Read Mick (The A'rouk Brothers Book 1) Online

Authors: Serena Simpson

Tags: #General Fiction

Mick (The A'rouk Brothers Book 1) (11 page)

“Jaz mine,’ his endearment came out in a seductive voice even as he rubbed his fangs along her jugular.

She waited to feel him pierce her throat, instead his head moved to the valley of her breast licking between them.

“Oh,” she lifted her body trying to get it closer to his amazing lips.

“I love your breasts. I have wanted to see them, taste them since I first saw you at Ash’s house. Then you moved, and they bounced, and I thought I’d swallow my tongue.”

She sighed as his mouth moved to one of her breast nipping at the tender flesh there. He raised a hand and a nail became a claw as he tore through the material of her bra and tossed it aside.

“I should be gentle.” He said before he drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it so hard that her body went into a spasm.

“Mick,” she screamed his name as her hands desperately looked for something to cling to.

He pulled back and whispered “gentle.” She knew better; she could see his eyes; there was no gentleness, only need and stark possession.

“I’ll try,” he muttered.

“No. I’ll take you just like you are.”

He nodded like they had come to an agreement and sucked her other nipple so hard her body flew apart. The yell that came out of her was coarse and desperate, and she clung to his back even as her nails dug into him.

“Love these.” Her nipples were hard and pink, and he licked at them, being gentle, showing her he could be both rough and soft and she gave little sounds of encouragement.

“Can I kiss yours?” Her voice was hesitant, not sure what she should do. He started this whole thing with a promise to kill her, maybe he was just working his way up to that.

“Do you want to?”

“Yeah,” she looked up at him, eyes bright. She wanted to know what touching him would be like.

He rolled over on his back and placed his hands behind his head.

She licked her lips and went to her knees. She touched Mick’s neck kissing it, licking it as he had done to hers. She buried her nose in it and moaned. He smelled so delicious that she wanted to take a bite of him.

“You smell divine.” She moved down licking him and placing small bites on his torso that caused him to make deep sounds in the back of his throat.

Those sounds turned her on, made the wetness between her legs soak the panties she was wearing. Her tongue made long sweeps over Mick’s chest followed by her greedy fingers that wanted to touch everything. She moved to his nipples; they were so flat, flatter than she’d seen on human males but they still turned her on. She sucked one in her mouth to feel it harden with the action of her tongue. Yes, she wanted to scream but was too busy to come up for air, moving to the other nipple, she let her fingers play with the first one. She was lying on him now. Allowing him to hold her weight when she began to squirm. He was hard, but she was feeling something already hard and hot grow even longer under her.

Her eyes flew up to his. He met her with a wicked smile before he flipped her body and pressed her down to the bed.

“You're mine, mine, mine.”

He stood and took off the jeans he was wearing standing with nothing else on. Her eyes bulged out, and her tongue got stuck to the roof of her mouth because she knew what he wanted to do with that. Fool that she was, she couldn’t bring herself to say no.

He reached for her undoing the button to the jeans she had changed into when she woke up. The zipper came down, and his hands went to the waistband slowly pulling her pants over her hips. She laid in front of him in nothing but her black silk panties. He pushed one side away so that he could see her red hair against the black of her panties. His finger came out and played in her hair, smoothing it, tugging it, making her breathe harder.

“Beautiful, Jaz mine.” He reached down and pulled her panties off.

He moved to the bed and leaned over licking at the seam of her pussy making her breaths come out in pants before he took his tongue and curled it around her clit, licking it. He sucked it into his mouth, and she screamed as her body shook.


She laid on her back trying to get her breath. What more could he do to her?




Chapter Thirteen



His eyes sparkled as his fingers caressed her pussy. He petted her allowing her to calm down.

The red pupils of his eyes held her spellbound, and she knew she would do anything for him.

He leaned up and licked the shell of her ear before he murmured, “I need to be in you.”

She dipped her head. “Please.”

His body covered her, but his fingers were still playing. She felt one press against her pussy; her eyes flew up to get lost in the wicked look he was giving her. His finger pressed against her until it sank deep inside. He withdrew allowing her to breathe before he pressed into her again this time with two fingers. She felt pressure, tearing as she clutched onto his shoulders. Eyes wide, mouth open, she gave herself up to the sensations.

“You’re mine,” he whispered as he moved his hips over her. The desire in him choking him, he couldn’t wait any longer, be any gentler. With a move of his hips, he impaled her sinking several inches inside of her.

A cry was wrenched from her throat as he tried to gain control of his actions. He stopped, screaming at himself to give her time to adjust. Her big green eyes looked at him. Not with remorse or pain, he saw acceptance in her eyes.

No, please no. Don’t accept me, Jaz. You don’t want a monster, but he couldn’t force the words out of his mouth. Instead, he sank a little deeper. Then a little more until her body widened enough to accept all of him.

He lay above her panting with the effort it took him to hold back. Finally, he withdrew a little and sank back in. He repeated the action several times until her body started to like it. She began to move trying to match him.

He smiled and increased his pace. Little moans came from her as she said his name. Until her fingers clutched at his back making little ovals in his skin. The slight pain of it encouraged him to move faster, to pull all the way out and sink back in until he was pounding into her and she was matching him thrust for thrust.

Her hand went up to his head rubbing the tusk there driving him crazy with passion. He hadn’t known they could be sensitive, but then again he didn’t know his body could turn into this creature.

“I feel…I feel. Something…I feel something.” Her legs wrapped around him, and she held on for dear life. Her world started coming apart as she shivered around him. Then she shook, her head flew back, and she screamed. Colors she didn’t know existed surrounded her as her body flew even higher.

Mick screamed at her, needing her as his hips thrust against her with a will of their own.

“Be my mate,” he demanded. “Say you’re my mate! You have to be mine; you have to say yes! Do you agree to be mine?”

His fangs descended further, and she knew this was where she would die.

“Yes…Yes.” La petite mort, she thought, before death called her name.


Time meant nothing. There was no right or wrong, no tomorrow or yesterday. There was simply right now. There was this void, it was deep, and dark, but surprisingly it wasn’t cold. So this was death.

“You killed me.” She wasn’t even mad; everyone died eventually.

“I didn’t want to. The hunger was uncontrollable.”

“What are you doing here?” She couldn’t see him, but she knew he was the reason it wasn’t cold.

“I don’t want to live without you. So I followed you.”

“You can’t do that, Mick.” She would have cried but here you couldn’t do that. Here there were no emotions just cold hard facts. Here you couldn’t pretend.

“Do you want me to leave?”

“No, Mick I want to stay with you.”

“So be it.” A deep dark voice spoke out of the void.

Her body moved, flew, and then she was opening her eyes, but she wasn’t in Mick's room.

She was standing by a tree wearing a sheer pair of pants with panties that had little bells on them. Her top was just an elaborate bra with little bells.

Mick opened his eyes. He was standing right next to her, wearing a pair of pants that were tight at the ankles and a little loose through the legs.

“Wherever we are I think we forgot our clothes,” she said giving him a tentative smile.

He licked his lips when he saw her. “I like what you’re wearing.”

Of course he did, but she wouldn’t be saying anything because she liked what he was wearing too.

“Where are we?” They were in a city that was floating. In the air were spacecraft unlike the hovers she saw on a daily basis but crafts that looked like they could go into space at a moment’s notice. Some of them were small, others were much larger.

Aliens that looked like Mick were flying in the air about them. They were tall with wings on their backs with the same protrusions he had on their skulls. Some were flying, going places; others were just hanging there talking to other beings like themselves.

“What is this?”

“I think it’s a memory. One I’ve never seen before.”

“Mick, I hate to tell you this, but they don’t look like the scourge of the universe.”

“Looks can be deceiving.” He looked up into the sky, it was green and it looked beautiful as a backdrop against the black wings of his people.

They watched as a mother flew towards them holding a little girl. From the opposite side came a large male on a collision course with her. They tensed expecting to see their first act of violence. Instead, the mother released the child giving her a little push to help her wings start to move. She flew for about ten seconds before she started to fall.

The man’s deep laughter flew out as he dived and caught the giggling child in his arm.

“You’re doing so well,” he told her before throwing her up in the air and catching her. His wings came around and cuddled her close before he flew back to the female, and they took off together.

“Maybe that male was deceiving us…maybe when he gets home…”

“I killed you, Jaz. This isn’t a laughing matter.”

“Then why am I here.”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”

“Do you want me to be dead?”


He picked her up and the wings on his back unfurled and began to flap lifting them higher and higher until they were far above the ground.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know, but my body seems to know the way.”

She relaxed in his arms and watched the sky. It took her a while to realize the clouds in the sky were a lighter green. At first it all seemed to merge, but the closer she looked the more she could see. The beauty of the planet floored her. Maybe these people were evil, but they seemed to care for their planet.

Mick sat them down in front of a huge palace. It was several stories in the air and solid white. It looked like what she thought elephant tusks may have looked like if they were still alive on the Earth. She looked at the tusk flowing from Mick’s head. The white walls of the palace came to life when he walked past them as if they were greeting him.

The foyer was large; she wondered for a minute if they used vehicles to travel through it. Then she remembered they could fly. Mick picked her up and flew down the hallway until they came to an open door.

“Father, why do you think this is necessary?” The male who spoke was sitting on a throne next to the main one in the room. The throne was big, but the one the king, sat on was enormous.

“If you mess up your mother’s chair I will not be saving you.”

The son laughed.

“The Darkness will take over the universe spreading chaos until there is no universe.”

The son lounged back in the chair allowing his wings to spread behind him. “What does that mean to us, Father? The Darkness is no match for us.”

“What about the rest of the universe, my son? Shall it be our people and everyone else? What happens when they have infected so many people that they outnumber us? What happens when they come after our females? Do you desire to see your wife or your daughter die because we didn’t care about the rest of the beings around us?”

“That’s not what I’m saying. Why can’t we just erase The Darkness from the universe right now?”

“Because the universe demands balance and if we erase them then we will do what they are trying to do, upset the balance of the galaxy.”

The son rubbed the tusks on his head, and they moved, changed, and curled along his jaw line.

“So we allow the universe to believe that we are evil. We allow The Darkness to believe this?”

“For now son.”

“Can I come in?” a feminine voice asked.

“Come, my love.”

Jere moved from his mother’s chair to stand beside his sire.

The female that walked into the room held herself with grace. Her hair flowed long around her legs, and her tusks wound around it to keep it in place.

“Jere, have you been lounging in my chair again?”

“No, Mother.” His lips tried not to twitch.

She shook her head at him and sat down.

“What were you two talking about?”

The king sighed. “The plan to allow our DNA to be used as part of the original six. Jere is against the plan. It is already too late; I have put it in motion. What do you think?”

“I have sacrificed a child for this plan and my heart aches. I also want to know who will tell the six about the mating ritual.”

“We will have to trust that instinct will win out.”

“We teach our males to say the words from the day of their birth, but we will rely on instinct for this male? I hope he is what you believe he will be.”

“He is; I’ve already seen him. You would be proud he looks just like Haran.”

The King pointed to a picture of his son. For Mick, it was like looking into a mirror.

“Will I ever see him?”

“One day, my love.”

Their wings unfolded and they left the room while Mick stared at the male whose DNA coursed through his body.

Jaz walked up to him and slid her arms around him and the room dissolved around them.


Mick woke up in his room, his breath stilling in his body as he saw the deep fang marks on Jaz’s throat.

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