Mia's Masters [Locks and Chains 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (21 page)

He was so shocked that his mouth dropped open. He was actually speechless. He had never heard those types of prejudices before. Granted, he’d suffered questioning looks when they were in the vanilla world. Hell, even two gay men together suffered that. But this direct attack on Mia was too much. One of the nurses cleared her throat and pointed toward him.

The bitch turned around and said, “Umm…she’s been moved to room 309.”

He turned and walked straight back to where Mathew and Peter were sitting to tell them where Mia was.

Dylan was deep in thought when they entered Mia’s room. He was stunned by the nurse’s comments. He could move past it and just pass it off as the words of a bigoted person. But her comments were directed straight at Mia, and he couldn’t handle that.

Mia was smiling when they entered the room as though nothing had happened. He could see in her eyes that she was in a fair bit of pain, though, and was just putting on a brave face so as they wouldn’t worry.

“How are you, baby? Have you seen the doctor yet?” he asked, wanting to kick himself for failing to take proper care of her. It was their responsibility to ensure she was safe, and he felt he had failed in his duty as her Master.

“You just missed him. He said everything looked fine. I have a concussion, so they want to keep me overnight for observation. I also have some bruising from the seat belt, but he said all in all, I’m a very lucky girl.”

“That’s fantastic,”

Both Peter and Mathew sat on the bed on either side of her, hugging her as best they could. He leant against the wall, watching them and wondering if the other three nurses were to walk in, would they also think poorly of Mia for loving three men?

“So that means we can take you home tomorrow, right?” Peter asked.

“Hopefully in the morning if everything remains the same. But you guys don’t need to stay here tonight. You can go home,” she said, sounding unsure.

Dylan looked over at her and saw that her eyes were focused on him. She must have felt his distance. “Of course we’re going to stay here with you,” he replied with a forced smile on his face to try and calm her down. He saw her frown. She hadn’t believed his smile. She didn’t need to worry about him. She needed to focus on getting better. He walked up to her and took her hand, turning it over and kissing her knuckles.

“Don’t worry, my pet. I’m still shaken by what’s happened to you. But I’m so happy you’re alive and well and will be coming home soon.” Her smile was blinding. He would find a way to deal with this. He would somehow file it away in the experiences of his life and move forward.



Dylan looked at the sleeping woman lying next to him. The swelling and bruising on her cheek had completely gone. And in another day or so, no one would know that anything had happened to her. If only he could be one of those people. The look in the nurse’s eyes still haunted him. They blamed her. They treated her poorly because of their lifestyle. No one would ever look at him and the boys with questioning glances. No one would ever call them sluts or act disgusted at them. She would suffer for the rest of her life if she stayed with them. What would happen when she had their babies? How would she be treated then? How would their children be treated? He had to accept there was no future. Mia deserved so much more than they would ever be able to give her. She deserved to be happy. She deserved the dream of the white picket fence. She deserved the two and a half children and a loving husband. She would be a great mom and a great wife. He would keep an eye on her just to make sure she met someone that deserved her. Even if doing so broke his heart. He would miss her forever, but she would have what she truly deserved. He loved her enough to set her free.

The question was how to end their arrangement. He knew he wouldn’t be able to lie to her and tell her he didn’t love her. He also didn’t know what Mathew and Peter would do if he made her leave. He needed to get her to leave them. She would never give them up, as bad as they were for her. She would stay forever if he let her. She needed to be forced out. She needed to break an unbreakable rule. Then it hit him.
She needs to use her safe word
. He needed to push her hard enough to call her safe word. A plan began to form in his mind. All he needed to do now was set it in motion. He would push her too hard, and she would leave. They would all suffer broken hearts, but she would have a future. She would have what she deserved and they, they would. He would worry about that later. He needed to care for Mia first.


* * * *


Mia didn’t understand what she’d done at first. She’d just thought Dylan had woken up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday morning. Men could be as moody as women sometimes, if not more. Well, maybe not more moody, but more unable to deal with their moods. Not that she’d ever tell them that. Not that she could actually talk to even try to tell them that. She was again wearing a gag. The last two days had been hell. It had all started six weeks after the car wreck. She’d had her final visit with the doctor, who’d declared her fully healed and fine to resume her normal life. The next day, Dylan had sat her down and informed her she’d be going through additional training to make her into their perfect submissive. He had also told her she would be punished for the accident.

She accepted that it was her fault, and she was just so thankful that nobody else had been injured because of her stupidity. She should have been more careful. She shouldn’t have been speeding around that bend. She knew it was sharp, but she’d been worried about being late. There was no use trying to make excuses. Instead, she just had to take responsibility for it and suffer the consequences. She bent forward and wiped another river of drool off her chin on the towel laid over the back of the couch for that purpose. Thanks to the gag, swallowing was near impossible. The first day she’d been placed into the restrictive bondage was a shock. Dylan told her she’d be having a few days off work to focus on her training. Little did she realize that would mean being tortured by being put in uncomfortable positions, trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, and used as a sex toy. She’d seen Dylan’s skills with ropes in the club. But nothing had prepared her for this. What most concerned her, though, was how she was used. Gone was the loving care and seduction. Now it was as though she was just a convenient body.

She watched as Dylan walked down the stairs toward her. Her arms were still bound behind her back, thrusting her breasts out. Her knees were a shoulder’s width apart, displaying everything. Dylan walked up to her and said, “So, Mia, have you learned not to speak unless spoken to.”

She madly nodded her head, hoping he saw the sincerity in her eyes.

“Good,” he said, unclipping and removing the ball gag.

She moved and stretched her jaw, trying to loosen the sore muscles, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly. She was so distracted she didn’t notice what Dylan was doing until she heard the telltale sounds of a zipper being slid down.

“Suck my cock, and be quick about it,” Dylan demanded.

Which was once again proof that something was wrong with Dylan. But again, she didn’t want to displease him. She hoped that by obeying him, he’d be able to work through his anger. She took his semi-hard cock into her mouth, having to use her tongue to try to position it, as her hands were still tied. Dylan made no move to help her or even look down at what she was doing.

“Mathew, I forgot to remind you. You have to call the Andersons. They have a problem that only you can resolve. I sent you an e-mail.”

“Okay, I’ll go look at it now.”

“No rush. Why don’t you fuck this sub first?”

Mia cringed on the inside at being spoken about like she was nothing but a doll. Also, the fact that Dylan wasn’t even focused on what she was doing was even more demeaning. It had been six days now since she’d had an orgasm. The boys had used her over and over again, but they never let her come. She felt Mathew push her forward and position his cock at her pussy. She knew he would be lubed up as they all had been, so they didn’t need to get her ready. He thrust into her then, and both he and Dylan spoke about business while they used her. As they both started to come, they pulled out, and she felt their cum splash against her back. Another lesson, she was not allowed to have any cum in her body. Instead, she had to wear it. What had once been erotic and exciting now seemed like a humiliation. They both tucked themselves back into their pants and zipped. On the inside she was screaming and crying. She just didn’t understand what the hell was going on. Why were they suddenly treating her like this? She’d hardly seen Peter since this all started, and when she had, his eyes were glassy with a sheen of tears. She had to stop this. She rose up to a standing position, difficult with her hands still locked behind her.

“What the hell did I do wrong, Dylan? Why the fuck are you treating me like this?” She watched as Dylan whipped his head in her direction, and she saw the anger that flared on his face.

“You dare to question me. Not only did you speak without being asked a question, you didn’t address me by my correct title. But you dare to question me?”

He strode toward her with such force she actually cringed.

“Obviously I’ve been too light in your punishments. Obviously you need to really be punished. Is that right, girl? Would you like to be whipped? Is that what I need to do to you, so you learn your lesson?”

She wasn’t going to back down. There was no way he was going to whip her. He was bluffing.

“I’ll take any punishment you want to deliver, Dylan. You will not break me,” she seethed, feeling stronger than she ever had.

“Fine, tonight I’m going to introduce you to my whip.”

She watched as he stormed out the door, and she turned to look at Mathew. He was pale with shock, and he wouldn’t look her in the eye. For the first time, she doubted herself and her belief that he was bluffing. Terror began to seep into her body. What had she done? She’d just pushed her Dom to snapping point. She didn’t understand why they’d gotten to this point. What could she do? There was no way she was going to beg for forgiveness. She was so angry. There was no way this was continuing. If she needed to be whipped for this to be over, so be it. It couldn’t hurt that much…right?


* * * *


Dylan wanted to throw up. He didn’t want to do this. He so wished her contract was up so he didn’t have to do this. He would love nothing more than to be able to say to her that he didn’t want to renew her contract and their time together was over. He stood staring up at his pet, who was chained and hanging by her arms from the ceiling with her perfect naked body exposed and waiting for him to whip her. He’d honestly thought she would have safe-worded out as soon as he told her she was to be whipped. Hell, he thought she would have safe-worded out days ago. Never did he suspect she would accept the punishments he’d dealt her so far. And now here he stood, being forced to carry through with the whipping. How many strikes could she take before she called an end? How many lashes would he strike across her beautiful skin before she finally gave him what he’d been trying to get for the past two days?

He felt sick watching his pet slowly being torn to shreds by his actions. He couldn’t back out now though. Even the angry looks from Mathew and the pain that radiated from Peter wasn’t going to stop him from completing his plan. This was the best thing for Mia. She needed normal. Not the kind of life he and his boys could give her. He and his boys needed to move on. They needed to stop fantasizing about what could never be. It wasn’t a reality that they could have a wife, children, and a family like anyone else. When this was over, and Mia left them they could go back to normal, everything would be back to what it was before Mia entered their home and their hearts.


* * * *


Mia swallowed her panic. Her wrists strained with the added weight of her body as she tried to take some weight off her toes that were just touching the floor. How could anyone be in this position for long without ripping their arms out of their sockets? A bead of sweat slid down her back on a journey toward her lower back. Her skin felt cold and hot all at the same time. She felt no desire, no anticipation, and no excitement, only fear. She tried to focus on stopping her arms and legs from shaking in fear and strain. She tried focusing on the image Dylan was trying to mold her into. She saw herself as the slave who lived her life to obey her Master. One who allowed her Master to do whatever he pleased with her body, not caring about her feelings or her sanity. The last few days had been a living hell for her. She loved the bondage, the servitude, and even the spankings, when it was all founded on their love and desire for her. Being a pleasure pet had brought her so much peace. She’d had constant physical contact with all of them. She had reveled in their cuddles, hugs, and pats of affection.

But over the past two days she’d had no physical contact other than sexual. Even then they didn’t focus on her. They treated her like a living sex toy, something without a heart and without emotions. Now she hung chained to the ceiling, waiting to be whipped, for what? Dylan’s pleasure. He’d never, in the seven months they’d been living together, intentionally set out to cause her pain. They had played with nipple clamps and spanking but nothing this severe. What had changed?

Mia screamed as the whip lashed her left buttock. The pain was unbearable. She panted, trying to suppress it. She wanted to beg for it to stop. Again the whip licked her flesh, this time on her right cheek. Tears streamed down her face.

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