Murder at the Holiday Flotilla (14 page)

Read Murder at the Holiday Flotilla Online

Authors: Ellen Elizabeth Hunter

As Jon and I entered the house, I said, “If it’s true that an ancestor of mine was held prisoner here, well, it makes me feel a strong connection to this house and to that time in our history.”

I’m sure it makes you feel proud,” my husband said.

Yes,” I murmured.

Then we got caught up in the tour and I gazed again at the beautiful antique furniture, the rose damasks, the pink and white china. “Oh,” I exclaimed, “there it is. My favorite.” And I stared up at the beautiful Waterford crystal chandelier.

As we left the house, I told Jon, “That was just what I needed. I feel grounded again.”

The boys are asleep. What do you say we stop by LeCatalan for a bowl of hot soup.”

You are so full of good ideas today,” I said, slipping my arm through his. “Any thoughts about how we might spend the rest of the evening?”

He grinned at me. “As you say, I’m just full of good ideas.”








I don’t understand why you have to attend Wren Redfield’s memorial service,” Jon complained as he watched me dress. “It’s not like you knew him. You only met him the night he died.”

I was the one who discovered him on the stairs,” I said. “No, I take that back. That blonde pony-tailed so-called babysitter was the first one to find him.” I was still sore about that nineteen-year-old trying to put the make on my man.

Look, Jon, it’s like this. Melanie has to put in an appearance. And she’s a wreck because of the accusations the news media are making. If she doesn’t go, people will think she’s hiding something, that there must be some truth to the allegations.”

Why can’t Cam go with her?”

He would if he were in town but he’s up in Raleigh with a delegation of movie people. They’re meeting with some members of the General Assembly. Jon, she’s not nearly as confident as she lets on. She needs me.”

My gorgeous husband pulled me down onto his lap. “The kids need you. I need you. I need you very much. Right now.” He put his hands on me in a very familiar way. His touch took my breath away.

I jumped up. “Hold that thought. I’ll only be gone a short while. We aren’t going to the church service. Just to the reception to pay our respects. Southport is a short haul. Melanie says we’ll only stay long enough to be seen. Now I’ve got to finish dressing.”

A devilish smile played on his lips. “Must you?”

I almost forgot my promise to Melanie. What would I rather do this afternoon? Attend the memorial reception for a man I barely knew? Or loll around in bed with my sexy husband? What a loaded question.

Two hours. Just two hours. Then we’ll pick up right here,” I promised.


The Redfield’s house overlooked the marina that they were expanding on a very grand scale. Melanie filled me on the expansion on our drive down. “Wren inherited a small marina that catered to locals, fishing boats for hire, motor boats. He had the idea to expand the docking facility to accommodate large yachts. You know, this area is really starting to attract a lot of wealthy yachters from all over. Then he’d use the land he owned - and there’s just acres and acres of forested, undeveloped property in that family – to build restaurants, gift shops, maybe some high-rise condos.

They’re right across the Waterway from Bald Head Island and everyone knows how successfully the development of Bald Head turned out.”

What’ll happen now that he’s gone?” I asked.

That’ll be up to Regina.” She turned to me.

Watch the road,” I shouted.

Sorry,” she muttered. Then eyes front, she went on, “You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about our conversation with Lieutenant Edmunds yesterday. Who is trying to set me up? Who benefits the most from the suspicion on me right now?”

So who does?”

I’ve always aroused jealousy in others. Particularly women. Ever since high school and my cheer leading days. And then on the pageant circuit. But right now, the person who benefits directly from my defeat is Regina Redfield.

Regina has always been very complex. Driven and competitive. I think she’s behind these ridiculous rumors about me. Setting out to ruin my reputation.”

But what good would it do her to ruin your reputation?”

She already has. The nominating committee voted to rescind my presidency. They gave it to Regina who is next in line. So yes, she did stand to gain by having me removed.”

But why, Melanie? What would her motive be?”

Dark green trees flew back outside the Cadillac’s tinted windows.

You don’t know anything about the real estate world, baby sister. And the politics surrounding it. The president of the NCAR wields a lot of power. Doors are opened to her. She has the ear of the decision makers in this state. It’s a very influential position. And now Regina is getting that position, not me. And I’ve earned it.”

She banged her fist against the steering wheel.

But all she had to do was wait one year and the presidency would be hers,” I offered.

True,” Melanie said thoughtfully. “There must be some reason, something that is immediate, to make her ruin me so she can take over the presidency now.”

But is it really that important? Isn’t that office more of an honorary sort of position?”

She gave me a sharp glance. “Not at all. As I said, doors are open to the president. Doors that remain shut to your ordinary broker. Powerful people in state government become accessible. The governor. General Assembly members. Corporate leaders.

If you’re crooked – and you know I’m not – a realtor could parlay that position into maybe getting some favors, feathering her own nest.”

Like what?” I asked.

We pulled into the long white gravel driveway that led to Regina’s waterfront home.

Probably a lot that has never occurred to me. But just off the top of my head, reversing zoning restrictions, start-up incentives from state government. That sort of thing.”

And you think Regina needs the position because she wants a favor from someone in a high place?”

That has occurred to me.”

Melanie parked her silver Cadillac in an open slot in an expansive parking area at the rear of Regina’s house.

I had to come to this reception to prove I’m not in hiding. I’ll keep my chin up and look everyone straight in the eye. Defy them to think the worst. But I’m also here to keep a sharp watch over Regina. You know the saying: keep your friends close but your enemies closer.”


The Redfield house was historic, a sprawling white clapboard house that had been built by one of Wren’s ancestors in the nineteenth century, and then restored by Regina when she married Wren. On the inland side, acres and acres of forested land. And on the water side, the marina that was undergoing dredging and expansion.

About fifty people milled around, talking to each other, serving themselves from a buffet table in the dining room. I recognized many of Melanie’s realtor friends.

Hi, Ashley,” someone said, as Melanie was drawn into a conversation with two men.

I turned to find a familiar face, but for a second could not place him because we’d only met once. Roger Craighead. “Roger,” I said. “Hello.” A little surprised to see him here. “You knew Wren?”

He smiled pleasantly. “Regina is my aunt. She was a Craighead before she married Wren. My father’s sister.”

Oh,” I said. “Then Wren was your uncle. By marriage. I’m sorry for your loss.”

And I’ve been hearing how you and Melanie found Senator Henry in that vacant house. That must have been a shock.” He nibbled from a buffet plate in his hand.

Yes, quite a shock.”

Regina approached, making the rounds, greeting her guests. She was dressed all in black, a single strand of matched pearls. “You must be talking about finding Senator Henry.”

Melanie excused herself from the men to join us. She gave Regina a hug and kissed the air at her cheek. I remembered her promise to keep her enemies close. “Regina, sweetie, I am so sorry for your loss.”

Regina pulled away but took Melanie’s hand. “And I’m so sorry for the way the nominating committee has been treating you. I want you to know I had nothing to do with them rescinding your presidency and moving me forward.”

Of course you didn’t, sugar. That wouldn’t be like you. But I’m trying to put myself in their places. If I were on the nominating committee, I’d do the same. The publicity about me has been dreadful. Groundless but dreadful.”

Roger Craighead looked from one of them to the other, politely following the conversation.

Melanie got syrupy sweet. “Regina, you can’t imagine how dreadful I feel that it was my stairs that Wren fell on.”

You mustn’t blame yourself, Melanie. It was an accident. And Wren had too much to drink. I don’t want to hear another word along those lines. No one’s to blame. Accidents happen.”

I spotted Amy Wood across the room and tossed her a wave. A waiter came by with a tray of sodas and wine. I selected a glass of soda. Oh, I couldn’t wait to get back to wine drinking.

Melanie helped herself to a glass of white wine. “Regina, you’ll make a fabulous president. And I want you to know if there is any way I can help you, I’ll be more than glad to. You’ve got some catching up to do and I can help fill you in.”

Thanks, Melanie. And I want you to know that any committee you want to chair is yours.”

I just can’t believe that we’ve lost Wren,” Melanie said, seemingly heartfelt. “And Senator Henry too. What is going on?”

You’re not the only one who’ll miss Buddy Henry. The whole state will miss him.”

But not the foxes I thought to myself as I sipped soda and watched Melanie perform and do a number on Regina.

Buddy was so sensitive to the needs of his constituents. He was helping Wren and me with a big project. Our plans were to open a Las Vegas style casino here at the marina. None of that video stuff. This would be first class, like Vegas, with big name entertainers and free food. Buddy was going to introduce the bill in the General Assembly. We’d be private, members only. Closely supervised. It would have been such a boon for our marina. The Native Americans are allowed to have gambling casinos, why not us?”

Melanie looked startled but caught herself. I tried for a blank expression. “What a darling idea. I love it. Cam and I would join. What fun!”

It would have been. We were going to let in only the best people,” Regina said. “But now with the senator gone, well, I just hope I can find another sponsor.”

So you are proceeding with the expansion plans for the marina?” I asked.

Certainly. They’re much too far along to cancel now.”

Melanie, we’d better go. I’ve got to get back to my babies.” I gave Regina a hug and shook hands with Roger. “Regina, would it be all right if Melanie showed me around your beautiful home before we left. You might have heard that I restore old houses like this. I like what you’ve done here.”

I decorated it myself,” Regina said proudly. “Sure, go ahead. Melanie knows her way around. Show her the loft. The view from up there is spectacular.”

Be glad to.”

We started for the stairs and the big open loft. “Now what . . .?” she started to say.

Ashley! Hi!” Amy Wood intercepted us. “This must be Melanie. I’m a distant cousin, Melanie.”

Melanie smiled and said hello.

I didn’t know you knew Wren and Regina,” I said.

The Redfields, the Craigheads, the Woods, we’re all old Brunswick County families,” Amy said. “Related too, but it’s very complicated. Roger Craighead called and asked if he could come out and poke around the farm with a metal detector. He’s a big enthusiast of the Revolutionary War and collects military artifacts.” She sipped her Coke. “I told him I didn’t think he’d find anything but he was welcome.”

Oh, dear. Amy did not know about the hidden gold. But I did. And Roger did.

Amy added, “Just between us, I’ll feel safer having him around the property. Someone’s been trespassing. I find little signs that someone’s been there. I think that hateful Dewey Carter is skulking around my house at night, trying to scare me.”

Have you called the sheriff?” I asked.

Yes, but you can imagine how they responded.”

I’m sorry, Amy. Maybe you ought to stay in town for a while.”

I’ve considered that. But I hate to have some coward run me out of my own home.”

Melanie said, “We’re just about to leave, Amy, but I hope to see you again soon.”

Me too, Melanie,” Amy said. “Before you go, I’ve got a bit of news to share. No secret. It will be all over the papers in the morning. Working at the medical center as I do, I’m in the loop. Anyway, the medical examiner finally got around to doing an analysis of Wren’s blood. It wasn’t a high priority like the senator’s lab results. Wren’s blood alcohol content was high as expected. Everyone said he had been drinking before he fell down the stairs. But here’s the kicker. There was also a high level of OxyContin – that’s a brand name for oxycodone – in his blood. That would help explain why he lost his balance. Oxy and alcohol. A lethal combination. We’re seeing a lot of oxy ODs in the ER now that the drug is being pushed by every small-time drug dealer.”

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