Mobster's Baby: Bad Boy Mafia Romance (22 page)


One Year Later



“Babe, I’m exhausted,” I mumbled into the pillow as I crashed into bed. “Can’t you get up?”

Axel groaned and finally extricated himself from the bed. “Fine,” he said in a voice that sounded as tired as I felt. “But it’s your turn the next time.”


I grinned to myself. Our baby was sobbing loudly in the other room, but I knew it was only a matter of time before Axel would provide comfort.


“You’re a good dad,” I murmured as I felt myself drifting back off for a few precious seconds of sleep. “You’re such a good dad.”


When I woke up again, sun was streaming through the windows of our bedroom. At my request, Axel had redecorated the whole house. Now our bedroom was done in soothing colors: periwinkle and silver, with light wooden accents. It wasn’t nearly the epitome of masculine furnishings that Axel had previously espoused, but I could tell he liked it. I liked it, too; it brought me comfort during the long sleepless nights where we first brought the baby home.


It had been a year since that horrible night in the woods. I had nightmares about being kidnapped for months. They didn’t go away until Axel bought me my own gun—it was even pink—and taught me how to shoot. He took me to the firing range early one morning and guided my hands and arms, showing me how to take someone down for defense and for the kill.


Axel was still in the business. It was different than I thought it would be. He didn’t stay out late most nights, and from what I understood, the violence had really decreased with Leo’s death. Even though Axel and his father hadn’t been close, there was still a lot he wouldn’t say about his father now. He gave me some excuse about how it was bad luck to speak ill of the dead, but I knew better; despite everything, Axel had truly loved his father.


“Morning, sleepyhead,” Axel said as he strode into the room. He grinned at me and set a tray down on the bed. “Don’t think I forgot,” he added in a teasing voice.


“Good morning,” I said, blushing. “This is the latest I’ve slept in months!”

“I know,” Axel said. He yawned and I felt slightly guilty. I could tell that he was tired, but I really appreciated him helping out with the baby. After all, a lot of masculine Italian men wouldn’t even lift a finger. But Axel was a great co-parent. “I brought breakfast,” he added.

The heavenly aroma of bacon, sausage, and eggs filled my nose. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling until my lungs ached. When Axel handed me a fork, I fell upon the food and started eating like a maniac.


“I love seeing you eat,” Axel said. “You’re a healthy Italian Mama who needs to keep up her strength.” He grinned at me. “In all ways, baby,” he added, slipping a hand under the blanket and fondling my bare thighs.


I blushed deeply. Axel and I had a really intense sex life. Even when I was pregnant, he couldn’t get enough of me. It was like we were addicted to each other, and the only cure was ripping off each other’s clothes and tumbling into bed for an hour or two.


“I miss you,” Axel said. He leaned over and nuzzled my neck, sending shivers of arousal through my body. “I miss you so much.”


“Mm, Axel,” I moaned softly as I turned my head to the side and pressed my lips against his in a passionate kiss. The breakfast tray went crashing to the floor as Axel climbed on the bed and ran his hands down my body. My nerve endings jumped and cried out for his touch, and I felt myself shivering with lust.

“Oh, Portia baby,” Axel groaned as I slipped my hands down his back and clawed at the skin under his shirt. He bit my earlobe, sending a spike of lust through my body. “I want you so bad.”

From the other room, a loud cry made Axel jump apart from my body. I could have cried with frustration; between my legs was thumping and soaked with arousal.


“It’s your turn,” Axel smirked. He flopped down on the bed and recused the tray from the floor, nibbling at a piece of discarded bacon. “Your son is hungry.”


Rolling my eyes, I got to my feet and slipped into a kimono before padding into the other room and taking baby Giorgio in my arms. Giorgio was a great baby, but that didn’t excuse the fact that he spent most of his time sobbing. He’d had colic from a young age, and then I just secretly thought that he was jealous of all the attention Axel and I gave each other.


Giorgio was a beautiful baby. His eyes had been blue, like mine, but now they were dark, like Axel’s. His blonde hair was just beginning to grow and in the dim light, it looked like a messy halo around his head. When he saw me, he stopped crying and lifted his arms to be held.


“You are too smart for your own good,” I muttered as I scooped him out of his crib and held him firmly against my chest. “You know that? Too damn smart.”


Giorgio cuddled against my body and I took a deep smell of his milky, soft scent. He was a perfect baby, aside from how fussy he could be when Axel and I were trying to have adult time.

“I love you, baby,” I told him. “Thanks for sticking with me. I know that night was pretty hellish, but you made it out alive, didn’t you?”


I was barely aware of Axel slipping inside and putting a hand on my lower back. He grinned at me, his face glowing with pride. Even though we were both exhausted, I couldn’t deny how happy I was. For once, I had the perfect family. And I was never going to give it up.


“What do you say you put Giorgio down for a nap and come back to bed, huh?” Axel teased, whispering in my ear and sending shivers down my spine.


“I don’t know,” I said softly. “He’s so happy in my arms, look, he fell asleep again.”


Axel smiled. He reached over and stroked his son’s blonde hair. “He’s a tough little man,” he said approvingly. “But I want a chance to give his mommy that girl she so desperately wanted,” he added in a teasing tone. “I want little Giorgio to have a sister.”


I rolled my eyes. After my twenty-hour labor, I wasn’t exactly ready for another baby. “I don’t know,” I said. “You won’t be satisfied until we’ve filled this house with kids.”


Axel grinned at me, then reached over and smacked my ass. “That’s the idea,” he said with a smirk. “That’s exactly the idea.”






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Bad Boy's Baby


Once is never enough.


I’ve got money. I’ve got power. I do what I want, when I want, how I want. 
I clawed my way out of the gutter to get to this life. 
There's not a thing in this world that could convince me to give it all up. 
Well, except for one. 
I thought I'd never see her again, but the world has a sick way of throwing your past back in your face. When I stop a couple of punk kids from assaulting an innocent girl, who turns out to be the 
damsel in distress

Her, of course. 
The sight of her still makes me 
hard with desire

And when it turns out that she has a son – my son – that she's been hiding from me for all these years, I almost explode. 
Forget the war with my rivals. 
There's only one thing that matters now: 
taking back what's mine.




A liar in a black leather jacket…

He was just supposed to be a pawn in the game I was playing… 
The arrogant bastard, the one every club member in the casino feared and idolized at the same time. 
All I had to do was seduce him and get my evidence. 
Look pretty and harmless while I got in, got what I needed, and got out. 
Easy as that. Nobody had to get hurt. 
But then it all went wrong. 
He knew I was trouble from the moment he saw me. 
Maybe it was because I didn’t have the desperate look in my eyes like the other girls. 
He was just another playboy, I thought. Leaving him in my wake would be no issue. 
But the first time we slept together, I realized just how badly I'd messed up. 
Diego didn’t just want sex. 
He wanted to break me... 
Tame me... 
claim me as his own.
He wanted everything. The scariest part of all was that, deep down, 
I wanted it, too.
Now I am trapped in a dangerous game with a very dangerous man. 
And neither of us will back down until we get what we came for. 




I had only one way to survive – on my back.




A girl's gotta get by,

and the only way to stay alive was by selling myself to the Hell's Disciples.


I told myself it was just a job,

that all the men were the same.


But when I was given to Mason for the night,

there was something different about him.


The tattoos covering his broad shoulders,

his intense eyes...

I was hooked.


There's only one problem:

If the Disciples find out their club girl has fallen for a rival,

neither of us will make it out alive.




I don't settle down. I f**k and move on.


When you're running drugs across the border,

the one thing you can't do is sit still.


That hooker I was given last week?

At first, she was nothing more than a peace offering.


But when my enemies say I can't have her,

there's only one thing I want to do:

own her completely.

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