My Familiar Stranger (9 page)

Read My Familiar Stranger Online

Authors: Victoria Danann

Another asked what sort of place she thought she had been in for the past three months. Since she was facing the wall with the giant, Black Swan banner, her eyes traveled upward and rested there for a moment before she answered. “I’ve been told this is a military base and that you carry out some sort of special operations. I know it must be dangerous work because you maintain a fully functional hospital complete with surgery. I witnessed the arrival of an emergency, not long ago, one that looked quite serious. The young gentleman’s comrades were quite distraught and almost as bloody as was he.

Also, I don’t know the exact nature of what you do, but, even though I object to the decision my Monq made to send me through an untested device, I believe he intended to do a good thing. He thought he was saving me. The last thing he said was,” she blinked rapidly, “be happy. I don’t think his counterpart in this world would work for an organization that doesn’t meet his ethical standards. People here have been kind to me.”

Without thinking Elora looked over at Storm and almost dissolved into tears again when she found nothing but admiration on his handsome features. “Storm. And the people in the infirmary. It would be difficult to believe that these people are on the wrong side of a thing.”

Finally, Monq asked if she would go back if she could.

She sat looking at her hands for a long time before finally saying, “Even if I were willing to undergo the physical challenge, I don’t think my world has the medical expertise to put me back together again.” She looked up at Sol. “It would be a death sentence.”

She sighed as she absently glanced up at the huge, silk Black Swan banner. hung high at the center point of the wall facing the entrance. The background was the bright crimson of blood as it appears in the moment when it first leaves the body, before adjusting to the chemical composition of air. The rich red background was relieved by a white, equal-sided cross almost as large as the banner itself. In the center, in front of the intersection of the arms of the cross, was a large black swan. The graceful bend of its long neck was exaggerated by its bill resting on its shoulder giving an impression of sadness or melancholy. A medieval looking script superimposed on a banner across the bottom read,
Furchtlosigkeit im Gesicht der Hilflosigkeit.

“Perhaps that’s what I deserve.”

The walk back to the infirmary was slow and solemn. Storm looked at her several times, but said nothing. He stepped into the room behind her, closed the door, turned her around and, taking her by the shoulders, placed a tender kiss on her forehead. “I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through,” was all he said. Then he left.


Storm walked away with a newfound clarity, knowing why Elora had always lapsed into sadness and despondency whenever she was left alone for a few minutes. He realized for the first time how much courage it had taken for her to choose to survive the desolation of being the last one standing. His heart was swollen with sympathy, but also with respect and admiration. And he was determined that she wouldn’t face the future without support and protection. And love.


The hearing had been both emotionally and physically taxing and she was used up. She put on her softest, warmest, comfort clothes, turned out the lights, and crawled into bed where she immediately fell asleep.

When she woke three hours later, Elsbeth, one of her favorite nurses, was checking her pulse. “Hi.”

“Hi, yourself,” said Elsbeth. “There was a big guy around here earlier asking about you. Left you this.” She picked up a worn paperback book and put it on the bed next to Elora.

As soon as she left, Elora sat up and looked at the book.
Lord Jim
. There was a bright, lime colored post it note sticking out so she turned to that page. It said, “Read this. – S.”

Three sentences were highlighted:
I’ve been a so-called coward and a so-called hero and there’s not the thickness of a sheet of paper between them. Maybe cowards and heroes are just ordinary men who, for a split second, do something out of the ordinary. That’s all.





The vampire virus does not impart extra human abilities such as shape shifting, teletransportation, transmutation, telekinesis, or dematerializing. Their bodies are subject to the rules of physics including gravity. They are not adversely affected by plants such as garlic. Their bodies will be seen in any surface that reflects images including mirrors. They do not require a ritualized special invitation to enter any premises to which they wish to gain access. The aforementioned traits are primitive folklore.

However, when excited, vampire are able to concentrate their physical abilities into bursts of power that result in extraordinary strength; not unlike that expressed under circumstances of stress by the mentally ill. In what appears to be an evolutionary survival trait, the cuspids commonly known as canine teeth, or fangs, do elongate and sharpen over time, but are retracted into the gums when not feeding. Vampire do acquire the uncanny ability to hypnotize humans as a dubious benefit of the infection. We cannot offer a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon as of this writing. We do, however, suggest that field operatives be conditioned against vulnerability to this form of influence.


Hearing deliberations didn’t last long after Elora left the Chamber. Addressing the quorum members, Monq confirmed critical parts of the story with evidence he had collected. He indicated that his otherworldly counterpart, whose handwriting, by the way, was an indistinguishable match with his own, had programmed the transportation device to search for his DNA signature. It was because Monq was located in the Chamber room of Black Swan and for that reason alone that Elora Laiken was delivered there.

Monq related his suspicions that her cell density probably translates to strength that would be super human, meaning strength greater than the strongest person, male or female. He went on to say that he suspected that, if she wanted out of her confinement, it would be hard to stop her.

“To use a pop culture expression, she is very likely ‘hard to kill’. Regarding informing her as to who we are and what we do, I suggest we use the same method we apply when interviewing potential personnel. I will supervise the process, myself. If the results are satisfactory, there is no reason not to allow her freedom of movement within the compound.

However, she has sustained multiple traumas layering one on top of the other. She has witnessed the massacre of her family and all those close to her. She has undergone such massive injury to her body as defies description. And she now finds herself in a world that is slightly off center, similar, but not the same. There are some conventional points of reference for her, but, in some ways, that almost makes the differences more pronounced and confusing. Worse, she sees herself as alone. I will want to monitor her psychological rehabilitation.”

Since no one voiced a dissenting view, he continued. “It cannot have escaped the notice of anyone present that there are larger implications. The method by which Ms. Laiken unintentionally pioneered inter-dimensional travel could not have been more crude or punishing, but that is not to say that other, more advanced societies may not have refined the means by which to slip through dimensional barriers heretofore thought impenetrable. Certainly we may review thousands of unsolved cases in the annals of The Order through the prism of this new information.”

The ruling of the assembly was unanimous. If Elora Laiken passed the typical employee interview process, she would be given alternate quarters and freedom of the building and the courtpark. Eventually, when her emotional rehabilitation was complete, she might even choose to work for the Order in some capacity.

The next morning Elora was asked to participate in a series of tests. She was not told that her freedom depended on the outcome, but she was happy to be out of the infirmary regardless of the reason.

The Order’s interview process had been developed and refined over time to a masterpiece of predictability. It consists of a layering of psychological reactions probing the subject for predisposition to three behavioral factors: tolerance to evidence of unusual phenomena foreign to conventional or previously held beliefs, loyalty, and ability to keep confidential matters secret – long term. That portion of the interview is a three hour process that starts slow and builds in intensity as the morning progresses. If any challenge renders a questionable result, the subject is dismissed without ever knowing why or what they were being tested for.

Elora Laiken made it to the lunch break having matched the best score ever received by any of the Order’s agent operatives including knights. After lunch, she was shown to a room with low, recessed lighting and asked to sit in an overstuffed reclining chair. After a brief wait, Monq entered and closed the door.

“Ms. Laiken, the next step in this series of testing procedures is a short session of hypnosis. Is that something you’re familiar with?”

“Yes. In the sense that I know what it is, but not in the sense that I have been hypnotized.”

Monq nodded. “I see. The purpose of hypnotizing you is to determine how susceptible you are to suggestion. Do you have any objection to this?”

Elora thought about it a moment. “Well, I haven’t had a chance to apologize for accosting you, but I am sorry. I hope you understand.”

Monq studied her for a minute and then giggled which could not seem more out of place on a person. Elora wondered if the oddity of that was part of the test. “No, my dear Ms. Laiken, I have no grudge or ill will toward you whatsoever. In fact, I feel our entire world owes you a debt of gratitude because you have provided us with proof of a scientific theory that has been the subject of skeptic’s ridicule for a very long time. This is the most important advance in understanding the structure of the universe since we learned to build fire. Whether intended or not, this was accomplished at great personal cost to you. And I haven’t had a chance to thank you.”

“You’re welcome?”

He smiled. “May I proceed?”

“Sure.” She shrugged.

Monq indicated that she should lie back in the recliner and find a comfortable position. An hour later, he had not successfully put her under. He called in one assistant after another, each one trained in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, to have a try. Eventually they were forced to conclude that Elora was one of those relatively rare individuals with a natural immunity to the process. She simply could not be hypnotized.

Moving on to the final portion of the process, he explained that they were part of a very old organization whose purpose was to investigate paranormal phenomena and, when necessary, protect the human population from negative supernatural events. For purposes of clarification, positive supernatural events were those deemed to be harmless such as sightings of guardian angels. Or Elvis.

“What qualifies as a negative supernatural event?” she asked.

“Vampire. For example. Which happens to be one of the specialties of this particular unit.”

“You’re not kidding.”

Having heard that response a few times, Monq wasn’t either surprised or put off. The best news was that she wasn’t laughing. If she had laughed, he would have gone along and said something to the effect of, “Got ‘ya. We like to hire people with a sense of humor.” Then, with a pat on the back and a, “Thanks for coming in. We’ll let you know in a couple of days,” that would be the end of that applicant’s future with The Order.

“Unfortunately no. I’m quite serious about this as has been every person who has worked for The Order for almost six hundred years. Since 1458 to be exact.”

Intrigued Elora asked, “And what happened in 1458?”

“You want the synopsis or the whole story?”


“Whole story.” He waited for her nod and then smiled seeming pleased with her answer. “Every time.”

Monq suggested they move into his study which was a room covered with inset paneling and beautifully designed moldings. Two walls were shelves that held all manner of curious goods. He gestured toward one of two red leather chairs set at a conversational angle in front of an oversized fireplace. It was not yet cool enough for a fire, but there was a large monitor sitting in front of the hearth displaying a video of a roaring fire. She decided that this version of Monq was proving to be just as eccentric as her own Monq. The room was a treasure trove of contradictions. He poured pink sherry into two stems of very old, museum quality, crystal and sat down to retell a story he had repeated countless times and knew by heart.


“In the year 1458 there was a Count who lived happily with his wife in the mountainous region where Germany borders Austria. Their goldenrod-colored house was as picturesque as a fairy tale, more stately than a manor, but smaller and less grand than a castle. It stood on the shore of an idyllic lake. The surface, which was usually still as glass, reflected the forest that lined its banks and changed color with the mood of the sky above.

The Countess, who was known to be both kind and generous, had not been blessed with children even though it was her fondest wish. So the affection that might have found expression in watching little ones grow was instead bestowed on other living things: her gardens and a small herd of black swans that decorated the lake named for them. Even though all the swans in the land were, by law, owned by the king, she secretly, in her heart, counted these her own pride and joy. She would never pass a window without looking toward the lake.

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