Read My Exception (My Escort #2) Online

Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell

My Exception (My Escort #2) (14 page)

Chapter Twenty-Seven


y eyes fluttered open as I wrapped myself further into the silky sheets. Damon was lying next to me, his head propped up on one of his hands as he watched me sleeping.

“Good morning,” he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I had to admit that I hurt a little. The sex was vicious yet gentle at the same time. We both had thought that we had lost one another and so our bodies claimed one another’s hungrily.

“We have to get up for breakfast. I need to leave soon.”

“You can’t stay?” I asked, closing my eyes and enjoying the smell of him. I felt his soft hand trail down my cheek and jaw line.

“I wish I could, my sex goddess, but I have to relieve Michelle.”

I smiled at his pet name, not even bothering to reproach him. “I understand,” I said, raising myself and kissing his lips. I looked around the floor of the room, looking to see where my clothes were. “Let me just have a quick shower again and we will have breakfast.”

It didn’t take me long to get ready. Hand-in-hand, Damon and I walked to the breakfast buffet. Standing there waiting was Hayden, who seemed shocked to see Damon.

“What the?” Hayden asked before Damon moved forward and punched him in the face.

“Damon?” I yelled uncertain of what just happened. Many people stopped and stared, the loud murmur coming to a near stop. I never thought Damon would hit anyone. Hayden took a step back into a small stumble before standing tall and straightening his white collar.

“We are even now,” Damon said, his anger simmering into calmness.

“Even?” I asked in disbelief.

“Clover, its fine really,” Hayden said, rubbing his jaw. “It’s a guy thing. I’ll go ahead and book us our table.” Hayden walked over to the waitress and she pointed to a table.

“I’m sorry you had to see that Clover. I really am. But I warned him already not to overstep. You know, I actually think we might become good friends after this,” Damon said with a side smile, so convincing I couldn’t argue it. I was unable to perceive why they were both okay that Damon had hit him. Luckily there were no cameras around.

“Over here,” Hayden waved, still pouting angrily. Although Hayden was obviously still very angry, I could see that his expression slightly calmed. And already Damon also was calm and collected, as if nothing had even happened between them. I sat next to Damon, and Hayden sat at the end. They both gave one another an even look before Damon spoke.

“Do you play golf, Hayden?” he asked, fiddling in his jacket pocket for something.

“It’s been a few months since I last played, but yes I do,” Hayden said evenly.

“Would you like to have a game sometime at the end of the month?” Damon asked, searching in his other pocket.

A smile crept over Hayden’s face. A respectable smile, yet still cocky as always. “I won’t go easy on you because you’re my boss,” he said. “If you will excuse me, I’m going to grab something.”

Hayden left us, leaving me with a shocked expression on my face. Damon had hit Hayden. Hayden said it was okay. Now they are playing golf together. Before I could ask Damon for a further explanation there was a black box in front of me.

“What is this?” I asked, searching Damon’s nervous expression.

“Open it,” he instructed. Slowly I grabbed the small box, which had a very fine gold ribbon on it. Pulling on the bow and putting the ribbon aside, I opened the black box to reveal a gold card.

“It’s a key to my apartment,” Damon elaborated. I looked between him and the key with confusion.

“Damon, are you asking me to move in?” I asked. I felt embarrassed instantly as that might have not been his intention. He had a key to my apartment and I hadn’t asked him to move in.

“Yes, Clover, I am,” Damon said studying me very carefully. “Clover, would you give me the honour to cook breakfast and dinner for you every day and to be able to wake up to your beautiful face every morning?” He pushed aside a part of my curly hair so he could see my eyes. Tears began to fill again as I felt so overwhelmed with joy.

“Yes,” I said shaking my head vigorously. “Yes.” I jumped onto him, giving him a hug. “I would very much love that.”

He pressed a kiss on my lips. “Well, when you return from this business trip, we will start packing your apartment up. How does that sound?” I kissed him again with the brightest of smiles, so comfortable sitting in his lap as I embraced him.

“That sounds really nice,” I gasped through another layer of tears. Crying. I was crying so much, but tears of joy. This man who had strolled into my life so unexpectedly had me hanging from his every word.

What is love?



What is love, or should I say, what is ‘being’ in love? It is a place where I witness my own demons. I can manage to make this person laugh, as they do the same for me. When I see their smile, or their sadness, it changes my mood and experience of the whole day.

I am scared to see myself changing, to adjust, to adapt to them being in my life. Never have I catered so much for another. My demons, my jealousy, my non-charming ways slip out before I can apologise or even understand why I am pulling such ugly words and expressions.

I love this person and yet I can so easily turn jealous. Why am I unable to keep my composure, to settle for reason? How does this one person’s body and mind stimulate me so? I make love and experience a real connection with this person, and would fall to my knees in a heartbeat for them.

I must be both sensitive and strong for them. In trying to please them, I realise it is so I can please myself. I love this person and would do anything for them. So to be in love, I believe there is no answer. And there never will be. It is ever progressing, we are both ever changing. We are evolving together.

I cannot control these ugly emotions, because I cannot control my overspilling of love I have for this person. And if I feel it is endangered, then my love speaks for itself. I love you, and am in love with you. These are the words I will say everyday as I look into your beautiful green eyes and know that these are the eyes I want to look into every day for the rest of my life.

This is my love and personal growth, what is yours?




held the gold card firmly to my chest, excited for what it would reveal. Damon looked at me in amusement before insisting that I use my card to open the door. I slipped the card down the slot and entered the pass code Damon had told me. With a small click, the door slightly opened. Damon pushed it open, revealing a large white marble kitchen. It was massive, with a blue island bench in the middle. On my left was a long dining room, which had nice blue vases with fake flowers in it.

Beyond the kitchen was a large living room with a plasma screen and leather lounge. Behind it was a coffee area with a wooden coffee table and comfy beige sofas. The main lights were turned off so only the light white ones were shining around the cinema area. Down the hall on the right were three guest rooms and a bathroom. The rooms were so large that even the king-sized beds in them didn’t make much of a difference. In between two of the guest rooms was a medium-sized study nook.

“Is this your study?” I asked.

“No. Come along and I will show you
study,” Damon said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back through the hall to the dining room and kitchen. There was a large room at the end, behind the white staircase. A large study as big as two of the guest rooms combined was revealed with beautiful wooden desks and leather chairs. Around the room was wooden shelving with numerous books. In the center were a fireplace, coffee table, and beige sofa set.

“You can set your desk up later,” Damon teased as I looked at the furthest one away in awe. Damon led me up the stairs, where we were greeted with luscious white carpet. It seemed to be another lounge room of sorts with a coffee table, another television, and sofas. Behind me were large open windows and a gym area, with so much equipment I think my mouth opened in shock. Not giving me much time to admire it, Damon escorted me further through the apartment.

“Come on,” Damon said with cocky smile, leading me between two rooms which were arranged according to an open plan design. He opened a door, revealing a large, lightly dimmed room that I assumed to be Damon’s room. Well, now I suppose it was
room. There was a large wooden bed with a bold red carpet beneath it. Across from the bed was a large television, in the corner a comfy lounge chair. There were glass sliding doors, which indicated there might have been a veranda outside.

“I had to cut the room size down so I could fit in your own walk-in wardrobe as well,” Damon said, leading me through the sliding door on my left. My hand tightened around his. Make the room smaller? It was already enormous how it was. Walking into the stylish room, my mouth opened in shock. “This is huge, Damon!” I gasped. I never thought I would be one of those girls that begged for a walk-in wardrobe, but now that he had given it to me, I was never going to let it go.

“Mine is on the side of the plasma,” Damon said with a smile as he led me back out. Directly across from us was another sliding door. The door wasn’t too far away from the bed. He opened it, revealing the most glamorous bathroom I had ever seen. There was a white marble floor with a splash of beige and red, a corner jet spa, and beside it, a large shower that could probably fit ten people.

“This house is insane,” I said, nibbling at the side of my finger.

“It’s an apartment, Clover, not a house,” he replied with a cocky grin.

“Ha ha, very funny, Mr. Brogardt,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I honestly think I will get lost in here.”

“I will leave breadcrumbs leading from the entrance to the bedroom so you can find your way,” Damon chuckled through a kiss.

“I’m not a lost child,” I slapped him on the chest.

His blue eyes were pooling into me with such wickedness, I knew what was on his mind. “So out of all the places in this house, which is your favourite? Or should I say, which is your favourite position?” I teased with a smile, walking out of the bathroom. He slapped my bottom, chasing me out of the bedroom as I squealed and tried to run away from him. He quickly caught up, grabbing me and throwing me onto the white sofa in the lounge room.

“I don’t think which room or position that comes first bothers me. After all,” he said, lifting my shirt and kissing lightly along my stomach. “I will have you all to myself in every single one of them. He nipped at my stomach, arousing a small squeal from my lips.

Yes we would, we would love each other so much more and spend the rest of our days together. This was
home. It had been an emotional ride. But no matter what way we got here, and no matter how many steps we may have strayed off the path, Damon and I were moving forward together.

About The Author

Kia Carrington-Russell is a young author working on her first series: “The Three Immortal Blades”. Kia began writing at the age of fifteen in high school-finding that all her warped and strange dreams were giving her a fantastic new world-and since then she has never looked back.

Kia was born in a small town in Australia, moving around a lot at a young age until finding a stable town where she finished her schooling. Kia found herself enjoying and expressing herself through poetry, short stories and writing, photography, painting and drawing. All these mediums help Kia express the different world that she is so fond of.

In ‘Senior Art’ Kia focused on feminism and female empowerment; exposing through her work issues and concerns that many people would rather just “sweep under the rug”.

In one art installation, Kia made a bed out of Pokémon cards-the concept being that when she slept a new world would come to life and it was the only one she saw and constantly lived in.

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