Mr. Handsome: A Billionaire Romance (12 page)


The helicopter landed on top of the Stargate building and we made our way down to the ground floor and outside, where Carl was already waiting. He must have driven like a race car driver to beat us there, though we did fly around the city a few times.


“That was incredible, Jeffrey.” Christina’s eyes were alight with excitement still, though I also saw tenderness and a few other emotions I couldn’t quite put my finger on.


“I’m glad you liked it,” I said and I really meant it. There wasn’t anything in the world worth the awed smile on Christina’s face when she was up in that helicopter. I only wished I could have taken a picture to frame the moment.


“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” I said sincerely.


Christina looked at me and bit her lip with a smile tilting her lips upward.


“You aren’t so bad yourself, bub,” she quipped in return.


I laughed and then leaned over across the back seat to kiss her softly on the lips.


“I kind of don’t want this weekend to end,” I told her, voicing my thoughts aloud. Every second spent with her was amazing and I didn’t know how I’d be able to focus at work the next day.


“I kind of don’t want it to end either…but I’ve decided that tomorrow, I’m quitting my job.”


My eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Really?” I asked, actually proud of her for saying it.             


“Yeah, it’s time, I’ve been abused by Marissa enough and even though she likes me in her twisted way, I came to this city for a job in marketing and it's time I put all my focus on finding one.”  Christina’s tone was resolute and I had to hand it to her, she definitely knew what she wanted.


“I’m proud of you, babe, you’re doing the right thing. You have to do what you love and not suffer from what you hate.”  I used a line my father used to say to me constantly. One of the things I respected the most about him, was that he didn’t force me into the family business, he made sure, every step along the way, that it’s what I wanted to do. Of course, I looked up to him my whole life for it and simply wanted to follow in his footsteps.


“That’s a great saying, and it is time I focus my full attention on getting the job I want…though telling Marissa that I’m quitting will definitely be interesting, that’s for sure.”  Christina smiled and then she giggled while she thought about it.


“You know I could pop my head in while you tell her and soften the blow for you a little bit,” I suggested.


Christina shook her head firmly.


“No, no, it’s only right that I woman up and tell her face to face myself. I wasn’t raised to take the easy way out, only the right way.”


I smiled, that must have been something her parents said. I was glad she was finally taking my advice and letting herself remember them and everything they taught and instilled in her.


“So, just to double check, you
say you’d let me help you find a job in marketing, right?” I asked her and she nodded slowly.


“Yeah, it definitely couldn’t hurt any, and I wouldn’t be able to afford my apartment for long without a job.”


I almost offered to pay her rent, but I knew that would be just as sensitive as the car issue.


“Good…you know my company could always use a few more people on our public relations team, and I already know Vanessa loves you…” I suggested on a whim, though I really didn’t expect her to say yes.


“I couldn’t work for you, that would be weird. I mean…we’re sleeping together. I’d be having sex with my boss. Then how much work could we possibly get done if we’re having office sex all the time?” Christina brought up a valid point and I nodded.


“You’re right, you’re completely right, and what was I thinking? Though, maybe I could hire you as my
assistant and we could meet a couple of times a week at my place?” I gave her a saucy look and she laughed at me while shaking her head.


“No to that idea also, we’re already dating, it wouldn’t make sense.”


I shrugged, she couldn’t blame a guy for trying. We pulled up to my house and Christina and I went right up to my room. She started packing her duffel bag and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


“What are you doing?” I asked her and she stopped putting a shirt into her bag.


“I only packed for one night…” she said cautiously. I shook my head and motioned for her to leave everything where it was and to put the bag down.


“No, the weekend isn’t over until Monday comes...” I was pouting, but I didn’t care, I wanted her to stay with me, dammit.


“Alright, you convinced me.” Christina hopped onto the bed after kicking her duffel bag back under it. She grinned at me playfully and I smiled before jumping on her. I was going to be tired in the morning, but I didn’t really care.


“You know…I wanted to be a good sport and not gloat about the Dolphins winning today…but I think you need a consolation prize over losing our bet
the game.”


I couldn’t help but laugh, of course she had to have
comment about the Giants losing to the Dolphins.


“And my consolation prize would be?” I asked while she pushed me onto my back and went about unbuckling my pants.


“I think you need some


I smiled like the damn Cheshire cat.  Christina was being a little minx and I loved it. But then she had my cock in her hand and all smiles and giggles went out the window. She held me with just the right amount of grip and slowly stroked my cock, and it didn’t take much until it was hard and straining in her grip.


Her mouth hovered dangerously close to the head of it and my hips moved restlessly as I waited for her to put her mouth around me.


“Don’t tease, baby…don’t fucking tease…” I said, my voice low and hoarse with need. Christina continued to stroke me until a bead of moisture slipped past the head and fell onto her fingers. I groaned when she licked it up, her tongue only barely brushing my shaft.


Finally, her tongue circled the sensitive head and I groaned again when she sucked the tip into her mouth. Her tongue pressed against the engorged head and swirled around it while she continued to stroke my shaft. My head fell back against the pillows and I let out a drawn out curse before she took more of me into her mouth.


Her lips closed tight around me and she sucked with the perfect amount of pressure. I tried my best not to move my hips or grip her head. My hands fisted in the sheets as she tortured me, going slowly, as if she were savoring me.


I couldn’t help it after a point and my hand tangled in her hair while I gently pushed her head down further onto my cock. She never gagged and took as much I gave her. Soon, my hips started to move and I lightly thrust into her mouth. I cursed harshly when she took me deep into the back of her throat and swallowed around my cock.


I had no idea she was so amazing at that. Christina removed my restless hands from her hair and held them down on either side of me while she picked up her pace. My hips started to move with her and soon I felt the orgasm build from the base of my cock and shoot up into her mouth. My cock twitched with my release and I groaned Christina’s name as she sucked me clean.


“Shit…Christina…shit…” I didn’t know what to say, she was amazing. I couldn’t fathom how or why sex felt so much better with her, just her. I had never felt nearly as good as I did when I was with Christina.


The implications of why kind of scared me and I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it yet, I simply could not fathom how, honestly. I did know one thing for sure, I wouldn’t be caught dead letting Christina be snatched up by another guy. I wanted her to belong to me and only me.


“Was that…okay?” I looked at her in shock, she couldn’t have seriously just asked me that question. Not after the orgasm I just had and the way she made me feel.


“That was more than okay, Christina, that was fucking incredible.” I sat up and cupped her face in my hands before I kissed her. I loved that she tasted like me and some sort of caveman reaction lit up in my chest for her. It was like I claimed her in some way; she was mine and I was damn sure going to make sure she knew it. I didn’t want her second guessing herself anymore.


“You got that?” I made sure she understood and she simply nodded.


“Good…now come on, let’s take a shower, I want to see you wet and naked,” I said. I chased Christina into the bathroom where we did a lot more than simply shower. After we got out and settled into bed, I found a good movie we could watch,
The Devil Wears Prada


Christina got a kick out of the fact that I loved Anne Hathaway and teased me about it. But then I recalled her telling me how much she loved Pixar movies and I highlighted the fact that at least I didn’t
The Devil Wears Prada
. I saw first-hand Christina’s collection of Pixar movies, in Blu-ray, no less. 


“Have you seen the newer Les Mis?” I asked her in all seriousness as our debate was coming to a close.


“No I haven’t, actually…” Christina said while looking at me skeptically, wondering where I was going with it.


“Well,  one of these days  we’re going to watch the DVD and
you can tell me you’re still not a fan of Anne.” 


Christina cracked up and I grinned. I didn’t care, guys were allowed to like actresses, too. After Christina sobered from her laughter, she grabbed my face to turn my head towards her and she pressed a sound kiss to my lips.








I fell asleep in Jeffrey’s arms yet again and I couldn’t deny how much I liked it. I was losing myself to him and I didn’t know how to slow it down. He just did things to worm his way into my heart and I knew soon that he’d have the power to break it.


When Monday morning came around, my phone went off. This time there was no morning headache, as a nice tune played instead of that blaring alarm clock sound. I smirked. Well, if there was no morning headache, then the day was bound to be a pretty good day. Jeffrey woke at the same time I did, surprisingly. Since Jeffrey lived only a twenty-minute ride away from my job, I actually had an extra half hour of sleep.


I turned off my alarm and stretched while Jeffrey pressed a kiss on my shoulder before he got out of bed. He grinned at me while he stood, completely naked, and then put his hands on his hips. I could tell he was definitely awake as my eyes traveled down the length of his body.              


“So are you ready for today? When are you going to do it? In the morning or before you come back home?”


I tilted my head at Jeffrey’s question, I wasn’t sure if he realized how he phrased it.
back home? Did he maybe mean
back home? I decided to let it slide as he just woke up out of bed and all.


“I think I’ll get one last day of work in and then tell Marissa before I leave for good,” I said while nodding to myself. Yeah, that was the better plan rather than feeling completely terrible for quitting
leaving them all day without someone to get their breakfast and lunch.


“Cool, if you can,
try and record it for me. I just want to see Marissa’s face when you tell her, or hear her, I only have to hear her, really.”  Jeffrey begged me to record Marissa while I told her that I would be quitting all through brushing our teeth and getting ready for the day. We were heading out to the car when I finally told him no.


“Well, fine, but you have to tell me everything, detail for shiny detail.” Jeffrey grinned and I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. Sometimes he was just a big kid.


“Okay, I’ll tell you all about it after work,” I promised. Jeffrey’s driver dropped me off at Urban Plus and Jeffrey made a show of kissing me in front of the building before I went up. I almost didn’t want our perfect weekend to end, and Jeffrey looked delicious in his tailored blue suit, like he was ready for a photo shoot at any time.

I took a deep breath and went inside to head up to the office. Jennie was all smiles when I walked in and I looked at her cautiously. “Hey Jennie…what’s up?” I asked and she grinned at me like she knew something I probably should have been in on.


“You’re dating Jeffrey Bates,
Jeffrey Bates,” Jennie gushed and I shushed her so she could keep her voice down. “Oh, the entire office knows, Marissa is a horrible gossip, and get this, I think she actually likes you more because of it.”


My expression was a question mark.


“Seriously?” I asked incredulously and Jennie nodded sagely.


“You’ll see,” she grinned and then pointed me over to my desk. I went to clock in and then took a deep breath before I poked my head into Marissa’s office.


“There’s my Target girl! Christina, come in, come in,” Marissa gestured me into her office and I walked in feeling suspicious of her oddly happy greeting. “So before you go and get breakfast, you have to tell me, what was your weekend with him like? What did you do?” She wanted to have girl talk? I blinked away the shock before I simply went to sit across from her desk.


“Well…it was wonderful honestly. He spoiled me a little, but, of course, instead of getting him to stop, I simply have to get used to it, I guess.”


“Of course you have to get used to it, Jeffrey is a billionaire, there’s nothing he can’t afford to give you if he wants to,” Marissa scoffed. “So continue, was there passion between you two? I’m hoping this relationship will go somewhere, Christina. The two of you make a surprisingly beautiful couple.” 


I was shocked, she was
me? Like in a socially acceptable compliment and not a weird insult covered compliment that was expected of Marissa.


“Thank you…um, y—yeah…there’s passion between us,” I said, feeling awkward with the entire situation. I was talking about my love life with my freaking boss, and I didn’t even like her that much
talk to her about my love life.


“Wonderful, well you had better keep him, Christina, one doesn’t just get a Jeffrey Bates every day you know.”  Marissa’s tone was dismissive and I guessed that meant I could go and get the bagels. I tried not to hurry out of her office, but I didn’t meander to the door either.


Then I remembered that my car was at home; Jeffrey had dropped me off at work that morning. I sighed, I really hated having to hail a cab. I went downstairs and got ready to try and flag a cab down when I noticed Jeffrey’s car on the curb. His driver got out and walked over to me with a friendly smile.


“Hello, Miss Rothschild. Mister Bates lent you my services for the day.”


I smiled gratefully and thanked the driver before I sent a text to Jeffrey, telling him that he was a life saver. I was able to get the bagels and coffee on time and be back at my desk before Marissa could come out of her office grumpy and looking for coffee.


“Christina, Kristi is out today because she has some 'appointment' for the child that hasn’t even been born yet, so I’ll need you to pick up her duties for the day,” Marissa informed me dispassionately as she grabbed her coffee and bagel with cream cheese.


I wondered how she never seemed to put on any weight or at the very least get any cellulite from all the bagels and cream cheese she ate. Once she was back in her office, I sighed heavily and went into Kristi’s office to be both her and me. I thought the day would be a good day, but it was turning out to be one of those super stressful, busy days.


I didn’t even have time to eat lunch while I worked that day. Marissa had me running errands left and right, while setting up shoots for her models and doing everything Kristi was responsible for. It only fueled the fire for me to quit once the day was over.


“Christina, I’ll need you to accompany me on a shoot tonight so you’ll be working late, also one of our models ruptured something or other and we’ll need a replacement,” Marissa said, piling on more work before I could dig myself out of the pile I was already under. I held my tongue though, and simply did as she asked.


None of our models that fit the description for the shoot were available, they all had their own shoots they were busy working for at that time and the only other person I had on my list, of course, was Jeffrey. I gave him a call and he answered on the second ring.


“Hello, beautiful, please tell me you did it. You’ll have to draw her face for me, because I
that expression was priceless,” I checked the time and saw that it was close to seven p.m. already. I needed a replacement model for the shoot like two hours ago.


“Not yet, I’m working late tonight and helping Marissa out on a shoot. I need a replacement though and you’re the last model on the list, please, please, please say you’re not busy?” I begged and Jeffrey chuckled, the sound like warm chocolate on my frazzled nerves. I sighed, it was weird how he calmed me down, but I needed to hear his voice.


“I like it when you beg. You know what? My late meeting ran early and I’m just walking out, so I’m free for the night. How about after the shoot we go and grab some dinner?”


I smiled and could’ve sobbed with relief. Marissa would have murdered me if she wasn’t able to deliver a model on a photo shoot for Marc Jacobs.


“Yeah, dinner sounds great. I think I’ll need a few drinks after the day I’ve had. So, I need you like thirty minutes ago at the W on Broadway.” I told him which name to give at reception and they would send him up to the suite where the photo shoot would take place.


“Alright, I’ll see you soon, baby, don’t stress too much, just remember you’re quitting today.” Jeffrey reminded me of what I needed to get me through the last few hours I’d ever spend working for Marissa, before we ended the call.


“So were you able to find a model?” Marissa came into Kristi’s office looking at me expectantly, I could tell she was ready to let me have it if I gave her disappointing news.


“Yes, I was, Jeffrey will be there in twenty minutes.”


Marissa smiled and I breathed a silent sigh of relief.


“Very good, he always seems to come through for us, doesn’t he? Sometimes I feel as if a few of my other boys are divas, which is why I chose to work explicitly with men in the first place.” Marissa sighed, long-suffering, before she gestured me to follow her out. “Come on, we better get going, it will take us at
twenty minutes to get there in this traffic, and I hope you’ve called a car because mine is being serviced today.”


Good thing Jeffrey loaned me his car today, I would have been dead otherwise. I shook myself out of that train of thinking and remembered that I was quitting after the shoot. In fact, I figured that I should quit while we were on the ride over, just in case anything happened after the shoot and Marissa went home with one of the models, which she probably would. Then I considered Jeffrey’s eagerness to see her face while I told her, so I decided to give him the treat and wait until we got to the shoot.


We went down to Jeffrey’s car and then headed over to the W hotel. I mulled over how I was going to quit, exactly. I thought I should just say it and get it over with, I knew Marissa liked being straightforward and she didn’t like to draw things out. I was actually looking forward to quitting and feeling the giant weight lift off my shoulders after I did it.


We arrived at the W and then went up to the suite where the photo shoot was being held. There was a fantastic view of the city and Times Square. Jeffrey was already there when we arrived and Marissa went into her weird gushy mode when she saw “her boys all dressed up,” or dressed down I should say. The guys were modeling underwear first and then a few other full outfits. I didn’t know how I felt about Jeffrey’s perfect body being on display for all to see…but for me, of course.


“Christina, go out and get these boys some refreshments, sparkling water, you know these minibars overcharge tremendously.” I clenched my jaw and was going to go do her bidding when Jeffrey came over to me and pulled me against him for a kiss.


“Hi,” he said with a smile that made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world just to have his attention.


“Hi…I have to go and get you guys some refreshments.” Jeffrey lifted an eyebrow at me and then nodded his head over to where Marissa was talking to the two other male models.


“You can quit right now and
can go get the refreshments.”  Jeffrey grinned mischievously and I squared my shoulders. That was it, I was going to go over there and quit. I nodded and Jeffrey rubbed my shoulders before he kissed me good luck and watched me walk over to Marissa.


“Excuse me, Marissa, can I have a word with you for just a few seconds?” I asked politely, she seemed a bit annoyed, but otherwise she excused herself from the two men and we stepped to the side as the last guy had arrived and they needed to get started.


“Yes, Christina, what is it?” Marissa was waiting for me to get on with what I needed to tell her.


“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but I’m quitting,” I said bluntly.  Marissa squinted at me, as if she was trying to figure out if I was for real or not.


“You’re quitting eventually, or you’re quitting right now and you won’t be coming in tomorrow?” She pursed her lips, her expression souring as she waited for my answer.


I prayed that she would not make a scene.


“I’m quitting right now; I wasn’t planning on working at the modeling agency forever, Marissa, I really want a job in marketing and advertising. It’s time I start putting my focus on that.”


Marissa looked at me as if I were suddenly blind and she gestured to the photo shoot.

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