Read Mina's Heart Online

Authors: Michele Zurlo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Multicultural, #Contemporary, #Bdsm, #erotic romance

Mina's Heart (4 page)

“They’re nipple clamps.” He fiddled with one, and the pressure eased a little. Pleasure began to outweigh the pain.

“Now it feels good.” Her brain raced. She didn’t recall giving permission for the use of nipple clamps, but she didn’t remember banning them either. “Were there questions about these on the survey?”

“Yes.” He adjusted the other, and the pressure on that side morphed as well. “It was in the section on toys. I thought about bringing up the discrepancy when you outlawed impact play and pretty much everything else that can cause pain, but then I decided not to rock that boat. I want to see what you can take.”

It wasn’t an acceptable excuse. This was definitely something to discuss. “Ever—”

“If you object, call the safe word. Otherwise, shut up.”

She shut up. The pain had diminished, and now she barely felt the clamps at all. And she was a big chicken. She was reluctant to remind him about how she’d walked out on him for the wrong reasons, especially not now that she was bound and at his mercy with a vibrator in her pussy—exactly where she wanted to be.

His body heat moved away from her, but he prodded her mons with his fingers, splitting her even wider, so she didn’t worry. Then she felt his lips lock on to her clit. He wiggled the vibrator, teasing her sweet spot. She gasped. The coil of tension—sexual and emotional—contracted sharply and burst. She moaned, louder and louder until it turned into a keening cry. The orgasm washed over her, battering her with feelings she couldn’t hope to contain.

Between her legs, Ever manipulated the vibrator and sucked her little nub, prolonging the flood of feeling. Then the vibrator was gone. He stood and devoured her mouth, giving her another taste of her juices on his breath.

“Naughty slaves steal orgasms. You need to be taught a lesson.”

He removed her blindfold. Light flooded her field of vision, so bright after that prolonged period of darkness. She blinked at him until his face came into focus. Then she just gaped at him. He’d made her come. If he didn’t want her to climax, why hadn’t he stopped when her moans had turned urgent?

“Are you going to punish me?”

He sat down on his chair, propped his elbow on the arm, and rested his chin on his fist. “Master.”

She’d forgotten to use his title, which probably only compounded the punishments. She was really racking them up. “I’m sorry. Are you going to punish me, Master?”

He appeared to consider this. “Punishment—yes. Spanking—no. I think we’ll reserve that for willful disobedience.”

Once more, her mind returned to the massive amount of paperwork. An edge of panic began to set in because she couldn’t remember everything. She wanted another look at the agreement.

“Breathe, Mina. Tell me what has you so upset.”

“I don’t remember what other punishments I agreed to.”

He didn’t appear surprised by her answer. “You didn’t agree to any punishments. You agreed to spanking, but spanking isn’t always a punishment. Under the right circumstances, it can be quite pleasurable.”

She couldn’t see that happening, but she didn’t dismiss it either. The nipple clamps weren’t something she ever thought she’d like. “But you used it as punishment. Master.” She added his title belatedly. She’d forgotten it a lot tonight.

The corner of his mouth twitched in a semblance of a smile. “I know. It’s what you expected. It calmed you down and let you focus on what you needed in order to have an orgasm. As your Master, I’ll always give you what you need, which may not necessarily be what you want.”

As the weight of his words sank in, so did the guilt, settling on her shoulders more oppressively than any chains. “You’ve always done that.”

He rose, and she realized that not only was he still naked; he hadn’t climaxed yet tonight. He closed the distance between them and crooked his finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. His green eyes glittered with harsh light. “Forty-eight hours. Two days, Mina. That’s what you asked for. That’s what I’m going to give you. If you seek to understand the nature of being a submissive, I’m willing to answer any questions you have. If you want to discuss the past, this is neither the place nor the time.”

Since she feared that discussion, she swallowed and took a breath. The harshness left his eyes, but so did any trace of tenderness.

“Pain is not required for a punishment. I’m going to punish you right now, slave, and I guarantee it won’t hurt.”

He twisted a small screw on a nipple clamp with his thumb and caught it as it dropped away. She gasped as blood rushed to fill the void. It burned a little, but not enough to be a punishment. He removed the other one, and she breathed through it.

“But before it’s over, you’ll be sobbing and begging me to make it stop.” His arrogant half smile made her heart stutter. “Or maybe you’re too stubborn to beg. We’ll see, won’t we?”

He disappeared into the darkness, leaving her alone in the light. If it was possible, she was more afraid of this punishment than of one that involved pain. Her pulse pounded in her ears, interrupted only by the muted sounds of Ever moving around somewhere outside the pool of light.

When he returned, he attached some kind of stand to the floor between her legs. While he was down there, he stuck a finger under her bindings and poked at her feet. “Wiggle your toes. Does it hurt? Tingle?”

“No, Master. It’s fine.” She flexed her fingers as well. “My hands are okay too. Of course, you could untie me and let me see to that erection problem you have.”

He chuckled as he stood up. “So kind of you to offer, but believe me when I say I’ll take everything I want from you, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

The threat filled her with a comforting warmth.

But that thought didn’t occupy her mind for long. He held up a long, thick dildo and drizzled lubricant over it. There was no way that thing was going to fit inside her. Ever’s cock stretched her enough. This was larger.

Then he knelt and pressed it to her opening. “Relax. You should enjoy this part. Breathe out.”

She wasn’t sure about that, but she exhaled because he told her to. He slid it inside her. The fit was tight but not uncomfortable.

Between her legs, he fiddled with things she couldn’t see. From the bits she could discern, she figured he was somehow attaching the dildo to the stand he’d secured to the floor.

Next, he freed her ankles, a move she found puzzling. Then he produced a roll of plastic wrap, which he wound from her waist to her knees. At last, he retreated to his chair, where he picked up a remote and pressed a button. Between her legs, the dildo stirred. Powerful vibrations pulsed at irregular intervals.

“You’ve heard the story about the kid who steals a cigarette from his father’s pack and is forced to smoke the whole thing?” He stroked his cock, and she understood that he was going to force her to orgasm until she begged him to stop.

The spirit of rebellion stirred to life in her chest. The vibrator inside her felt so damn good. There was no way she’d be able to resist. Still, she did have one hell of a stubborn streak. It had been her downfall more than once. “He became a nicotine addict?”

Everett laughed. “Smart chicks are so hot.” Then he turned up the rate of vibration. Her entire body shuddered. An orgasm wasn’t far off.


MINA’S KNEES BENT, and she dangled from the wrist cuffs. Ever sat up a little straighter, ready to dash the two steps it would take to grab her and hold her up if necessary. The wrist cuffs were meant as restraint. He’d never expect her to support the full weight of her body with those delicate, slim wrists.

But she recovered quickly. He pressed a button on the remote and turned the vibrations to a regular pulse. She looked at him, and he knew she had no problem seeing him. Her eyes had adjusted to the uneven light levels quickly.

She’d popped off three spectacular orgasms. Add that to the two she’d already had, and she had to be getting tired.

“Ready to beg, slave?”

She shook her head.

He couldn’t help but smile at her stubborn streak. She was determined to outlast him. Between the way she was bound and the way his cock begged to get inside her, she just might win this one. Of course he couldn’t let her know that.

She wiggled her hips, and he realized she was fucking the dildo. Wicked minx. He got to his feet and brought the rate of vibration back up. Sweat beaded her brow and trickled down the valley between her breasts. The scent of her sex filled the air in the room. Presented with this erotic sight and the smell of her juices, he couldn’t resist.

He stood inches from her and took his cock in hand.

Her gaze flickered down. She licked her lips and focused on his cock. “Oh God, yes.”

“I’m not going to fuck you, slave. I’m going to ejaculate on your stomach.”

Her breasts seemed to swell before his eyes. “Yes please, Master. I’ve waited so long for this.”

She never ceased to amaze him. He slid his hand up and down his cock, and the action only seemed to drive her insane. If he’d known this would get the results he’d wanted, he wouldn’t have spent the last forty-five minutes forcing her up the face of that cliff. This was the free fall he needed to see.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

The faster he pumped his fist, the louder she became. Her breaths turned to ragged moans. She called his name and his title, and she came again the moment his hot semen hit her skin.

And then she was spent. She slumped forward as far as the chains would let her go. He caught her, supporting her weight with an arm around her waist as he released her from the cuffs. Unwrapping her from the plastic proved troublesome, because the languor of his orgasm hadn’t faded.

Finally he had her free. He eased the dildo from her pussy and tossed it in the direction of the sink. Hopefully it landed where he meant it to go. He’d have to clean up in the morning. Right now he had to care for his stubborn submissive.

* * * *

Mina woke to find herself in a soft bed. She had a vague recollection of Everett holding her in the shower as he washed the sweat, semen, and juices from her body. Then he’d toweled her dry, and she’d glimpsed the tender caregiver she’d come to know all those years ago. After that, her memory failed.

The room was large. Moonlight streamed through a curtainless window, rendering everything in shades of silver and black. She sat up. As the covers fell away, she realized she was naked. Of course. He’d specified that she would be naked for the entire weekend, so why would he dress her simply to sleep?

Because he’d been in the process of building it when she’d left him, she’d never been inside his house, but she knew the land well. They’d spent many afternoons picnicking or hiking through the woods, and he’d discussed the plans for the house with her often. At the time, she’d known he was seeking her input on the design for the house because he pictured a future with her, and that had alarmed her as much as it had warmed her heart.

Despite all the things he’d done for her, there were some things she needed to do for herself. Ever had been a light sleeper, so she was careful to move slowly and watch where she was going. Still, he snaked out a hand. It landed on her leg before she could exit the bed. “Where are you going?”

He barely moved his lips, leaving her to mostly guess what he said. From what she could discern, he did the same with his eyes. He wasn’t really awake yet.

“Bathroom,” she whispered, not wanting to disturb him further.

He rolled over and groaned. Then he shifted his leg and tossed the covers aside. As he crossed the room, moonlight lit his body, revealing that he’d slept naked as well. He opened a door and flipped on a light switch. A yellow pool of light illuminated his messy hair and sleepy expression. He still hadn’t opened his eyes.

She watched as he trudged back, his feet shuffling along the carpet, and then he fell back into bed, facedown. “I put your stuff in there.”

“Thanks.” Seeing as it was the middle of the night, she didn’t add his title.

He didn’t take his face out of his pillow to call her on it, which muffled his correction. “Master.”

Her mistake. She’d agreed to be his for two days. “Thanks, Master.”

When she returned to bed a few minutes later, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her across the king-size mattress until she was nestled against him. He turned her so that she was on her back, and then he threw a leg over hers and pressed a kiss to her neck.

It didn’t stop there, and she wasn’t surprised. She knew he generally woke up horny, and as the submissive she couldn’t deny him—not that she wanted to.

His firm lips fluttered softly against her neck and along her jaw. When he made it to her mouth, he licked the seam of her lips. “You brushed?”

And perhaps she hadn’t rinsed as thoroughly as she should have. In her defense, her body still felt heavy with lethargy left over from the many orgasms he’d forced on her, which she would never complain about. They were addictive. She hoped for another soon.

“Yeah. You cleaned my body, but that still needed to be done.”

He shifted, nudging her legs apart with his knee, and settled on top of her. The tip of his erection brushed her inner thigh. “Waking up your master in the middle of the night and criticizing him isn’t a great battle strategy.”

“I wasn’t aware we were fighting.”

He reached between them and positioned his cock at her opening. “You’ve always fought me.”

She opened her legs farther and tilted her hips to give him a better angle. “I’m not fighting you now.”

“Yes, you are.” He slid home. “But I’m not going to let you win.” With that, he pinned her wrists on either side of her head and captured her mouth with a kiss that both possessed and controlled.

A cloud passed over the moon, and he became a shadow hovering over her. He withdrew most of the way and thrust deep. Whether in deference to the lack of foreplay or due to his semisleepy state, he fucked her slowly, claiming her with every stroke.

“You’re so beautiful, honey. So tight. You feel so good around me.” He increased his pace, rocking his body into hers harder and deeper. She met his every thrust.

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