Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-The-Werewolf-Love-Slave-and-the-Vampire-Prince.doc (10 page)

“Are you certain you are well enough for―?”

“Shut up,” Andrew said, his voice rasping as he pulled Vlad’s head forward to reattach their mouths. Vlad loved kissing this man.  No one had ever kissed Vlad the way Andrew did, which he understood as the need of his partners to be respectful to his title. It was hard to stick one’s tongue inside the mouth of a prince, and Vlad was hardly the sort of man who was known for taking charge in bed.

Now that Andrew was doing it to him, plundering his mouth, touching his tongue with Andrew’s slick tongue, Vlad didn’t know how he’d ever managed to go for his entire life without such a kiss.

He could kiss like this forever and be perfectly content.

His cock could not, however, and it demanded attention from

beneath his trousers.

Andrew suddenly pulled back and seemed to look Vlad over for the first time. “Did you dress up for me?”

Those fingers stroked Vlad’s scalp, no doubt messing up the gel in his hair, but he didn’t mind.

The Werewolf Love Slave and the Vampire Prince

“I did. I was hoping you would like what you see.”

“Baby, you’re gorgeous.”

Andrew pushed the both of them down onto the mattress. He  grabbed Vlad around the wrists and put them over his head.

“Would you tie me up?” Vlad asked. “I’ve always wanted to try  that.”

Andrew rocked their cocks together, his lips making butterfly like trails over his neck. “I would love nothing more than to take my belt and tie your hands to the headboard, but I don’t think now is the safest time to do that.”

Vlad was forced to admit that Andrew was right. Someone, perhaps one of the guards Vlad had taken with him to the cabin, had attempted to poison Andrew using the food that the feeders were expected to eat from. If none of the other feeders were affected, and  Vlad suspected that there would have been a commotion outside the door by now if all twenty of them had suddenly become ill at the same time, then that meant that Andrew was lured into the feeder’s

lounge. Someone had to wait for him to get into the banquet lineup,  and when he did, Andrew’s meal had been viciously tampered with.

It was most definitely not safe for them to be playing such games  with each other. It wasn’t safe for them to be in bed like this period.  But Vlad couldn’t stop the need he felt in his body, and he had to  have it seen to, or else he was certain he would expire.

Luckily, if the poisoner thought himself successful, that meant  that no one was likely to check up on them for the next hour at least.  They would want to make sure that Andrew was dead. No one would  be sending any help.

“I promise that if you let me take you out of here, I’ll tie you up  just the way you want. We can play with all sorts of fun things every  night before we go to bed. Just you and me.”

Vlad gasped. Leave here with Andrew? Vlad shook his head.  “You do not know of the consequences of offering such a thing.”

Andrew stared down at him, those dark eyes appearing almost

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black with his determination. “I was just poisoned and made to be  about as sick as I’ve ever felt in my entire life barely a half hour ago. I  have a pretty good idea of what they’ll do to me.”

“They why?”

“Just say you’ll come with me,” Andrew insisted. Now those eyes  of his took on a desperate sort of look. The kicked-puppy eyes all  over again. “Come away with me and I’ll make sure you never have  to get married to some guy you don’t like. You can do whatever you  want whenever you want to. I know you feel something for me. You  love me, you wouldn’t have saved my life just now if you didn’t, and  you wouldn’t have come back for me either.”

Damn him, but he was right. For some strange reason that he  could not fathom, Vlad had fallen in love with a werewolf, and after

less than three days of being with the man.

Whether or not this worked out between them, Vlad couldn’t deny  that he saw everything he ever wanted in Andrew’s eyes, and he  wanted nothing better than to make the other man’s words a reality.

Freedom, true freedom.

More frightened and excited than he’d ever felt in the whole of his life, Vlad nodded his head. “I will go with you.”

Andrew kissed him, that same hard, fast, passionate pressing of mouths that Vlad adored.

Andrew helped him to remove the rest of his clothing, this time no buttons were destroyed, and he lifted Vlad’s legs over his shoulders.

The preparation was fumbled and done quickly, but it took much too long for Andrew to finally enter him. There was no pain at all, and he felt so wonderfully filled when Andrew finally thrust his long cock into Vlad’s hole.

Vlad moaned, a deep, low sound coming from the very bottom of

his throat.

“We need to be quiet,” Andrew reminded him, and then kissed  him in order to swallow any sounds the both of them might produce.

If anyone had overheard Vlad’s moaning, then they must have

The Werewolf Love Slave and the Vampire Prince

taken it for the pained sound produced by a dying man and not that of  two lovers enjoying themselves.

There was more to sex than just kissing, and when they both  managed to get themselves under control, to keep any noises they  made down to simple hard breathing and silent gasps, Vlad opened  his eyes to look at Andrew’s face.

He’d never seen so much concentration on another man’s features

before. Andrew seemed to be fighting to keep himself under control,  his eyes briefly squeezing shut as he attempted to hold off his  pleasure, and his mouth remained open. He gasped and panted as their  bodies punched together. Andrew’s thrusting was hard and fast, but  neither of them could make a sound over it.

“Love you, love you,” Andrew said.

Though Vlad’s heart jumped at the declaration, he told himself to  not become too excited over it. Likely it had simply stemmed from  the euphoric sensations running through Andrew’s body. Hell, at this  point in time, Vlad could have said the exact same thing and meant it.  But that was only the sex talking. They barely knew each other for  those kinds of emotions to be possible between them.

All too soon, Vlad wanted to come. His balls were heavy and  aching, his dick bobbed on top of his belly, and droplets of his cum  spilling onto his stomach.

No more drawing it out. He wanted more. He didn’t dare voice it,  lest he start moaning and keening instead of giving Andrew the  command to fuck him faster.

Vlad allowed his legs to slide down Andrew’s shoulders and ribs, and Andrew slowed down long enough to allow Vlad to put his legs around Andrew’s hips, squeezing them tightly together, and locking his ankles together behind Andrew’s pumping ass.

He wondered if Andrew would ever let Vlad fuck his ass. It was

so round and perfect that Vlad could not help but want to be inside of  the other man. And though the shudders and groans Andrew made  pleased Vlad on the most basic level, he would much rather see

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Andrew’s face as Vlad pumped his cock in and out of Andrew’s pucker. He wanted the privilege of knowing that what Andrew was doing to him, Vlad could do in return.

Suddenly Vlad realized that that was where the true power lay. He wanted to make Andrew feel this good forever.

Vlad threw his head back, and as the pulsing, sizzling, building pleasure finally peaked inside of him and shot out through his cock, he grabbed hold of one of the pillows and put it over his face, stifling the loud yell that erupted from his throat.

His anal muscles squeezed down on Andrew’s cock, and Andrew shuddered and fell on top of him.

He faintly heard the deep groan Andrew released and realized that the other man was biting down in the pillow as he milked himself inside of Vlad’s ass.

The pressure had been too much for the other man, it seemed.

Vlad pushed away the pillow he’d used, allowing all of Andrew’s body weight to fall on top of his. Andrew was heavy, and his body was uncomfortably hot against Vlad’s skin, but Vlad didn’t want to move. He wrapped his arm around Andrew’s back and let his fingers slide up and down Andrew’s back.

Andrew jerked a little under the touch, but didn’t move to get up or get away from Vlad’s hand. “That tickles.”

Vlad’s lids were heavy, and the room became a dark blur as he struggled to keep his eyes open. He couldn’t stop himself from yawning, and then he did it again almost immediately after.

He heard Andrew chuckle. “I forgot vampires keep opposite hours. Guess you would be tired after that.”

Vlad summoned the strength to open his eyes and promptly decided to ignore the way Andrew was congratulating himself on his skills in bed.

They looked at each other, and more of that worry came back into  Andrew’s eyes. He ran his finger through Vlad’s now-mussed-up hair.  “Having second thoughts?”

The Werewolf Love Slave and the Vampire Prince

He felt he needed to be truthful. “Yes. And no. I cannot deny that it frightens me to leave. I’ve never known anything other than the world my family has painted it as. I do not know how to care for myself. If you ever grow weary of me―”

“I won’t,” Andrew promised. “That will never happen. To make sure it doesn’t happen, and so that you’ll never be scared of it, I’ll help you go to school.”

Vlad frowned. “But I already have been schooled.”

Andrew shook his head, that grin that suggested Vlad was being cute returning to his face. “Not that kind of school. College. I can set you up with a couple of courses to start off with, and you can decide what you want to do to earn a living. Everything you bring in will be yours. I won’t hide you away from the rest of the world like your family did.”

The thought of having to earn his way was a strange one, but he liked the idea of producing his own income and being free to do with it as he wished. To no longer have to rely on Markus for an allowance…

“I have always enjoyed preparing my own meals…” Vlad said,  half expecting a reprimand for admitting to such a mundane form of  enjoyment.

“There you go! Chefs make really good money. You could take  classes at night, and I can eat all your homework.”

Vlad laughed and allowed himself to sink into Andrew’s arms.  Then he became serious as the comfortable sensation made him a

little suspicious.

“Why are you doing this for me?”

Andrew looked down at him, and they held each other’s eyes for a  moment. Vlad watched as Andrew seemed to inwardly struggle with  what he was about to say.

“Because I mated with you. We’re mates.”

A brief sensation of shock overcame him, but that quickly melted  away as the perfect sensation that everything was more than all right

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in this new world of his overcame him.

Vlad leaned up and kissed his mate.

The Werewolf Love Slave and the Vampire Prince

Chapter Ten

James DeWitt hadn’t enjoyed watching one of his good friends be taken away in that car, not with three other vampires, one of whom  Andrew kissed with all the passion befitting a lover.

Vampires were dangerous to werewolves. They were one step above hunters, and that was during the best of times.

Despite those risks, Andrew had willingly gone off with them, and  James had been forced to turn back, the rest of his pack silent and grim, as though they’d allowed Andrew to march to his death.

They likely had. Perhaps James should have stopped them, but then he told himself no. Andrew had kissed that vampire. As odd as it had been, James knew he wasn’t mistaken, and the only comfort he was able to give himself over his possibly faulty decision was the fact that Andrew was not a child. He was a grown man, a warrior in their pack who, despite his shyness with speaking around the others, even the people he knew, could very well take care of himself.

Andrew could be dead right now, but he could also be alive, biding his time with that vampire.

There was no way in hell Andrew would have gone with them instead of his pack if there wasn’t something about that vampire that he wanted.

“Maybe they’re mates?”

James looked up at his mate. Corey was standing in the doorway  leading to the new bathroom that had just been installed to be their  own personal bathroom. The pack didn’t have a whole lot of money  until just recently, not until a new member of their team, a human  hunter of all people, mated with one of James’s omegas and brought

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with him a whole boatload of cash that he insisted on using to fix up  the cottages that everyone lived in.

Sometimes James felt bad for taking that human’s money, but  then he was able to comfort himself with the thought that Isaac had it  coming for being a hunter for so many years of his life. That, and he  was also teaching a number of the other alphas all about construction,  roofing, and siding. Those were skills that James’s pack could always

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