Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (18 page)

“Let’s get you warm, baby,” Dillon said as he handed her over to Gavin to wrap the robe around her.

“Looks like it fits fine,” Gavin said.

“Well, it’s a little big if you ask me,” Briana said, laughing at how the robe wrapped around her.

“In another three or four months it won’t be,” Gavin said.

“I knew I didn’t like you for a reason.” Briana scowled at him.

Gavin just grinned and kissed her on the cheek. Dillon scooted her house shoes on her feet.

“Let’s watch a movie until I’m sleepy again,” Briana suggested.

The guys looked at each other and grinned.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at them. “What?”

“We said you would want to watch a movie when you got out of the tub. Do you want popcorn with it?” Dillon asked.

“Smart-ass. Yes.”

They watched an action movie and ate popcorn. Briana managed to stay awake through the entire thing. Dillon took the bowls to the kitchen and returned with a glass of milk for Briana.

She frowned. “I didn’t ask for that.”

“I know you meant to, though. Just a few sips, baby.” Dillon handed her the glass.

Briana rolled her eyes, but drank half the glass and handed it back to him. He smiled and kissed her.

“I swear, if you pat my head like a good little puppy, I’m going to scream.”

“I don’t want to waste a good scream. I know of another way to make you scream that we would all enjoy a lot more,” Gavin said with a wink.

“You’re incorrigible,” she said.

He picked her up and carried her up the stairs to the bedroom where he eased her to the floor and began unwrapping her from the bright-green robe. When she was nude but for the slippers, he settled her on the bed with her legs hanging over the edge.

“You stay right there while I get undressed. I didn’t get dessert, and after all that salty popcorn, I think I want something sweet.”

“Save some for me,” Dillon demanded.

Both men raced to undress. It was almost as if they were in competition with each other. She narrowed her eyes at them. What was going on?

Then they descended on her, and she couldn’t think at all anymore.

Dillon and Gavin both attacked her pussy with their mouths. Gavin managed to target her clit while Dillon speared her with his tongue. Then they switched, and the assault started all over again.

“God! It’s too much,” she yelped.

“What, baby?” Dillon asked.

“Everything. Slow down. What’s going on?”

“Nothing, Briana. We both want you and can’t agree on who’s first.”

“I liked it better when we were all three first,” she hinted.

“Baby, I don’t know if that’s a good idea while you’re pregnant,” Gavin said.

“I’m sure it will be fine for now. I’ll ask the doctor next month, though,” she assured them.

“Are you sure?” Dillon asked.

“If you don’t stop talking and start doing, your opportunity is going to go away.”

Briana elbowed her way back on the bed and rolled over. “Who gets to be ridden?” she asked.

Gavin crawled on the bed and lay down on his back. He helped Briana climb on top of him by holding his throbbing cock still for her to sink her hot cunt over. She closed her eyes and hissed out a breath as she swallowed him with her pussy.

“I wish you could see your face right now,” Gavin said. “You have the most glorious expression, as if you just sampled a favorite chocolate cake.”

“Near enough.” She smiled with sleepy eyes. “Move. I can’t stand not moving.”

“Not yet, baby. I need to prep you first.” Dillon poured a generous amount of lube on her back hole and began massaging it into her ass with one finger. She pushed back on him then down on Gavin over and over until Gavin pulled her down to his chest and held her there.

“Be still, Briana. I don’t want Dillon to hurt you.”

“He won’t. I trust him.”

Dillon entered her dark hole with two fingers this time. She breathed through the burn and sting until he had them past the ring and fully inside of her. He pumped them in and out of her ass several times before adding more lube and slowly adding a third finger.

“Yes, Dillon. Please, I want your cock now. I need to move. Please.” She felt tears well up in her eyes. The burn wasn’t too bad, but not moving was frustrating her to tears.

Dillon pulled out his fingers and lodged his dick at her back hole and slowly pushed inward.

“Breathe, Briana. Push back and breathe,” Gavin told her as he held her in his arms.

She pushed back and nearly screamed when Dillon’s dick finally popped through and kept going. He seated himself fully inside her. Gavin let her go, and she began moving between them. Back on Dillon then down on Gavin. Finally, they took the rhythm away from her by speeding up. She could only lie there while they used her as a vessel for their cocks. Her cunt burned and ached for release. Her ass burned with the awakening of seldom-used nerve endings. They amped up the pleasure as they slowly drove her upward to her climax.

Gavin whispered how he wanted back in her tight ass again soon. “I love how you grip me back there. I like to spank that round ass of yours and see it turn rosy red.”

Briana moaned at his dirty words and clamped down on his dick in her pussy until he groaned. It caused her to tighten around Dillon’s cock as well. He began to lose his rhythm and cursed.

“Fuck, I’m going to come. Gavin, I want her to come first.” Dillon grunted.

Gavin reached between them and fingered her clit then pinched it, and she screamed as her climax rolled over her, sending her flying off a cliff with no end in sight. She felt Gavin and Dillon both come inside her. The heat of their cum sent her into another frenzy of climax. Then she collapsed on top of Gavin and was dimly aware that Dillon did the same thing on her.

Gavin seemed to handle it okay at first, but soon fought to roll them all over on the bed. Dillon cursed when his feet fell off the other side of the bed. He pulled from her ass, making her groan at the sudden loss.

“Sorry, baby. I’ll be right back.” Dillon padded into the bathroom.

“You okay, Briana?” Gavin asked. “You’re not hurting anywhere, are you?”

“I’m fine. I’m going to be sore tomorrow from all the coming, but I’m not hurting,” she assured him.

She felt wonderful. The only thing that would have made it perfect was to hear the words afterwards. But neither man said them, and she wasn’t sure she would have believed them if they had. She swallowed. She had to stop thinking about the emotional side of things for now. She needed to concentrate on the babies and making things work right now.

After Dillon cleaned her up, they all three curled up around each other to go to sleep. It took Briana a while to drift off since she’d had her nap earlier, but after a little while of listening to the men snore, she dozed off.

* * * *

Dillon couldn’t relax until they had moved all of Briana’s things to the house. He worried that she would change her mind before they had her completely moved. Once she was settled in the house, he began to calm down some. He was still smarting over the fact that Gavin had turned the tables and announced he was going to marry her, not Dillon, as they’d discussed. The thing was, his reasoning was sound.

He was the oldest by several minutes, so the majority of their parents’ estate would come to him. As his wife, that meant if something happened to Gavin, then it would go to Briana and the children. Plus, he had fallen in love with her. He could admit it to himself and Dillon. He refused to tell Briana, though, until after the babies were born.

“She won’t believe me, just like she doesn’t believe you. She needs time to adjust to everything. We’ll get her to marry me and prove to her we love her. She’ll see over time.”

Dillon wasn’t so sure that waiting to tell her was the right thing to do. He wanted to tell her every day several times a day. But he waited and showed her instead.

Cole showed up the next week to tell them that they planned to take the job north of
and would be leaving that next Sunday to settle in. Gavin merely nodded and said they’d be ready. Dillon wasn’t ready to leave her just yet. She was going to the doctor again in a couple of weeks. They’d miss it and not know for sure what the doctor said. She wouldn’t tell them all of it. So far, he couldn’t tell that she had gained any weight whatsoever.

Gavin constantly fussed at her to eat, and that caused tension in the house. Dillon tried to bridge the gap and smooth things over, but it was getting on all of their nerves. Maybe the job would be a good idea after all.

“So when will you be back?” she asked.

Dillon could tell she didn’t like it. That gave him hope that she would miss them while they were gone.

“We’ll be back on Friday night around nine,” Gavin told her. “Maybe earlier.”

“You’ll be careful, won’t you?”

Dillon drew her into his arms. “Always, baby. We’ll be back before you know it.”

They made slow, sweet love to her Saturday night in an effort to show her how much she meant to them. She had snuggled up with them and gone to sleep. The guys left the bedroom to talk.

“I talked to West and Kyle. Brandy is supposed to check on her all week and Cole said Tina will, too,” Gavin said.

“Good. I don’t like her being totally alone. Plus, she needs to take care of herself, and she won’t if someone doesn’t push her. Tina will do that.”

“Are we okay, Dillon?” Gavin asked, looking him in the eye.

“Yeah. I don’t like it, but you’re right. It makes sense for you to marry her. It hurts my feelings that I can’t be the one she’s tied to.”

“You’re special to her, Dillon. She’ll never feel the way she feels about you for me.”

“I think you’re wrong about that,” Dillon told him. “She’s asked me why you don’t love her, and she worries about it.”

“Time will tell.” Gavin sighed. “I guess we better hit the bed. We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

They padded back upstairs to climb into bed and go to sleep.

Chapter Seventeen

The week passed quickly for Briana. She missed the guys something fierce, but concentrated on work and got back in the groove of things. She had frequent visits from both Brandy and Tina. She knew they were there to spy on her to be sure she ate and took care of herself. Still, she thoroughly enjoyed their company. Both women were totally in love with their men.

With them, she could confess her love for the guys, but not to Gavin and Dillon. Not yet. They would use it to get her to agree to marry them, and she wanted love for that. Without love, nothing would last.

Friday night, they pulled into the drive at a
. She couldn’t help but be excited, and danced when they walked in the house pulling off their helmets and riding gear.

Dillon grinned from ear to ear at her enthusiasm that they were home. He picked her up and twirled her in the air.

“Are you glad to see us, baby? Did you miss us just a little bit?” he asked.

“I missed you a little bit. Mostly in bed, though. I get cold without you there to keep me warm.”

Gavin pulled her out of Dillon’s arms and laid a fierce kiss on her. His tongue slid along hers before tempting her to join him in his mouth. Then he pulled back and grinned at her.

“Just in bed, huh? I’ll remember that when you’re horny.”

He hefted her up and down and frowned. “You feel like you’ve lost weight again.”

“I’ve been eating. Four small meals a day like he suggested. And I can eat fish now. I had grilled catfish yesterday. Brandy and I went out to eat dinner last night.”

“You went alone?” Gavin said, his frown deepening.

“Yeah, we didn’t go far, and she’s a safe driver.” She pouted.

“That’s good about the fish, baby.” Dillon, always the one to settle things down, piped up.

“So, you go back to the doctor next week. You’ll tell us the truth about what he says, won’t you?” Gavin pushed.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah. It’s going to be good news. I just know it. I’ve been eating. You’ll see.”

“How ’bout we order pizza in? Do you think you can eat a pizza, baby?” Dillon asked.

“You know, I think I can. If not, I’ll eat the rest of my grilled chicken I had for lunch.”

“Why don’t you order for us while we shower and get cleaned up?” Gavin suggested.

Briana called in the pizza order then decided to give one of them a blow job. She would choose based on who was in the shower at the time. She caught Dillon getting undressed and kissed him.

“I’m going to give Gavin a BJ. It won’t hurt your feelings, will it?” she asked.

“Only if you use up all the hot water,” he joked. “I love you, baby. I know you love me, too.”

She swallowed, but didn’t confirm it. Instead, she kissed him again and quickly undressed. She slipped in the shower before Gavin realized she was there, and was on her knees with his cock in her mouth when he finally cleared the soap from his eyes.

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