Mistletoe Bachelors (9 page)

Read Mistletoe Bachelors Online

Authors: Jennifer Snow

“You did great.” The young girl smiled.

“Thank you.” Madison appreciated the lie. The photographer had taken at least fifty
different shots, hopefully he’d be able to find enough to fill page three.
Cole waited outside the tent when she emerged. “You were incredible.” He stood in front of
her and pulled her scarf tighter around her neck.
“I was freezing.” She laughed, and her teeth chattered. She didn’t think she would ever feel
warm again.
“I couldn’t tell. You were great. Maybe you could model for me sometime.” He lowered his
voice as he towered over her. In her heeled boots, he still stood a good two inches taller.
Madison’s pulse raced faster than it had moments before in front of the camera. “That will
never happen.” She forced herself to look up at him.
“There you go saying
again.” He grinned.
“That was great!” Nathan complimented as he reached them. “You helped us out of a tight
spot today.” He gave her a big hug. “As promised.” He handed her a bag full of the samples
she’d modeled. “Enjoy.”
“Thank you. Those shoes are incredible.” Madison shivered again.
Cole rubbed her arms. “We should get you back to the
. You are freezing.”
“Yes please, go on ahead.” Nathan tossed Cole the keys to the vehicle. “We are about to
wrap it up for today. I’ll be with you two in a few moments.”
Madison didn’t pull away when Cole wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her
through the park toward the
Hummer. It’s just for warmth
“You know, it did look like you were having fun, once your nervousness subsided.” Cole
helped her back into the
and turned on the heater and seat warmer.
“I did.” Madison placed her hands in front of the blast of hot air coming from the vents. “I
hope Damian doesn’t find out.
Do not
tell him.” She pointed a finger at him.
“My lips are sealed, but it will cost you.” His eyes gleamed with mischief.
Madison’s narrowed.
“Fine, I won’t tell him.” Cole said with a laugh.
Nathan opened the driver side door and climbed into the
. “But we have those
tickets for tonight’s game.” His cell phone rested on one shoulder. “No—of course,
you’re right—I’ll be there.” He shut the phone and sighed. He turned in his seat to face Madison.
“Unfortunately there has been a slight change of plans for tonight. Becca’s niece is singing in her
school play, and she’s forcing me to go.” He faked a smile. “I won’t be able to go to the football
game tonight.” He put the
in reverse and backed out of the parking stall.
“That’s too bad. I was looking forward to it.” Cole pouted in the backseat. Madison shot him
a look.
“But of course, family comes first.”
“That doesn’t mean you two can’t go. The seats are incredible, someone should enjoy them.”
Nathan reached into his pocket and produced the tickets. He handed them to Cole.
“Oh no, we couldn’t accept…” Madison stopped as Cole kicked the back of her seat.
“Shh…These are great seats, Madison.”
“Really I don’t mind.” Nathan laughed. “We all make sacrifices in love, don’t we?”
Madison could see many sacrifices in Nathan’s future, but she bit her tongue. She hoped she
was wrong and wished him and Becca a
of happiness. Or six months, whichever came
first. “Okay, if you’re sure.” Madison could see a big smile emerge on Cole’s face through the
side view mirror. She shook her head.
The man was a big child
“I am.” Nathan pulled the
in front of the hotel.
“It was a pleasure getting to know you,” Madison said.
Cole opened the passenger side door and helped her climb down from the vehicle.
“The pleasure was mine.” Nathan waved. “Merry Christmas. I’ll be looking forward to
reading the article.”
Madison and Cole said
to bachelor number two and headed inside the hotel.
“So, I’ll meet you back here in the lobby at six thirty?” Cole hit the button for the elevator.
He waved the football tickets in the air.
“You know, I think I’ll pass on the game. All I want is a hot bath.” It
wasn’t a lie
. The late
night, early morning, and slight hangover had exhausted her. She also couldn’t wait to call
Samantha. Her friend would be shocked to hear what she’d done.
“I could skip the game for a hot bath.” Cole shrugged and leaned against the wall inside the
Madison stabbed the button for the third floor and glared at him. “I meant
“Look Madison, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I am a persistent man, and if you don’t
agree to go to the game with me, I’ll find another way to see you tonight.” The elevator stopped
on their floor. He held the doors open, blocking her escape.
She hesitated. He wasn’t kidding.
How dangerous could a football game be?
If he was like
most men, he wouldn’t even acknowledge her once the game started.
Much better than any
alternative plans.
She sighed and shot him an annoyed look. A bath would have to wait.
“Fine.” Madison shoved past him out into the hallway. “But just the game, then straight
back here to the hotel. I mean it, Cole.” She pointed a finger at him.
“Can’t wait to get me back to the hotel huh?” He paused outside her room door.
“Cole.” She shoved the key card into the lock.
“Okay, I promise. Just the game, nothing more.” He gave her a
Scout’s honor
Madison rolled her eyes and pushed her hotel room door open. She doubted he’d ever been a
boy scout.

* * * *
Two hours later, Madison and Cole arrived at
Metlife Stadium
among a sell out crowd. The

were playing the
Kansas City Chiefs,
and the rivalry was intense.
“Have you ever been to an NFL game before?” Cole handed their tickets to a woman
sporting a
New York Giant’s
jersey behind a thin glass panel.
“No.” Madison shook her head.
“You’re in for a treat.” Cole took her hand and led her through the large crowd of people to
their sideline seats.
Madison wiggled her hand free once they’d reached their seats and sat as far away from him
as possible in the cold plastic chair.
Cole looked away and smiled.
The woman was terrified of her feelings for him.
The walls
protecting her heart were coming down, but it was a slow process. He was patient. Little by little
he would break through as she learned to trust him. The details about her divorce were vague.
One thing he knew for sure, the guy was an idiot for hurting her and letting her go. Once she was
in his arms, he wouldn’t be making
mistake. The intensity of his feelings for her normally
would have sent him running. He hadn’t allowed himself to fall this hard for a woman in years,
but this was different. She was different,
. He had to convince her to give him a chance.
By halftime, Madison’s voice was hoarse, and her cheeks were flushed with excitement.
“Can I get you a drink?” Cole asked.
“Yes, please. Wow. I didn’t realize how exciting a live football game could be.” She
laughed. “My voice sounds terrible. Great first impression for bachelor number three in the
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” He stood. “Be right back.”
He returned a few moments later with their drinks and took his seat next to her as the
Cheerleaders started their halftime routine, wearing cute Santa suits, and performing to the music
Jingle Bell Rock
. Contrary to the eyes of every other man in the stadium, Cole couldn’t take
his eyes off of Madison.
“What?” Madison took a sip of her cold beer and toyed with the plastic lid of the cup. “The
cheerleaders are that way.” She gave a nervous laugh.
“I was thinking about how incredibly beautiful
are. And how your eyes light up when
you let your guard down long enough to enjoy life.” He stared at her hands and fought the urge
to reach out to touch them. He didn’t want to chance ruining the evening they were having by
being too forward. Scott’s advice rang in his mind. “Sometimes it’s like you try hard not to let
anyone see the real you, and it’s a shame because you are wonderful.”
Madison swallowed “I’m…careful,” she said after a moment.
A commotion behind them caught their attention. The
mascot approached their
section, throwing t-shirts out into the stands.
“Hey over here!” Cole stood in the stands to get the mascot’s attention.
The mascot turned and threw a t-shirt their way.
Cole caught it in one hand and handed it to Madison. “A souvenir from your first football
She unfolded the shirt and held it against her body. The fabric reached her knees. She
“Okay, so you can use it for a nightgown.” Cole took a sip of his beer.
“Hey you two. Look up at the screen,” a kid sitting behind Cole said.
Madison looked and gasped at her smiling face on the big screen. The smile faded. “What is
that? Why are we on the screen?” Panic crept into her voice.
Cole’s smile spread from ear to ear.
Finally another opportunity to kiss her
. This was
How could she blame this one on him?
“Well little lady, it looks like I’ll be getting that
kiss after all.” He turned in his seat to face her, setting his beer on the floor next to his feet.
“Cole, no.” Madison held up her hands and backed away.
The crowd chanted, “Kiss, kiss, kiss!”
“Sorry Madison. This is beyond my control.” His mischievous grin reached his blue eyes as
he leaned toward her.
“Come on, you two. Kiss already,” the little boy behind them urged.
“What do you say, Madison? Can we give the fans what they want?” Cole reached forward
and cupped her face between his strong hands, closing the gap between them until his lips were
inches from hers.
“Oops.” Cole heard the boy gasp before he felt the first drop of soda hit the top of his head.
He jumped back as the little boy’s soda spilled down the front of his shirt.
He grabbed
for a napkin.
Madison laughed and handed him her napkin. “Can you admit now, this kiss is not meant to
be?” She sat back in her seat and watched him clean up the liquid.
Forget that.
Meant to be or not, he was getting that kiss. “Don’t be so sure about that.” He
grabbed her and drew her toward him. He placed her arms around his neck, and his hands
gripped her ribs. Before she could escape his grasp, his lips met hers. The kiss was forceful,
deep, full of longing, and he didn’t release her until he heard the satisfactory moan escape her
pretty lips.
Better, much better

Chapter Six

A cool New York breeze rustled the last of the fall leaves beneath her feet as Madison
returned from the corner café a few blocks from the hotel the following morning. Last night’s
beer and late night hadn’t been the best idea. The coffee in the hotel room wasn’t strong enough.
Bachelor number three spent his holiday seasons on the ski slopes in Whistler, British Columbia,
and Madison dreaded the trip. Their flight was at nine o’clock, and she was meeting Cole in the
hotel lobby at seven to drive to the airport. She hadn’t slept a wink. Replaying their kiss over and
over behind her closed lids, she’d tossed and turned. The kiss had been unexpected, and she’d
been defenseless to prevent it. It had been so long since a man had made her feel the way Cole
did with a simple look. His touch stirred a longing in her she’d forgotten existed and his kiss…
She couldn’t let that happen again. One broken heart in her lifetime was more than enough. Cole
Harris was sexy, kind, talented, but trouble.
Lots of trouble.
She groaned. She couldn’t afford
any more trouble, despite how bad she might crave it.

Cole loaded the truck in the hotel parking lot when she arrived back at the hotel.
“Good morning.” She offered him an eggnog latte. A peace offering to soften the blow
before telling him the kiss couldn’t happen again. She rehearsed her speech in her head again—
co-workers, professional, not interested, blah blah blah—
All lies
“No thanks.” He shook his head and ignored the drink.
“Okay.” She frowned, puzzled by his mood. She looked at the cup in her hand
what to do with the disgusting thing. She sure as hell wouldn’t drink it.
He tossed another suitcase in the back of the truck.
“Cole, about that kiss last night…” She shifted from one foot to the other, studying the
“It shouldn’t have happened. We are co-workers, and you are not interested in changing the
status of that relationship. Did I get it all?” He stopped working and turned to face her, his hands
on his waist.
She stood open-mouthed near the passenger side of the truck. The words stuck in her throat.
what she’d been planning to say, but…
He glanced at his watch. “We are going to be late for the flight. Get in.” He climbed into the
driver’s seat and slammed the door.
She looked around and spotted a garbage can near the hotel door. She jogged to it and tossed
in the latte.
What was wrong with him?
Puzzled, disappointed and relieved, she climbed into the
At least she wouldn’t have to say it.
This time of year, they were lucky to be on the same flight heading to Whistler. Therefore,
they sat three rows apart in first class. Madison slid her laptop case under the seat in front of her
and shot a glance in Cole’s direction.
He didn’t appear to be missing her. He laughed and flirted with the tall blonde occupying the
seat next to him.
Madison fought the surge of jealousy rising.
What did she care anyway?
She didn’t want a
relationship with him. Her stomach turned, and she shifted in her seat. She had to quit lying to
The girl giggled at something Cole said, and he wrapped his arm across the back of her seat
to face her, ignoring the view from the window seat he’d insisted on.
So much for his motion
The girl glanced in her direction, and Madison swung around.
Battling another headache, she shrank lower in her seat and closed her eyes.
The blonde
could have him, she didn’t care
. The plane left the runway, and the next thing she heard was
Cole’s voice.
“Hey, wake up. We’re here.” He tapped her on the shoulder as he passed in the aisle.
Madison blinked the sleep from her eyes and gathered her things.
Cole didn’t wait for her as she struggled to remove her carry on from the overhead
compartment and pull her laptop from under the seat in front of her. She shot him an annoyed
look, which he ignored.
She ran to catch up with him once inside the
Vancouver International Airport
. “Hey, what is
the hurry?” She wiped her tired eyes. The three-hour nap hadn’t been long enough. Groggy, she
smoothed her dishevelled hair.
“We still have a two hour drive ahead of us up the mountain—that’s if the driving
conditions are good. This time of year, the weather is unpredictable, and it’s snowing.” Cole
handed the company credit card to the car rental clerk.
“You’ve been here before? To Whistler?” He hadn’t mentioned it.
“Yes, actually Madison, I meant to tell you before. Blake Ford is an old friend of mine.”
Cole picked up his luggage and headed toward the parking lot, keys in hand.
Bachelor number three, Blake Ford was a successful, Olympic snowboarder.
How did Cole
know him?
“Wait a second, do you know anymore of the remaining bachelors?” Madison stopped, and
her heart raced.
Did he know Kurt too?
“No, just Scott and Blake. It’s one of the reasons I was offered the assignment.” Cole tossed
their luggage into the trunk of the car and slammed it shut.
His sulking was annoying
. “What’s gotten you in a rotten mood today?” She asked,
slamming the passenger door shut. Last night they’d been laughing and getting along—and
kissing. Now he appeared annoyed to be around her.
“Nothing.” Cole started the car and turned on the windshield wipers. Heavy snow hit the
window at an angle.
“Fine.” Madison snapped her seatbelt and turned on the radio. Silence would be awkward.
The sound of Christmas music filled the space between them, and Madison hummed
Silent Night
as she kicked off her boots and tucked her feet beneath her in the seat. She reached into her bag
and pulled out a book.
Might as well get comfortable

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