Read Mr. Muse Online

Authors: Kelly Ethan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Mr. Muse (7 page)

He unbuttoned her shirt, taking time to caress each patch of skin that appeared. Straddling her, he nosed aside her top and stared. Lacy black cups cradled her breasts, so small a little nipple peeked out the top, pouting for his touch. Sheer lightning slid into his stomach and hissed and burned like lava. Eric forgot all about the bomb, the car and the Muse job and focused solely on the feast in front of him.

He undid the front clasp of her bra and pushed it aside. Hunger overwhelmed him, making the muscles in his gut tighten as need swept through his body. His heart pounded so hard he had to fight for control. Beating on his chest like a caveman suddenly appealed.

Her plump breasts, topped by tiny pink points, called to him and he leaned forward and roughly sucked a nipple into his mouth. Missy arched up and he squeezed the other breast in his hand. He lapped at her like she was cream.

She’d cream all right. He’d make sure of that. His ego demanded it of him. He nipped at her breast and his cock twitched hard. Missy let out a throaty roar. She wasn’t a quiet one, his writer. Hunger took hold and all he saw were Missy’s legs spread for him. Her skirt bunched around her waist and her pretty pink and black panties hid her wet heat. A heat he desperately need to sample.


Missy couldn’t believe this was happening. He was working at her breast like a man dying of thirst. He’d tied her up and what was she doing? Screaming for more. A jolt of pleasure crowded her nerve endings with sensation and made her moan. Goosebumps broke out and the skin on her chest and arms pebbled. The pull of his mouth drove an electric charge through her body to lodge deep in her core. Her clit throbbed and the muscles of her pussy clenched. God, if it was overwhelming now, what would it be like when he moved onto other areas?
Please, God, let there be other areas.

Eric released her nipple, his breath wafting across the damp flesh. Missy gasped as a shiver zipped through her. Then Eric moved down her body and the feelings intensified. He trailed the tip of his tongue in an excruciatingly slow pace down her stomach, stopping to nuzzle her belly button. From one hipbone to the other, he feathered a string of butterfly-soft kisses before moving down to her pubic bone.

He paused, saying nothing. Missy angled her head to find him smiling at her. She bit her lip, wanting to reach out to him, but not game to in case he stopped his exquisite torture. Still smiling, he blew a warm breath across her fabric-covered mound. Missy moaned and lifted her hips in reaction. In response to her movement, Eric leaned down and placed a heated kiss on the lacy material covering her core.

Her heart throbbed out a staccato beat as he eased her thighs apart and settled between her spread legs. She pulsed with fevered delight when he nudged the panties aside and traced her with a finger. Her mouth parted. The breath gusted from her throat. She arched her hips again and groaned. “You haven’t even kissed me. Stop teasing me or so help me, it will be your turn.” She felt Eric smile against her lower body.

“I’m counting on it.”

Without warning, he lunged forward, grabbed her panties and ripped them from her with a growl. Missy thrilled at the subtle violence of his actions. Not a violence that threatened, but rather one that excited her because it showed his impatience. Cool air whispered against her pussy, a light, almost-human touch that drove the tension in her belly higher. He lowered his head, his mouth hovering just above her hot, hungry pussy.

Missy held her breath, waiting for his next move. She didn’t need to wait long. He parted her lips with the tip of his tongue and thrust into her core. Missy came off the bed, shrieking while he ground his mouth against her.

He lifted his head and stared at her a moment, one eyebrow raised. “You want kissing? Well, there you go.”

Pussy contracting hard, she fought for control, only to lose it again when he nuzzled her with his nose. He dragged his tongue against her cleft and nibbled then pressed another kiss against her. Lightning sizzled through her. She gasped and moved mindlessly. He shifted slightly and eased a finger into her along with his tongue. He thrust hard with a stab of his tongue into her liquid cream. He lapped up the liquid he wrung from her, then raised his head and thrust a second finger into her, stretching her, working her.

Her womb contracted hard and Missy screamed. She hovered on the brink of a violent orgasm. “Damn it, enough, Eric. I want you inside me now. Or I will make your life a misery.”

“Gods, Missy. See what you do to me.”

Missy jerked again when the blunt head of his cock pushed against her. Lord, when had he removed his clothes? She’d been so caught up in how she was feeling, what he was doing to her, she hadn’t even realized.

She bit her lip, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of screaming as he slowly slipped inside her. They both groaned and Eric leaned forward, dropped a feather-light kiss on her open mouth. He gently traced the outline of her lips before slipping his tongue inside and mimicked a slow thrust. Missy groaned and kissed him back, slanting her mouth over his, arching her back at the same time and taking him deeper inside.

“Missy, stop. You feel too good.”

Ignoring him, she pressed her chest against his, the hairs rubbing erotically against her nipples. With a groan, Eric gave up the fight for control and thrust deep and withdrew, only to shove forward with small, hard thrusts.

Electric currents shot through her and she swore the whole place exploded with blinding light. He ground into her. Missy bucked against him, meeting him movement for movement. She couldn’t stand it. She was about to combust, and damn it, she wanted Eric there with her.

Releasing her hands from the curtain ties, Missy slid one between them and angled it down her body. Reaching the place where they were joined, she massaged her clit, building the tension inside.

Eric groaned and balanced his weight on his hands, watching her. “Gods, do you know what it does to me to see you pleasuring yourself?”

His thrusting became more frenzied. He rammed into her, withdrew and pressed deep again, his cock pounding into her as she cried out his name. Resting on one elbow, Eric continued to move while placing one hand over hers, joining her in the intimate massage. Missy moved her hand and let him take over.

She struggled to fill her lungs, what breath she could find escaping in soft sobs. The muscles in her stomach tightened. Little ripples of sensation spiraled out, building in force as they spread from her pussy.

The orgasm grabbed her, spun through her, and she let go and rode the fire. Eric shouted out her name and convulsed, emptying himself deep inside her. Waves of burning pleasure rolled over her and when they finally subsided, her body quaked with aftershocks. Her lover collapsed onto her, his body still intimately connected with hers.

Her breath came out on a wheeze and she tried to laugh away one of the most satisfying sexual experiences of her life. “Ah, if you’re a God, can we do that again soon?”

Eric’s chest rumbled above her as he chuckled. “I’m a halfling and that would have depleted even the most powerful of Gods.”

He rolled off her, turned her on her side and snuggled in behind her. His hand toyed with her hair and his warm breath fluttered on her face when he placed a small kiss on her head. They snuggled together and Missy grinned to herself. She’d been over men since her ex had left her—not to mention the fact her confidence sat in the gutter.

He lifted his head slightly. “What are you smirking about?”

“Well, to be honest, I wouldn’t have spit on the male race if I’d found one on fire and now look at me. I’ve had a house explode, a car almost run me down and I’ve had spectacular sex. Who needs a cheating ex-husband?” She snuggled back into Eric and tried to ignore the fact that when her book was finished, so were they.

“He cheated on you? Does he need Viagra and bifocals?”

Warmth seared through the icy lump permanently lodged in her heart since she’d found her husband out. “Thanks for that boost to my ego, but I know I need to lose weight. To be honest, most men want statuesque blondes, not short dumpy ones. Plus he had to control my life, my world. What I ate. Eventually I couldn’t take it and started talking back. That’s when he found my best friend and left. I started controlling my own life. I’m my own person again.”

Eric’s snort of disgust echoed in her ears.

“That goes to show you modern-day men are idiots. Women from my world are valued for curves and, Missy, you have them in abundance. I, for one, am fine with being bossed around. My mother and my sister do it all the time. Doesn’t worry me.” One of his hands crept around her and slowly caressed a swelling peak. “In fact, I more than like a bossy woman. I know when to sit back and when to step up and take care of a situation. So feel free to take charge.”

The evidence of exactly how he felt about her curves poked her in the back.
God, what did this guy carry around in his pants all day, a baseball bat?
Missy couldn’t believe she’d had sex with it. Before now the biggest thing she’d ever experienced had been Mr. Happy. Her ex had been pretty small. Missy had always assured him when asked that it didn’t matter, but after Eric, it definitely did.

“Crap, no condom. How could I have been that stupid?”

Missy didn’t realize she’d spoken out loud until Eric propped himself up on an elbow.

“Don’t worry, I’m clean. We have regular health checks for the job and you can’t get pregnant. Even a Demi-God can control impregnation until we’re ready. And trust me, I’m not yet.”

She was relieved and squelched the protesting little voice inside. She didn’t want to be pregnant yet, but the choice had already been taken away from her.

“So, did the scene play out the way you wanted it to?”

“Excuse me?”

“Wouldn’t our interaction have been good research for your book?”

A burning dragon coiled in her stomach and bile rose steaming to the back of her throat. Suddenly conscious of her nudity, Missy rolled over and took the sheet with her when she rose. She tried to take a deep breath without losing the sheet and strove for calm. “Okay, let me get this straight. You only had sex with me for my book?”

“Well, that’s why you called for me, wasn’t it?” Eric ignored his nakedness and sat up.

“You’re a pervert,” Missy yelled back at him. Originally she’d been willing to go along with all this research stuff, but in the end she wanted him to like her for herself and not just a job. “And what kind of person do you think I am? I might write romance, but that doesn’t mean I’m gagging for it. Just because there’s a love scene in my book doesn’t mean it has to be based on real life. Haven’t you heard of faking it?” Missy’s hands shook as she tried to lower her voice. She didn’t want to be a job. She wanted to mean something to someone.

Okay, at first she’d thought she could use him for the sex then write it in her book. But she wasn’t made like that, and how dare he imply otherwise. Missy opened her mouth to let him have more venom when she noticed two things. First, he couldn’t look her in the eye and secondly, the phone was ringing.

Ignoring her tirade, Eric leaned over, snagged the phone and mumbled into it before holding the receiver out. “It’s for you. Your agent. How does he know to ring here?”

Saved by the bell. Funny thing… After yelling at him, she wasn’t sure now if he’d meant it or was just running scared. “He would have rung my ex when he couldn’t get hold of me and Andrew would have told him I was here.” Concentrating on her agent, she barked into the phone. “What?”

“Hi, Missy, your check for your last royalties has arrived. Can you pick it up now?”

“I’m not sure. Can’t it wait till tomorrow?”

“I wish it could, but the office is going to be locked up tight for the next two weeks while I’m on vacation. I’m on my cell phone now, heading for the airport. My receptionist, Sally, is staying back until you get here.”

Missy shrugged—about time her hard-working agent had a day off. “Sure, I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Have fun.”

“Thanks, Missy. Bye.”

She handed the phone back to Eric and turned to get dressed without saying a word.

“Excuse you. Where do you think you’re going?”

“My agent’s going away. I have to go into the office now and pick up a check.”

Eric finished dressing and planted himself in her face. “Are you crazy? You were almost run over earlier. Now I’m not saying they were after you—I’m pretty sure it was me—but I’m not taking any chances. You’re staying here and I’ll do it.”

Missy pushed hard at his chest and shoved him out the way. Like hell she would wait like a tame pet. “Let’s see… My answer would be no way in hell. I’m going and that’s it.” She double-timed it for the front door and away from Mr. Overprotective. “Besides, how do you think you’ll pick up the check without me? They aren’t just going to hand it over to some guy off the street.”

Suddenly he zoomed ahead of her, fully dressed. “Kyla will write a letter saying you can’t pick it up. She can forge anyone’s writing. Sorry, Missy. I really am, but I have to look out for your safety if you won’t do it yourself. I’ll let you out when I get back from your agent’s.”

“What? You can’t lock a hotel room from the outside.”

He waved a keycard at her. “You can if you have the security override card. I can lock you in for you own safety. This is a family suite and we look after our own. I know you like being in charge and controlling everything. Most of the time I’m fine with that. Hell, I enjoy it, but when it concerns your safety, I can’t let you.”

She watched dumbfounded when he let himself out, closed the door with a bang, followed by a sharp click. He wouldn’t, would he?

She tried the doorknob and screeched out loud as she realized he’d locked her in the suite.

“You bastard, see if I ever give you an orgasm again.”

Well, two could play at this game. She smirked and reached for the phone. Eric was in for a surprise and she, for one, couldn’t wait to see his face.

Chapter Six




“Anyone there? I’m here for Missy Duncan’s pay. Hello?” Eric pushed opened the door to the agent’s waiting room. It was unlocked and deserted. “Damn, no one home.” He checked out the receptionist’s desk, spotted the envelope with Missy’s name on the front and grabbed it.

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