More Than Strangers (2 page)

Read More Than Strangers Online

Authors: Tara Quan

She wasn’t dumb and, unlike Brennan, she didn’t pretend to be. A part of him knew she was a novice at playing this game.

He had never expected Nulli to agree to this weekend. Jason made his intentions clear from the start. His business required constant travel, and there wasn’t room in his life for a drawn-out affair. He didn’t want a girlfriend; he wanted an easy lay. He made the proposal expecting a slap in the face.

Instead, she’d beamed at him as she replied, “That sounds perfect.”

Jason shook his head and tried to block out the troubling memory. He shut off the water, patted himself dry before pulling on a clean pair of jeans and a polo. Her acquiescence didn’t make sense, but no part of him wanted this to end.

She was undoing the mare’s tail braid when he returned to the stables. It wasn’t a task most people were comfortable with. A kick to the head could be lethal.

Perhaps sensing the unasked question, she smiled and explained, “I used to earn pocket money doing this at horse shows. Those jumpers are far worse-mannered than your darlings.”

It was another piece that didn’t fit, but selfishness won over curiosity. If he asked too many questions, his conscience might see fit to intervene. “Let the grooms finish this today. If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss your surprise.”

She exited the stall without fuss, looking remarkably fresh in the simple red sundress. He reached over to remove a piece of hay from her hair, and his hand lingered before he gave in to temptation. Cupping her nape, he drew her close and tilted her head for a kiss. With a sigh, she parted her lips and allowed him to probe her with his tongue. His fingers smoothed over her bared shoulders before tracing a line down her spine. A soft moan was her response. He grazed the side of her breasts with his thumbs. She shivered. He spread his fingers to span her lower back and pressed her body against his.

When he relinquished his hold, russet lashes fluttered to reveal her dazed gaze. Her lips were kiss-swollen, and her cheeks were flushed a rosy pink. The sultry look in her deep blue eyes made him certain he could have her here and now.

“If you keep looking at me like that, we’ll get arrested.” He forced himself to back away. Considering the growing bulge in his pants, this damn drive was going to be the longest three hours of his life. He planned on spending the entire time imagining ways to make Nulli pay for every minute.

Chapter 2

Spoiling Nulli was something Jason could get addicted to. He watched her swing open the suite’s back doors and couldn’t help but grin at her expression. Her eyes grew wide, and a smile dimpled both cheeks. An instant later, she dropped her overnight bag on the polished clay floor and raced outside.

This wasn’t his first trip to this exclusive desert resort, but the way Nulli marveled at the fort-like surroundings made the experience seem new. He saw the unending dunes of the Empty Quarter through her eyes and remembered how he once stood in awe of nature’s power to shape and mold. Few landscapes surpassed the beauty of an ocean of sand stretching as far as the eye could see. It took another’s delight for him to appreciate what had always been within reach.

She kicked off her sandals, stepped onto the porch, and skipped toward the dunes. “I didn’t know you could just walk into the desert from the hotel room. This place is amazing.”

The desert scape was beautiful, but it paled in comparison to the woman who was dancing in place. Her dress fanned out as she twirled, lifting to expose even more of her shapely legs. Against the backdrop of sand and sun, Nulli was a vision he would never forget. Her eyes were a reflection of the sky, and they sparkled when she waved him over. “Race me to the top?”

She was lighter, and she moved with the grace of a ballerina. Because of his weight, each step sent him knee-deep into the powdery expanse. By the time he caught up with her, his body was covered in sweat. His arm circled her waist as he feigned losing balance. Pulling her down, he cushioned her fall with his torso.

Her slender form rested against his chest. Their bodies fit. She bent her head and nipped at his lower lip. She had a mischievous smile on her face. “Do you think anyone can see us?”

He looked around. Since he had been fighting gravity, it felt like he covered a great distance. In real terms, they were not far from the hotel room. As tempting as the implied proposal was, he had other plans.

With her hand in his, they slid down the steep descent in tandem. They were breathless and laughing by the time he pushed her inside. “Change into your breeches. We’re running late.”

The beatific look she gave him was enough reward for his patience. “Riding isn’t on the activities list.” She sounded so hopeful he couldn’t resist pinching her cheek. He had told her to bring riding gear just in case they had enough time on the way back to stop by the equestrian club.

“I made a special arrangement with the resort. Hurry up or we’ll miss the sunset.”

She returned in two minutes and launched straight into his arms. “This is awesome. Thank you.”

The urge to kiss her was compelling, but if he gave in they wouldn’t make it to the stables. “You haven’t seen the horses yet. It could be a huge disappointment.”

She bounced toward the door. “I already know it’s going to be fabulous.”

* * * *

As Jason maintained a steady pace behind Nulli, he marveled at how someone so full of energy could still manage to appear delicate. She wore tan breeches that looked like they were painted onto her body. Her white T-shirt was loose, but it clung to her because of the desert heat. She was tall but trim, with narrow shoulders and hips as well as average-sized breasts. Her tiny waist gave her an hourglass figure despite her lanky frame, and somehow the complete package was far more appealing than the sum of its parts. Something about the way she carried herself was intrinsically sexy.

Her horse had tried to misbehave the moment she mounted, but she soon showed it who was boss. The mare had a hard mouth and wasn’t responding well to rein aids, but Nulli quickly compensated with well-positioned leg pressure. Now the Arabian was responding to her slightest nudges despite being at a fast canter. If he had not seen her ride several times before, he would never have believed her capable of controlling the willful animal.

They ascended a tall dune in tandem before stopping at the peak. She brought her mount to a complete halt before turning to face him. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” he answered before realizing she was referring to the sunset. With her so close, it was hard to concentrate on anything else. A sheen of sweat coated her face, and a riding helmet covered her head. She still took his breath away.

Their gazes met, and something shifted inside him. Over the past three weeks, there had been countless moments like this one—times when he knew with absolute certainty there was more between them than physical attraction. They were playing a dangerous game. “You haven’t done this before, have you?”

She broke eye contact. “Ride at a full gallop in a Middle Eastern desert? No, I can’t say that I have.”

He couldn’t help but smile. Evasive or not, she was a still smart-ass. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

She heaved a dramatic sigh. “Do I look psychic? I’ve got an idea, but you should just spell it out. There’ll be less confusion.”

His horse chose that moment to make an attempt to bite her mare’s mane. With a sharp jerk on one rein, he circumvented its efforts. “Sex isn’t casual. Not for you.”

She took her feet out of the stirrups and flexed her legs. “It hasn’t been until now. I didn’t make a conscious choice in the past. It just happened.”

Her admission should have sent him galloping in the opposite direction. But no alarm bells were going off, though he felt the need to reiterate where he stood. “I’m not looking for more than sex. There’s no dark past or complicated reason behind it. A relationship doesn’t fit into the life I want.”

She waited in silence until the sun dropped below the horizon. There was just enough light left for the ride back to not be perilous. She nudged her horse around and asked for an easy trot. He followed. The pace was slow enough for them to talk. “Has it occurred to you I might feel the same way?”

The notion had crossed his mind. “I find it hard to believe.”

Her horse whinnied. “And why is that?”

Because levelheaded, straight-talking, intelligent women were not one-night stand material. “You’re not the type to treat sex lightly.”

“Good point. To be honest, I usually don’t.” She slowed the horse to a walk. “But you’re in luck. I’m flying out of here in two days. I’m very attracted to you, but I’m not looking to complicate my life. You’re off the hook.”

He pulled the reins back and halted. “So after this—”

“We go our separate ways,” she finished. “I’ve done long-distance once, and it was a disaster. I have no intention of going down that road again.”

He didn’t know why, but he felt a sudden surge of annoyance “And when were you going to tell me you were leaving?”

She turned and lifted a brow. “Why should I? You haven’t given me your phone number. The number I gave you will stop working as soon as I depart. Both of us have prepared against a sudden development of stalker syndrome.”

He had never heard clinginess described in such a fashion, and the expression made him chuckle. He felt both relieved and discontent. He understood the former emotion, but not the latter. “I guess we’re doing this.”

She sent him a crooked grin. “After all the fuss, I sure hope so.”

* * * *

The sound of the shutting door made Nulli jump. There was a huge difference between talking a good game and going through with the act. It occurred to her she had only ever had sex with one man, and by the end it hadn’t been pleasurable. Compared to the women Jason was accustomed to sleeping with, she might as well be a virgin.

There was a conveniently placed rattan stool in the hallway. She focused on unlacing her paddock boots to avoid meeting Jason’s gaze. From behind her, she heard thunking sounds. She wondered how he could take off his shoes while standing, but she wasn’t curious enough to turn around. She took off her sodden socks and stood up. The tile was cold against her bare feet.

“I should shower,” she mumbled as she made a mad dash toward the bathroom doors. Jason’s arm looped around her waist, lifted her off the floor and held her in place with alarming ease. She attempted to pry away his hold. Her hand closed over hard, corded muscle. No matter how hard she pulled, he didn’t budge. This wasn’t a fight she could win.

His breath grazed her ear. “Why bother?”

She felt his growing erection against her bottom. A sensual shiver rolled down her spine. “I smell like horse and sweat.” Michael had been fastidious about cleanliness before and after sex. He was also allergic to horsehair. Since she refused to stop riding, he insisted she scrub herself clean before he so much as touched her.

“You smell sexy.” Jason ran the tip of his nose down the back of her neck. “And I’m done waiting.”

They were still in the hallway leading to the suite. It was dark but for the sliver of fading natural light coming through the windows. The air conditioner was on full blast, but she had never felt more warm. Her nipples tightened to hard buds under her sports bra, and her breath came in truncated pants. Heat coated her skin where their bodies touched. But shadowed memories made her hesitate. “The bed will get dirty.”

“Who said anything about the bed?” With those words, he stepped forward. His body caged hers from behind. Her face was mere inches away from the wall. He let her fall to her feet but captured both of her arms. He positioned her so that her palms were flat against the cold clay. “What did Brennan tell you about me?”

Nulli felt her face burn. Her friend hadn’t been shy about detailing Jason’s sexual appetites. The information was meant to warn her away, but it instead added to his allure. She and Michael had both lacked experience when they first had sex. It was a memory she wished she could forget. They improved with practice, but it had been an uphill battle.

Jason’s reputation would have been a deterrent were she looking for a relationship. Since this was a one-night stand, it was a relief to know he didn’t need to learn the ropes. “You sleep around, and you like being in control. I wouldn’t have come if I couldn’t handle that.”

He chuckled. “Brave words for someone so inexperienced.”

“Who says I’m inexperienced?” She hoped her tone implied she wasn’t.

His hands trailed down her arms before tracing her torso. He spanned her belly before stopping at her waistband. In a smooth move, he undid the button and pulled down her zipper. He reached inside and cupped her, using his palm to exert pressure through her panties. Her knees weakened, and she had to rest her forehead against the wall to maintain balance. Her entire body shook. It had been too long since she was touched this way. In less than ten seconds, he proved his point. “Jason…I…please…”

Sharp teeth nipped her earlobe. “I’m not going to take it slow. We need to take the edge off. Then we’ll have the self-control to play.”

She nodded. She wanted to get this over with. Good or bad, she needed a glimpse of how the night would unfold. She had an idea of what would happen. It had seemed naughty and exciting when described to her by Brennan’s acquaintances. But she knew better than most—reality rarely lived up to expectations.

That knowledge didn’t mute her desire to take this man on. She would try anything at least once, and her experimenting phase was long overdue.

With a harsh jerk, he yanked down her breeches. She felt his knee between her bared thighs as he stepped down on the crotch. The fabric pooled around her feet but stayed in place. She attempted to step out of it, but Jason’s hands manacled her wrists. “Don’t move unless I tell you to.” His words were a command.

“I must look ridiculous,” she murmured.

“That’s not how I would describe it.” He pressed his body closer, and she could feel his rough polo jeans against her legs. The bulge pressing against her silken panties was large enough to make her hesitate.

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