Midnight's Master (17 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Ghosts

“At this time, the Atlanta PD strongly suspects that the person who murdered Carl Bronx and the perpetrator who kil ed Sam Miters is, in fact, one and the same.”

Brooks didn’t mention Julia Powers. Niol had heard the cop and Holly talk about the woman a few moments before the camera went live. Holly had said she wouldn’t air the other woman’s story, not until family members were notified.

He’d been surprised by that. Holly wasn’t like most reporters, and he’d sure seen his share of them over the years. She wasn’t just after a story, not worrying about who she hurt or screwed to get the scoop.

No, she…cared.

Dangerous, that, because the lady might not realize it, but she was opening herself up to a whole world of pain.

Still, she had gotten herself an exclusive.

And now she may have also gotten the full attention of a killer, one who already seemed to have a hard-on for her.

“You really think this was smart?” The cop shifter’s voice was whisper-soft and came from right beside him.

Niol didn’t bother glancing his way. He liked his current view. Holly looked damn sexy under the bright light, her face pale perfection, her eyes so deep and green. That mouth…

“You’re making her a target.”

He knew that, but…“I’m the one the bastard wants.” Demons didn’t come much more

“impure” than he did.

“You’re probably right on that.”

Not the typical reassuring cop answer, but then, Gyth wasn’t a typical cop.

He also wasn’t a typical shifter.

The detective was a wolf shifter, a wild, dangerous breed. And one who, instead of hunting humans, had taken a job protecting them.

Talk about screwed up. Gyth was fighting his heritage tooth and claw.

“Is it easy throwing your lover to the beast at the gate?”

He did turn at that, because the cop, as much as he might have a very smal grudging respect for the guy, was starting to piss him off. “Don’t concern yourself with Holly.” A warning.

But Gyth just firmed his lips, then after a moment said, “It’s not as easy to protect a woman you care about, Niol.”

A woman you care about.

Niol’s body tightened.

“You’re always touching her,” Gyth spoke quietly. “Brushing her arm, holding her wrist

—always touching her.”

Because he liked the feel of her against him.

“Watch that you don’t give away too much of yourself, demon. You never know who is watching.”

Niol glanced away and let his eyes drift back to Holly. Interviewing the human cop.

Talking about a sadistic killer.

And broadcasting for the whole city to see.

You never know who is watching.

Yes, that was why Holly had wanted to go on air.

He rubbed his chest, aware of a dull ache below his heart. What the hell was that?

No way, no damn way could it be…fear.

I’ll keep her safe.

No matter who was watching.

Fucking bitch.

Her face fil ed the television screen. Lying green eyes all intent and sorrowful as she talked with the idiot cop about the murders.

And about the brutal killer who was loose on the streets.

Like he was the one doing something wrong.

No, no, all he was doing was taking out the trash. Putting down the monsters.

She knew that. But, oh, no, Holly Storm carried on like he’d murdered people, humans who mattered.

Not just spawns of the devil.

Demons didn’t deserve to live. They were evil, down to the core.

Survival of the fittest—and as far as he was concerned, the fittest was the human race.

Now the bitch was asking for information, for any tips on the crimes, and he couldn’t help but tense. He’d tried to be careful, but during that first kill—and Holly was at the damn scene right then, so he knew the cops had found the whore’s body—he’d been surprised by the fury that swept through him.

That demon whore shouldn’t have tried to fight me. He’d just wanted to get more information on her boyfriend. He hadn’t even realized she was a demon, until she’d attacked him and her blue eyes had flashed black.

No choice then, he’d needed to put her down.

“Police are encouraging people in the city to be extra vigilant. Pay attention to your surroundings—and stay on guard.”

Holly was such a fucking nuisance. Back in the early days, it had been different, but now…

Now she was a problem that had to be eliminated.

As soon as fucking possible.

Chapter 10

W hen the camera turned off, he went to her. Niol took Holly’s hand and pulled her away from the cops and into the shadows.

He wanted to kiss her so bad he ached, but the cop, the shifter jerk, had made him…

worry. “Come home with me tonight.” Sure, he had guards on her, but having her in his house, in his bed, that was different.

He could protect her then.

Better than he’d protected Gillian.

She blinked. Dammit, he loved her eyes, glamour or no. Because in her eyes, he could see what she felt. Fear. Anger. Lust. “We tried that,” she said quietly, licking her lips, “we barely made it through the door before—”

Niol’s mouth crashed down on hers. He was starving for her taste. The day had been so long and he’d found himself thinking about her, wanting her, too much.

Her lips were so soft and when those lips parted, he couldn’t control the groan that rose in his throat. His tongue swept inside her mouth, tangled with hers and tasted the sweetness that was…Holly.

He pushed her against the brick wall, caging her with his body, and she kissed him—kissed him with the same wild hunger he felt. Her hands wrapped around his neck, the tips of her nails stinging his flesh.

His cock stretched toward her, stiffening with arousal. Too many clothes were between them, too many cops around.

A piss-poor place to get her naked.

But if he could just get Holly back to his place…

Niol tore his mouth from hers. “We wouldn’t make it past the door this time.”

Her breath caught. “That a promise?”

Absolute guarantee. Her breasts teased his chest, the nipples tight, and he could remember those sweet pink nipples so vividly. But he wanted to see them again. Suck them again.

Make her moan and come again.

Make those green eyes darken to sexy black.

And he’d show her this time, she’d see the change—

“Ah, Holly?” A cough, from too close by. “Are you, um, finished here?”

Niol’s hold on Holly tightened. The cameraman. Ben or Bob or something.

“We…need to get back to the station. I got more footage—we can edit and record a segment to air for tomorrow morning, too…”

Niol turned his head very, very slowly and met the guy’s stare. Human. Nervous, shifting from foot to foot.

Holly’s hands fell away. “I’ll be—right there, okay? Just give me a minute to…finish up.”

A quick nod and the human scurried away.

A minute? Niol raised a brow and glanced down at Holly. “Love, I can be fast when the need arises, but what I have planned was going to take a lot longer than a minute.”

She almost smiled. Almost. And he liked her smile. That slow curve of her lips. The wink of her dimple. The way her nostrils flared just a bit when her mouth lifted.

But the smile never fully matured and she shook her head, saying, “I’ve got to put the story to bed.”

Um, and he wanted to put her to bed. “We need to talk, Holly.”

“Talk?” Her brows rose. “I didn’t think talking was what you wanted.”

Not first, but after the hunger was slaked. “Last night…I want to make sure—”

“You were right.” She breathed the words, looked stunned by her admission, and shook her head. “I don’t know how it’s even possible, but…you were right.”

His confusion must have shown because the woman had been damn doubtful at his place and just as furious as he’d been.

Her shoulders moved in a little roll. “I went to see an expert earlier. She confirmed what you’d told me.”

An expert. The only supernatural expert he knew in the city was most definitely a she.

The Monster Doctor. Emily Drake. “You went to see Emily?” He’d planned a little visit to the Monster Doctor himself. Now, it looked like that trip wouldn’t be necessary.

He’d almost been looking forward to seeing Dr. Drake again. Once, Niol had thought about using the doctor—a woman with her special talents sure would have come in handy in his world.

But fate had intervened and Emily had slipped away from the demon world.

For the time being.

“You know Dr. Drake?” Holly seemed surprised.

“Well enough,” was his reply. Emily. He’d met her years ago, when she’d stumbled into his club, drawn by the power of the Other. He’d watched as that dick Myles tried to control her and then watched her fry the demon to ashes.

Not a woman to be messed with, unless you were looking for a serious psychic burn.

And, now, wel , you didn’t screw with her unless you wanted an attack from her very jealous and protective wolf shifter lover.

He still didn’t get that connection.

“She told me…” Holly glanced to the left, probably to make sure her cameraman wasn’t around. “She told me she knew the first minute she saw me. How is that possible?

How could she know, how could you…but I didn’t?”

Damn good question—and one that Giles had better be finding an answer for.

She looked so worried that he wanted to kiss her—right between her furrowed brows.

Hel . What was the woman doing to him?

He was so not the comforting type.

The wild-sex type, yeah. The ass-kicking type, yeah. The fear-me type, yeah—all him.

Not the hold-a-woman-and-let-her-cry type.

She was screwing with his head and right then, he couldn’t afford that distraction.

Not until the demon hunter was crossed off his list.

“Come with me to my place,” he said again. “We’ll talk. I’ll tell you all I know about—”


She’d always been curious about his kind. Maybe too curious. Perhaps because deep down…she’d suspected?

Ben’s shoes crunched gravel as he headed toward them, again, and Holly shook her head. “I-I have to go to the station.”

“After.” A demand.

Her lips firmed.

Maybe he should have made the demand softer but soft wasn’t his style, either. But he tried now, for her. “I should have…handled things differently last night.” He just hadn’t counted on getting punched between the eyes. Or grabbed so hard by the bal s, but lust could do that. “I thought you were playing me, I didn’t realize—”

“That I didn’t know what the hell was going on in my own life?” Shadows flickered in her eyes. “What can I say? That is the story of my life. Didn’t know Zack was screwing around and the bastard was right in front of me—”

Who the hell was Zack?

“Didn’t know my own brother was fighting for his life, until I walked in and found him dead on the floor of his bedroom.”

Well, shit.

“So really, I guess this isn’t that unusual, is it? Some reporter I am.” She tried to shove past him.

He wasn’t going to allow that. Not at al . She couldn’t run from him, from what was between them, not yet. “You’re a fucking fine reporter.” A compliment he’d give…oh, no one else in her profession. “You care and you try to help other people.” Not his way, but it worked for her.


“As for being a demon, that doesn’t change who you are. You’re stil the same. Your eyes change—big deal. You’re still you.”

Crunch. The damn cameraman.

“Uh, Holly?” He inched closer. “I got to go…it’s gettin’ late.”

What, did the forty-year-old have a curfew? Niol bit back his snarl. “Your place,” he managed. A concession, one made to make her feel as if she had some of the control.

“I’ll be waiting for you.” Getting inside wouldn’t be a problem for him. He’d take care of his business, grill Giles, then take his lover.

Hesitation from Holly, enough to make him clench his back teeth, then…a slow nod.

He kissed her again, ignoring the human and taking his time with her mouth.

Yes, he’d wait, but he’d be damned if he waited long. Once she closed the door of her apartment, she’d be his.

“So…who the hell is Zack?” Niol demanded when he stormed into Giles’s office.

Sure, it was after midnight, and the guy had only been on the case for less than twelve hours but for what Niol was paying the charmer, he expected some damn good results.

And Giles knew he didn’t like disappointment.

The charmer looked up from his computer, brows beetled. “I know I locked that suite door.”

Niol shrugged.

“Damn demon.” Giles sighed and motioned him forward. “Zack…let me guess, you’re referring to the esteemed Doctor Zachariah Nathaniel Hall? Otherwise known as the jackass of the MU biology department?”

Niol threw his body into the nearby chair. “Could be—what do you know about the jackass?”

Giles smiled, and it really wasn’t a pretty sight. Too many teeth. “I know the jackass was engaged to your little reporter.”

The lights over them flickered. “Run that by me again.”

The investigator looked up and his smile dimmed a bit. “Holly…uh, Storm, she was engaged to the ivory tower guy.”

The lady hadn’t mentioned an ex-fiancé.

But then again, they hadn’t exactly been exchanging secrets about old lovers.

Still…a fiancé? What the hell?

“The engagement ended two months later.” Giles sniffed. “Apparently, old Zachariah had a thing for one of his young students.”

Fucking idiot. He’d screwed around on her?

Humans could be so stupid.

Whatever. The bastard’s loss. His gain.

The lights steadied.

Giles looked at him. “He paid her a visit today.”

And she hadn’t mentioned that to him, either. “Why?”

Giles sighed. “Shit, man, how about a ‘That’s great—you work fast, charmer.’ Or some kind of freaking praise? I haven’t even been on this case for a whole day and—”

“Why did the asshole go to see her?”

No smile now. “I don’t know yet.”

Niol would find out. The human had better not be sniffing around Holly again. He’d had his chance and blown it to hell from the sound of things.

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