Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1) (20 page)

How did she manage to drug me? I had to have been conscious long enough to walk. It was a crowded bar, and I’m too big for anyone to carry. I wondered if any of my friends saw anything that would shed light on the mystery. I sent a text to a friend, Jeff, who had been at the hotel, to see if he could shed some light.

Jason to Jeff:
Hey man! Sorry I ditched you last night. A friend needed some advice, and then I went home.

Jeff to Jason:
No problem, man. I wondered who you were with. She’s smoking hot. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought something was up by the way you two were acting. Great to see you last night, been way too long.

What the fuck did that mean? Jesus Christ. I was just going to have to be honest with him, to see what he knew.

Jason to Jeff:
If you can, please call my cell right now. I need to speak to you ASAP.

I jump when my cell rings just a minute later. Thank God, it was Jeff.

“Hey! What’s going on? Sounds serious!” His voice sounded tense.

“Thanks for calling me so quickly. Look, the woman I was speaking to last night is crazy. She stalked me at NU, and sent inappropriate pictures to me when I was a G.A. I even went to the cops about her. I’ve tried to keep my distance, and thought I had until I saw her last night. She said she just wanted to apologize to me, and she seemed sincere, so I thought I would listen and be done with her for good. Problem is, I think she slipped something in my drink because I can’t remember anything about last night.”

Jeff remained quiet.

“I think she slipped me some Rohypnol, you know, ‘ruffies’. I had only one glass of wine, and it was on the table when I went to get her another drink.”

More silence, then he finally spoke up. 

“Holy shit, Jason. That explains so much. I’ve known you and Katie for a long time and I was worried last night. That woman was all over you in the bar and you went up in the elevator, arm in arm. None of us saw you come back down, either. That girl is really fine, too fine, but it didn’t make sense.”

Everyone saw me. She did that intentionally so it would look like I was with her voluntarily. Thank God Jeff knows how I feel about my wife, so for him it was a logical explanation. For everyone else, I can’t imagine what they thought.

“Thank you so much for believing me. You have to know I would never hurt Katie like that. I abhor that kind of behavior. It makes me sick to think my professional and personal reputation could suffer because of this.”

I continued: “There’s one more thing I haven’t mentioned. She took pictures, lots of them. I’m unmistakably incoherent in them, but I don’t think that matters to her. I think she’s trying to blackmail me somehow, but I don’t know why. Please cover with anyone you know who saw the same thing you thought you did. No need to go into detail, just please let them know it’s not what happened.”

“No problem, man. You’re one of the good guys, that's a fact. This woman has no idea who she’s dealing with. Good luck, and let me know if I can help.”

That he believed me was one small relief.

She was shrewd, knowing everyone would see us, and that it looked consensual. No jury in the world would convict her. I turned my attention back to the computer screen. I reduced the window with the photos, and opened the browser. A quick search for the drug Rohypnol lit up the screen. I knew all the medical facts, but I wanted to see if I could find some personal stories that might explain my actions. One website offered some basic information.


A Common Scenario:
    The victim is at a party or bar and has something to drink. The attacker somehow slips a Rohypnol tablet into the liquid - perhaps when the victim turns their head or leaves their drink to go to the bathroom.
    About twenty minutes after finishing their drink, the victim begins to feel disoriented, or "drunk." Victims of Rohypnol have often only had one or two drinks, and they remember feeling much more drunk than they should have been.
    The attacker volunteers to escort the "sick" or "drunk" person home. Once out of the public eye, the attacker may take the victim to a hotel, to the victim's home, or to other places.
    Several hours later, the victim wakes up feeling disoriented. They can't remember what happened after they left the party, but they may find evidence that something was done to their body while they were "asleep."
    Many victims raped under the influence of Rohypnol are unsure whether or not they were raped, because they have no memory of the event. It can take several days to piece together a story from eyewitness reports.
    Rohypnol has been used to rape both men and women.


What Rohypnol Looks and Feels Like:


    Rohypnol is similar to Valium but about ten times as strong. In Europe and South America, it is a prescription drug used as a preanesthetic agent and as a potent sedative.
    Rohypnol comes as a small pill that can be dropped into the drink of an unsuspecting victim. The pill can dissolve in either alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, and the drug is odorless and tasteless.
    Initially, Rohypnol causes muscle relaxation, dizziness, and headaches, slows psychomotor responses, and lowers inhibitions. Victims may have difficulty moving or speaking. Victims often remember the effects of the drug as a feeling of being "drunk." Rohypnol takes 20-30 minutes to take effect.
    Rohypnol has a synergistic effect with alcohol. When taken with alcohol, Rophypnol can cause severe disorientation and a loss of memory. These memory blackouts are typically eight to twelve hours long. The victim may or may not appear "awake" during this time.
    Victims often feel nauseated the day after they have received Rohypnol.


She had come prepared. She came
she would see me,
she could play on my sympathy, and even planned her act to make sure my friends would see us together. She played it well. She left me with no choice but to call her and find out what this was about. Thankfully, she didn’t bother to block her number when sending the pictures. That would look too suspicious. She needed us to look like mutually consenting adults.

She even captioned some of the photos:
Your dick tastes so good in my mouth, baby, it always does.  You like my pussy bald, baby, I know it. That’s why I do it, just for you.
Anyone stumbling across these pictures would think we were having a torrid affair. How many men a day deny the pictures on their phones sent from mistresses? It’s almost cliché. My hand was shaking, it was either nerves or the drug was still in my system, as I dialed her number. She answered on the first ring as if she’d been up waiting all morning.

“Hey, sweetheart. Just checking your phone now? I thought you would enjoy a personal photo album of us. You were amazing last night,” She said, with a laugh in her throat.

“What do you want?” I asked as calmly as I could.

“Well, now, Jason, you’re smart. It’s obvious, right? What I
, is

I didn’t understand. Maybe I’m not that smart after all.

“Sweetheart, we belong together, you know that. The more you push me away tells me how much you struggle with your feelings. I know you don’t want to hurt your little family, but trust me, in time everyone will be happier. You shouldn’t stay with her when you’re fantasizing about me when you fuck.”

I don’t think I’ve ever been struck so speechless. I may not be a big talker, but I felt like the words wouldn’t even form in my mouth. I had to force something to come out.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, or who you think you’re talking to, but if I want to be with someone, she doesn’t have to drug me. I’m going to the cops, right now.”

She laughed. “Really, dear? Well, I have a number of friends who got pictures of you last night with your tongue down my throat, and your hand up my skirt. You really think the cops are going to believe you? By the way, Katie looks adorable this morning.”

She hung up. My heart sank. I hit redial as fast as I can, and she answered quickly.

“Now, don’t you feel silly, threatening me with the police? You live in a beautiful home, with lovely kids. I see you’ve added a new plant on the front porch. Follow your heart, Jason. Make it easy for all of us.”

She hung up again, and she wouldn’t pick up anymore. I yanked the jump drive out of my computer, shut it down and flew out the door. I raced to my car and jumped in like a NASCAR driver. I made record time speeding home. I pulled onto my street and saw nothing: no car, no person, no one. It was a typical quiet Sunday morning in suburbia. I parked in our driveway and went inside. Katie was sitting at the table, and the kids were watching cartoons.

“Boy, if I had to wait for you to bring me my coffee, it would get ugly around here!” She smiled and showed me her cup. She’d made breakfast and a fresh pot. I kissed her passionately as the kids laughed at us.

“Jeez, Jason, why are sweating? Did you go for a workout?”

“No, but I’m about to.”

She was on board.

“Grace, Zach: Dad and I are going to chat for a while. Go play.”

I practically pulled her arm out of it’s socket to get her upstairs. I felt an overwhelming need to protect her, to shield her from everything in the world. I needed to process this and figure out what to do. I can’t lose her, but I also can’t live with myself if I caused her heartbreak.

I kissed her as we both shut the door behind us. The stark realization hit me that the
had put her body on me. I hadn't even looked at myself to see if she’d left any marks. I needed to clean myself, and I took Katie with me. I couldn’t break contact with her lips; if I did, I knew I’d start to cry.

We were walking together, joined at the lips headed for the shower. Katie was giggling. God, what that does to me, because we probably looked silly.
was scared to death. What if there were marks on my body, what would I say to her? I reached in to start the shower, and Katie took the opportunity to go to the toilet.

“I’ll be right there! Sound of running water, you know!” She was still laughing. I needed that sound right then more than anything. I quickly disrobed to check myself out. I didn’t see anything in the front; I looked in our large angled mirror and didn’t see anything on my back. Thank God. I got in the shower to scrub the poison of that woman off of me. The water acted to wash the sinister feelings away. My beautiful wife stepped into the water stream and I hugged her close. She was still in such a good mood. She playfully grabbed my butt and squeezed.

“This is my favorite,” she said slowly, circling my ass with her soapy hands. I returned the favor by lathering up and massaging her breasts. Her beautiful breasts, her delicious nipples were calling me. I knelt down and latched onto one with force. She gasped, and our lovemaking turned serious. I slid my mouth across her soapy skin as I gave both nipples equal time. They hardened with each suck, and I could feel them rise against my tongue. My dick was rock hard. I love this woman with all my soul, and making love to her is the easiest way to show it when words just aren't enough.

She was moaning loudly. I reached down between her legs and I could feel how slick she was even with the warm water pounding on us. Her body responds to mine perfectly. I leaned back to sit on the tile seat and she straddled me. She reached down to grab me, and she gently slipped me inside her.

She was warmer than the water in the shower, and it felt like I was home. Not in a house, but in my home. Her soul and my soul, together. We sat still in that position. I felt her squeeze me rhythmically and slowly. It took all the strength I had not to explode. I needed it to last. Hours, days, months and years. I didn’t want to face the world.  I just wanted that feeling to never end. I suckled her neck, right in my favorite nook, all the way to her ear.

I moaned in her ear and whispered, “I love you, Katie. I won’t let anything hurt you, you know that, right?”

She gave me a quizzical look. “Of course I do, why sound so serious?”

I shook my head, and continued up to her mouth. My tongue explored her soft lips; I playfully teased them to open. I bit her lower lip and her eyes rolled back. She loves that. I searched her mouth for the tip of her tongue, and she offered it to me. We barely touched tip-to-tip, small, soft circles while she continued her internal massage of my dick. I was so warm and content, but the fire was too hot. I forced my tongue into her mouth and opened it as far as I could. I wanted to consume her. Goddamn, she tasted good. I kissed and licked and suckled like a starving man, while my hands were squeezing her ass. I pulled her up and down my length while she squeezed hard. That was my undoing.

I came harder than I ever have in my life. I felt like I was tapping energy in my body from an unknown source. She squeezed herself once more and I felt her spasm with deep orgasm. She was squeezing my cock trying to make her orgasm last. She smiled her sweet smile at me, and I could feel a tear form in my eye. She kissed it away, and looked at me deeply.

“Me too, honey, me too.”

*  *  *

The memory of making love to Katie that day brings a tear to my eye. I look into the psycho’s eyes while she’s flirting with Wells. She practically raped me, she’s stalking me, and I know she’s been watching my family. I can’t sit here for one more minute. I’m fairly certain I’d get arrested for strangling her in the concourse of an airport. I abruptly stand up.

“I’m headed to the gate. I’ve got work to do on my laptop.”

I get the check and notice that they put her drinks on my tab. Even the fucking waitress thinks we’re together. I pay the bill and go to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. Calm down, man, you don’t want her to see you weak. I head back to the table to grab my bag, and she and her lackey are gone. I notice she scribbled something on the receipt: “I really need to talk to you. Lunch? On me.” Is she fucking kidding me? I’m not taking any chances. I may need a sample of her writing in case she starts sending me letters now too. I shove it into my wallet. Jesus Christ, I don’t know how to handle this.

I thought it was over, that she was gone. I changed my number again after the nightmare evening with her, and I rehired the private detective to keep a watch on her. She’s a slippery one. Dr. Wells looks ashamed of his actions.

“She’s a real spitfire, that one, huh?” he asks blushing.

She had even gotten to my friend and colleague.

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