Moonlight Kin: A Wolf's Tale (16 page)

Why was he torturing her? He’d been so nice before.

“What do you want?” he repeated. “You need to tell me or I will get dressed and leave this room.”

“You,” she whimpered. “I want you.”

“Where do you want me?” he asked, his voice strangled.

“Here.” She blushed and pointed between her legs.

Damon’s fingers returned in a flash, slipping even deeper inside her. Madie’s sex clenched around them, but it didn’t impede his movements. Damon flowed in and out of her with ease, her moisture drowning his fingers. Madie’s hips picked up the rhythm he set.

She felt Damon shift a little higher. His breathing deepened, sawing in and out of his lungs. His mouth came down on her once again. He sucked her clit between his teeth and bit down. Hard

A buzzing noise started in Madie’s ears. She cried out as her whole body shook, then exploded in a million pieces. The orgasm ripped through her, scattering her thoughts, lifting her to a level of bliss she never knew existed.

Damon continued to lick her, while making happy gurgling sounds in the back of his throat. When the shudders lessened, he rose up and gave her a blistering kiss. Madie tasted her own essence, as his lips lingered over hers.

She dug her fingers into his hair, luxuriating in the feel of it. His erection stood proud against her soft skin. Madie’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment, relishing every sensation. She was shocked when her own arousal flickered to life once more.

“I had no idea.” Madie released him and ran her hands over her naked body, truly feeling it for the first time. “This was incredible. You are incredible.”

Damon cracked up, his laughter shaking his flat belly. “I do aim to please.”

He reached down and stroked her again.

“Damon, I’m not sure I can do it again—oh, that feels good.”

He smiled. “Just wait.”

Madie’s eyes closed as she relished his gentle ministrations. His fingers were tender, yet insistent. Demanding that she respond, and she did.

Tingles danced up her spine as she felt the pressure building anew.

The romance novels got it right.

Damon climbed onto the bed beside her. A second later, his hard body blanketed hers. The weight was odd, but strangely comfortable. Madie felt his massive erection brush against her stomach. Damon reached over to the bedside table and picked up the foil wrapper. He tore it with his teeth and quickly sheathed himself.

Madie felt the color drain from her face as her nerves returned. “I guess this is it.”

Damon’s face blanked. “Say the word and we’ll stop.”

She shifted uneasily beneath him, shoring up her courage. “I-I don’t want to stop.”

“Last chance.” He stoked the head of his cock against her entrance, teasing her flesh with the flared bulb.

“I want you. All of you.” Her body flooded with moisture and her hips undulated.

Damon stopped her movements. “Don’t do that or this isn’t going to last very long,” he gritted out.

Madie lowered her lashes and concentrated on the various sensations. She noted the scrap of his chest hair over her breasts, his hard muscles tensing above her, the soft steel of his shaft stretching her opening.

“Look at me, Madie,” Damon demanded.

Her eyes flew open to meet his gaze.

“I want you to know who you belong to tonight.” With that, Damon plunged inside of her, tearing through her hymen.

Pain speared Madie, causing her to gulp in air. The discomfort lasted but a minute, as her body tried to rapidly adjust to his brutal thickness.

“Relax. Breathe,” his voice sounded garbled as his whole body tensed.

“Does it hurt you, too?” she asked.

He swallowed hard. “Not in the same way.” Damon brushed the hair away from her face. “Are you all right?” He hadn’t moved a muscle since he entered her.

“Yes, I think so,” she said. “It feels…different. Like my body is stuffed.”

“It will feel a lot better in a minute. You just need time to adjust.” The strain in his voice was evident. “The first time always hurts, but not for long. It should be easing up now.”

Madie squirmed. Her body needed to move. “Damon?”

Without a word, he began to slowly thrust, the torture exquisite. Madie felt the thick glide as her body worked to accommodate him. He was right. The pain was fading quickly, becoming a distant memory thanks to the pleasure building inside her.

Her body was made for this man.
The thought shocked her, but she was honest enough not to deny it.

Damon trembled and his eyes darkened to deep amber. Sweat dampened his brow. He slid his hands under her bottom and lifted her hips, allowing his long shaft to embed even deeper. Madie let out a soft moan as desire snatched her up and carried her back toward the abyss.

If she died right now, she’d die a happy woman.

He continued his hard and steady assault on her senses. Madie clung to him as their bodies came together only to part the next second. She raked her nails down Damon’s back and nipped at his shoulder, eliciting a pleasurable growl from him. His hips bucked, then moved faster as he lost some of his steadfast control.

Damon felt impossibly long and thick inside of her. Bigger than he’d been at the start. Madie could feel him swell within her. He continued to grow until the fit became uncomfortable.

She’d never done this before, but something about the situation didn’t seem right. Madie had read about sex in several books, but none of them mentioned anything like this.

As the pressure increased, so did the internal stimulation. Her orgasm struck out of the blue and with such intensity that Madie nearly blacked out from the pleasure of it. When her breathing calmed and she’d floated back to Earth, she realized Damon was still inside her, as hard and hot as ever.

Stretched to the limits, Madie couldn’t take much more. “Damon, is this normal?”

The look of horror on his face told her that it wasn’t.

Madie stilled beneath him. “What’s happening? What’s wrong?” She had no idea what to do or how to help.




“Don’t move.” Damon’s mind screamed in agony and utter disbelief. The only time a werewolf experienced the melding was when he encountered his bondmate.

This couldn’t be happening—she was the enemy. She was human.

Werewolves didn’t bond with humans, but his body didn’t seem to care. He tried to pull out, but couldn’t. His cock felt like it was going to explode as it continued to grow.

Damon had heard tales of mating with ones bondmate, but he hadn’t believed the stories because they’d seemed like old wives’ tales concocted to scare the newly bonded. There was only one reason for a werewolf’s cock to swell—to guarantee the continuation of the species.

“Shit!” Damon’s world crashed around him. He tried to pull out again, but his shaft didn’t move. Panic hit as he realized he was locked inside Madie and would remain that way until the wolf decided it’d had enough. Damon thrust forward, hoping to ease some of the tension, but it had the opposite effect.

Damon groaned aloud as the intensity of the pleasure became nearly too much to bear.

He looked down into Madie’s face. She’d gone pale. He could smell the fear wafting from her pores. “Everything’s all right,” his voice took on as much of a comforting tone as he could manage under the circumstances. He had to admit that it wasn’t much.

Madie gasped. “It hurts.”

Damon stroked her hair. “I know and I’m sorry. It should stop hurting soon.” He prayed that was true.

She stared at him with eyes so trusting that something inside of him shattered. “I need you to move,” she said.

“Okay, but let me know if it hurts.” Damon made a short teasing stab forward and his cock pulsed. He moaned.

Madie’s sighed against his cheek. “Do that again.”

“Are you sure?” He wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

She nodded.

He did. It was her turn to moan.

“Harder this time,” Madie said.

Damon drove into her once more. His cock slid forward…right through the end of the condom. The sensation of skin on skin scalded him and was nearly his undoing. She felt amazing. So hot. So tight. So perfect. Damon cursed long and fluently inside his head. This could not be happening. But he knew that it was. The wolf would not be denied.

“Are you on any birth control?” he asked, already sure of the answer.

“No.” Her eyes widened. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine,” he said, but it wasn’t.

Unless he could figure out a way to pull out of her without injuring them both, Damon knew that there was a very good chance he’d impregnate Madie. It shouldn’t be possible since she was a human, but the bonding changed everything.

“Let me know if this hurts.” He slowly pulled his hips back. Pain shot through him. It felt like his dick was coming off.

Madie yelped.

He immediately pushed back in until he nudged her womb. “Better?”

She nodded.

He wasn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. Damon closed his eyes and waited for the revulsion to hit. It never came. Instead, a surge of unexpected happiness filled him. He reached between their bodies and stroked her clit.

Madie wiggled and her channel moistened even more. When the first flutters of her orgasm hit, Damon felt them all the way to his core. The powerful contractions took him over the edge with her. His body shuddered as he exploded inside her.

Damon moved as much as he could, as more and more of his essence filled her. Forty-five minutes later, his cock began to shrink back to normal size.

He took a long look at Madie’s dreamy expression and his heart began to pound as the ramifications of this moment registered once more. She was the Hunter. She would also always be from this day forward…

His bondmate.

He mentally berated himself. If he hadn’t been so bent on revenge, this would never have happened. He also would’ve never found his mate. The truth humbled Damon. There was no way he’d be able to kill her now, even if he couldn’t stop the initiation.

He’d sooner take his own life than destroy hers.

Madie snuggled closer, then smiled at him. “That was amazing.”

Damon kissed her hard, his mouth foraging for the sweetness hidden there. The urge to dominate was strong. “Let’s try it this way.” He withdrew from Madie and carefully flipped her over onto her stomach. Damon ripped away the shattered condom and tossed it onto the bedside table. It was useless now.

He pulled Madie to her hands and knees, then grasped her hips. Instinct took over, Damon positioned his shaft at her dripping entrance, then thrust as he bit down on the side of her neck just enough to draw blood. Her hands curled into the pillows and she cried out, but didn’t try to pull away.

Madie’s molten channel gripped him tight as he lapped at her neck, tasting her delicious blood. His hunger for her grew to ravenous as he took her in true Moonlight Kin fashion.

Damon’s hips pistoned in and out of her willing body with blinding speed. He felt tension rising inside Madie, as her inner muscles clenched around him and her knees quivered.

Suddenly, his wolf surfaced and Damon went wild. His hips slammed into Madie’s lush bottom, as he speared her deep, hard, and fast. She screamed out his name as her arms collapsed beneath her.

Damon held her hips, keeping her lower half in place as her channel milked his shaft. Pleasure exploded behind his eyelids at the delicious friction. He wasn’t going to last much longer. His sac drew up as he thrust forward and he felt his body tensed.

With a loud bellow, Damon came hard, exploding inside of her. His shaft pulsed as he pumped his rich seed deep into her channel, sealing their fates once and for all.



Chapter Seventeen


Madie lay stretched across the bed. Damon’s warmth seeped into her, capturing her heart, imprisoning it, even though she’d been determined to keep it safe. His even breaths tickled her ear, brushing her hair away from her face with their gentle cadence. She was boneless.

At least that’s what if felt like, since her body refused to move. She twisted her head until she could see more of Damon’s handsome face. As she stared, she relived every moment of their love-making. At times, the intensity of it had frightened her. The pain and pleasure had blurred into an endless spiral of release.

In all her years of reading about sex and imagining it, nothing had prepared her for the real thing. She’d entered his bed as a scared girl and came out a woman.

She continued to stare at Damon. Sweat still dampened his forehead and neck, making his hair curl up at the ends. He smelled of musk and man, a heady combination that nearly took her breath away.

Sleep brought out his true beauty, making him look younger, almost innocent—though Madie knew after last night he was anything but. His soft snores lent credence to his level of satisfaction.

It made Madie’s heart flip to know that she was the reason for his peaceful slumber. Whether she’d planned to be or not, she felt connected to Damon and knew she would always be joined to him in some fashion, even if they parted ways.

Though she didn’t care to think about them no longer being together, Madie had no regrets. How could she regret the best night of her life?

She rose from the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. Madie closed the door and looked in the mirror. Her hair was a mass of blonde tangles and her body felt tender to the touch, especially the massive hickey on her neck.

Damon had been so carried away by their love-making that he’d actually bit her. It had been shocking at the time, but the stinging pain had faded so quickly that she hadn’t given it another thought until now.

It looked like she was going to have to wear a turtleneck today at graduation.

Madie turned on the tap and splashed cold water on her face. The chill brought with it a fresh pink glow. She could still smell Damon’s lingering scent on her skin and wasn’t in a hurry to wash it off.

She used the facilities, then crept back into the bedroom. The sheets were in disarray and Damon was nowhere to be found. Madie walked around the bed and picked up her scattered clothing. Damon’s shirt lay on the floor next to her lace panties, but his pants were gone.

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