Mercenaries (11 page)

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Authors: Angela Knight

TRINITY squirmed and bucked and screeched under the next half-dozen swats, unconsciously rubbing her satin hip against his rock-hard, aching cock. Watching her struggle in an erotic symphony of quivering female curves, Nathan couldn't remember the last time a spanking had turned him on more.
And he wasn't alone. According to his sensors, Trin loved it just as much as he did.
He was so hot, it took him a moment to realize she'd stopped yelping under his smacks. Until she groaned,
Nathan froze as she voiced the safe word, ice stealing over him. He snatched her off his lap and put her on her feet so he could examine her flushed backside. “Did I hurt you?”
But though he'd paddled her thoroughly, he'd been careful. There was no sign of any bruising at all.
“I can't take it any more.” She turned in his hold to meet his gaze in stark demand. “Fuck me! I'm going insane!”
Nathan nearly melted into a puddle of relief. “Shit! Don't do that to me! You're only supposed to use the safe word if you're in distress.”
She shot him a mock glare. “Believe me, I'm in distress. In fact, I'm going to die in the next five minutes if you don't bang my brains out. Right now.”
He laughed in sheer relief. “As my lady commands.” Scooping her into his arms, Nathan surged to his feet, turned, and tossed her down across the bed before grabbing her delicate ankles.
Her face was flushed as red as her well-spanked ass, but her gaze was bright with laughing hunger. Lust surged high in him as he eagerly spread her long, slim thighs. Looking between them, he saw that her lips were swollen from a combination of arousal and his careful spanking. Her bush, red as a fox's pelt, was damp and matted with arousal. Her breasts quivered with every panting breath she took, nipples hard and flushed red.
Sliding a knee onto the bed, Nathan shifted his grip to the backs of her knees, rolling her onto her shoulders. And, in the process, angling that ripe, wet cunt up for his cock. Her delicate little hands found his biceps, curled around them in a grip that spoke of need and desperation.
Almost shaking with the force of his lust, Nathan draped her calves over his shoulders and took his cock in one hand. The thick head brushed red, springy curls, then velvet lips, then began working its way into slick, deliciously snug flesh.
He didn't think he'd ever had anything wetter or tighter.
“Maker's Beard!” Trinity gasped. “You're . . . Aahhh!”
Nathan echoed her cry with a long groan of his own as he arched his buttocks, forcing his way deeper into her silken heat. She clamped around him, unbelievably tempting. He could feel a pulse throbbing hard in his balls.
He only hoped he could hang on long enough to make her come before he blew like a sonic grenade.
Chapter Ten
HE was never calling him Needledick again, even as a joke. He was huge.
Trinity whimpered in need as he forced still more of his cock into her cunt, filling her by relentless millimeters. Her ass stung and burned from the spanking, but she really didn't care. She'd never felt like this before. Had never known such pleasure or such desire. It made her entire life until now seem as pallid and bland as milk.
Nathan fed another centimeter of cock into her, and she felt the huge, glittering wave of her approaching orgasm swell even brighter, hotter.
Finally he was all the way inside. Her legs draped over his shoulders, he came down over her, bracing his hands on the mattress. He searched her eyes. “Are you all right?” His voice was deep and strained.
“Yeah.” Need clawed at her. She wanted to feel him riding her. “Maker's Beard, what are you waiting for? Fuck me!” She'd never said the words before today, but in the last couple of hours, she'd lost track of how many times she'd used them.
And she'd meant it each and every time.
He gave her a flashing white grin. “Don't mind if I do.” The long, long shaft began sliding from her, the friction of its movement maddening and delicious.
“Oohh, that's good!”
His grin widened. “It certainly is.” He reversed the stroke. In. And out. And
. And
. Slowly. So slowly.
She found herself squirming, trying to hurry him, to get more of that magnificent cock. But pinned under his big body, held in those big hands, she was helpless. Nathan would use her just the way he wanted, at just the speed he wanted, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Goaded, she tossed her head on the mattress. “Please, Nathan,” she heard herself begging. “I can't take any more of this!”
His gaze flickered. “Want me to stop?”
“No!” It was a scream of frustration. “I want you to fuck me faster!”
Nathan laughed in dark male satisfaction—and obeyed. He rode her as hard as he'd spanked her ass earlier, shafting her in short, delicious thrusts that ground his pelvis against her clit. With every stroke, ribbons of hot pleasure snaked around her spine and jerked her tight. Her thigh muscles began to jerk and spasm.
Trin could feel the orgasm building, getting bigger and hotter and fiercer with every thrust. Ready to break free. “Yes!” she gritted, half-insane with anticipation. “Yes, Nathan! More!”
He gave her exactly that, jolting his cock in and out of her, sweat flying from his face. “God,” he gasped. “You feel so damn good. . . .”
Dazed, she looked up to meet his wild gaze. The muscles of his chest stood in hard relief with effort. His cock felt like a length of fire as he ground deep, his pelvis jolting against hers.
Detonation. A sweet fireball flooded her in a soundless explosion of ecstasy, pleasure whipping like a storm through her battered nervous system.
As she convulsed, she heard Nathan bellow. “Yes! God, Trinity!”
Then the heat drowned out everything else.
TRINITY lay in a damp, exhausted heap, sprawled across Nathan's brawny torso. After that last explosive climax, he'd rolled over and pulled her on top of him. Now she listened to his thundering heartbeat. It felt so damn good, being in his arms.
Maybe a little too good.
Oh, God. Was she falling in love with him?
The thought filled her with a blend of elation and terror. She'd never been in love before. Never known anybody she respected and desired enough.
Until Nathan.
But he was the captain of the
. And she wasn't sure
she was. He'd implied she was a
crewmember to the elders, but for all she knew, he'd just been trying to warn them off.
Even if he did let her join the crew, what then? True, he'd been damned hungry for her, but she'd heard that didn't mean much with men.
Trinity could already tell her own need for him ran much deeper than that.
As her heart began to sink, a big, warm hand tangled in her hair. She lifted her head to look at him, startled.
And then his mouth was on hers again, as tender as it was demanding. With a groan he rolled her beneath him.
SEVERAL delightful hours passed before they finally emerged from Nathan's quarters, driven more by hunger than anything else.
He took Trin to the ship's mess and settled her into a seat she had trouble sitting in—and not just because of that spanking. Her embarrassment was mitigated by the fact that the captain's knees seemed no more steady than her own.
“Looks like the crew's finished processing the new food stores,” he told her, handing over a heated package.
“So they didn't have any more trouble with the colonists?” Cautiously she examined the meal, trying to figure out how to open it.
With a smile, Nathan reached over and did something to the box. It popped open, revealing a steaming dish of food. Trin picked up the enclosed fork and took a bite. It was surprisingly good.
“No.” He went to work on his own box. “Seems we did a pretty good job of shutting them up.”
“So what's next? For me, I mean.”
Nathan looked up at her. His eyes were very blue. “That depends. What do you want to do?”
“I want to get the implants and join your crew, Captain.”
She thought she saw a flicker of relief in his eyes. “Done. I'll get you a copy of the standard crew contract.”
Something deep in her relaxed. “What? No more questions about whether I've got the courage to be a mercenary?”
“After the way you faced down the elder and his band of idiots? Not likely.”
Before she could reply, a male voice interrupted. “Oh, look—it's Trinity Yeager and the man with the big dick.” Sebastian plopped down opposite them.
Trin choked on a bite of alien vegetable. Sebastian gave her a helpful thump on the back that almost dislodged a rib.
“Smooth, Commander,” Nathan said dryly. “Very smooth.”
“I do try.” As Trin caught her breath, he leaned back in his seat and eyed them both. “Well, you two seem in one piece. More or less.”
Nathan's smile was openly smug. “More or less.”
“Uh-huh.” Sebastian eyed his captain speculatively.
Obviously attempting to ignore his friend, Nathan started telling Trin about their next mission. She listened eagerly.
He'd segued into a discussion of the politics of that particular star system when Sebastian suddenly announced, “I give it a month.”
Trin frowned, unable to follow his conversational detour. “You give what a month?”
“Him.” Sebastian tilted his head at his captain. “Before he begs you to put him out of his misery and marry him.”
Trin stared at the blond in flabbergasted astonishment, trying to ignore the leap of her heart at the thought. “Don't be ridiculous. We've only known each other a few hours.”
Sebastian's lips quirked in a half-smile. “And I've known him twenty years, and I've never seen him so besotted.”
“Besotted?” Nathan glowered, dark brows drawing low. “I am not besotted.”
Sebastian's grin was sly and knowing. “In that case, you won't mind sharing.” He turned toward Trin. “I'm really looking forward to taking up where we left off, sweet. I never did get a chance to . . .”
“Forget it.” That steely, menacing growl left no room for doubt.
“Why, Captain!” Green eyes widened in mock innocence. “Are you developing a possessive streak?”
“You bet your ass.” Nathan bared his teeth at his friend. “Lay one finger on her—or anything else—and I'll cut it off.”
Satisfied, Sebastian sat back in his chair. “That's what I thought. Fifty credchits says you're on your knees before the month's out.”
's gym
Three weeks later

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