Misconduct (Hot Ice series Book 6) (13 page)


“Think about it, okay?” He ran his hand over my ear and
tangled his fingers in my hair. “I think you’ll find I’m more willing to
negotiate than you first gave me credit for.”


“Mess around with the figures on paper, that’s all I ask.”
He hovered his lips over mine. “Because I wanna stay, in Orlando, playing for
the Vipers and stopping pucks getting into our damn net.”

He kissed me. It was a warm, sweet kiss that seemed to hold
hope and sadness. I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his wide waist and
letting his body support mine. His kisses did this transporting thing to me.
Made me feel like we were alone in the world and that my problems existed in a
different dimension.

I knew he carried sorrow. Sorrow for his little friend who’d
died and for his marriage that had gone so wrong. He also had dreams for the
future, dreams of being a father, dreams of playing for his number-one team for
many years to come.

Dustin “Speed” Reed was a man who had a bounty of layers. At
first I’d thought he was rude and infuriating to the core, then his sexy kisses
and devastating smile had got him into my panties, but now, now his humanness
was burrowing him into my heart.

I’d have to be careful, or my heart might just get cross-checked
into the boards of heartbreak, because Dustin thought us being together was
just “too damn complicated” and when we got back it would be over between us.

And he was right, wasn’t he?


He ended the kiss and we carried on walking. The villa came
into view and we angled our way across the sand toward it.

“Why did your parents split?” he asked.

“Can’t you tell?”

“Er, no.”



“I’ve been told it wasn’t her presence by both my parents,
but I’m not dumb. Giselle and Dad, I suspect they had a thing going on for
years. Mom found out and that was it, divorce.”


“Younger than him, yes, seems that’s what hooked him.” I
shrugged. I’d fought my demons over that one. My parents were entitled to do
their own thing without their adult daughter judging them. They want to keep it
a secret that one of them played around, fair enough.

“I wasn’t going to say younger, though she is, I was going
to say very glamorous.”

“High-maintenance, you mean.” I laughed. I could only
imagine how much she spent on self-grooming, all at Dad’s expense now of
course. But again it didn’t worry me. She made him happy, he liked having her
on his arm, and who was I to say he shouldn’t have what he wanted? He was a
great looking guy, a silver fox.

“Yes, high-maintenance.”

“Was Christy glamorous?’

“My ex? Er, yeah, I suppose. She liked to look her best at
all times, never without makeup or her hair just so. She liked these long, fake
red nails too, overlong, a bit like talons.”

I laughed. “Not like me then.” I thought of my makeup-free
face, my hair that could probably do with a brush now the sea breeze and
Dustin’s fingers had messed it up, and my rather uncomplicated outfit of just a

“I happen to think your style is just right,” he said,
stepping up onto the deck. “You’re beautiful in a natural way. When you smile
it lights your face more than any amount of makeup could, and your sexy little
body…” He stopped and pulled me close. “Well, personally I think it’s a sin for
you to wear any clothes at all.”

Chapter Fifteen


Dustin’s eyes flashed. I was becoming used to that look now.
It was heavy with sinful promises and bright with the need to get naked and
sweaty. It was a look I couldn’t resist.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead, lingered for a moment as
though breathing me in then looked down at me with an intensity that took my
breath away.

“We’ve fucked each other’s brains out,” he said, “but now,
if this is all we have, here, I want to also experience making love to you.”

I thought I was going to come undone. The way he said
in his gravelly deep voice went straight to my pussy. How could I

“Yes,” I managed. “But just once.”

He frowned. “Why?”

I shut my eyes and willed myself to stay in control. How
could I tell him that if he made love to me more than once that would be it,
I’d be gone. I could pretend once was just for the experience. More than that,
well, I might start to think there really was some love between us.

And there wasn’t.

“Just…because,” I managed, “but please, now.” I moved toward
the sun-dappled outdoor bed and he followed.

But this time, instead of tossing me onto it from a great
height, he slowly lowered me down as he kissed me, his tongue searching for

I let my body become heavy in his arms then soft on the
mattress and loved the way he stretched out over me, making me feel small and

“You make me want to rush,” he murmured, tugging off my
bikini top. “But that’s not what I want to do.” He kissed down my neck to my
left breast and swirled his tongue around my nipple.

I stroked his hair, arched my back and watched his pink,
moist tongue tease my nipple fully erect.

“I swear,” he said, switching to my other breast, “you test
my stamina more than any fucking game. Each minute trying to resist burying
myself in you is harder than an hour facing down Todd Carty or Sid Gatsby.”

“You’ll have to start practicing,” I said, stroking over a
set of three small freckles on his right shoulder. “For when we get back. Can’t
have you randomly
yourself in me.”

His lifted up, stared into my eyes. “Don’t talk about going
back to reality, not now, not here, not when I’m just about to do this.”

“Oh…” I gasped as he tugged at my bikini bottoms, then I
helped them on their way by pushing at them with my feet.

He shucked off his shorts and settled between my spread
legs. “Are you wet for me?” he asked, slipping his fingers over my belly and
through my pubic hair.

“Yes, I want you to…”

He maneuvered what felt like two thick fingers into my
pussy. “You want me to what?” he asked, concentrating on my expression.

“I want you to feel how wet you make me.”

“Ah, I’m feeling it, sweet cheeks.” He hooked his fingers
forward and rubbed my greedy internal place. “And you’re really creaming for my
cock, aren’t you?”

Damn, he was so full of himself, but I couldn’t argue. I
desperate for his cock.

I reached for his face and cupped his cheeks. “Make love to
me,” I said, “the way you said you would.”

He pulled his fingers out and fisted his erection. We both
watched as he fed the head toward my pussy and then in the first inch.

“Ah yeah, so fucking hot to see that,” he said, his voice
tight. “Is that what you thought, earlier, when you fucked me?”

“Yes, that was hot, so hot, so…erotic.”

He grinned. “You were pretty damn good at it. I’m surprised
I’m up for hitting any more home runs today.” He released his cock and pushed
in some more.

We both groaned and then he pressed his belly down on mine
and hovered his mouth by my cheek.

“But I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough,” he said.

He pushed to full depth, a slow, exquisite stretching of my
pussy that had me holding my breath and winding my legs around his hips.

“Ah, yeah, take me, all of me,” he groaned into my ear. “I
just wanna fucking stay here like this, live in you, ah Jesus…” He withdrew,
smoothed back in.

“Dustin,” I managed, finding his mouth with mine and
touching our lips together. “It feels so right.”

“Yeah, it’s right, really fucking right.” He kissed me
lovingly, gently and then scooped his arms beneath my shoulders and held me as
close to his body as he could.

I hardly knew where I stopped and he began, and when he
started to move against me in a slow, seductive rock, I knew that an orgasm
would soon be mine.

His body was rubbing my clit just right, his cock filling
me, and his tongue, he was thrusting it in time with the lazy but solid roll of
his hips. He’d made me feel possessed by him, every sense drinking him up.
Nothing else existed except being in his arms, him being in me.

The pressure was mounting. My pulse was loud in my ears and
thudding in my clit. I curled my toes, fisted my hands, one on his head, one on
his shoulder and let him drive me to conclusion.

“I’m coming,” I gasped into his mouth. “Oh, yeah…like that…”

He moaned in response, didn’t change his movements but held
me tighter, together, as I erupted in pleasure. My pussy hugged his cock in a
series of powerful and delicious contractions. My clit sent darts of bliss
shooting through my body that made me tremble and shake. But I was happy to let
the climax do its worst as it ravaged me, because I knew he had me, he was my
safety net as my orgasm unraveled deep in my core.

I gasped when he shunted harder still but then recognized
the sound of Dustin coming. He kind of snorted then ravaged my mouth as he
jammed balls-deep into me. A groan burst from his throat and I tangled it with
my own moans of ecstasy.

He curled his hips under again and thrust upward. It was as
though he just couldn’t get close enough.

I reached for his butt, grabbed it with both hands and pulled
him into me as hard as I could. I felt his cock erupt inside me, warm heat
spreading into my pussy.

He moaned, tensed his ass cheeks, and then slanted his head
to increase the depth of our kiss. His cock burst out his pleasure again.

If Dustin had no trouble controlling the urge to “bury
himself” in me when we were together then the same could be said for me wanting
him to do exactly that. He knew exactly where my buttons were and how to press
them. It seemed I could track his down pretty well too.

Eventually he stilled his hips, reduced the intensity of our
kiss and, with his elbows propped, looked down at me,

His eyes were glazed, his lips wet and a little swollen.

“Fuck, you make me come so damn hard, every time,” he said.


“Am I squashing you?”

“A little.” Truth was I liked his weight on me, even though
when he forgot about his sheer size and let go.

“Sorry.” He started to withdraw.

“No.” I tightened my grip on his butt. “Let’s lie like this
for a while.” I smiled. “I like having you inside me.”

“I like being inside you.” He tipped so his weight went onto
his shoulder, pulling me with him. His cock stayed lodged inside me. “But like
this, so you don’t become a human pancake.”

I closed my eyes and sighed.

He tucked my head beneath his chin and tickled his finger
down my spine, then all the way back up again.

If anyone trespassed on the beach, they’d get quite a sight.
Us lying on the bed, still joined, my right leg hooked over a hockey star’s
hip. But I didn’t care. I was sated, sleepy and determined to make the most of
my one lovemaking session with Dustin “Speed” Reed.

* * * * *

The distant crunch of gravel roused me.


I sat bolt upright, causing Dustin’s softened cock to slip
from me.

“What?” Dustin murmured sleepily, then resumed tracing
shapes on my back.

“Someone is here, out front.” I reached for my bikini
bottoms, wriggled into them, and then hunted for my top. I was damp between my

“Here,” Dustin wafted the top in front of me. It was hanging
from his finger.

I grabbed it. “Get dressed,” I said, glancing at his
nakedness. “Quick.”

“It’s probably the cleaner or something,” he said, lazily
sitting up and glancing around for his trunks.

“No, the cleaner only comes once a week and she’s been

He frowned. “A delivery.”

“No, the gate buzzer would have gone. It’s someone how knows
the security code.”

I snapped the clasp on my bikini top and altered the cups
over my breasts to make sure I was decent.

“So who else knows the code?” Dustin asked, pulling on his

“Buttercup, are you in?” a deep male voice called through
the villa.

“My father,” I gasped. “Shit!”

That made Dustin move. He sprang like a mountain goat from
the bed and practically landed on one of the chairs at the table. He slipped
his shades and cap on and reached for the daily newspaper that so far hadn’t
been glanced at. Suddenly he was engrossed.

The front door closing with a slam echoed toward me. I
tucked my hair behind my ears, crossed my legs and rested back in sunbathing
pose, hoping I didn’t look too disheveled and…well…just fucked.

“Ah, there you are,” Dad said, stepping out onto the deck.
“Sprawled out like a cat, just as I’d suspected.”

“Hi,” I sat and put on my best snoozy face. “I didn’t think
you’d be back until tomorrow at the earliest.”

“Well, I got my meds changed, Doc was happy, so we decided
to come back to the villa. Giselle missed the sea breeze.” He leaned over and
kissed my cheek.

I hoped to hell I didn’t smell of Dustin and…sex.

“Mr. Gunner.” Dustin stood and smiled, held out his hand.

“Hey, Speed, good to see you.”

I watched as Dad gripped Dustin’s hand and tried not to
recall how those fingers had been inside me such a short time ago, building me
up, making my gasp for more—testing how wet I was for him.

“I’m glad things went well with your doctor, sir,” Dustin

“Me too,” Dad said with a laugh. “Listen, let me grab a
glass of water, take my meds and then we can have that chat you wanted.” He
stepped back to the villa door. “And, buttercup, I told the plane to wait. I
wasn’t sure what your plans were. Plus, Speed, I know you’ll be anxious about
missing practice.”

“Yes sir.”

“Oh, well sure… Thanks,” I said.

It made sense for Dustin to go back to Orlando, of course it
did. But I could stay. The question was, did I want to if Dustin wasn’t here?
Would the villa ever be the same again for me?

I suspected it wouldn’t.

Dad disappeared and I heard Giselle’s voice. She was helping
him with his new meds.

“That conversation,” Dustin said, sitting back down and
resting his forearms on his knees. He looked at me earnestly. “What should I

“Whatever you were going to say to him before.” Damn, talk
about a jolt back to reality. I’d gone from being orgasmic in his arms to
negotiating his salary and contract in what felt like a heartbeat.

“No.” He shook his head. “I’ve put a different deal on the
table. One that is only for you to decide.”

“I don’t know.” I stared at my polished toenails.

“I’ll halve it, you know that makes sense. I’ll be the
lowest-paid starting goaltender in the league.”

“I don’t get why you would do that though?”

“Because I want to stay with…with the Vipers. I told you
that. My life is in Orlando, my home, my future. I’m richer than I ever thought
I would be. I can afford to halve my salary and not even notice it.”


“Say yes. Please.” He narrowed his eyes and tugged on his
bottom lip.

“So,” Dad said, appearing with a glass of water. “What’s
this problem your agent emailed about, son?” He sat at the table.

Dustin straightened and curled his hands around the arms of
the chair.

“Hi, kids,” Giselle said, stepping onto the deck, Gucci
sunglasses in hand and a Prada bag on her arm. “I hope you’ve been behaving
while we’ve been gone.” She grinned wickedly and looked between us.

I frowned at her.

Dustin looked at his bare feet and then seemed preoccupied
with brushing nonexistent sand from the hair on his legs.

Tension suddenly floated in the air. It wasn’t so much what
Giselle had said, it was that we didn’t respond. I caught my father’s gaze and
he flicked his eyebrows up a little and turned to Dustin.

“You like the villa?” he asked.

“Yes sir, beautiful.”

“Good.” He took a sip of his water. “It’s relaxing, isn’t

“Yes sir, very peaceful.”

“Makes you feel like real life is a million miles away.”

“It does indeed.” Dustin glanced at me.

“I’ve had this place a long time,” Dad went on. “It’s very
special to me. We have lots of happy memories here, isn’t that right,

“Yes, Dad, lots of wonderful memories.” I had a few more

“When Gina was a child she used to splash in the sea down
there all day. Yet now she won’t go in it.” Dad shook his head. “Too scared of
sharks, yet she’s so brave with other things.”

Dustin glanced at me. “She did earlier, go in, right up to
her waist.”

“Really,” Giselle said to me. “I thought you wouldn’t dip
more than your toes in?”

“Well, I won’t normally, but Dustin, he…he was looking out
for me.”

Dad smiled. “Well done, I know that must have taken a lot of
courage. And, Speed, thanks.” He paused. “It’s nice to know someone I can trust
is taking care of my daughter when I’m not around.”

“Oh, you can trust me,” Dustin said with a serious nod. “I
wouldn’t let anything hurt her.”

He looked at me again and in that moment I completely
believed him. He really wouldn’t let anything hurt me, whether it was a mugger
or a shark. But along with that knowledge came a new certainty that he was
going to hurt me more than any grazed knee or shark bite. Indeed, more than
anyone else ever had, because Dustin was going to break my heart. It was too
late, he was in there, but he wasn’t staying. My heart was going to get
shattered the minute the plane wheels hit the tarmac in Orlando.

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