Monroe, Marla - The Carpenters' Helper [The Men of Space Station One #5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

“Is there more?” Brad asked, getting up.

“I’ll get it for you.” She started to stand, but Kirk reached over and grabbed her wrist.

“He can get it. Eat your food.” Kirk smiled at her.

Brad returned to his seat with a full bowl. It didn’t last long, either.

When the men finished, they sat and talked about the supplies while she ate. When she got up to clear the table, they got up with her and walked into the living room to continue their conversation.

Carmen quickly washed the dishes and cleaned up. Once she had everything clean and put away, she joined the men in the living room. They were sitting in the recliners talking about the garden.

“Any idea how many rows you want?” Brad asked.

“I have a drawing up in the room of how long and how many. I’ll get it for you.” She started to get up, but he stopped her.

“We can look at it later. We’re going to plow up the garden tomorrow so you can get to planting. We don’t want to waste any time.” Kirk crossed his legs at the ankles.

“I agree. We don’t know what sort of weather we will have until we’ve been here a while.”

“Well, I’m ready for bed. I’m tired. This has been one hell of a long day.” Kirk stood up and stretched.

“We better all get some sleep,” Brad agreed. He stood up and headed for the stairs.

Carmen stood up and watched their asses as they climbed the stairs. Heat pierced her core as her pussy grew wet. They had delectable asses. She quickly followed them upstairs. When she walked into the bedroom, it was to find them stripping and climbing into bed. She avoided looking at them and headed for the bathroom.

“I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Don’t be long,” Brad said.

That more than anything had her pussy creaming. What in the hell was she going to do with two very sexy men? She wasn’t a sexy person. How would she ever be able to keep them happy? For the first time, doubts began to form in her mind. They tormented her as she stripped and stepped into the shower. She hoped the warm water would wash away more than the dirt. She hoped it would wash away her fears.

Chapter Two

Kirk looked over at Brad standing naked by the bed. Neither one of them wanted to climb in without her between them. He couldn’t help it. He began to chuckle.

“What’s so fucking funny?” Brad asked.

“Us. Neither one of us will go to bed without her in the middle. We’re going to have to get past that, Brad. She’s going to leave us in bed together at some point, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, well, until then, we can wait until she gets here.” Brad all but growled.

“You still okay with sharing?” Kirk asked.

“Yeah, why? We’ve always shared in the past.”

“In the past, it was for fun and games. This is a wife we’re sharing. I just want to be sure you’re okay with it.”

“I think we’re past that now, buddy. We’re already here and she’s already our wife.” Brad sighed and climbed into bed. “Fuck it. I’m tired.”

“What do you think about her?” Kirk asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“She’s cute. I love her body. Can’t stand those thin chicks, you know that.”

Kirk nodded. She had the prettiest honey-colored hair he had ever seen, and beautiful green eyes. They were downright mesmerizing. She stood about five feet four inches with a rounded body that called to him. Her breasts would be a handful and her ass made him want to sink his dick into her. He knew from her information that she was twenty-four and had been raised on a farm in the Midwest. She would be a pro at raising a garden and tending to the animals once they got them.

“What are you thinking about over there?” Brad asked.

“Just thinking about her. I’m hoping we can keep her happy. She’s got a lot of work on her, just like we have.”

“The best thing we can do is keep her satisfied in bed and not take her for granted. Nothing pisses off a woman more than to think we aren’t interested in her.”

“I hope you’re right. I can sure hold up my side of it, then. I already appreciate her. She isn’t afraid of hard work, and she seems to be a hell of a good cook.” Kirk looked toward the bathroom as the water shut off.

They quieted down, and Kirk got under the covers. The bathroom door opened and Carmen emerged wearing a huge T-shirt.
At least she isn’t wearing pajamas
. He smiled and waited for her to climb over him. She looked like she wasn’t sure what to do, then got up at the foot of the bed and slipped beneath the covers.

She lay completely still in the middle of the bed, not touching either one of them. Kirk sighed. This was going to be a disaster unless he took matters into hand right now. He rolled over and wrapped an arm around her waist.

“Go to sleep, Carmen. We’re all tired tonight.”

She stiffened then slowly relaxed beneath his hand. He lay there a long time waiting on her to fall asleep. When she finally did, he listened to her soft snore and grinned. Then he fell asleep as well.

* * * *

Brad woke with the sensation of something heavy on his chest. He opened one eye and found that Carmen had climbed on top of him at some point during the night. Even more interesting was that Kirk had followed her across the bed and had his arm around her waist. His friend was almost on top of her. No wonder he was having trouble breathing. He lifted his hand off her back and smoothed her hair away from her face.


She sighed, but didn’t wake up.

“Kirk? You awake, man?”

“Aw, hell. Yeah. Hold on.”

Brad felt the bed move then dip.

“I’m up. I’m going to get dressed. Let her sleep some if you can.”

Brad heard the bathroom door close. So far, he was doing okay, but wasn’t sure how long he could manage to last holding her without his cock getting in the way. Her luscious body was draped suggestively over him. Of course, having her knee close to his balls could pose a problem when she woke up. Maybe he should wake her up.

He waited until Kirk got out of the bathroom. He figured she needed somewhere to go when he did. No doubt she would be nervous or embarrassed.
God, keep her off my nuts.

“Carmen? Wake up, honey.”

She stirred this time, and her knee grazed his balls. He hissed out a breath.

“Easy, there.”

“What time is it?” She lifted her head and looked around.

“Not sure. Could you keep your leg still, baby? Your knee is on my balls.” Brad saw her wince then watched as the color suffused her cheeks.

“Sorry.” She carefully moved her leg out of harm’s way.

Unfortunately, it left her straddling him with his cock pressing at her pussy. She turned an even brighter red.

“I think I need to move, but I’m not sure how to do it without hurting you,” she said.

“I’ve got you, baby. Hold on.” He rolled over on top of her. It ground his cock into her pussy.


“Easy, baby. I’m not going to hurt you.” He leaned over her and slowly lowered his head until his lips were a breath’s length from hers. “I’m going to kiss you, Carmen.”

He waited for a second. Then he leaned in and brushed his lips across hers in a butterfly kiss. When she didn’t fight or say anything, he deepened the kiss. He licked along her lips and she opened to him. He wasn’t used to being careful. He was used to taking what he wanted. Now he tried to slow down and give her room to pull back if she wanted to. Despite the files they were all given concerning their partners, he didn’t know enough about her to be demanding. This was his wife for the rest of his life. He needed to go slow and learn more about her.

“That’s it, baby. Slow and easy,” he whispered against her lips.

“Kiss me, Brad. Kiss me like you mean it.”

Brad groaned and took advantage of her open mouth and plunged his tongue inside. Then he was exploring her mouth and making it his. She moaned into his. She seemed to like the wilder side of him. He filed that away to think about later. Maybe this threesome wouldn’t be so bad after all. Maybe he wouldn’t have to suppress all of his dominant tendencies.

He slowly ended the kiss and pulled back. Her eyes were a dark green now and her lids half-closed. He wanted to go further, but not without Kirk. They would take her together the first time. They needed that to cement their bond.

With a supreme effort, Brad dragged himself off of her and rolled out of bed.

“Come on, sleepyhead. Time to get up.” He padded over to the bathroom. He didn’t bother closing the door. He wasn’t a private sort of person.

Evidently she was, because she closed it for him. When he emerged to dress, she was already gone.

Brad smiled and shook his head. Their little Carmen had a fire inside of her, but she was shy. He couldn’t wait to set her free. She’d burn them both. He had no doubt.

He found them sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. The sun was slowly rising but the light was on. She got up when he walked in, and headed for the coffeepot. When she poured a cup and handed it to him, Brad smiled and rubbed a thumb over her hand before he took it from her.

She lowered her lashes, but didn’t pull away. Then she got busy at the stove making breakfast.

“I think we’ve got a good idea of how you want the garden. You can show us where to plow and we’ll go from there,” Kirk said.

“Mostly, you want to get a place with good light. I’ll walk with you.”

They finished up breakfast and Carmen walked with them around the back until she was happy with the spot for the garden.

“This looks like as good a place as any. It’s close to the house and has plenty of sunlight.”

“Okay. We’ll start on it. You stay in the house. We won’t be able to watch you and work at the same time. I don’t like not knowing enough about those creatures they say are living around here.” Brad popped her on the ass as she turned to go. She shot him a sultry look over her shoulder.

As soon as she had disappeared inside the house, Brad turned to Kirk.

“She’s hot, Kirk. There’s fire beneath that shyness.”

“Just don’t move too fast, Brad. She’s scared, too. This is new to all of us, but it’s probably even scarier for her. She has to depend on two men she doesn’t know to take care of her. That has to be hard for her to accept.”

“I know. I’m going slowly.” Brad changed the subject. “Let’s go see about that tractor they taught us about. I can’t wait to see how it works.”

They spent the next four hours taking turns running the tractor to plow up the garden. The rich red soil tilled nicely and rowed up in no time at all. Kirk commented on it when they had finished and were cleaning up the tractor to put away.

“I’ve never seen red dirt that rich before. Usually red dirt has clay in it and is hard.”

“I know what you mean. This is like the rich black dirt of Earth, only red.” Brad reached down and grabbed a fistful. He let it sift through his fingers.

“Think there’s anything to the article about the food in that pamphlet they gave us?” Kirk asked.

“I don’t know. Has to be something to it, or they wouldn’t be warning us about it. Of course, warning us doesn’t do a hell of a lot of good, since we don’t have a choice but to eat what we grow.”

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