MountainStallion (6 page)

Read MountainStallion Online

Authors: Kate Hill

“I’m glad you came, lass. You made Pace very happy.”

She smiled. “Thank
for what you said this
morning. You made me realize how silly it is to hold a grudge against my dream

Ardin gently patted her shoulder before ascending the stairs
to the upper floor.

Yawing, Gayle settled more comfortably into the cushioned
chair. Watching the reddish embers in the fireplace, her eyelids drooped.
Before she knew it, she’d fallen asleep.

She awoke when Pace lifted her in his arms.

Blinking, she drew a sharp breath then smiled.

“I thought you’d be more comfortable in bed,” he whispered.

Clinging to his neck, she asked, “Whose bed?”

“My bed.”

Her smile broadened and she closed her eyes, resting her
head against his shoulder. Then she remembered his injured arm.

Her eyes flew open and she said, “You shouldn’t be carrying

“Love, I’ve been carrying rubble all day. Now I’ve got a
chance to carry a treasure and no one’s going to stop me.”

“But I don’t want you to tear your stitch—” He silenced her
with a kiss that sent her heart beating out of control.

Refusing to let her go, he carried her effortlessly up the
stairs. He’d already shifted to Huform, so when he placed her on the enormous
bed in his room, he climbed on with her.

Lying atop the bed covers, they held each other close. A
warm breeze blew in through the window. The heavy curtains were drawn back and
moonlight shone in.

“Thank you for coming today,” he said.

“It was the least I could do.”

“I’m glad you have an interest in my mountain, considering I
hope it will someday be

“I hope so too. It will be a lovely place to raise

“Then we’d better get started.” He grinned, caressing her
hip and lowering his mouth to hers.

“You must be tired.”

“I’ve scarcely slept in a month.”

“Then maybe you should—”

“Make love until we pass out.”

She chuckled. “That’s better than a sleeping draught.”

“Much better,” he whispered against her lips before kissing
her deeply.

Gayle closed her eyes and caressed Pace’s head. His short
hair felt soft and damp and he carried a fresh sent. Apparently he’d bathed in
the lake before coming home.

The sensation of his warm, firm lips against hers made her
tingle. Pace gently thrust his tongue into her mouth and her tongue joined his
in a sensual dance.

Groaning softly, Pace kissed her harder and pressed her
deeper into the pillow. It felt so good. Here with him she felt safe and
desirable. This beautiful Horseman wanted her and heavens above she wanted him.

Pace rested a hand on the gentle curve of her belly and
caressed her through her dress.

After a moment he broke their kiss and whispered against her
lips, “Turn over.”

She did as he asked and rolled onto her stomach. Her cheek
pressed against the pillow and she closed her eyes. A contented sigh escaped
her and she relaxed.

Pace unfastened the tie at the back of her dress and slid
his hand inside, caressing her through the thin gauze shift beneath. He tugged
the dress down her shoulders and Gayle shifted her position only to slip out of
the dress. Pace pulled it and the shift down her body and tossed them aside.

Lying naked, Gayle tightened her bare ass and smiled. Her
heartbeat quickened with anticipation, but she didn’t have long to wait before
Pace’s hands returned to her.

Starting at her shoulders, he gently massaged her, kneading
the base of her neck and caressing her back. His fingertips trailed down her
spine and he touched his lips to her lower back while his large, warm hand
stroked her bottom.

He slid a fingertip between the indentation of her ass and
she quivered with ticklish pleasure. Pace nipped and kissed the fleshy spheres.
He bit one cheek a little harder, not painfully but enough to make her jerk and
gasp with surprise. Then he licked the place he’d bitten. His tongue soothed
and tickled the tingling flesh.

While his mouth teased her bottom, his hand slid beneath
her. He cupped her soft mound and kneaded it, stirring her passion even more.

Gayle moaned. Her belly clenched and she thrust her hips,
rubbing her clit against his calloused palm.

“You’re beautiful,” Pace said breathlessly. His hand still
rubbing her, he stretched out beside her and nuzzled her neck.

Slowly and gently he slid a long finger into her soaked
pussy. Gayle moaned and mewled, wishing he’d fill her with something longer and

Pace slid another finger inside her, then another. He
explored her wet, aching pussy tenderly and without hurry.

“Oh, Pace, it feels so good,” she breathed.

“I love being with you,” he said against her hair. “After
the argument in the cave this morning I thought you might never want to see me

“Heavens, Pace, I couldn’t stay away. I’m as much to blame
as you about the misunderstanding.”

“Let’s not talk about whose fault it was anymore,” he said,
withdrawing his fingers from her pussy. He rolled her toward him and her gaze
locked with his. Those beautiful blue eyes stared at her with such desire that
she thought she might come just from looking at him.

Again he kissed her and she clung to him. Her hands roamed
over him, relishing the feel of his steely shoulders and back. Ever so lightly
she trailed her fingertips over his ribs. She grasped his tight, rounded bottom
and stroked his lower back. When she found his Turning Point, Pace groaned.

“Oh damn, woman, don’t move your hand.”

“You like this,” she said, a smile tugging at her lips. She
swept her thumb over his Turning Point and he drew a deep breath. His back
arched so that his stiff cock pressed against her.

She wanted his cock inside her so badly.

“Please,” she said. “Take me, Pace. I can’t wait a moment

Chuckling wickedly, he slid lower on the bed. He kissed her
breasts then took a nipple into his mouth and sucked deeply.

She cried out and arched against him. Her fingers tightened
on his scalp and she tried to push her breast even deeper into his mouth.

Pace swirled his tongue over her nipple and teased it with
his teeth. He released it and turned his attention to her other breast.

Gayle’s heart pounded. Every hot, wet swipe of his tongue
sent a jolt through her from nipple to clit. Wrapping her legs around him, she
thrust against him, hoping to satisfy the wonderful, frustrating sensations
flooding her body. Pace slid even lower and slung her legs over his shoulders.
She crossed her ankles on his strong back while he kissed her swollen clit and
lapped it with hungry upward strokes.

Thoroughly aroused, Gayle came within seconds. She
convulsed, her heart pounding and body trembling in an intense orgasm. For a
few blissful moments she forgot about everything except the wonderful
sensations rolling through her.

Before her orgasm waned, Pace covered her body with his and
filled her with a long, slow thrust. His forearms braced on either side of her
head, he kissed her. She tasted a hint of her essence on his tongue and this
aroused her even more.

Over and over he thrust into her, rekindling her waning
climax until she once again panted and thrashed beneath him. She hovered on the
edge of another orgasm and by the rhythm of his breathing and the heat of his
body, he was close to coming too.

Stroking his sweat slicked back, she panted, “Come, Pace.
Come for me. Please.”

With a groan of pleasure he kissed her deeply while pumping
faster and harder.

Just when she thought he couldn’t possibly hold out long
enough for her to come again, she exploded in an orgasm that took her by
surprise. Crying out sharply, she clung to him hard.

Pace gave a shout of exaltation and his body jerked into
her, trembling and straining as he came.

Afterward he collapsed on top of her, their bodies pressed
close and hearts pounding in unison. His warm breath tickled her ear before he
rolled onto his side and pulled her to him.

Her eyes closed, she snuggled a bit closer, her bottom
wiggling against his cock. Finally she sighed and relaxed completely. Utterly
content, Gayle fell into a deep and perfect sleep in the arms of her dream

* * * * *

Gayle awoke to the pleasant feeling of Pace’s bewhiskered
face gently nuzzling her shoulder. She smiled and caressed his head, loving the
feel of his hair against her hand.

“I wish I could stay in bed with you longer,” he said,

“You have work to do. I know. And I need to open my shop, if
only for a few hours.”

“I’ll fly you there.”

A thrill darted through her. This would be her first time
flying with Pace and she could scarcely wait. She recalled how it had felt to
sit on his back and she wanted to feel his powerful equine body between her
legs again. This time they’d be soaring through the sunny morning, not running
for their lives through a storm.

They held each other, enjoying a few more blissful moments
in bed before they rose. She tugged on her dress and he shifted to his
beast-half. They washed up using the pitcher and basin on the nightstand, then
made their way to the great room.

Pace’s guests greeted them from the dining table. The
worker—a young, buckskin Horseman—and his two daughters, both under six years
old, sat eating porridge served by his pretty redheaded wife.

“You’re up early,” Pace said.

“With children we have little choice,” said the redhead with
a chuckle. “Once you have your own, you’ll see what we mean.”

Gayle and Pace glanced at each other and smiled. She liked
the thought of having his children.

“I’m Amber, by the way.” The redhead introduced herself to
Gayle. “This is my husband Miles and our children Hazel and Fay.”

“I’m Gayle.”

“Yes, the new shop owner. I haven’t been to visit yet, but
Miles is nearly out of salve so I’ll be there soon.”

“You’ll be seeing Gayle quite often around here,” Pace said,
then glanced at her and quickly added, “At least you will be if she wants to
spend more time on the mountain.”

Casting him a teasing yet sultry look, she said, “Just try
to keep me away.”

Pace grinned and pulled out a chair for her at the table.

Chapter Five



After sharing the meal with Miles’ family, Gayle helped
Amber clean up while the men discussed the rebuilding of Pace’s business as
well as Miles’ house.

Before leaving for the village square, Pace and Gayle walked
to a small brook behind his house to bathe. Pace shifted to Huform before
joining Gayle in the water. Once they’d dried off, he changed back to his
beast-half and donned the harness he’d brought from home. They’d both agreed to
forgo the saddle. Riding bareback was far more intimate, especially for dream

Pace stood near a tree stump and she stepped upon it to
mount. Settling atop him, she enjoyed the feel of his warm body and smooth coat
against her legs. Her hands rested lightly on his muscular man-back.

Glancing over his shoulder at her, he said, “Once we’re up
in the sky, hang on to me tight. I don’t want you to fall.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t let you go.”

“Why don’t you practice now?” he said and reached behind him
to gently grasp her wrists. He guided her arms around him.

A rush of excitement darted through her and she held him
tightly. Her cheek pressed against his shoulder and she caressed his broad,
hair-dusted chest. She could scarcely believe this gorgeous Horseman belonged
to her.

Pace walked down the path toward the Running Way and Gayle’s
knees pressed closer to his equine body. Though a decent rider, she’d never
felt as sure on a true horse as she felt on Pace.

When he galloped for takeoff, spread his magnificent wings
and ascended, her stomach tightened and a twinge of fear darted through her,
then dissipated. At that moment, soaring through the sky with him, she realized
they truly belonged together.

Their bodies moved as one and she relaxed the death grip
she’d had on him. Again she stroked his chest and breathed deeply. Despite the
balmy day, wind rushed around them. His big, cream-colored wings beat and then
spread wide, catching the wind and allowing them to soar.

“Are you all right?” he called.

“Yes this is… I can’t find the words.”

“That’s good, right?”

“Oh yes! Very good!”

Again his wings pounded and they flew faster. Glancing down,
she noticed the village cottages—mere dots—below. Instead of flying her
directly home, Pace soared past the village and the nearby forest to the hills

Gayle had never imagined she would ride a former Fighting
Carrier—the most magnificent of Horsemen—through a perfect, sunny morning.

She became intensely aware of his churning legs. The motion
made his muscles ripple, sending arousing pulsations through her legs and clit.
A quiver rippled through her and she tightened her hold on him. Her breasts
pressed against his man-back and beneath her thick cotton dress, her nipples

He circled above a lake then flew faster. His warm body
heated even more and his heart beat strongly against her palms.

Overwhelmed by these marvelous new sensations, she moaned
softly. Her pulse raced and her entire body tingled. The faster his legs
churned, the greater her desire until she hovered on the edge of climax.

She’d heard rumors of the passionate flights women enjoyed
with Horsemen, particularly if the pair shared dreams, but she’d never
experienced it until now.

The sheer power of Pace’s body enticed her. Like all
Horsemen he had a high body temperature that kept her warm in flight.

He flew even faster, his speed almost blinding.

Despite the dampness of his coat, he no doubt felt the
warmth and wetness of her pussy against his back. That realization embarrassed
her for mere moments before the pleasure of the flight drove away any thoughts
except those of uncontrollable desire.

“Oh, Pace!” she cried, her hips keeping time with his
churning legs. Every muscle in her body tight, she closed her eyes and clung to
his perspiring man-torso. She prayed she wouldn’t fall off him when she came,
which would be any second now.

He swooped then climbed higher in the sky. His rhythm
against her clit pushed her over the edge. Crying out, she came hard, her heart
beating almost as fast as his. Her fingers bit into his steely chest and she
wiggled her hips against his Turning Point, making him groan.

Pace slowed his flight and she relaxed. Moments later, he
landed and heat rose in her face. Had they arrived at the village? Would anyone
see her like this—astride this beautiful Horseman, her face flushed in the
aftermath of a shattering climax?

She almost feared opening her eyes.

“Are you all right, love?” he asked.

Moistening her lips, she straightened and looked around,
surprised and relieved that he’d stopped on a hilltop so far from the village
that she couldn’t so much as see smoke from the chimneys.

“Yes,” she replied in a dreamy voice.

“You seemed to enjoy the flight,” he said, chuckling softly.

“Don’t tease me.”

“Why not? You’ve teased me with your soft, supple body
wiggling on top of me. Do you have any idea how good it felt?”

“I think it’s safe to say I have some idea,” she quipped,
stroking his sweaty back.

She admired his strength and speed.

“You must have been a magnificent Fighting Carrier,” she
said. “Do you miss it?”

“Sometimes, but I love my job and I still get to work with
them, making their tack. Speaking of work—”

“I know.” Her knees squeezed his withers and she rose higher
on his back to kiss the smooth flesh beneath his pointed Horseman ear. “You
need to get back to the mountain.”

“I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Neither can I.”

She settled more comfortably onto his back and he once again
galloped for takeoff, then rose into the sky.

This time he flew at a leisurely pace, yet all too soon he
landed on the village Running Way. He carried her to her shop where she

Standing in front of him, she smiled and said, “Thank you
for the ride, Pace. I’ll never forget it.”

“They’ll be many more to come, if you want.”

“I can’t think of anything I want more.”

He took her hands in his, bent and brushed her mouth with a
tender kiss. Then he straightened and stretched a long arm behind him. He
plucked a cream-colored feather from his wing and stroked her cheek with it
before handing it to her.

Tingling all over, Gayle accepted the token of his
affection. She caressed the soft feather and smiled. He bowed from the neck and
blew her a kiss before heading back to the Running Way.

She stood watching him and he glanced over his shoulder at
her. They gazed at each other with longing, then he continued on his way.

Gayle sighed with love and a yearning that wouldn’t be
satisfied until she and Pace reunited.

* * * * *

Throughout the day, Gayle’s thoughts lingered on Pace. She
hoped his repairs were going well and wished to be back on the mountain. Yet
she had medicines to prepare and several villagers made purchases and placed

Around midday, Pace stepped into the shop. Gayle’s heart
skipped a beat and she greeted him with a tight embrace, not caring that his
human flesh and equine coat were gritty with dirt and damp with sweat. The
latter reminded her of their arousing flight earlier.

He lifted her and covered her mouth with his. Closing her
eyes, she clung to him, loving the warmth of his firm, slightly moist lips and
the strength of his hard body against hers.

When the kiss broke, she giggled and said, “Put me down! How
will this look if someone walks in to buy something?”

He playfully brushed the tip of his nose against hers, then
placed her on her feet.

“I flew down with a few other workers to help Miles make
repairs on his house, so I thought I’d say hello while I’m here.”

“I’m glad you did. I’ve missed you.”

“Say you’ll spend the night with me again?”

“Yes.” She smiled, gazing into his eyes.

“And the night after that?” he asked in a husky voice,
dipping his head toward her for another kiss.

“Yes,” she whispered against his lips.

“And after that?”

“Pace, what are you asking?”

“If it’s too soon to propose marriage then I’ll settle for a
brief engagement.”

She realized she should say something like
it’s too fast
we’ve just met
, but they were dream lovers. They’d already acted on
their dreams and now nothing in this world would keep them apart.

“We still have so much to talk about,” she said, clinging to
common sense though she wanted nothing more than to surrender to him
completely. “Such as my shop. I don’t want to give it up.”

His brow furrowed. “I’d never ask you to. I realize how hard
you’ve worked and how extensively you’ve studied to perfect your craft. Just
because you marry me doesn’t mean you need to give up your shop. You can live
with me on the mountain. I’ll fly you here in the morning and pick you up at

“My cottage is attached so there will be a nice place to
care for children while I’m here during the day.”

“We could hire a girl to help you.”

“I can’t afford that—”

“I can.”

She laughed softly and touched a hand to her hair. “I
forgot. You’re King of the Mountain.”

“Don’t call me that. Unless for some reason you still think
I’m comparable to a Vertue Mountains slaver.”

“Never,” she said fiercely then slid her arms around him and
pressed her cheek to his chest. “I was wrong about you. Not every man with
power is like my father.”

Pace held her close and caressed her hair. After a moment he
asked, “What did he do to make you so angry?”

“My father owns a large farm on an island in the tropics.
He’d inherited a small plot of land from my grandfather and built it up. My
family lives there, but I want nothing to do with it.”

“Why? Is he cruel to the workers?”

“He’s harsh, expecting long hours for minimal pay. Instead
of treating them like men, they’re more like slaves.”

“It’s hard when you’re trying to build something from

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re on

“No. I’m just saying I understand how he must have felt
trying to build up his property. That doesn’t excuse his behavior. I’ve been a
worker and I’m lucky enough to have a successful business of my own—”

“You’ve worked hard for what you have, Pace, but I haven’t
heard a single person in this village, not a single one, say you’ve been
anything but decent and fair. If your workers didn’t respect you, they wouldn’t
be so enthusiastic about helping you rebuild. My father is different. Those who
work for him do so out of pure necessity. Most have families and don’t have the
means to relocate. I told you when I was very young, I got lost during a storm.
One of my father’s workers, a Horseman called Bond, found me and brought me
home. I’d fallen and hurt my ankle and probably would have gotten killed in
that horrible weather.”

“It’s a good thing he found you.”

“He didn’t have to risk his life for me but he was that kind
of man. You remind me of him.”

A smile tugged at Pace’s lips. “I’m glad I’ve advanced from
the villain of the story to someone who reminds you of your childhood hero.”

“He was a hero.”

“Yes he was.”

“Unfortunately later that year he suffered a serious injury
while making repairs on his home. He couldn’t work and my father isn’t the sort
of man to provide loans to his workers. Nor did he want Bond and his family to
stay since they paid rent on their cottage. I was furious. My father punished
me for my insolence—a visit to the woodshed that left me with bruises for weeks
but I didn’t care.”

The look of fury that hardened Pace’s gentle blue eyes
surprised her. Still he allowed her to continue without interruption.

“Fortunately for Bond, one of the other workers took him and
his family in until he healed enough to work again. They left the island soon
after that. Bond had found employment somewhere else.”

“What’s your mother like?” he asked.

“Kind but fearful. While Bond was hurt, she allowed me to
sneak food to his family. At first they refused but she convinced them it was
repayment for saving my life.”

“You were very courageous to bring them food after what your
father did to you.”

“I’m accustomed to his temper.”

“So is everyone else it seems, but you stood up to him.” He
lightly caressed her cheek. “As unhappy as you were for those years in the
south, I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives together.”

“Oh, Pace,” she murmured, gazing into his eyes that once
again gleamed with warmth and affection. Her arms slid around his neck.

He bent to kiss her again but the door chimes rang,
announcing the arrival of a customer.

The dream lovers reluctantly stepped apart. Pace nodded to
the woman who had entered the shop then he headed out.

“See you tonight,” he called over his shoulder to Gayle and

While helping her customer, Gayle glanced at Pace from the
corner of her eye until he disappeared outside.

* * * * *

Toward dusk, Gayle closed her shop for the evening. She’d
had extra stew simmering over the fireplace all afternoon and brought it to
Miles’ property to help Amber feed the workers.

They had done plenty that day and would soon be ready to
raise the walls of the family’s new house.

Unfortunately Pace had returned to his mountain just an hour
ago. She’d expected him to come directly to her house after finishing at
Miles’, but she should have known a man of his perseverance wouldn’t quit work
when the sun set—not with so many repairs still awaiting him.

After dinner, she returned home, changed into her linen
nightgown and stretched out on top of her bedcovers. A warm breeze fanned her
though the window. It blew her pale pink curtains, making them dance in the

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