Missing Link (The Finders Book 1) (3 page)

"Mr Lincoln Davids. I don't particularly appreciate people snooping into my business." Charlie had a stern voice that made me think this man was in serious trouble. Charlie was a man who kept a lot of secrets, someone who was digging through them needed to be removed and fast.

"Maybe that's because you have things to hide, Sir." A smirk touched at the corner of Lincoln's mouth. Charlie laughed softly with an evil undertone I could never miss. I knew something bad was about to go down and for some reason my heart or my head, I was unsure of which at this point, told me I needed to try and get him out of here, quickly.

I moved swiftly down the stairs, my hand drifting lightly over the railing as I descended. I kept my eyes focused on the strange man and as I got closer I realised just how gorgeous he was. He was dressed in dark clothes, black jeans that fitted him perfectly and a simple black tshirt that had a small logo over his right peck. His dark black hair was spiked on the ends, his shoulders broad. I was almost compelled to run to him and let him wrap me in his strong arms which were intricately decorated with tattoos.

His gaze flicked to me, starting at my bare feet and moving delectably slowly up my body. When he finally reached my face, I thought I saw a moment of shock cross his bold features. I touched Charlie's arm lightly, surprising him. He quickly turned towards me and his face softened slightly.

"Baby, go back to bed. I'm just dealing with some business." He said, bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing it gently. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the man standing before us, Lincoln. I knew that there was something important about him. His body called out to me, and if I had met him when I first was taken by Charlie I'm sure I would have screamed at him to take me, to save me. But I had learnt to be a lot smarter than that, I knew how to get what I wanted from Charlie, and now was one of those times I had to play the part, to get this guy out of here and safe.

I pouted up at Charlie.

"But I was looking for you and you weren't in bed." I'm not sure whether it was confusion or surprise that crossed his face but I quickly continued, hoping to use it to my advantage. "Please come to bed with me."

I pulled his hand towards me and his body followed, an arm snaking softly around my waist. 

"I'll finish this, then come straight there. Go and wait for me."

I shook my head, to Charlie it was me saying no, but in reality it was simply because I couldn't believe what was about to come out my mouth. I tip toed up and placed my mouth close to his ear. My eyes stayed focused on Lincoln who looked surprisingly agitated at my show of affection, fisting his hands tightly. Charlie pulled me in tighter. I placed a hand on his chest and fiddled with the buttons on his white collared shirt.

"Throw him out the door now," I nodded towards Lincoln, "and I will let you have anything, and do anything with me that you want."

He pulled back and searched my eyes, I kept them as innocent as possible. My stomach was turning, wishing for him to give in to my advances. I just knew I needed to get this guy out the door and Charlie away from him quickly.

He gripped my hip so tightly I just about cringed in pain, but I noticed the hunger that shot through his eyes and I held his gaze without falter.

He didn't move to look at the man as he spoke.

"Mr Davids, I'd like to introduce you to my partner, Samantha Ashley." Charlie turned me so my back was pressed to his chest, he pulled slowly at the tie that was wrapped around my waist, holding my silk gown together. I shuffled nervously as it fell open at the front, exposing my black silk thong and matching lace bra which were both trimmed with red stitching. Lincoln folded his arms tightly across his chest causing his muscles to stretch against his tshirt but held his eyes only on my face. His body was stiff and he was clearly annoyed at this turn of events.

"Isn't she beautiful?” Charlie said, dropping his mouth to my neck and grazing his lips gently over the sensitive space below my ear causing my body to shudder involuntarily. Lincoln's lips pursed and his eyes narrowed. I dipped my eyes; ashamed of the way Charlie was obviously using me to provoke a response.

"She's stunning." My eyes shot back up as Lincoln's voice resonated in the large space. A dimple slowly formed in his cheek as his mouth turned up on one side. "Don't suppose you'd let me take her off your hands?" He said eying Charlie with a smug look, showing he was unintimidated by this show of arrogance. I suppressed the smile that tugged at my mouth. I was impressed and deeply intrigued by this mysterious man who stood confidently in front of me. Charlie's grip on my waist tightened and I cringed waiting for his anger to take over and for him to give the order to destroy this cocky and defiant stranger.

"Seems today is your lucky day, Lincoln." My eyes widened in surprise and in my head I sighed in relief.

"It would seem I have more important things to do than putting a bullet in you for sticking your nose where it’s not wanted. Consider yourself lucky I have more... Pressing matters to attend to." He pressed tightly against my back and made a show of skimming his hand underneath my breast.

He nodded towards the guards who lowered their guns.

"Samantha, show Mr Davids out will you."

He released me suddenly, and moved towards the staircase.

"Sh...sure." I said quickly, but with a slight stutter. My fingers fumbled with the tie on my robe, trying to get it closed again.

"5 minutes." He said sternly, before sauntering slowly up the stairs "He doesn't touch her." He called in a sing song voice without turning around, I assumed aimed at the two guards who were now situated on either side of the staircase. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. As I passed Lincoln I inhaled his scent. It was utterly divine and I almost melted on the spot.

"Come on." I called over my shoulder. I pushed the two doors open wide and closed my eyes, smiling as I felt the cool night breeze on my bare skin. The bright lights of the city were mesmerising. They twinkled and sparkled like the night sky. I wasn't allowed out often at night so I took my time scanning the whole city, appreciating every little glimmer of light.

I didn't even look when I felt his presence standing next to me.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I spoke in a hushed tone, knowing the guards could see us but careful not to let them hear me.

"Nothing compared to when I saw you walk down those steps." My breath caught in my throat and my heart hammered away at my chest. "Why are you with Captain douche bag?"

I looked up at him and smiled. This close I could see the hazel colour of his eyes, they were bright and full of life. Something I knew my own eyes didn't portray.

"He treats me well." I said simply, shrugging my shoulders.

"But you don't want to be here, your little performance there didn't fool me." I scoffed and looked back towards the city lights.

"You need to go now.” I gestured to the lights. "I bet there's someone out there waiting for you to come home safely."

"Is there someone waiting for you to come home safely?"

"This is my home, Mr Davids." I whispered. "Now you should go before the both of us get in trouble."

I turned back towards the door but he reached out and grabbed a hold of my elbow.

"Call me Link."

I looked towards the guards who had reached into their pockets, ready to pull weapons at his touch. I held up an open hand and they slowly returned to their casual stance. The feeling I felt when he touched me was nothing like when Charlie touched me. I wanted it, I craved it. It had been a long time since I had wanted someone so desperately to touch me. His hands were rough like sandpaper but his touch was light and soothing. I pulled my arm from his grasp quickly. I wasn't sure what was going on.

I looked up in to his beautiful eyes, I was sure they were sparkling at me. I ran my eyes over his features. He had a strong jaw line that was covered in the slightest amount of stubble, a very tiny stud through his right ear and a scar that ran through one of his thick eyebrows. His jaw was clenched hard, like he was trying to stop himself from saying something.

"I know what you've agreed to, just so you could save me. Why?"

I looked up at the staircase, knowing Charlie was there, waiting for me. Waiting to touch me, waiting to feel my body hot against his, waiting to hear the moans that he thought came from pleasure. I'd promised him my body, something which I usually tried anything I could to avoid. And what for? This man standing in front of me who I had never met but that made my heart pound and a flame flicker inside me that I thought had been doused a long time ago.

"You have a life to go back to, Link. I won't let him take your freedom too." His eyes shot wide open with surprise.

"How long have you been here?"

I frowned. I'd already stood here too long. "You need to go. Now."

"I'll repay you for this." He vowed. I smiled up at him, curling my fingers into my fist, trying to stop myself from reaching out, searching for just one more touch that would singe my skin in the most perfect way.

"Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to play with fire?” I questioned, amused by his cockiness given the situation he was just in.

He shrugged, a grin appearing on his plump lips. “Fire is hot, but it has its weaknesses.”

“Not when it’s created by the Devil himself.” I retorted, annoyed slightly by his carefree attitude. “You need to go before you get burned.”

With that I ran back inside, not even bothering to close the door or look behind me to study his face but headed straight up the stairs. I could feel tears burn at the back of my eyes, trying to push their way through the barrier I had created to keep them out. I hadn't cried in a long time. I had learnt not to. Tears wouldn't get me out of here, tears wouldn't make me feel better, tears wouldn't stop Charlie from selling me if I betrayed him. Tears were useless.

I headed straight for Charlie's bedroom, trying to straighten my gown and fix my hair as I walked quickly down the hall way. I stopped at his door, it was a deep blue colour, it had always reminded me of his eyes; the dark blue pools that held darkness behind them. I sighed silently and plastered a fake smile on my face and I twisted the handle and pushed.

Charlie sat on the edge of his large king bed, removing his shoes and socks and placing them softly beside the bed. He hadn't looked at me yet and I knew simply from that, he was angry. I moved towards him, standing between his spread legs and reaching for his tie. I slowly loosened it and slipped it from around his neck, laying it gently next to him on the bed. Charlie was a very tidy and organised man. He hated mess, he hated clutter and he hated anything that was disorganised. I guess this was why he had become such an accomplished business man.

His hand shot out and gripped my wrist tightly as I reached for the top button of his shirt. I jumped slightly, my eyes widening as I found his deep glare staring back at me. He stood slowly, I tried to shuffle back but he only gripped tighter causing me to wince in pain. He stood over me, tall and broad.

"You will NEVER again interrupt me when I am doing business, do you understand, Samantha?" I nodded quickly, not daring to say a word.

He grabbed my other wrist and turned me, forcing me back onto the bed and looming over me.

"The only reason I let you get away with that little stunt was because I saw the way Mr Davids was eyeing you." A devious smirk came across his mouth as he leaned closer, "He needed to know who you belonged to. You could have told him everything, made a run for it even. But you didn't. You came back to me. Because you are mine."

I began to understand the meaning of his little show downstairs. He wanted to make a point. He wanted to show both me and Link that, even given the opportunity, I would stay by Charlie's side. He had seen this much like a test of my loyalty to him. To him I had passed with flying colours, standing by his side and returning to him. When in reality it was quite the opposite. The different feelings my body had experienced when in Link's presence was new and exciting and I felt a need to experience more of it.

I tried to compose myself, raising my leg so it skimmed up his thigh and hooked around his hips.

"Of course. I wanted you, that's why I came to find you." His hold on my wrists released and I gripped his shirt in my hands, pulling myself forward and quickly working the buttons of his shirt undone. I didn't look to his face, Charlie liked me confident when I was by his side in public, but at times like this he wanted me to submit.

"I'm sorry, Charlie." I whispered quietly "please forgive my stupidity."

He made a gruff sound, showing that he had acknowledged my apology, and the tightening in the crotch of his pants showed me how much he liked my actions. While a small amount of bile lingered in my throat, I pushed back all my emotions. I didn't want to feel, I would make all the right noises and my movements would be flawless but tonight I would be imagining someone else's body pushed against mine. Lincoln Davids.






When I saw her walk down those steps, I knew exactly who she was. I'd seen that face on more the one occasion, her sharp pointed nose, her bowed lips, and the bright auburn hair that glowed in the light. Her eyes had stayed connected with mine as she had tiptoed barefoot across the tiled floor. Her silk wrap around tied tightly, accentuating her slim waist.

She was beautiful. Stunning. Amazing.

I pulled up with a screeching halt to my friend Romans house, completely ignoring the path as I jumped from the car and jogged across the grass to his front door, not even bothering to knock. Roman was standing at the kitchen sink in only his sleep pants, filling a large glass with water, almost flinging it across the room as I barged through.

"Holy shit, Link! Where's the damn fire?!" He exclaimed, gripping his heart.

"Where's the kid?" I slurred in a hurry to get my words out. Roman cocked an eyebrow at me curiously.

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