My Bestfriend's Man (19 page)

Read My Bestfriend's Man Online

Authors: P. Dotson,Latarsha Banks

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

“Okay Zee,” I said a part of me
wanting so badly to believe her.

“Are you going to call him?”

“Yes, Zee.
Now go so I can close my door.”

“Aight chick. Smooches.”

“Smooches back at ya,” I laughed
closing and locking my door.

I walked back into the living
room and picked up the deck of cards on the floor and put them back in the box.
My phone started singing. I recognized the
as Brian’s and decided not to answer. It would only make things harder for me

I should
have never
let things go this far between Brian and I. He is a nice
guy and I like him, but I was ready to move on with my life without him. Guilt
started to wear on my conscious, but I shooed it away. I straightened up a
little before settling down and grabbing my phone. I held it in my hands for
what seemed like hours before I finally got the courage to dial his number.
Nervous butterflies made a home in my stomach as I impatiently waited for him
to answer.

“Hello,” he answered. His
breathing was heavy.

“Is this a bad time?” I asked.
“If you like I can always call back.”

“No, it’s good what’s up.”

“Nothing much,” I answered. The
sound of his voice made my heart melt. I miss him so much. Tears
my eyes as I thought about how happy we
once were.

“Are you still there?” He asked.
I could hear him moving around. I heard
a door
close. “Savannah.”

“Yeah,” I said clearing my
throat. “We need to talk Brandon.”



The phone went silent. I was
literally holding my breath waiting for his response.

“You want to do this over the

“We don’t have too,” I blurted
out. I wanted to kick myself because I sounded too needy.

“When do you want to meet?”

“How about tomorrow around seven
or eight?”


“Would it be okay if I stopped by

“You are always welcomed here
Savannah. This is still your home.”

The phone line went quiet for a
brief second.

“Okay, well, I guess I will see
you tomorrow.”

Savannah. That’s all I wanted was a chance to sit down and
talk to you to see where things went wrong between us. Have a good night. I
love you Savannah.”

Before I could respond he hung
up. I held the phone in my hand for a few minutes just staring at it. I didn’t
realize I was crying until a tear landed on my screen. I wiped my tears away
and decided to call it a night. I took a hot shower and found my way to my bed.
It wasn’t that late, but I wasn’t in the mood to do much else.

As I lay there and searched the
darkness I couldn’t help, but to think that maybe I was setting myself up for
disaster. Brandon and I needed to talk, but I wasn’t so sure if I was prepared.
All he had to do is say the right words and I would more than likely be putty
in his hands. It’s sad to say, but it’s been a year and my love for this man
hasn’t faded, not one bit.

Every person has their weakness
and mine is Brandon. I miss the shit out of his ass. I miss our late nights,
early mornings. I miss our, what if conversations and afternoon debates. I miss
our movie nights and morning workouts. I miss his touch, his smell. Got dammit
I just miss him. Love shouldn’t be like this. I could feel my strength
diminishing so I knew what I needed to do.

I decided to pray for the
strength to stand strong in my decision. Even though I wanted Brandon
I knew there was no way I could be with
him if I didn’t trust him. Besides this was his second offense so it just
wouldn’t work. I took in a few breaths as I talked to the Lord Almighty asking
him for guidance. Then I closed my eyes and allowed the darkness to rock me to

Chapter 26



“Yes, just like that, papi,”
Brandi moaned as I continued to beat her pussy like a drum.

How we went from playing a game
of checkers to fucking, I don’t know, but we did. Now,
I am waist deep in her pussy giving her exactly what she’s
been silently asking for. She tried to get away from me, but I grabbed her hips
and held her in place.

“Take this dick,” I grunted as I
went deep inside of her warm, wet pussy. “You wanted this dick didn’t you?”

“Yes, papi,” she moaned as she
gripped the sheets.

“Take this shit then,” I leaned
over and whispered in her ear.

“Wait,” she moaned as she
attempted to lay on her stomach.

“Nah, fuck that. Get up and
handle ya business,” I said grabbing her hips again and holding her in place. I
smacked her ass.

I grabbed both her ass cheeks
with the palm of my hands and pushed them up a little. For some
my mind shifted to Savannah. I closed
my eyes and imagined the pussy I was drilling
. My mind carried me back to the last time Savannah and I had sex.
My dick grew an inch just thinking about it.

I could still remember the
succulent taste of her pussy, the way she moaned my name whenever I hit her
spot. I could never forget how her pussy was
fit. I got so lost in my fantasy I almost slipped up and said
Savannah’s name as I finally reached a nut.

“Got dayum,” I mumbled out of
breath as I bent over and slowly worked in and out of Brandi’s pussy until I
couldn’t stand it. I rolled over on my back in an attempt to catch my breath.

My eyes were closed when I felt
Brandi’s lips cover mine. I could tell from the way she kissed me that she was
really feeling a nigga. I feel like shit because I wasn’t ready to give her
what she wanted just yet. I kissed her back just not as aggressively.

We were still in the middle of
our kiss when my phone began to sound off. At first, I thought my ears might
have been deceiving me, but after a few seconds flew by I knew it was the real
deal. I abruptly broke free of Brandi’s lip lock and grabbed my phone off the

“Hello,” I panted out of breath
as I sat up.

“Is this a bad time?” She asked.
“If you want I can always call back.”

I wasn’t about to miss out on
this opportunity. I felt bad for doing this with Brandi being right there
especially after what we just did, but any and everything stopped when it came
to Savannah.

“No, it’s good what’s up?” I

“Nothing much,” she answered.

The phone went silent. “Are you
still there?” I asked as I stood up and walked into my bathroom. My dick rocked
from side to side with the condom still hanging on it. I shut the door behind
me, but not before I got a glimpse of the look of hurt on Brandi’s face. That’s
something I was willing to deal with later. “Savannah.”

“Yeah,” she said clearing her
throat. “We need to talk Brandon.”



So many emotions raced through my
body as I sat there. That’s all I wanted in the first place was to sit down
like adults and go over our differences to figure out where we went wrong. I
just wanted to know why she up and left me the way she did.

“You want to do this over the

“We don’t have too,” she blurted
out quickly.

That was like music to my ears. I
could feel the smile spread across my face. I had a feeling that God was giving
us a second chance. We had gone months without bumping into each other and
that’s all we seemed to be doing lately.

“When do you want to meet?”

“How about tomorrow around seven
or eight?”


“Would it be okay if I stopped by

“You are always welcomed here
Savannah. This is still your home.” There was a brief pause before she

“Okay, I will see you tomorrow.”

Savannah. That’s all I wanted was a chance to sit down and
talk to you to see where things went wrong between us. Have a good night. I
love you Savannah.”

I quickly hung up before she
could change her mind. I was all smiles until I thought about Brandi. What I
did was wrong and if she wanted to give me a piece of her mind she had every
right too. We weren’t exclusive, but
deserves a certain level of respect and what I just did
her none.

I took a deep breath as I
prepared myself for whatever Brandi decided to give me. To my surprise when I
walked back into the bedroom she wasn’t sitting on the bed. I did a complete
walk through of the house and checked outside. Her truck was gone.

I closed the door and locked up for
the night. I couldn’t even bring myself to call her. There wasn’t shit I could
say. Yeah, I could apologize, but that wouldn’t do much. I needed to have this
talk with Savannah or this cycle between Brandi and I would continue. She was a
good girl that deserved a hell of a lot better than I was giving her.

Chapter 27


My nerves were shot and I needed
a drink. I picked up the phone that sat on the desk beside the computer I was
sitting in front of and dialed Savannah’s number, but like before she didn’t
answer. It wasn’t that late so she couldn’t be asleep. My first thought was to
wait until tomorrow and go over her house to share this new found information,
but I couldn’t.

I grabbed the mouse and printed
the article
I read at least three times. Every
time I looked at Macy’s picture I couldn’t help, but to think about Savannah. I
knew something about Brian didn’t sit well with me. Savannah thought I was
crazy when I told her I remembered seeing Brian all over the news about
something. Now I had proof. The story didn’t get a lot of air
but it was enough for me to remember his

I walked over to the printer and
snatched the paper off. I reread the article again and shook my head. I wasn’t
about to tell my husband. He would only think that I’m crazy and a
little too
over protective of Savannah, but I
had every right to be. I already had to bury one child. I wasn’t about to bury

Moving as quietly as I could, I
peeped into the living room to see what my husband was up too. As usual he was
in his recliner with the remote control in his hand passed out. I clutched the
piece of paper I held in my hand close to my chest and grabbed my keys out of
the kitchen. I didn’t need my purse.

I looked back over my shoulder as
I tip-toed towards the front door. This is silly I know, but like any mother I
needed to protect my baby. As soon as I opened the door I almost had a heart
attack. I rolled my eyes and looked towards the ceiling. What the hell was she
doing here at this time of night?

“Roxie, what the hell are you
doing?” I snapped. I didn’t mean to come off harsh, but every minute I wasted
could mean Savannah was in danger.

“I’m sorry momma Karen, I was in
the neighborhood and decided to stop by to see how you and pop Gerald are
doing. Is this a bad time?”

I looked her over shaking my head
at what she had on. Tiny shorts and a
This girl had no level of respect. I’ve told her on plenty of occasions
whenever she comes over to my house she needs to dress appropriately. Yes, me
and my husband raised her as our own, but the facts still remains she isn’t
ours. These young girls now days have no shame when it comes to another woman’s
husband and as sad as it may seem Roxie is no exception.

“As a matter of a fact, it is a
bad time. I have somewhere to be. You can stop back by in the morning,” I said
attempting to walk past her, but she didn’t budge.

“Well, is it okay if I say hi to pop

“Not dressed like that,” I
answered shaking my head no. “I already told you when you come to my house you
will respect it and you dressed like that is very disrespectful.” She had the
nerve to look like I hurt her feelings, but as a woman what I’m telling her is
only right. Savannah should have put her friend in check a long time ago
because I had no bones about doing it.

“I’m sorry. The last thing I
would want to do is disrespect you and pop Gerald. You guys are like family. I
would never do anything to hurt either one of you.”

For some
I couldn’t bring myself to believe her. Her presence made
me sick to my stomach. An image of Gabby danced around in my mind as I looked
at her. Maybe this Brian and Savannah situation had
paranoid. I couldn’t help, but remove the negative thoughts that
had clouded my head.

“I know Roxie and I’m sorry, but
right now I’m in a hurry. I’m on my way to Savannah’s house. I have to talk to
her about something important.” My patience was wearing thin. I didn’t want to
stand here and prolong this unwanted visit any longer than I had too.

“You want me to come with you?” She

“NO!” I snapped. I could feel my
pressure rising and my heart rate quickened. “Roxie, just please leave,” I said
barely able to catch my breath. I could see the hurt in her eyes and I felt
guilty. “I’m sorry Roxie, but now is not a good time,” I said softening my
voice. “Come back tomorrow okay.”

“Okay,” she said leaning over and
forcing me to give her a hug. “I love you mom.”

The way she said mom sent chills
down my spine. “I love you too, Roxie,” I said removing myself from her strong
embrace before I slowly backed inside of the house.

I closed the door in her face and
locked it. It got hot all of a sudden and I needed a drink of water. Before
heading to the
I peeped in the
living room. I breathed a sigh of relief because Gerald was still knocked out.
I made myself a quick glass of water and headed back towards the front door.

Before I made it there, a knock
came at the door. I shook my head. It was probably Roxie again. That girl just
didn’t get a clue. I was tired of playing nice. My baby girl needed me and I
wasn’t in the mood for
any more
distractions. Things were about to get ugly. I walked to the front door and
snatched it open. Before I could respond a blow to the head sent me flying

They moved so fast I didn’t even
have time to call out for my husband. Within mere
I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my throat. I
couldn’t see my perpetrators face, but I recognized the voice. I clawed at the
hands that gripped my neck, but it was no use. My life was about to end and I
never got a chance to warn my daughter.

As I drifted in and out of this
I said a silent prayer before joining my
daughter Gabby in the

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