My First - Jason & Katie (28 page)

Read My First - Jason & Katie Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

When she was in his arms, she felt that there was no danger in the world, no power, no destructive force that was strong enough to hurt her. Not when Jas was there, encircling her in his protective strength. It was the sexiest feeling in the world, she realized, to feel that loved and cherished and protected. She knew that there was NOTHING Jas would not do for her, and that triggered a primal need in her – a need to do absolutely ANYTHING for him.

His lips moved against hers, his hunger matching what she felt inside, his passion rising up to meet hers. The rising waves of heat exploding from her core came faster as the pace of his movements increased, their mutual need stoking the flames of their feelings for each other, their desires.

Her body felt like it was made of nerve endings, every tiny move he made against her – every brush of his skin against her skin – lit her up like a wildfire burning across a dry and thirsty plain. Every sensation felt like it would overtake her, every one felt more intense and pleasurable than the last, and then (although it seemed impossible) the next one would be even more pleasurable still.

He slipped his tongue into her mouth, probing, exploring, and she met it with her own. She pulled him closer with her hands tangled in his hair, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, grinding her lips against his as she ground her hips into his thigh where their bodies met.

Just when she thought that the fire of her lust-filled passion could not be stoked any higher, he rose slightly, causing his chest to move against her, grazing her nipples all the way.

All of a sudden, Katie reached her breaking point. It was all too much for her. She felt the biggest wave yet crash over her, and she knew that she needed him. Badly.

His lips, his tongue, his hands, his skin, his chest...she NEEDED him, and not like this. Not on a bench, in public, where all they could do was kiss. She needed to
him, to be with him, to be naked with him, to press her body against him, to give him pleasure and take her own until they both cried with release.

She tore her lips away and looked into his eyes, intensity flooding every cell of her body as she gasped, “Yes, Jas...take me
upstairs...please, yes...I need you, I need you Jason now!”

He smiled as he stood and grabbed her hand, quickly guiding her across the hotel lobby with the same urgency she felt burning inside her.

Chapter Twenty-two

As Jason led Katie across the hotel lobby, he could barely believe that this was really happening.

Was this really happening?

He glanced back at Katie, giving her a small smile. She returned the smile, looking every bit as unsure and shell-shocked as he did.

But, yes...she was there, she was real, and this was happening.

He just prayed that they didn't run into anyone on the way to the room that would soften Katie's resolve.

Please no please no please no please no, he chanted in his head to the rhythm of their footsteps.

They stood in front of the elevators and Jason pressed the 'up' button firmly. He would have sworn that his hand was shaking – that he was, in fact, trembling all over – but, no. He saw that his hand was steady as he reached it out to push the button.

Damn. If he was completely still, then it must be the rest of the world around him that was quaking.

The elevator doors opened and Jason prayed, again, that there would be no one that they knew inside. He'd been waiting a decade for this moment, to have it derailed at the last moment because they ran into one of his cousins in the elevator would be just
cruel. And in a hotel that was practically filled to the brim with their friends and relatives...well, it felt like it would take a miracle to get to Katie's room without being seen.

Luck was on his side, however, because they arrived at Katie's door without exchanging so much as a smile or a nod with anyone that was known to them. Katie pulled her card key out of her purse and fumbled with it, her fingers shaking, making the task difficult.

Jason stepped behind her, pressing his body right up against hers, placing his hands firmly on her upper arms. She froze in his embrace.

He began to move his hands down her arms, slowly, inexorably, and he heard her let out a little gasp, he felt her tremble beneath his caress. When his hands finally reached hers, he wrapped them around hers, his big, strong hands covering her small, dainty ones entirely.

She stood still, frozen against him, although he could feel and hear her breathing quickening. When he felt that she was ready, he moved their hands together to firmly slide the card in and out of the lock, decisively.

The light above the mechanism turned green and Katie and Jason were inside the room in less than a heartbeat.

Jason backed Katie against the wall and pressed his lips to hers. He kissed her passionately, desperately...almost aggressively. All of the pent-up desire of the last ten years was being spent in that kiss, and Jason felt that maybe all of their demons were being exorcised, as well.

He felt Katie's petite hands roaming his body. One minute they were tangled in his hair, the next they were caressing his shoulders and back, then they were grasping at his neck or caressing his face.

His hands answered her exploration move for move. He ran them through her silky, golden hair, he trailed them up and down her arms, and he grasped the sides of her delicate neck as he began to trail kisses down it.

As his head began to move down her neck, she wrapped her arms around his neck and, in one neat little jump, hopped up into his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist.

God. Her body against his made him lightheaded.

So did her words, as she moaned, “God, Jason,
I need you...I've waited so long...I need to feel you...”

He cupped his hands under her adorable and sexy ass and began to kiss her again, supporting her as he moved the two of them towards the hotel bed. When they got to the bed, he reached down and tore the covers from it, never breaking their kiss. He only wanted her skin to touch the cool, clean sheets. He wanted nothing but the best for his Katie.

He lay her down gently on the bed, as if she were a priceless and fragile treasure.

“Oh, Katie,” he breathed, looking into her eyes, “I'm going to make you fe
el so good, sweetheart.”

She smiled, brushing his face with her fingertips, tears shimmering in her gorgeous blue eyes. She whispered, “You already are, Jason.”

Jason began to kiss her again, gently, on her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, her chin, and down her beautiful, slim neck. He was surprised at how he felt right now. A moment ago, he had been consumed by animal passion. He would have sworn that this encounter was going to be a tangled mass of grabbing at clothes, grasping each other desperately, and mindless ecstasy.

Now, just a few moments later, he felt content to take things slowly, treasuring every small touch, every sight, every taste of her on his lips.

He had waited to explore her body and take his time making love to her for so long, and he wasn't going to rush his opportunity now.

As he trailed kisses slowly down her neck and felt the vibration of her moans through his lips as his kisses became ever more insistent, he trailed his fingertips over her body – up and down her arms, up and down her legs, and up and down her thighs.

She began to squirm harder, to writhe a bit even, and then finally she caught one of his hands in both of hers and pulled causing him look up at her.

She was panting, and the hair around her forehead was damp with the same sweat that was making her skin glisten. He felt himself grow even harder, if that was possible.

“Jason,” she whimpered, “I need you...I need you so much...please, just...right now...I need to feel you...”

God, he felt the erotic charge of her fevered exclamations to the very core of his body and soul. He closed his eyes and breathed it in.

He rose up above her, and he saw her smile. He realized that she must think that he was giving in to her demands, speeding up and just taking her now, like she wanted.

He grinned to himself.

Katie Marie Lawson should know him well enough to know that he didn't do things a certain way just because her bossy little butt said that he should.

He leaned down closer still, his mouth pressed against her ear, the weight of his body bearing down on her.

“Katie...” he said.

“Yes?” she gasped.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered.

“Yes...” she shivered in response.

“Then you need to trust me now,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear, “Trust me that I'm going to make love to you tonight, and it's going to be amazing. Soul-shattering. I'm going to make your body feel things that you didn't even know it was capable of. I'm going to bring you pleasure that you never even dreamed was possible even in your wildest fantasies. But in order to do that, I need you to trust me. Do you think you can trust me, baby?”

He felt her nodding frantically, and he drew back and resumed his mouth's slow journey down her body. He kissed and licked down her neck and across her chest. When he got to the neckline of her dress, he moved his hands up her outer thighs, drawing the hem of her dress up with them, and inched it up until it came free and he pulled it over her head.

He tossed it aside, staring at her heaving breasts, mesmerized by how delicate and beautiful they were. The creamy mounds were topped by stiff, pink points. Their shuddering motion as Katie's breath hitched filling him with nearly uncontrollable desire.

Under the weight of his hungry, lustful gaze, he saw her china skin begin to color to a rosy pink, all over her chest and belly. Her breathing became even more rapid, and her nipples hardened even further.

Her body's reaction to the way his eyes took her in turned him on, driving him to heights of lust that he had never before experienced. Her skin, her breath, her nipples – she was reacting as if he was touching her, kissing her, licking her – that's how turned on she was getting just from the way that he
at her.

It was too much. He couldn't hold out any longer. He had to touch her, to taste her.

He knelt beside the bed, leaning over and taking one of those tantalizing pink tips in his mouth, suckling at it, working it with his tongue. With his hand, he caressed her belly and her side and played with her other stiff, sensitive nipple.

He knew he was driving her crazy. She was wiggling her butt back and forth on the bed, and her hands were grasping at the back of his head and on his strong forearm. She was murmuring unintelligibly, encouraging him...begging him. But, he was proud of her. She was staying true to her word to trust him.

He smiled.

Trust like that deserved to be rewarded.

As he continued to suck and lick at both of the sensitive peaks of her breasts, he moved his hand further down, urging her thighs apart. She spread her legs open for him willingly, eagerly even.

He trailed his fingertips in little circles and curlicues up the inside of her thighs until he came to the very center of her core. He could feel the heat radiating from her, even through the flimsy material of her panties.

As he lightly brushed his fingers up the fabric, he noticed that it was soaking wet.

Katie groaned and arched her back as she felt his light touch on the sensitive skin of her lips, even through the fabric that covered them.

“Yes, Jas, yes...” she murmured. He heard the note of desperation in her voice. He smiled. He loved seeing Katie like this.

He slowly slid her panties down over her legs and threw them aside. He took a moment to fully appreciate her beautiful body. His eyes roamed across her perfect full breasts, down the curve of her thin waist, sliding even lower past her hip
s, finally landing on her center. His hands gripped her inner thighs as he gently nudged her legs apart and watched her grow even wetter right before his eyes.

He smiled.

Pulling her hips to the edge of the bed he knelt before her, in between her knees. He placed the palm of his large, strong hand flat on her lower belly and began to trail his thumb lightly along her outer lips, never penetrating the folds underneath. He felt her shudder under his feather-light caress.

“Katie,” he said huskily.

“Yes...” she gasped, her head thrown back, her eyes closed.

“Katie,” he repeated, “I have a question for you.”

“OK,” she moaned.

“Do you remember the other day in the truck?”

She nodded. He grinned wickedly.

“Say it,” he commanded. There was a smile in his voice, but it was clear he was serious.

“I remember,” she moaned.

His voice grew thick with desire as he said, “Tell me what happened in the truck.”

She moaned and threw her head back, but didn't answer.

He waited. She moaned again. He repeated, “Tell me what happened in the truck.”

She moaned, “Oh, Jason...Oh, God, Jason...”

He slowed the movement of his thumb to a virtual crawl and she grasped his forearm desperately.

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