My Bestfriend's Man (10 page)

Read My Bestfriend's Man Online

Authors: P. Dotson,Latarsha Banks

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

Chapter 13


Roxie was on my nerves with the
whole Brian bashing campaign. We’re grown now and sometimes it baffled me how
childish she still is. I shook my head and placed my phone back in my purse
that sat on top of my kitchen counter.

“You ready
?” Brian asked sneaking up behind me and
wrapping his arms around my waist. He planted soft kisses on the back of my
neck causing me to smile.

“Sure am,” I said getting lost in
the comfort of his arms. We swayed from side to side for a moment.

I know what you’re thinking. I’m
just using this man as a scapegoat to keep my mind off of Brandon. If I must
say so he has done damn good job of it, but lately for some reason me and
Brandon have been running into each other a lot and it had me feeling some kind
of way. Old feelings that I thought had subsided still lingered. I guess I
learned to suppress them because of Brian.

I’ve decided that I officially
have to put Brandon in my past and move on with my life. I know
eventually, Brandon
and I need to sit down and
talk, but I want to focus on me and Brian. I want to give Brian a try because
he is a nice guy. He waited five months for my ass and although the sex is
whack, with the Lord’s help, I’m going to try my best and work with that. I
sighed thinking about his sex game. I looked up to the ceiling. Give me a
moment of silence while I pray.


“What?” Brian asked me.

I jumped and shook my head. I
forgot all about his ass. “Nothing
I’m ready when you are,” I said grabbing my Chanel Purse and sunglasses. I
really wasn’t in the mood to go out after the conversation I just had with
Roxie. I sat my purse and sunglasses
back down
I turned around to face him. “Babe, let’s do take out. I’m not in the mood to
be around a whole bunch of people tonight.”

“You good?” He asked rubbing my

I looked him over. His smooth
chocolate skin looked appetizing. I seductively ran my tongue over my lips as I
gazed up at him. He had all the credentials. He is fine, paid, and successful.
Almost a perfect ten, but he fell short in one department and I do mean short.

“What you in the mood for? You
can whip up something for us right quick.”

I looked at him sideways and
rolled my eyes. I’m sorry, cooking is not my thing and he knew that from the

thanks. I’m in the mood for some Chinese.”

“Aight. I’m a run to the store
right quick. Go ahead and order the food and I’ll go pick it up.”

“You know they deliver right?”

“I know, but since I’m going to
I can swing by and pick it

“What you going to the store for
anyway?” I smirked.

I was just teasing. I trust
Brian. He has never given me a reason not to. Besides, like I said before, I’m
trying to move on with my life. I want to start fresh and not hold onto the
drama from my past. I want to remove the scars that had been placed on my

“I’m just playing,” I said
patting him on the arm.

He laughed lightly, the frown on
his face turning into a smile. He leaned in, wrapped his arms around my waist
and kissed me. My pearl began to pulsate. If he could only fuck as good as he
kissed. I sighed and pulled away from him. This relationship was going to take
a lot of

“Be right back,” he said, kissing
me on the forehead.

“Before you go, I wanted you to
know that I’ve been thinking,” I stopped in mid-sentence and grabbed his hand.
“I think it’s time that you meet my parents.”

“That’s what I’m talking about
baby,” he said picking me up and spinning me around.

When Brian finally put me down,
for some reason the air around us felt weird. Brian had this strange look in
his eyes. He opened his mouth and I knew he was about to say the three
forbidden words again, but I couldn’t let that go down because I wasn’t ready
to say it back. I quickly removed myself from his embrace.

“Okay babe. Go ahead and go so I
can place our order. Also can you pick me up a Lime-a-Rita?”

He frowned. “You like that shit?”

“Yeah, you don’t?”


“You don’t know what you’re
missing,” I laughed at the hard frown on his face.

“Not much,” he smirked. “Aight,”
he said glancing at his watch and giving me another kiss on the forehead. “I’ll
be right back,” he said pulling his keys out of his pocket.

“Okay,” I smiled.

As soon as I heard the door slam
I breathed a sigh of relief. I placed the palm of my hands on the counter. I
could feel my heart beating in my chest. That was too close for comfort. Why
did he have to make this so

Chapter 14


I stuffed another Oreo cookie in my
mouth as I watched Brian leave Vee’s house. He had this dumb ass smile on his
face. I wanted to wipe that shit off so bad. He had a little extra pep in his
step, so she must have given him the goods.

The thought alone made my eyes
water. I tried to keep my tears tucked away, but it didn’t take long for them
to slide down the side of my face. I was devastated. This was a matter of the
heart and I hate the fact I have so much love for this girl, but the feelings
weren’t reciprocated. Don’t get me wrong, I know Vee loves me just not the same
way I love her.

I tossed my Oreos in the
passenger seat. I must have tossed them harder than I thought because they went
crashing to the floor. I cringed a little because Bri would probably have a fit,
but I knew how to handle her. Right
my focus is elsewhere. I used my tongue to remove any Oreos that might have
gotten lost in between the cracks of my teeth. I raked my fingers through my
hair as I pulled down the
sun visor
check my appearance. The air was humid or it just could have been me. Sweat
suffocated my
along with my
forehead and upper lip. I took a deep breath and began to fan myself with my

“Get it together, Roxie,” I
coached myself.

This is crazy. Hell, I’m crazy, I
can admit that. This isn’t healthy and I know it. I just can’t help myself when
it comes to Vee. She has this hold over me. I don’t know what it is and I can’t
explain it. I’ve had this feeling since the first time we met.

I looked around the peaceful
neighborhood and I couldn’t help but to feel out of place. I shrugged it off.
Vee and I needed to have a talk. Somehow I had to make her see she didn’t need
Brian. I’m all she needs. I know I sound
that’s because I am. The love I have for this woman is never ending. I couldn’t
explain it if I tried and I don’t think you would get it either.

I searched through the console
and found some wipes. Immediately I wiped away my stray tears. I stepped out of
the car and looked down at my attire. I was dressed in the usual, booty shorts
that barely covered my ass, a tank top and flip flops. Traffic was light, but I
still looked both ways before crossing the damn near abandoned street. I looked
back at Bri’s car and prayed the owner of the home I parked in front of didn’t
have me towed.

Nervous butterflies took refuge
in the pit of my stomach. The fear of Vee’s rejection weighed heavy in my
thoughts. I tried hard not to think about it. I made my way up the steps and
knocked on the door, all the while holding my breath.

“Did you forget something?” She
said as she opened the door. Her eyebrows arched. “Hey Roxie,” she said with a
look of surprise on her face.

just me,” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“What are you doing here?” She

“Well, can I come in first?”

She took a step forward and
closed the door a little. “Roxie, now is not a good time. I told you me and
Brian are doing dinner tonight.”

My chest got tight. I must have
looked like I felt because she took a step back. “So it’s like that, huh?”

“Roxie, don’t start this,” she
said shaking her head. “We’re too old for this shit.”

“You fucked him didn’t you?”

She didn’t answer my question.
She only raised her hands in the air and shook her head. “I’m not doing this
shit with you, Roxie. Goodnight,” she said stepping back and attempting to
close the door on me, but I blocked it.

“Wait, look I’m sorry.”

Vee rolled her eyes towards the
sky like she didn’t believe me. I was offended. Her nonchalant attitude had me
in my feelings and not in a good way.

“Call me in the morning. We can
talk then.”

She was just
telling me what I wanted to hear so she could get rid of me.
shit hurt like hell. This wasn’t
going as
I planned. I had to get control of the situation and quick.

“Vee, please.”

She sighed as she momentarily
looked down at the ground before looking back up at me. The tension that
surrounded us was thick. That shit was so thick it felt unbreakable. I wanted
to pour my heart out to her. I wanted her to see that I was all she needed. I
could make her happy, but the look in her eyes said it all.

“Fine Vee, just call me in the
morning,” I said shaking my head.

I quickly turned around and
jogged across the street to Bri’s car. I didn’t want her to see me crying. My
heart had been broken and it was all because of Brian, my best friend’s man.


“So what you do for a living?”
Prince asked me while rubbing his hands together.

He stared at me like I was a
piece of steak or something. That shit irked my nerves. He licked his full,
pink lips as he continued to stare at me. It took everything I had not to roll
my eyes and leave his dumb ass sitting there, but I needed him for the time
being. I had to see where his head is at. I needed to see if he would be easy
to fold.

“I work part-time as a medical

“Okay, that’s what’s up. You like
it?” He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s
aight. I can’t complain.”

“Can I get you anything else?” The
came over with her notepad in hand.

“I’ll take some more tea please,”
I said handing her my glass.

“I’m good,” Prince replied
sitting back. He picked up a toothpick and placed it in his mouth.

“Are you done with these?” She
asked us, referring to the empty plates on the table.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Okay, I’ll take them for you and
I’ll be right back with your drink,” she smiled then walked away.

“Thanks for dinner,” I replied
trying my best to sound sincere.

“No problem, the pleasure is all
mine,” he said rubbing his hands again. “I thought you were ignoring me.”

“I would never do that. I’m just
a little shy that’s all,” I lied.

After I gave him my number at the
club he literally called my ass three times a day. I started to block his ass,
but thank the heavens above I didn’t. He could be beneficial.

“You don’t have to be shy around
me,” he smiled as he reached across the table and caressed the back of my hand.

His ass is so damn corny. He’s a
pretty boy, and he wanted to be a thug so damn bad, but I could read his ass
like a book. He’s a bitch in
clothing. The first sign of trouble and I bet like money he’s the first one

“You have a girlfriend?” I asked

“I have a few friends here and
serious though. You?”

“No, single and looking.”

“Your search
have finally ended.”

“Here’s your drink?” The
said sitting it down on the table and placing
a straw beside it. “Is there anything else I can get for you?”


“What about you sir?” She asked
directing her attention towards Prince.

“Naw, I’m good.”

“Okay, call me if you need me,”
she said and walked away.

“So Brian is your brother?”


“What about Ace? Is that his
name? The other dude that was at the club with y’all that night?”


“But Ace isn’t your brother?”

“No. Me and Brian have the same
mother. Ace and Brian have the same father.”

“Oh, I get it.”

“So, you don’t own the club with

I hit a sore spot when I said
that because a hard frown invaded his forehead. Bri filled me in about how they
were all connected, but I figured I would test the waters. It seems like it

“No,” he said shortly.

“I’m sorry for prying. I didn’t
mean to offend you or anything.”

“No, it’s not you baby. I just
have a lot on my mind. Can I keep it real with you?” He asked.

“By all means,” I responded
taking a quick sip of my tea before setting it down on the table.

“I’m a
. Yes, I’m young and that’s all my brother keeps saying,
but I think I’m more than qualified to handle mines. I have so many ideas on
how to improve the club. Matter of fact, I have dreams of opening my own club
one day, but no one believes in me. My pops
all nonsense and won’t front me shit
to open one up and Brian thinks I’m too young. Ain’t that a bitch,” he smirked.

“I believe in you,” I whispered.
I looked into his eyes doing my best to appear innocent. I wanted him to
believe the bullshit I was selling and from the look in his eyes I knew he was

baby girl,” he smiled.

This nigga had the nerve to
blush. He had
that was obvious, and
he was fine so I wondered why he was so damn gullible. I had a feeling my plans
wouldn’t take long. One shot of this pussy and he would be like putty in my

He started talking again and
every once in a while I would nod my head to make it appear as if I was
listening, but I wasn’t. I wasn’t the least bit interested in the plans he had
mapped out for his life. I really wanted the nitty gritty on Brian. There was
something about him that didn’t sit right with me. He wasn’t wrapped to tight,
kind of like me.

Our date finally ended after we
caught a late night movie than he dropped me off at home. He was actually a
gentleman. He walked me to my door, kissed me good night and left. I was
surprised to say the least. Today’s young generation seemed to think that
dinner and drinks meant by the end of the night we fucking. I mean I have done
that a few times at the end of a first date but when you act so damn thirsty
for it, it’s a turn off.

Bri was up watching television
when I walked in the house. She had her legs propped up on my end table with a
bowl of popcorn in her hand. As long as she didn’t drop kernels on my floor we
were good.

“Hey, miss. How was your date?” She
asked sitting
and putting her feet on
the floor. She picked up the remote control that sat down beside her and turned
the volume down on the television.

“It was aight,” I walked in and
stepped out of my four inch heels.

“Cool. What did you say dude’s
name was?”

“I didn’t say,” I smirked, as I
sat down beside her.

“Why you being so secretive any
damn way?” She asked as she looked me up and down. “You up to something ain’t

“Get out my business and have you
been looking for a place to live yet?”

“Yeah, no luck though,” she said
directing her attention to the television screen.

I looked at her ass sideways and
curled my lips. She was lying, but I didn’t call her on it. She’s dead broke at
the moment. She could barely rub two pennies together. Word on the street is
she got robbed up in Baltimore. More than likely because she was running
somebody else’s man.

“When you start working at Crazy
8’s?” I asked her. Crazy
8’s is
a strip
club located in our neighboring state Delaware. I yawned and began to stretch.
This conversation wouldn’t last much longer. I could feel my body ready to shut

“Next Friday I believe,” she said
without looking at me.

“Cool, good night,” I stood up.
That was good news because I was ready for her ass to go. I like my privacy. Bri
is cool, but she is too
for her own
damn good.

“So you still not going to tell
me who you
out with tonight, huh?” She
asked finally looking up at me.


“Okay, but I might be able to
help just like last time.”

I sat there and pondered the
thought. I really didn’t want her up in my business because the plans I had for
Brian aren’t PG. I looked at her and wondered if she could really be trusted.
The shit I had in mind could send a bitch to jail. The thought of going to jail
made my skin crawl. I’d rather die. I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my
life confined to one place. I would go

“Let’s talk in the morning.”

“Okay. You want some company?” She
asked giving me the eye.

The offer was tempting. Bri’s
tongue game was on point, but I was tired. All I wanted to do was take a hot
shower and make love to my pillow so I kindly declined shaking my head no. I
could tell she was disappointed.

I took my
much needed
shower, slipped on my pajamas and jumped in bed. I
grabbed my fluffy pillow and thought about Brian’s demise as I drifted off to

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