Read Mob Mistress Online

Authors: Renee Rose

Mob Mistress (9 page)

“I’m looking out for your best interest, Lexi,” he said, increasing the intensity of his slaps. “You don’t ever want to be in the position of answering questions about me.”

“You’re mean,” she sputtered through clenched teeth.

He laughed. “No, this is just me loving on your perfect ass.” He stopped spanking and ran his hand over the pink blush he had created. Reaching around the front, he slid his fingers over her glossy slit. “I knew you’d be ready for me,” he purred.

Pulling out another condom, he rolled it over his shaft, wishing for once he could skip it and get the full sensation of her hot pussy enveloping his bare cock. He pressed against her entrance, groaning as she welcomed him in, her plump folds parting with the sweetest sensation as they closed around the head of his member.

He gripped both her elbows and pulled them back, pressing her chest down on the washing machine as he pumped into her.

“Who do you belong to, little girl?”


He fucked her harder. “Who owns you?”

“You do!” she gasped.

This time he finished, slamming his pelvis against hers until he came with a roar. “Come, Lexi!” he commanded, and she bucked, her body obedient to his will, her muscles tightening around his cock in a pulsing crescendo.

Even after he pulled out, removed the condom and zipped up his pants, he held her immobilized against the washing machine.

Tracing a finger down her butt crack, he touched her little pucker. “Has anyone ever taken you here before?”

“No,” she panted.

“No? With an ass this sweet? Because they didn’t try or because you told them no?”

“I told them no.”

“You don’t tell me no, though, do you?” he said, pressing his finger more insistently. She tightened against the intrusion, and he drew his hand back and slapped the back of her leg. “Spread your legs.”

She whimpered softly and opened her legs.

He brought his palm up, square on her pussy.

She shrieked.

He repeated the action, spanking her pussy again and again, delighted that despite her cries of protest, she held perfectly still for it. He dipped his thumb into her juices to lubricate it, then pushed it against her anus, gaining entry as he slid two fingers into her pussy at the same time. He finger fucked her, first pressing his thumb, then the two fingers, alternating holes as her mewls of protest and need grew louder.

“From now on, if I have to punish you, I’ll be using you here. It will help you remember who is in charge,” he said, thrusting harder.

She screamed as she bucked in a third orgasm, giving a sob of relief as it shook her. He eased his fingers out and pulled up her panties, flipping her skirt down. Turning her to face him, he kissed her.

“Good girl.”

Her eyes were dilated and she looked drunk, her knees wobbly beneath her.

He put his arm around her waist and guided her toward the door. “What else do you need to do to close up?”

She looked around blankly. “Uh... just lock up, I guess.”

He washed his hands in the sink and stopped by her station. “Where’s your purse?”

She gave her head a shake, as if to recover her senses. “Oh! Got it.” She opened a drawer and retrieved the purse, taking out her keys. She set the alarm and they exited. When she selected the correct key, he took it from her hands and locked the door.

“I’ll drive you home, but I can’t stay. That call was bad news.”

She searched his face, her sharp intelligence returning, but she knew better than to ask.

Remembering when she had received bad news, he asked, “How is your sister?”

“Better. She’s out of the hospital and sounds like she’s doing fine. I don’t know — sometimes it’s hard to tell, because I had thought she was fine before, you know?”

“Right. It’s probably especially hard to tell from a distance. Are you sure you don’t want to fly back to visit?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. But thanks, that’s a generous offer.”

When they reached the apartment, he walked her to the door, pulling her into his arms and kissing her when they reached it. He could sense her disappointment at ending the date early, but doubted she would complain. He stuffed some cash in her purse without her noticing — this was not the moment to make her feel cheap and used.

“Goodnight, baby. Be good.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and offered her lips, but the line between her brows as she turned away told him all was not well.

He sighed as he pulled out his cell phone and called his accountant. The Feds had just subpoenaed all his financial records.

The mayor had called him five times.

And he could sense Lexi pulling back, which meant running off on her tonight was a mistake.



Chapter Seven


She walked out of the therapist’s office with a bounce in her step. Bobby had been right — the EMDR had completely liberated her from the trauma of her car accident. She’d sat in the therapist’s office and described the accident, moment by moment, all the while moving her eyes slowly from side to side. The therapist had her imagine the disturbing images of the event and conjure the feelings. When she stayed with the eye movements, all the terror lost its power over her.

Although she had made a follow up appointment, she left completely transformed, doubting she needed any further help.

As if to confirm her positivity, when she checked her voicemail afterward, she had received a call from human resources at Stellar saying they wanted to schedule an interview.

“Yes!” she whispered out loud as she walked to the El stop.

She dialed the number and by a third miracle, scheduled the interview for Tuesday afternoon, a few hours after the massage Bobby’s secretary had set up for her. She would be relaxed and ready to impress!

She called Gina. “Guess what?”

“Chicken butt?”

“I got an interview for the job!”

“Awesome! That’s fantastic, you deserve it, girl!”

“I’m so excited. And it just so happens that Bobby set up a massage for me that day, so I’ll be cool, calm and collected.”

“A massage, huh?” Gina repeated, sounding impressed.

“I know. He takes good care of me. Did I tell you he paid off my rent at the salon, too?”

“No! That’s fabulous. He’s a keeper.”

“Well, not really.”

“Why, what do you mean?”

“Nothing. Just that he’s not available. Unless I want to be a goomah for the rest of my life.”

“Oh. Gotcha. I’m sorry. That kinda sucks, doesn’t it?”


“Well, don’t worry about it for now. Just enjoy being treated like a princess. You could use a little pampering after all you’ve been through over the last year.”

“Yeah, thanks. That’s kind of what I’d arrived at, too. It’s good for now. Just not a permanent thing. Okay, I gotta go. I should call Bobby, too.”

“All right, take care, honey.”

“You too, bye!”

She hung up and dialed Bobby’s number, her pulse picking up a bit of speed, the way it always did when she interacted with him.

“Hey, babe,” he answered.

Her heart fluttered.

“Thank you so much for setting up the therapy appointment for me. I feel completely transformed. What a difference!”

“Hey, that’s great! Glad to hear it.”

“And I just found out I got the job interview — you know for that trainer position?”

“Of course I remember — the reason you took portfolio pictures. Congratulations. When is it?”

“Tuesday afternoon.”

“Fantastic. I’ll take you shopping for clothes, unless you already know what you want to wear.”

Her jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe him. “No — uh — I’d love to go shopping with you. Thanks!”

“Listen, baby, I wish I could take you out tonight to celebrate, but I’m up to my ears in shit right now. I will try to get over later, if I can.”

“Sure... no problem,” she said, irrationally disappointed. She’d held no expectation for him to take her out to celebrate, but to have him express the desire made her want it.

“Okay, I’ll text you if I can make it. Bye, doll.”

She ignored the neediness brewing underneath her thoughts about Bobby as she took the train to work and cut hair that afternoon. It was still a great day, regardless of the availability of her... what was he to her? Boyfriend? Owner? That made her chuckle. She preferred owner to boyfriend, somehow.

When a bouquet of lavender roses arrived with a note of congratulations from Bobby, she wiped all resentments from her mind. She didn’t need to be a glass half empty kind of girl. Or look a gift horse in the mouth. Or whatever other metaphor fit the situation.

Still, she found herself checking her phone that night, waiting for the text that never came.

At 11:00, she finally gave up and changed into her pajamas, turned out the lights and went to bed.

She woke to the sound of Bobby’s voice. “Hey, baby,” he said, climbing over the covers, reaching for her. His hands closed around her breasts, stroked down her body.

“Hey,” she said groggily as her body warmed under his lustful stroking.

He slid one hand down the front of her pajama pants to cup her mons. “You’re getting a whipping tonight,” he murmured in her ear.

She froze. “What did I do?”

“Nothing,” he said, his fingers gliding over her wet pussy. “I just want to take my belt to your ass.” He rolled her to her belly, pinning her down with his body. “Are you going to be a good girl and let me, or do I have to wait until you’re naughty?”

His words made her squirm. Or maybe it was his hands. Her body ignited under his possessive handling.

“You’re the boss,” she whispered, experiencing a certain power in being asked, excitement at giving him something he wanted, combined with the thrill of fear at knowing beyond any shadow of a doubt he enjoyed delivering pain.

He grasped her hair and tugged her head back. “That’s right, I am the boss of you, aren’t I, little girl?”

“Yes, sir,” she whimpered.

He nipped her ear with his teeth. “I love it when you call me

His approval excited her further, the same way the words “good girl” warmed her.

He climbed off her and pulled the covers back. “Put a pillow under your hips,” he demanded.

Her heart rate increased, palms turning sweaty as she obeyed, sliding the pillow under her hips.

In the darkness, she sensed Bobby get off the bed and walk around to her side.

“Who do you belong to?”


“Are you mine to do anything I want to?”

She turned her head to face the direction of his voice, blinking into the darkness. “Yes.”

“To fuck any way I want to?”

“Yes, sir. I’m yours.”

He moved near her head and she heard the sound of a zipper. “Open your mouth.”

She reached for his cock, but he caught her wrist.

“No hands,” he murmured, his voice low and sultry. “I want to fuck your mouth.”

She found the head of his cock with her lips and he pushed in, aggressively.

“I can fuck your mouth, can’t I, little girl? Because I can do whatever I want with you.”

She made a muffled sound of assent.

He gripped the back of her head and plunged slowly in and out of her mouth, controlling her completely.

“And your ass? I can fuck your ass when I want, too, right, little girl?”

She gave another muffled assent, even though the idea frightened her.

He withdrew from her mouth and she heard the jingle of his belt buckle and the whoosh of his belt pulling free from the loops.


* * * * *


“Put another pillow under your hips,” he ordered, only a few strokes from orgasm.

The way she scrambled to comply made him dizzy with lust for her, the power and euphoria of dominance surging through him.

He folded his belt in half and helped Lexi get situated over the pillows. “Push your ass up for me,” he commanded, pressing down on her low back to tip her pelvis.

Her lustful moan made him draw a quick breath.

He tapped the belt to her backside, perfecting his aim in the dim light. He slapped it across her buttocks with little force, since it wasn’t punishment and he wanted to ease her into it. He continued to apply it lightly while she made little gasps and waggled her ass as if tempting him to whip harder.

After twenty strokes, he increased the intensity, slowing down to give her time to digest the sting.

“Sometimes you get spanked just because I like to hear the sound of your cries,” he told her.

She made an incoherent sound.

He brought the leather implement down a little harder. “And because I love to see your ass welted and sore from my belt.”

She gave a whimper of protest.

“I know. It’s not fair, is it, little girl?”

She hunched her shoulders and he whipped harder still.

“Can you believe it’s an expression of my love, Lex?”

She stilled, as if listening.

He tossed the belt on the floor and crawled over her, gripping her hair in his fist again and pulling her head back. He spoke in her ear between clenched teeth “It drives me crazy when you give yourself to me like this.”

Her cry of excitement sent him over the edge and he nudged her thighs wider with his knees and freed his cock, sheathing it and shoving into her without preamble. He knew she’d be more than ready for him, the plumped and swollen folds of her pussy open like a flower. He lost himself in her delicious heat, his eyelids fluttering as all rational thought disappeared.

Lexi’s moaning brought him back and he reached forward, cupping his palm under her chin to lift her head up, bowing her back as he continued to slam into her.

She gave a surprised mewl and made a high-pitched keening sound. The angle of her hips, still propped up by the pillows, gave him a perfect thrust toward her g-spot.

“Who gets to fuck you, Lex?”

“You do!” she gasped, sounding desperate with need.

He came, losing his mind again as the release exploded through his every sense. “Oh...
” he shouted.

“Yes!” she screamed.

He released her shin and pushed her into the bed at her nape, restraining her as she jerked and convulsed under him in her own beautiful climax.

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