Read Misfits, Inc. Online

Authors: Holly Copella

Misfits, Inc. (12 page)

“Marcus, what brings you here?” she asked while
concealing her knowing smile.

“More bad news, I’m afraid,” he announced then
appeared curious and looked past her.  “Did I hear a crash?”

“Yeah, I dropped something,” Hailey replied.  “I’m
a little out of sorts today.  What bad news?”

“Another girl has been reported missing.”

Hailey felt her heart sink.  It was the woman
they’d heard screaming in the tunnel.  She knew what they heard was Penny
meeting her demise.

“I was afraid of that,” she replied gently and
fought the sick feeling in her stomach.  “So you believe me?”

“I never said I didn’t.”

As she stared at him, she resisted the urge to
blurt out everything she knew.  With the way Vance had handled the news, she
knew they had to proceed more cautiously, especially with someone as serious as
Marcus was.  She somehow didn’t think he’d handle the news very well.  She also
hated to admit that she found him somewhat intimidating, but she couldn’t let
that stand in her way.  She needed to tell him everything she knew, which
included telling him who he really was.

“We need to talk, Marcus,” she gently informed him
while searching for a way to tell him his destiny.

“I really can’t right now,” he replied.  “Time with
this sort of thing is critical.  How about this evening?  I can meet you in the
lounge around seven.”

Hailey reluctantly nodded, knowing she couldn’t
rush the conversation.  She would need time to convince him, and he wasn’t
willing to give her more than a few seconds right now.

“Yeah, that’ll be fine,” she replied.

They watched Marcus leave the suite.  The three men
stared at her with surprise that she allowed him to leave without attempting to
explain everything. 

“You should have been more persistent,” Skyler announced
firmly.  “The fate of this world could be in our hands.  This could be the
single most important moment in our lives.” 

The grandfather clock chimed three.

Skyler looked at the clock, appeared horrified, and
gasped.  “Oh, hell!  I’m late for work!”

Skyler bolted for the door, surprising everyone. 
All three turned and watched him.

“What happened to all that fate of the world
bullshit?” Logan demanded.

He looked back at them as he reached the door. 
“I’m minutes away from being fired,” Skyler announced.  “We’ll save the world
at eleven.”

Skyler darted from the room. 

Vance snorted a soft laugh and tilted his head.  “I
guess this council meeting has officially been adjourned.”



t was nearing four o’clock
that afternoon.  Several guests were enjoying the large pool, hot tub, and
outside cabana bar.  The younger crowd enjoyed the pool area since the bar was
readily available and usually there were one or two waitresses working during
the middle of the day.  Hailey approached the cabana bar, sat on one of several
empty bar stools, and ordered a fruity drink.  The guys had managed to wipe out
the entire minibar in her suite.  She hoped Lucinda wasn’t keeping a tab on her
in-room bar.  As her drink arrived, she caught a glimpse of Brody crossing the
terrace and heading in her direction with Rafe in tow.  She hoped he wasn’t
looking for her, although, she did admire how well he’d trained Rafe to follow
him around on command.  She’d always wanted a dog.

“I’ve been looking for you, Hailey,” Brody
announced cheerfully and joined her at the bar.  He signaled the bartender for
a drink.  Apparently, the bartender knew his usual. 

“I’ve been busy,” Hailey replied with disinterest
and avoided looking at him.  She’d had a rough day and wasn’t about to take any
of Brody’s sexual harassment.

“About the other afternoon,” he announced.  “I’m
sorry if I offended you.”

She cast a glance at him with some surprise. 
he had offended her?  She was certain he was old enough to know it was
offensive to solicit sex during business transactions.  Perhaps he was too used
to getting his own way.  Hailey decided to be the bigger person and make nice.

“If you’re truly sorry, I can forgive you,” she
replied but still couldn’t force herself to look at him.

“I’m not usually so
,” he announced
and fidgeted slightly, acting genuinely bothered by his behavior.  “I guess
with the way Lucinda was building you up as her ‘attractive’ assistant, I
thought she was sending some coded message.”  He smiled timidly and
straightened.  “When you’re as rich as I am, you get used to ambitious women
handing themselves to you.  I don’t like that I’ve become accustomed to doing
business that way.”  Brody raised his drink to her.  “And in our future
dealings together, you have my permission to tell me when I’m being an ass.”

Hailey looked at him with surprise then laughed
softly and clinked her drink to his.  “Deal.”

“Hailey, Darling!” Lucinda cried out.  “Here you

Both looked across the terrace and saw Lucinda
approach them in her flashy, revealing beach attire.  She resembled a movie
star from the forties, complete with big hat and sunglasses.  She sat next to
Hailey on the opposite side of Brody.

“Where have you been?” Lucinda questioned.

The bartender had a drink setting on the bar in
front of Lucinda before she could even look at him.  She gave the handsome,
young bartender a quick once over and smiled her approval, but Hailey was
certain she wasn’t approving the drink.

“I took a walk,” Hailey casually replied.

“You may want to stick close to the resort,”
Lucinda informed her sternly.  “I don’t know if you heard, but another girl
disappeared.  Young, attractive girls both of them.”  She shook her head then
sipped her drink.  “If you ask me, there’s a pervert on the loose.  I’ll have
Marcus’ head if he doesn’t find those girls and put an end to this insanity

“Have you seen Marcus?” Hailey suddenly asked,
showing interest for the first time.

“No, but I’m sure he has his hands full with those
missing girls,” Lucinda replied firmly.  “He’d better, if he knows what’s good
for him.”

“I saw him talking to the staff,” Brody informed
Hailey.  “One of the cleaning ladies saw a girl go into the basement.  He was
going to check it out.”

“Now why the hell would a young woman be going into
that dirty, disgusting basement?” Lucinda suddenly asked.

“Rumor has it some of the guests were secretly
meeting in the laundry room to play poker,” Brody remarked.

“I need to speak to Marcus,” Hailey announced now
preoccupied and stood, having barely touched her drink.

“In the basement?” Lucinda squawked then shook her
head.  “Absolutely not.  It’s dark, cluttered, and creepy down there.  I won’t
allow you to risk it, especially with a pervert on the loose.”

“Take Rafe with you,” Brody announced without
hesitation.  “He needs to be kept busy or his sunny disposition turns

Lucinda gave Brody a disapproving glare.  “I wish
you wouldn’t encourage her, Nevin.”

Brody chuckled playfully at her comment then looked
at Rafe and signaled him.  He immediately approached.

“Stay with Ms. Aramis,” Brody announced firmly. 
“Make sure nothing happens to her.”

Rafe nodded without question or concern.  Hailey
was nearly stunned by what just happened.  Did Brody just appoint Rafe as her baby-sitter?

“Thanks--” she said then muttered under her breath,
“I think.”

Hailey walked across the terrace and entered the
lobby from the poolside entrance with Rafe following her.  She glanced back at
him several times.  It felt creepy having him following her around in silence,
as was his usual manner.  She finally realized she no longer wanted a dog. 
Hailey wondered if he’d stop outside the ladies’ restroom, or if he’d actually
follow her inside.  She considered testing the theory for her own amusement
then saw Logan talking to Skyler at the front desk.  Hailey abruptly stopped
and turned to face Rafe behind her.  He stopped almost in sync with her.  She
was impressed with how well he anticipated her movements.  Although, it was
somewhat creepy at the same time.

“Give me a minute, okay?”

Rafe obediently waited by the far end of the desk
but kept an eye on her as she approached Skyler and Logan.  She had to admit,
he did take instructions well.  If she didn’t know better, she’d be a little
turned on by how attentive he was.  Logan and Skyler eyed Rafe suspiciously.

“What’s with rent-a-killer?” Skyler asked.

Hailey held back her snicker.  “Brody loaned him to
me for my protection.”

“Yeah?  And who’s going to protect you from him?”
Logan muttered to her.

“Brody had heard Marcus went into the basement to
check out a lead,” Hailey informed them.  “I thought if I could get him alone,
he’d listen to me.”

“I have an hour until my set,” Logan informed her. 
“I’ll go with you.”

“I want to go too,” Skyler whined.

“You have to work,” Logan scolded.

“I get a dinner break,” Skyler announced.  “Merle
will watch the desk for me.”  Skyler looked at the older bellman across the
lobby.  “Merle, I’m taking dinner.”

Merle looked at his watch with bewilderment.  It
wasn’t even four o’clock. 

Hailey studied both men then casually shrugged.  “I
certainly don’t need Rafe now,” she remarked.  “I’m sure he’ll be happy to be
off the hook.”

She approached Rafe with Skyler and Logan in tow. 
Rafe casually leaned on the corner of the desk and eyed the trio approaching

“My friends are going with me to find Marcus,” she
announced.  “You don’t need to come along after all.”

Rafe eyed Logan and Skyler, immediately making both
uncomfortable.  He looked back at Hailey with little emotion.

“I have my orders.”

His reaction surprised her.  She thought he’d be
happy to go back to his regular gig.  Hailey looked at Skyler and Logan and
raised her brows.  Neither man appeared pleased with the outcome.  The three
reluctantly walked toward the connecting corridor with Rafe bringing up the
rear just a few feet behind them.

“Hmm,” Logan muttered, “this is creepy.  Usually
when a suit is following a brother, someone’s getting knifed.”

“I don’t know,” Skyler teased.  “I think he’s like
a little lost puppy following us home from school.”

“That’s one serious puppy,” Hailey muttered just
loud enough for them to hear.  “Give me a few minutes to lose the hired goon
then I’ll meet you in the basement.”  As they approached the ladies’ restroom,
Hailey stopped.  “I need to visit the girl’s room,” she announced to the guys. 
“I’ll catch up with you.”

Logan gave a half-hearted salute.  Both men
continued along the corridor.  Hailey turned to Rafe and held up a warning finger.

wait out here,” she announced firmly.

He cocked his head to the side and gave her a stern
glare.  She hated to admit it, but she was almost enjoying messing with him. 
Hailey entered the elegant ladies’ restroom.  It contained an outer sitting area
with wicker and leather furniture and a long vanity with a wall-to-wall mirror
for those who required extensive primping.  There were baskets filled with
amenities ranging from perfume to make-up and hairspray.  She passed through
the sitting area and entered the washroom area, which consisted of a long row
of marble sinks and fancy little towels in a basket.  Hailey was beginning to
wonder if she’d ever reach the actual toilet area.  She made a mental note to
herself to have a peek inside the men’s restroom.  She didn’t doubt they had a
television and bar.

Hailey finally entered the elegant toilet area with
at least ten stalls encased in tile.  The private doors went down to the floor,
completely enclosing each individual toilet.  She approached the stained glass
window along the back wall.  Thankfully, it could be opened with plenty of room
for her to squeeze through.  Beyond the ladies’ restroom window was an area
restricted for maintenance, but it would only be a short walk to the back
entrance of the spa, taking her close to one of the basement entrances.

ailey, having made her great escape, hurried down the fire
stairs to join the guys in the basement.  It was almost fun eluding Rafe.  She
was certain he was going to be pissed, but being pissed was his usual state
anyway.  She finally reached the basement and looked around.  She appeared to
be by herself.  Lucinda had been right; the basement was creepy.

“Skyler?  Logan?”

There was no response.  They wouldn’t have gone
far.  It hadn’t taken her that long to slip away from Rafe.  Hailey approached
the wine cellar just a couple feet away.  She didn’t know why, but she felt she
was being followed.  She was about to turn when a hand grabbed her shoulder. 
Hailey screamed and turned to see Vance behind her.  He chuckled softly, having
startled her, and then turned serious. 

“Serves you right.  What are you doing down here by
yourself anyway?” Vance demanded.

Skyler and Logan darted out from the wine cellar
and stared at Hailey with Vance.  Both men relaxed. 

Vance looked at the others then back at Hailey.  “I
must have missed the memo announcing this meeting.”

“There’s a subtle irony that we all gathered here
for the occasion,” Logan remarked.

Hailey looked at Logan, despite still holding her
chest, and extended her hand.  “Lead the way, Mr. Tour Director.”

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