Mirage (9 page)

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Authors: Ashley Suzanne

“Yeah, I’ll have a drink, if you’re having one. Kylee is going to take a ‘tour’ of the suite,” I respond and actually use finger quotes around the word tour.

“Please don’t do anything you’re going to regret Ky,” I say but it comes off more as a scold as she goes off with Marcus to one of the bedrooms.

“Two drinks coming up,” he jokes, pretending to be a bartender.

Jacoby sits next to me on the couch and lean back. I take a drink of the potent concoction. This is strong as hell. If I didn’t know better, I would think that he wanted me drunk.

“So tell me something I don’t already know about you, Mira?” Jacoby asks.

Pushing a stray strand of my brown locks behind my ear, I’m nervous to meet his eyes. I have played this game before and it didn’t turn out so well, if memory serves me right. Great, now I can’t get the memory of Skylar out of my head. This is not good.

“I played the flute in my high school marching band.”.I wanted to give him something, but not enough where he would be intrigued. As gorgeous as this man is, he’s still my boss. My brain is saying don’t cross that line, but my hormones are beginning to betray me.

“Flute, huh? I didn’t expect that one. You seem more like a sports kind of girl.”

“Oh, I played sports, don’t get me wrong. I swam and did gymnastics all four years of high school and messed around with it a little in college,” I say, mentally slapping my face. Telling a crazy sexy guy, who I wouldn’t mind taking to bed but can’t, that I’m a gymnast is such an amazing fucking idea.

“Gymnastics, huh?” Jacoby asks with a sexy look in his eyes.

Fuck! Those eyes. Shit. Every time he looks at me like that I can’t help but imagine how they would look at me during sex. I cannot think about sex with my boss. I cannot think about his face buried in my pussy. I cannot think about the size of his dick. Great, that’s all I’m thinking about. Without even thinking about it, I start to moisten my lips.

Looking back up at Jacoby, I see his eyes on my lips as he starts to speak, “You really do have beautiful lips Mira. I hope it’s okay that I tell you that. I have been thinking about them all night.”

It feels like my face turns the shade of a tomato and I immediately put my head down, not wanting to meet his gaze. “I guess it’s ok,” I manage to whisper out, still not making eye contact.

He takes his hand and places it under my chin, angling my head to meet his lust filled hazel eyes. I just know he can read every thought I have had all night.

“I would never do anything you didn’t want to do, Mira, but I have to say, you seem to want me as badly as I want you.”

Just as I was getting ready to say something, say anything, Jacoby kisses me. The first touch was gentle and light. Almost as if he was seeking permission. I open my mouth slightly for him. Was it out of lust for this man, out of obligation and the fear of hurting his feelings, or out of habit? I can’t even answer this question.

When my mouth grants him permission, the kiss turns less gentle. Jacoby put his arm around my waist and moves me to where I am straddling his legs. He leans back into the couch with one hand in my hair and one hand cupping my ass. I push my hands into his hair and kiss him back with just as much need. It was almost as if him leaning back into the couch was to allow me to control the pace of the situation. I don’t know how he knew it, but it was the control I think I needed. I set the pace. I could stop at anytime if I was uncomfortable. This man knows me so much better than I thought he did. How do I get so lucky with such amazing kissers?

After what felt like hours, I pull away from his lips. Both of Jacoby’s hands move to my lower back, sliding under the thin purple fabric of my top. My skin was on fire. That kiss put a whole other definition to “hot and bothered”. I look Jacoby in his eyes and I knew he was feeling the same thing I was feeling. As I shifted, still straddling his lap, I could feel his erection. That has to be painful to be restrained like that, I think to myself.

“Are you okay, Mira? We can stop if you want.”

“Do you want to stop? I don’t think I want to stop. But if you want to then...” I don’t even finish my statement before Jacoby’s lips crash onto mine. There is no more patience in his kiss. He takes the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head and throws it over the sofa. As he kisses me, his hands are roaming my back, as if he wanted to memorize every dip, every bone in my spine. This is killing me.

Still kissing him, I reach between us and start to unbuckle his belt and release the button on his pants. Just as I reach his zipper, a growl escapes his lips and the grip on my back gets tighter as I feel him reaching for the clasp on my bra. I do not object. I break from the kiss as Jacoby removes the straps of my bra from my arms, staring at my tits like they are a feast just for him. He licks his lips. That was all I needed to continue back to my exploration of his pants. I get his zipper down and grab his excessively hard cock. We weren’t skin to skin, only the thin layer of his boxer briefs separate my hand from his goods. I fumble looking for the opening in the front of his boxers. I need to see what he’s working with. I had a pretty good idea just from the feeling through the boxers, but I need an actual visual.

Knowing what I’m trying to do, he shifts a little, giving me better access. He grabs my breasts and starts massaging them, while toying with my already hard nipples. I think that my nipples might be as hard as his dick at this point. Pinching and giving them a slight twist, I moan into this mouth as he starts kissing me again.

I finally get his cock freed from his boxers and I am in awe. The size alone makes me squirm. I’m a little nervous as to what the hell I would do with this monster but at the same time, I want it in my mouth. My kiss became even more desperate, wanting to speed up the kissing of his lips to the kissing of his dick. I’ve never been a ‘giving head girl’ but Jacoby makes me want to do things like this.

He was kissing my swollen lips and manipulating my breasts while I was slowly stroking his dick. I didn’t even realize Kylee walked back in to the room.

Clearing her throat, I finally hear her speak. “Oh shit, Mira, I’m sorry. Umm .. I was wondering if you were ready to leave. I guess this answers my question.”

I hugged Jacoby close in an attempt to hide myself and hide what we were doing. It was pointless. I have no idea how long she was standing there and I didn’t want to even think of the answer to that question.

“I thought we were going to stay here for the night,” I say to Kylee while Jacoby nibbles on my collarbone, driving me insane.

“Marcus. Yeah. He is passed out and I sobered up real quick,” Kylee says, giving me yet another infamous Kylee look. If I had to guess, I would say this one said ‘ you little slut, I knew you had it in you’.

I look sympathetically at Jacoby and shrug. “I’m going to go. I don’t want Kylee leaving at this time of night by herself,” I tell him.

Jacoby sighs. I know he’s disappointed, but I couldn’t just let Kylee leave alone in the city by herself. I think he knew this too.

“Ky, would you mind stepping away so I can get my shirt?” I ask her, my face blushing ten shades of pink.

Kylee walks back towards the room she came from. Jacoby gently lifts me off his lap and puts me down on the couch right where we were sitting. He stands up, adjusts himself and walks to the back of the sofa to retrieve my clothing and hands them to me.

Clutching my shirt and bra to my chest, I walk toward the opposite end of the room. I feel so stupid. He didn’t even look me in the face when he gave me my clothing. I almost slept with a man who couldn’t even look me in my eyes. With my back turned towards him, I start to dress myself. Once I situate my bra and pull my shirt on, I take a hair tie out of my pocket and quickly tie my hair in a knot on top of my head. It was the best was I could do to disguise the evidence of my hair being pulled every which way in the throes of passion. Ok maybe not passion, but lust. And a lot of it.

When I turn back around, Jacoby is facing me with his hands in the pockets of his pants, just staring.

“What?” I snap at him.

“I was just wondering maybe, if you would like, if I could take you on a date sometime?” he asks me. He was nervous. His face had a slight pink tint to it. Oh my gosh, he was blushing.

“Don’t you think that we’re past this whole, want to go on a date with me thing,” I joke with him, trying to ease his nervousness.

“Mira, I really like you. I have wanted to ask you on a date ever since you came into the office for your interview, almost a year ago. You have no idea how breathtaking you are. I think about you constantly. You might think that I have never pursued you because of HR, but the truth is, I could never gather enough courage to approach you. When I saw you tonight at the bar, it was like fate was telling me to go for it. Okay, maybe I had a little liquid courage coursing through my veins, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t want to take you out. I would very much like to take you on a date Mira. A real date. Flowers, opening doors, dinner and ice cream. I never wanted this to be just a one night thing Mira. If that’s all I could have got, I would have taken it in a heartbeat, just to get closer to you. But I want to try, really try this,” he says while staring deep in my eyes.

In the last year, year I have been hit on by different guys and propositioned for dates, which I knew were guy code for ‘I want to get in your pants’, but this was so much different. This felt right. Jacoby is exactly the kind of guy that I should be with. Strong, caring, intelligent, successful and so fucking sexy. I don’t think anyone could ever replace Danny, but I think that Danny would want me with someone like Jacoby.

Thinking of Danny looking down on me, giving me his permission to let go and try to be happy with someone new, I answered Jacoby.

“Yes, I would love to go on a date with you Jacoby Roberts. I would be honored.”


Chapter Ten


I couldn’t get out of that bar fast enough. Just to know that Mira was there and she was with a fucking guy. She didn’t even tell me goodbye when she left. I moved into her fucking apartment, to be close to her, and she leaves me. Can you see how fucking twisted this is?

The last year hasn’t been all bad. The first few weeks were excruciating. I was so hurt by Mira that night, that I just wanted to hurt her back. I felt like we had something that we could build on. Yeah so, it’s a little weird for me to want, so desperately, my dead best friend’s fiancé. If Danny were still alive, I would have been one helluva best man. I would have proudly stood next to my best friend while he married the girl of MY dreams.

Shit didn’t work out that way. Danny got the short end of the stick, he left Mira and me. Then Mira leaves me. I missed her so much when she left. “Shut up, Skylar, she didn’t leave you, she was never yours,” I say to myself as I barrel down the highway.

I don’t know if she ever realized it, but before she came for all of her stuff I stole one of her pillows just so I could torture myself with her scent. The way her hair smells is out of this world. The perfect mix of fresh mint and sexy. She left the green bottle of shampoo and conditioner in the shower when she left. I tried to use it, but it wasn’t the same. There was just something about Mira. There was always something about Mira.

I joined the Hooliganz Motorcycle Club a few months ago. I didn’t even have to start as a probie, which was pretty badass. Those guys put the probies through hell. Like literal hell. No sleep, no drinks, no bitches. Basically they can only do what they are told until they prove themselves worthy. My uncle was a Hooligan, so I didn’t have to do any of that shit. I came right in with a full patch. A lot of the guys weren’t happy about it, but they soon realized that I was a good brother.

I don’t know how long I watched her at that bar, dancing with Kylee, before she noticed me. She looked so carefree. Just dancing and swaying sensually to the beat of the music. I wondered if she felt the same pull as I did when our eyes met. I know my breath hitched, just a bit. I think I saw something in her eyes, but I can’t be sure.

When she walked over to the table with those two jackasses, I just knew I was going to lose my shit. Did she know those guys? She seemed to have some sort of relationship with the tall one. She didn’t look nervous at all. I think that’s what bothered me most. Was she dating that guy? Did she leave me and then meet that guy?


I just wanted to ride hard and ride fast. I needed to get away from all of these emotions that took me so long to bury. After one fucking year, they come back and slap me in the fucking face. I can’t believe she left with that tool after seeing me. It was like we were never anything at all. Did she love him? “FUCK,” I yell.

I will find a way to get her back in my arms. I will apologize for making her feel like I fucked that skank after we had just been together. I haven’t fucked anyone since Mira. Sure, I have had my dick sucked by random bitches. I have tried to have sex; don’t get me wrong. Every single goddamn time I am about to stick it to some girl, I automatically go limp. It’s like once I had her, nobody ever compares. Mira has ruined my sex life and she’s with another man, probably having sex. I feel like my heart is going to pound right out of my chest.

It’s past time to devise a plan to get us together. I need to get her somewhere alone and at least talk to her. Maybe once she hears I didn’t sleep with Heather, we can try again.

I didn’t even bother going back to the clubhouse after my ride. I didn’t want to hear any shit from the guys about me getting pissed off over a bitch. No matter how I feel inside, I have to keep it there. I have worked way too hard for them to just think of me as a pussy whipped bitch. Skylar McBride is pussy whipped over no bitch. Well, never mind, maybe just this one bitch.

Maybe if I talk to Kylee, I can get my foot in the door. After all, it was Kylee that helped me out last time. With that thinking, I pick up my phone and send a text. I would call but it’s somewhere around five in the morning and I don’t want to wake them or know if they are still with those jackasses.

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