More Than Words: A Novella (5 page)


Chapter Eight


Later that evening, I gather up my courage and head to the coffee shop. Other than my trip to drop off my manuscript, this is the first time I've been out since last weekend. It's a much-needed dose of reality, but there's a strong possibility of running into Landon here. I push the thought aside and tell myself that I need to get back to normal. If I run into him, I'll deal with it then.


I stare at the screen on my laptop, reading over the email Jamie sent me after we talked. I've probably reread it at least ten times since I got there. I should be writing instead of reading a freaking email until I practically have it memorized. I don't want to think about the possibility of becoming Juliet Oliver, despite the fact that I experienced a night that gave me enough ideas to write at least one more. I shake my head and open a new document. Fresh start. Back to the familiarity I've grown to love.


I start to type a scene idea I've had brewing for a while, but my mind begins to wander and the words start taking on a different shape. Almost as though Juliet Oliver is seeping into what should be Dana Darling. Well, damn it. I let out a sigh and look away from the screen, hoping to get a dose of reality and come to my senses. That's when I spot Landon.


I gasp loudly, which draws his attention immediately. When our eyes meet, the reaction is almost palpable. He pauses for a couple seconds before coming over to me. When he's standing in front of my table, he says, “Hi.”


“Hi.” I'm nervous, though I shouldn't be. I mean, this is Landon, my writing partner-in-crime. Who says we can't talk? His presence is staggering, though. As are those beautiful topaz eyes.


“Did you finish writing your book on time?” he asks.


I nod and smile. “Yeah. I turned it in this morning.”




“Did you hear back from Joel yet?”


“Yeah, he called me on Wednesday. We scheduled an appointment for next week.”


“That's great.” This is some amazing small talk, I gotta tell you.


He nods. “I'm gonna...” He points to the counter behind him.


“Yeah, sure. Go ahead.” I let out a light laugh. “Don't let me stop you.”


“Okay.” He walks off, and I try to turn back to my screen to get back to work, but I can't tear my eyes away from him. I can't stop thinking about him, about us. About how from the moment we became friends, I should have known my life wouldn't be the same. About how when he was inside me, we were like two halves of a whole coming together and it made me feel complete.


How what happened between us was more than words written for a story I had to write.


I keep my eye on him, not wanting to let him out of my sight. He doesn't look back at me, not once. My heartbeat accelerates in nervous anticipation. Will he leave without saying goodbye again?


Once he has his coffee, I see him heading for the door. I clutch my table, fighting the urge to chase him down. When I see him pause at the door, I take my chances and rise from my chair. “Landon!” I yell across the room.


His head snaps toward me, and he walks back to me quickly, stopping in front of my table again.


“You aren't going, are you?” I ask him.


He shakes his head. “Not if you don't want me to.”


“I don't...and I don't want this to be over.”


“What?” The disbelief is written in his eyes.


“I don't want this to be over,” I repeat. “Yes, we were writing buddies, and I'd very much like to be that again. But I also want the rest of it, too.”


“What are you saying?”


I close my eyes, letting out a shaky breath. “I want you. I want to be with you.”


“You do?”


“Yeah, I do.” I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I need to lay it all on the line, even if he doesn't feel the same. “But if you don't—”


“You don't think I want this?” His brows furrow in irritation.


I blink up at him. “You left without saying goodbye. You haven't...
to me. Hell, you wanted to leave just now without even saying more than two words to me. You can't be interested in a relationship if you can toss me aside so easily.”


Landon runs his hand over his hair with a sigh. “Dana, do you have any idea how hard it has been for me? I've wanted you for awhile.”


His admission startles me. “Since when?”


“That first day in the coffee shop.”


Shaking my head in disbelief, I ask, “Why didn't you just ask me out back then?”


“Because you didn't seem like you wanted to be involved.” He sets his coffee cup down on the table and steps closer. “You're so damn beautiful; I couldn't take my eyes off you. When I found out you were a fellow writer, I knew things would be different. They would be better. You kept your distance, though. Kept our relationship light. Kept it safe. But you felt the connection, didn't you? I felt it from that first day and it hasn't stopped.”

“If you felt that way, why did you—”


“Why did I leave?” He winces as if in regret. “I thought that's what you wanted. One night of research. I didn't want to complicate things by being there in the morning, creating that awkward moment where you'd tell me that it was time to go back to the way it was before. It pained me more than you know to leave. I wanted to stay. I wanted to wake up with your arms and legs around me. I wanted to kiss you again and again and again. But I couldn't stay if one night was all I had with you.”


My heart pitter-patters nervously as it clings to the hope. “Does this mean you want me?”


“Of course I want you,” he says, reaching for my hands. “I want you forever. I want to spend every waking moment by your side—writing in this coffee shop during the day and between your sheets at night.”


I breathe a sigh, and the relief from his words sets me free. “That's good, because they liked my manuscript so much that they asked me to be the next Juliet Oliver.”


His eyes brighten. “They did? What did you say?”


“I haven't given them an answer, but I'm leaning toward yes.”


“You're giving up on your one-horse town romances?”


“Not at all. I'm still going to write those, too. There's just one problem.” I move closer to him, our bodies almost touching. “I'm going to need some inspiration if I do write another Juliet Oliver novel.”


He places his palm against my cheek and murmurs, “I'll give you all the inspiration you want.”


“Inspiration is good, but I mostly just want you.”


“You can have me as long as you want me.”


He leans down, his lips on mine like he can't get enough. I angle my head to match his fervent kisses, gripping his shirt and pressing my body to his, not caring that we're in a public place. This is what I want, and I'm not going to hold myself back any longer.


“My tigress,” he whispers against my lips.


I softly chuckle. “I may be in love with your nickname for me.”


His thumb runs across my cheek. “I may be in love with you.”


My lips part at his declaration. “It's possible that I'm in love with you, too,” I admit.


“Thank God,” he says, his lips coming back down on mine.


I hold onto this moment, not wanting anyone to take it away from us. It feels as though a great novelist has penned the beginning of our love story, sealing it with a kiss. A promise of the beautiful things to come.


Our forever.








I cannot thank everyone enough for helping me get to this point! Thank you Marie for the cover, teasers, and beta reading. Thank you Stephanie for your awesome editing skills. Thank you Cindy for formatting. Thanks Susan, Briana, and Lisa for beta reading. To the super R.W. for sitting there that night when I read MTW out loud all the way through. To S.R.H. for being an awesome writer friend. Thank you everyone who read and reviewed the ARC. A huge thank you to my spectacular Street Team and all your support and assistance in promoting MTW.


X's and O's for all my family, friends, and fans for everything you do on a daily basis to bring joy to my life. Thanks in advance to everybody who picks up this book (and essentially any of my books anytime). All of you are the reason why I'm motivated to keep writing. I couldn't do this without you. At all. Seriously.


I love you all!



Lilly Avalon


About the author


Lilly Avalon is the author of the erotic romances Here All Along and Resist, and the upcoming novella More Than Words. She's somewhere in the midst of her twenties and lives mostly in the stories in her head. When she's not enveloped in the worlds she creates, she's out in the real world making stories happen. That or reading other romances. It's a toss-up.


2014 Jessica Sankiewicz

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Original cover design by Marie Landry

Edited by Stephanie Parent


Available Now and Coming Soon


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It's been two months since Allegra walked out of Devlin's hotel room. Well, two months and five days, but she's not counting. She needs to move on, but before she can, Devlin shows up her new coworker.


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After years of being just friends, Adrian and Hazel are officially together...almost. They're just about to tell everyone when two of their mutual friends break up suddenly. Their group gets thrown into a tizzy, so they decide to hold off on telling anyone what happened—at least until the dust settles.


It doesn't take long for them to realize that a secret relationship isn't easy to keep hidden. Neither is keeping their hands off each other in public. What makes matters worse is that the dust shows no signs of settling and tensions are high between everyone. Adrian doesn't want to keep this charade going much longer. While Hazel knows that what she has with Adrian is real, she's afraid their friends might not feel the same.


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