Missy's Gentle Giant (27 page)

Read Missy's Gentle Giant Online

Authors: P D Miller

“I kn—know.”

“Does it feel good when I touch you
and kiss you?”  His hand slid down her back again, over her bottom and
down her thigh.

“Yes, it’s just new and—”

His fingers splayed over her
buttock and extended toward her center, and she stiffened a little when his
tongue and lips touched her bottom again.  Ben felt it and pulled
back.  “Oops.”


“Honey I thought your scar from
falling out of the tree was on your leg.”

“It is.”  She relaxed again.

“Oh.”  He smiled and traced a
tiny scar with his tongue on her right bottom cheek.

“What’s wrong?”  She started
to raise herself.

“Found another scar.”

“No way!”

“Yep, right here.”  He mashed
it with his finger.

“I don’t believe you.”  She
shifted toward her side, bent her leg, turned her shoulders back and tried to
see.  “Where?  I don’t see it.”

“Wait.  I’ll get a mirror.” He
jumped from the bed, went to the bureau and brought back a mirror. 
Carefully he angled the mirror so she could see herself, probably more of her
bottom than she’d ever seen.  He tried to hide a grin.

“I don’t believe it.”  She
touched the scar.  “I haven’t the slightest idea how I got it.”

“My poor flawed baby.  It’s
beautiful.”  Ben sat back on his ankles and laughed.  “Wanna’ see if
you have any more?”

Missy reached up and touched his
cheek.  “I love you.”

“I love you too.”  His face
grew serious.

“Oh Ben, I’m so sorry I’ve been so

“You couldn’t help it.”

“No wait, listen.” She twisted
around until she was sitting in front of him fully visible.  “I do trust
you.  I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I trust you, and I don’t
want you to stop.”  She stared down at the bed.  “Please make love to
me; ignore my fears and teach me.”

“Oh yes.”  He reached out and
pulled her face up to his, his tongue searched and his lips crashed against
hers.  Their kiss was deep and warring.  Missy felt the wild desire
he’d shown before and realized at that moment he’d been holding it at bay all
this time.  His feelings weren’t gone.  Oh, he wanted her just as
much as before.

“What can I do?”  She was out
of breath.

Nothing this time, please.” 
His lips went to her shoulder and he lowered her down on the bed on her
back.  “Just lie there and trust me.”

“I will.  I don’t want you to
stop, even if I shake please.”

“Yes.”  When his hand slid
down and covered a breast, he looked into her eyes.  “They’re just the
right size for me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Honey, you’re the most perfectly
proportioned woman I’ve ever seen.”  Slowly he massaged her breast. 
“Does it feel good?”

Missy closed her eyes.  “Yes,
and when you sucked before—”

Ben’s breath caught and his heart
skipped a beat.  Shifting he reached for her hand and pulled it above her
head as his tongue reached out in search of a nipple to suck.  He bent
himself nearly double trying to control the way his body was coming
apart.  Breathing as if he’d just run five miles, his tongue and sucking
lips attacked her other nipple while his hand slid downward.

“Oh, you’re so beautiful.”  He
said with his left hand.  “So soft.”  His right hand slid down her
side, over her breasts and started down to her stomach. Missy began to
shake.  Fear and uncertainty wrenched Ben.  “Missy.”

“Do—don’t stop Ben.”

“Tell me if you don’t like what I

“Yes, I will.”

“I love you.”  His fingers
flew.  “Trust me.”  His tongue and lips tasted a little lower to the
edge of her hair, but her shaking grew worse.  “I don’t want to stop—tell
me—tell me.”  He must slow down a little.  He couldn’t stop
now.  They’d come too far.

“Do—don’t stop.  I’ve—I’ve
never felt this.”  Her breathing became labored.

Ben rose to sitting and scooted off
the bed.


Quickly he reached up and touched
her fingers.  “I’m here, but I have to do something I’ve wanted to do for
a long time.”  On his knees beside the bed, he took hold of her feet and
kissed her toes.  Slowly he kissed them and sucked on each toe while his
hand slid up the inside of her calves.


“When I was under Abigail I wanted
to do this.  Damn, how I wanted to do this!”  His sucking kisses
slowly went up her calf as he raised himself, and his hand led the way to her
thighs.  Ben could feel the arousal in her and saw her begin to roll her
hips.  Her legs seemed be opening willingly for him.  Gently and
slowly he pushed them apart with nudges of his hands and face.  Slowly he
bent her legs up and lowered himself on the bed below her.


“I’m right here.”  His hand
flew.  Perspiration beaded his forehead and shoulders.  He glanced at
her swaying hips, moist forehead, heavy breathing and closed eyes. 
Lunging over her while keeping himself well above her, he attacked her tongue
and lips again.  It was a long, lingering kiss, while with his hand he
told of his love and how wonderful she was.  They were both gasping when
he pulled away, and he slid down to catch a nipple in his mouth.

“So good.”  Missy
murmured.  “Oh, so good.”

His heartbeat quickened until he
thought it was going to burst from his chest.  Slowly he moved the kisses
lower, circled and left thoroughly wet her naval and then slid toward her
hair.  Her hand shot to his hair and pulled it.  He ignored her other
than to tell her with his left hand how she tasted so wonderful as his kisses
scooted sideways to her hip and down her thigh.  She seemed to have
forgotten his hand massaging her inner thigh.  He pulled her hand down and
forced her to feel herself.  Ben was going to die right there.  Calling
for strength and shaking all over himself, he let her hand go and his fingers
gently moved upward seeking her center of heat.


“I’m here, trust me.”  He
closed his eyes in pain and worry as he rubbed the outside of her until he
touched her tender peak.  Missy’s back arched and her hips jerked
forward.  She was wet with heat and arousal.  Slowly he massaged her

“Oh!”  Both her hands searched
for him as if she were blind.  Withdrawing his hand, he moved over her,
touched her tongue and crashed against her in a searching kiss.  Both her
arms flew around his shoulders.  He reached down and rubbed against her
tender peak.  Gasping again, he pulled away.

 “Oh Ben!  Oh—so—good.”

He was dying for sure. 
Pulling away from her, he forced himself up and moved lower.  Shaking
still, he took each one of her hands and placed them on his shoulders, never
stopping the rhythm of his fingers.  She dug her fingernails into him, and
he saw her closed eyes, her hips rocking.  Breathing heavily, he watched
her for a moment.  Her expression was mixed with fear, pain and
need.  She shook nervously, but he must move now or never.

Carefully he descended for a taste
of her as his fingers tried to give her pleasure.  She groaned and dug her
fingernails deeper into him.  Her whole body tightened around him.


His tongue slipped in a heated
rhythm as his hand caressed her, and his skin felt for her to reach a
peak.  So intent was he to have her feel an orgasm, Ben forgot his own
throbbing pain for a moment.  His left hand snaked up and teased a nipple,
as he moved over her and rubbed himself against her.  He was afraid to
enter her.  Her whole body tightened around him and she groaned deeply
like a wounded animal.  Quickly Ben’s tongue lashed out for hers, his
penis rubbed against her faster, and he pulled her close while the ripples of
an orgasm surged through her.  Unconsciously trying to get closer to her
and touch her more, his own inner tension exploded with liquid heat spurting
between her legs and all over his hand.  Relief waved through him and he
pulled Missy closer.

“Oh honey!  My tight assed
Missy.”  His voice caught.

She was so lost in the shattering
she felt in her own body she tightened her hold on him.

After several moments Ben
remembered his weight, lifted enough to see her gown nearby, slowly moved his
hand away and reached for the gown to dry himself.  He rolled until he was
on his back and she was on top of him.  Then he sighed with a wave of
relief he felt and enclosed her in his massive arms.  For several minutes
nothing could be heard but their heavy breathing slowly becoming softer and
more relaxed.  When Missy sighed deeply and audibly, Ben smiled. 
Tears rolled down his cheeks and he swallowed hard.  Damn, he felt like a
king when he heard her sigh,  Reaching up, he touched her hair and reveled
in her deep slow breathing.  She was peacefully asleep, lying there on top
of him.  And if he was right, now she’d trust him totally, maybe even let
him enter her next time.  Never had he expected he’d have an orgasm
too.  Happily he closed his eyes.


“Ben?”  Missy shifted a little
on him.

“Mm.”  He pulled her tighter.

“Are you awake?”  She snuggled
into his hold.

“Nope.”  He smiled.

“I’m too heavy.”  She tried to
lift herself.

“No, you feel perfect here.” 
He tightened his grip.   “Tell me how you feel.”

“Mm.”  She couldn’t have seen
him ask the question, but she answered.  She’d heard him?  Reaching
up he took hold of her head to hold it down against him.  “Have you ever
felt this way before?”

“Never.  Every inch of me was
filled with tension until I wanted to scream, and then bang!  Oh, I
thought I went into a million pieces.”

Ben closed his eyes and fought
tears.  She could hear him.  How had it happened?

“I want to ask you
something.”  She didn’t move from the security of his arms.


“Why did you call me your tight
assed Missy?”

“Did I?”

“You did—just after you came over
me, right as I fell apart, you said—”  She didn’t move, but he felt a tear
on his chest.

“Yes, well when you told me they
called you—honey they paid you a compliment, and it was a gift to me when you
said you’d been saving yourself.  In a way, it’s a compliment.”

“After what you said, I thought
so.”  She kissed his chest.  “It doesn’t mean I’m abnormal at all;
does it?”

“Nope, it means you’re mine and you
always have been.”

“I love you, Ben.”

“Mm, I know my beautiful.”

“I feel terrible too.”

“You shouldn’t.  Why?” 
He pulled her closer.  Did she know she was hearing?

“You put up with so much. 
After you kidnapped me, you wanted me terribly and I hurt you.  Then when
we got married, you wanted me again, and I hurt you.  Until tonight I
thought I’d killed your passion and again tonight, I hurt—”

“Nope, no way!”  Ben lurched,
started to push Missy up but stopped.  “Oops.”

“Nope?  Oops?”

“Yeah, we’re not going to move
until we clear some very important things up.”

“Okay, such as?”

“What makes you think you hurt me?”

“When I was kidnapped you wanted to
love me, but you didn’t want to after we became engaged or since we’ve been

“I’ve never stopped wanting to love

“I—I know, but you loved me less.”

“You thought I loved you
less?  I never loved you less, just showed it less.”

“I—I don’t understand.”

“Let’s see if I can explain.  Funny
thing about sexual desire.”  He smiled.  “Sometimes it takes so much
energy to do one thing, the outward desire seems to disappear.”

“You’re talking in circles.”

“My outward desire was only
diminished because I used so much energy during the drug bust and then fighting
all your brothers.”  Especially getting the bastard Mario Moreno. 
Triumph waved through him.  “Inwardly I wanted you more than ever, but I
didn’t want to rush you and could control myself better.  But as time
dragged on, it got harder.  Ask Gonzalo, he’ll tell you I’d go running
every night just to keep up with what your good night kisses did to me.”

“So that’s why you were running on
our wedding night.”  Her eyes opened wide.

“Yeah.”  Ben chuckled. 
“Gonzalo even teased me about trying out for the Olympics.  I thought I
was going to have to take up swimming too.”

“But you wanted to love me after we
were married.  What happened between my going home and tonight to make you
be so casual?”

“Gonzalo didn’t tell you?”

“Gonzalo told me you were with the
girl over business, couldn’t stand her and she was trying to come on to
you.  Is there something more?”  She raised herself showing worry.

Ben pulled her back down to his
chest, so she couldn’t see him talk.  Damn, he loved this!  Talking
to her and knowing she could hear.  “Honey I was aching with passion all
those days—in fact, I thought I was going to die.  I worked until I
couldn’t hold my eyes open any longer, went home and slept.”

“Then, what happened?”

“Your brothers again.  They
stomped into my office accusing me of being with another woman, and something
just clicked inside me.  I was hit with a blind rage and decided it was
time to kill them all, especially Gonzalo.  I was ready to finally give it
all up until Gonzalo sent me a letter telling me you’d gone to the
doctor.”  He chuckled.  “Then I decided the only thing for us to do
was to get away from everyone so we could work it out.”

“Oh.”  She didn’t move.

“Something wrong?”

“Ben, who packed all those—those—”

Ben laughed.  “I did.  I
thought you were just overly shy about your body.  It never occurred to me
you might think you were different from other women.”

“Oh.”  Missy rubbed her nose
against his chest.  “Have you given any thought about when we leave?”

“When we leave?”

“Yeah, I have three choices. 
Either I wear one of your T-shirts or my old gray nightgown or I dress like—”

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