a time. I, uh, encouraged them to, you know…” she shrugged, “…take some of the choice out of my hands.”

Seconds ticked by. And then Sherri’s smile grew huge. “
.” Her voice was almost a scream.

Melinda’s eyes widened and she glanced at the door. “Shh.”

Sherri’s voice lowered. “Are you saying you’re kinky in bed?” She giggled. “Who would have thought?”

“I’m not saying I’m kinky. I’m saying I needed… Fuck. Maybe I am kinky. How the hell would I know?”

“Awesome.” Sherri crossed her arms and cocked one hip out. “You need to stop worrying about this so much. If you’ve already fucked them both, then the only thing left is—”

Melinda slammed her hands over her ears. “Oh my God. Don’t you dare say it out loud.”

Sherri laughed. “Have you at least tried a plug yet, something to help stretch yourself a bit? That would go a long way toward easing your mind and your discomfort the first time.”

Melinda squeezed her eyes closed. “God no.” A shiver shook her entire frame. “The thought has never in my life entered my mind. I wouldn’t have considered, you know, that kind of sex with any partner.”

Sherri giggled some more. “Anal. You might as well learn to say it.”

“Ugh.” Melinda threw her arms in the air. “Really, Sherri? Can we not?”

More giggling.

Liz popped her head in. “Uh, I hate to interrupt, but we’re done with the tour, and there isn’t that much more to say out here, so unless you want to be overheard, you might want to quit while you’re ahead.” She grinned wide and ducked back out, shutting the door.

Sherri set her hand on Melinda’s shoulder and shoved her toward the door. “You need to get out of here. Liz and I have this covered. As long as you need. We’ll work out a schedule. You know we can handle things. Go. Be with your mates. Trust me on this.”

She lowered her voice to a soft whisper right at Melinda’s ear, her hand on the door. “Anal can be amazing. I know those two men are going to be considerate of your situation. Let them work you open gradually, and put yourself out of this misery tonight. You’re a shifter in a ménage. It will come naturally. Your body will relax and accommodate them. It’s part of your makeup. Don’t worry so much.”

Sherri pushed Melinda through the door.

Melinda knew she reentered the store with a stunned expression on her face, and a flush that would leave her as red as an apple.
Work me open gradually? What the fuck?

Could this get any worse?

Trace came to her first. He cupped her face, his brow furrowed, undoubtedly taking in her expression. “Love your shop, baby.”

“Thank you.” Her voice was hoarse. Her mouth dry.

Keegan spoke from across the room, holding up a dream catcher. “You want us to leave for a while so you can get a few things done?”

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