Missing Link (The Finders Book 1) (22 page)

The room was silent for all of three seconds before laughter filed the crowded space. Links face beamed down at me and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Dinner it is." He said softly.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


We stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Grabbing some snack foods and things to make a lasagne (or attempt to at least) and a salad. Everyone was bringing something with them to put in for dinner, like a pot luck, which made my life a little easier since my cooking skills were non-existent to say the least. I was excited and bouncy. Link laughed as he drove towards home.

"What?" I asked, unable to wipe the smile off my face as I looked over at him.

He shook his head, "I remember the way you looked when we were heading toward Rome’s barbeque that day. You were petrified at the prospect of being around a large group of people. Now look at you."

It was true, the last thing I wanted then was to be around people. Not knowing how I was expected to act and fearful over being judged.

"I believe I proposed that we pretended I was a mute." I giggled, shaking my head. Link pulled into the driveway and put the car into park. But instead of reaching for the door handle, he reached for me. He cupped my chin in his hand and drew my mouth to him until our lips brushed ever so lightly.

"For a while, you struggled with who you were and where your life was heading. But I have always seen the person that you are. Strong, beautiful, loyal, caring, sometimes a little smarted mouthed. I'm just glad now you are confident enough to see it too."

I didn't wait a second before launching my mouth onto his with all the passion my body possessed. I kissed him with everything I had, and even then it just wasn't enough. I wanted to give my whole body to this man, to surrender all I was and let him have me. Because I knew Link was all I would ever need to be happy. We broke apart, breathe hard and staring into each other's eyes, oblivious to the rest of the world.

"We should go and get some of this food ready before we are bombarded with guests." He whispered, but didn't move. I sighed dramatically.

"Yeah I guess." I turned to get out of the car, noticing for the first time that the apartment door was slightly ajar. My stomach sunk instantly and I sunk back into the seat. I reached out and gripped Links hand tightly. "Link..."

I turned toward him, his eyes were narrowed, glaring at the open door. He reached over me and popped open the glove compartment' pulling out a small hand gun.

"Stay here." He said sternly, leaning in to kiss me briskly before he reached for the door handle and jumped out and stormed towards the apartment. I saw flashes in my head. The door being broken, Link kissing me before running from the bedroom, the sound of shots, Links body laying on the kitchen floor, blood everywhere.

"No!" I cried out before leaping from the car and running after him. I already went through losing him once, just the idea of losing him again bought tears to my eyes. I ran up the small path and flew through the now wide open door.

"What are you doing here?!" I heard Link exclaim, I tip toed through the kitchen, preparing myself for a fight. But when I heard a woman’s voice, my body froze.

"I thought you'd be excited to see me." She said. The voice sounded vaguely familiar.

"I almost shot you!" Link growled. When the woman laughed my eyes widened and I stepped out in to the lounge area.

"You always were a little dramatic, Lincoln." They stood in the middle of the room, embracing tightly. Her black hair with a rainbow of blues and greens and reds streaked through it was unmistakable.

"Allie?" I said quietly. They both jumped at the sound of my voice, turning towards me. Allies face beamed, whilst Link looked a little worried. "What's going on?"

Link walked towards me, taking my hands. "Sam, this is my sister, Dallas. But I guess you two have already met..."

Allie grinned and wiggled her fingers in a wave.

"How many people did you have watching me?" He opened his mouth to speak but I held my palm in front of his face. "Don't tell me. Charlie's Cook is actually your aunt and she's actually coming in to make us all dinner."

Allie giggled and a small smirk appeared at Links mouth.

"I knew I liked her." Allie laughed, taking a seat on the couch. Link wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Me too." He whispered.


I checked the lasagne and took a sip of my wine.

"So how did you get the job of coming to visit me?" I asked Allie as I sat across the table from her and Link. She smirked and the resemblance between her and Link was uncanny,

"Apparently my powers of persuasion were needed." Link laughed and she elbowed him in the side, "what?"

"What she actually means is she is bossy and hard headed." Allie swung to back hand him but he quickly jumped up. "D actually does do hair and nails and make up stuff. We needed some more insight so we thought if anybody was going to be able to get into your head that you needed to get out of there it would be her."

Allie shrugged, "I tell it like it is."

I nodded in understanding. After Allies visit that day I had questioned a lot of things.

"Paige said you moved away. Are you back for good?" I asked sipping at my wine as Link came around behind me and rubbed at my shoulders. I noticed her tense a little before offering me a smile.

"I'm thinking about it." She cleared her throat. "A friend offered me a job here helping with weddings and things. I couldn't really pass it up."

"That's great." My heart warmed. I liked Allie. I could see us becoming good friends.

Chapter Thirty


Our friends were slowly trickling in. Rome showed up with an uncomfortable Isla in tow. She sat at the table with me and Allie as Allie told me different stories about hers and links childhood. Isla didn't say much but threw a smile in here or there. Even though I could tell they were forced I was still glad that she was becoming a little more comfortable around everyone and had stopped searching for Rome with her eyes every few minutes.

It was obvious there was a connection between them. I just wasn't sure at this point how deep it ran. Rome would come into the kitchen every now and then for no reason at all and place a hand on her shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. The instant he did I saw her body visibly relax before he disappeared again.

Paige ran in and threw her arms around Allie, spurting about how happy she was for her to be back before giving me a tight hug. She didn't say anything. I don't think it was needed. We were both just happy that everything was okay and everybody was safe.

Dom was another story. As soon as he entered the room I felt the tension thicken. His eyes shot open when he saw Allie standing next to me but as he moved toward her she quickly excused herself and for the first time I saw what seemed like sadness cross her face. I moved to go after her but I was suddenly wrapped in two strong arms, two arms that I instantly sunk into and never wanted to leave.

We had a good time. We celebrated my freedom, we celebrated allies return and we celebrated even for the friend that I had lost through it all. The boys all asked questions about Teddy, I told them all about him. Kale added his input occasionally too; as it seems they had developed a close relationship in the short time he had spent working for Charlie. I wasn’t until Kale remarked that Teddy would have made a great addition to The Finders that I felt another wave of sadness flow through my body. Allie had quickly made some comment about her part in everything and how they should welcome her into their company also, gaining laughter from everyone, even a grim faced Isla, and settling my tension.

I never thought before that I could be so easily content and happy. I didn't need money or fancy clothes. Having people around that cared about me was more than enough to have me smiling so hard that by the end of the night my cheeks actually hurt.

I was starting a new chapter in my life. I didn't know where I was going, what tomorrow would bring, but I didn't care. I was finally able to be me. I wouldn't dwell on the past because if I did, all I was doing was letting Charlie once again win. I was a fighter. I was strong. And if for some reason I fell, I have a beautiful group of people who will be right there to pick me up again.

I found my light in the darkness. And it was going to burn bright.

Chapter Thirty-One




I stared at myself in the mirror of Romans bathroom. My skin was once pristine. A gorgeous creamy colour. Smooth and silky. I didn't tan much during summer months but I didn't mind. I wasn't skinny but I had liked my curves. They made me feel like a woman. I had never had a problem attracting boys when I was in college. I knew I was pretty, beautiful even but I was modest and shy. I ran my fingers through my hair. It was once silky and long. Now my blonde locks felt like straw and had been cut short, falling just above my shoulders. As I pulled my hands threw I could feel the strands come with it resulting in a large clump of hair tangled through my fingers. I shuddered and shook the matted mess into the small waste basket under the sink. The doctors said it was a sign of stress. He had laughed and told me ‘at least I wasn't eating it like some people do when they are stressed.' Roman had promptly glared at him and ordered him from the room before telling me my hair still looked beautiful.

Now as I stared in the mirror, I wondered who this person was staring back at me, who this body belonged to. The skin was patchy, it's colour uneven and plagued with imperfections. I was slim now, too slim to be considered attractive. My collar bone was prominent and my stomach so flat my rib cage was clearly visible. There were scars and yellowing bruises scattered everywhere. I felt bile rise in my throat as ran my fingers over the jagged scar that ran from just above my knee to half way up my thigh. A large bruise covered half my left side. I could still feel the impact of his boots as they had relentlessly attacked my ribs, breaking one in the process. It was healed now but the memories were not. I don't think they would ever be. 

"Isla? Are you okay?" I jumped as I heard Roman's voice through the bathroom door.

"Yes." I said loudly enough for him to hear but my eyes never leaving my reflection.

"Are you sure?" I could hear the concern in his voice but I didn't reply. I had spoken very little since I had been released from the hospital and Roman had taken me into his care, or protection should I say. "Okay, well just call out if you need anything."

I heard his footsteps move back down the hall way and slumped quietly onto the floor. My life had been a living hell for the last year. I had been a prisoner. I had been starved and beaten and made to do things that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. But here I was, free. Free from the most evil man in the world, free to get my life back. But as I eyed the pills that I had removed from Roman’s medicine cabinet, I wondered if I was really free.

The memories infected my mind like a disease. I could feel every hit, every slice through my body, his body still pressed down on top of me. And at that point I felt like I would never be whole again. I would always be a dark shell of the bright girl I once was. I didn't want to live that way. Fighting the nightmares away every night.

I gripped the sink and dragged my naked body from the cold tiled floor. I reached out and picked up the small bottle of pills in my hand. Tears burned at my eyes, dripping slowly down my cheeks as I unscrewed the lid. A shaky hand tipped the entire bottle into my other palm.

I relished the idea of finally feeling peace. Finally being free, really and truly free. I lifted my hand to my mouth, ready to leave reality behind but unfortunately I guess the universe had more in store for me.

The bathroom door flew open and before I could react the handful of pills were thrown across the bathroom and I was scooped into two large arms. I didn't fight. I didn't scream. I just curled into Roman’
s chest and sobbed.

"Shhh, Angel." I gripped his t shirt in my small hands and cried while he smoothed my hair and whispered in my ear, his voice soothing and comforting. "Shhh, Angel."

My freedom would have to wait.

Thank you!


Thank you everyone who took the time to read my first novel.

“Finding Rome” Isla and Rome’s book will be the second in The Finders Series and will hopefully be released late January/ Early February!

About The Author


Addison Jane is from a small country called New Zealand. She’s been an obsessive writer and reader since she was young and was constantly starting new stories but never finishing them. She lives in a small town, a single parent to a beautiful little girl. She also works part time with primary school aged children, annoyed that real life often gets in the way of her reading and writing! Addison has an amazing supportive family and would have never gotten to where she was without them.

Missing Link is the first full novel Addison has written and she’s never been more scared to share it with you! Sam and Link were hard to part with at the end of this book after spending so long with them. But she was very happy that they got the ending they deserved.

Addison is thankful that she has had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people during her book writing journey so far. Readers, authors, promotional. We all need each other in order to get through, and she appreciates everyone who has helped her finally get here.

Table Of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter two

Chapter Three


Chapter Four


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