Read My Kingdom for a Corner Online

Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Romance

My Kingdom for a Corner (2 page)

“Would you like Santa to fill you? He’s very…talented in that area.” He put his arm around her and hugged her closer. His cock had seemed to grow even more since she’d sat down, and she had no doubt in her mind that he was a very good fuck.

“Sure of yourself, aren’t you, Santa?”

“Yes,” he said matter-of-factly. “Tell me what position you’d like to use.”

“Doggy.” If they were going to fuck, she might as well be as blunt as he was being. “Your dick will go in deeper that way. And I want a good, hard fuck, Santa, not a soft screw.”

His eyebrows went up, and under the white things stuck to his forehead, she could see dark hair. So he was blue-eyed and dark-headed, and Scottish…she might come before he was inside her.

“Then it’s a pounding you’ll get.” He traced a finger down her leg. “There is one condition, Ms. Steele.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m in charge. You’ll do as I say. I will not be topped.”

That was what she wanted, to give over control and… “Deal.”

“I’m serious,” he said, his tone enforcing his words. “Try and take over and you’ll find yourself bound and gagged.”

“Right,” she laughed as she stood up. “Where to, Santa?”

“We’ll use one of the rooms upstairs,” he said as he picked up his bag of toys. “There’s one with a nice rug that will protect your hands and knees as I take you.”

He headed into the crowd, and she trailed off after him, not too sure about the picture this painted. Too many of her employees would see her following him, would know that he was in charge. She hurried her step, making it to his side as they neared the circular stairway that would take them up to the playrooms.

The guard on duty nodded to them as they started up, with Francesca in the lead. Once upstairs he took the lead again, taking her to room three. He ushered her inside, and when he shut the door, she heard it lock.

“Take your clothes off,” he ordered, and Francesca obeyed readily. She wasn’t ashamed of her body, even though it wasn’t the standard for today. She was top heavy, and had nice broad hips a man could grasp while they coupled. At least men used to do it. She watched him from the corner of her eyes as she undressed.

The padding hit the floor as he undid the belt. He shed his coat and pants, and was soon standing there in nothing but the white wig, beard and hat. When he pulled them off and tossed them aside, Francesca knew her earlier assessment was right. She was going to come before he even touched her.

He was gorgeous, fit and muscular, with a thick cock jutting out in front of him. “From the look on your face I’d say we don’t need any foreplay,” he said, his humor evident as he reached onto the shelf near the door. She watched him open a condom packet and sheath himself.

“No foreplay necessary,” she said. She didn’t want a connection. She just wanted a dick. She went to the rug in the center of the room and knelt down, getting into the classic doggy position in no time flat. “Just fuck me.”

“Who’s in charge, Francesca?”

“What?” She knew he could hear her irritation.

“You heard me.”

“I’m in a classic submissive position, aren’t I? Just put your prick in me, and remember you promised a pounding.”

She waited, but he didn’t kneel behind her. Finally, after a few moments, she looked at him. “What’s the problem?”

“You’re taking over,” he said softly, his voice still full of authority. “You may not need foreplay, but I’d like some. Turn over and play with your cunt.”

“No!” Damn it, she sounded like a kid throwing a temper tantrum.

“No playing, no prick.” He moved in front of her and stroked his thick length. “Do it.”

Francesca rolled over, feeling very powerless. She spread her legs and started to finger herself, her wetness spreading across her labia, over her aching clit. A few hard strokes was all it would take, she knew. Maybe if she came, she would…

“No orgasm,” he ordered.

“Screw you,” she said as her fingers moved faster.

He stepped over her, his cock about four feet above her face. Damn, he was tall. “Come and I tie you up. Don’t forget who’s in charge.”

Her fingers slowed down.

“Much better.” Their gazes locked as she continued to stroke her swollen folds. “I’d love to tie you, whip you, and then stick my dick up your ass.”

Francesca turned her head toward the wall. His laugh made her shiver. “Your mind says, no, you wouldn’t like that, but your body, the way you just shivered, it says differently. I have another glass cock in my pack. Shall I put it in your ass while I’m in your pussy?”

“Yes.” Francesca rolled her hips at the same time she bit her lip. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to order him to hurry up, and she was afraid if she did it one more time, he would call the whole thing off.

When he moved toward the pack, she panicked, until she remembered what he was going after. Her body was on fire, the need unlike anything she’d ever felt.

“What’s your name?” she asked softly.

“Santa,” he answered as he rummaged in the bag. She watched as he picked up a box and pulled out a six-inch glass cock. He went to the sink and cleaned it. After that, he grabbed a bottle of lube and walked back toward her.

“Hurry up,” she whispered as he drew nearer. She rolled over, getting back on her hands and knees. “Get your dick in me.”

“Tsk, tsk,” he said, “and you were doing so well.” He sat the items he was carrying down and moved toward the other wall. Francesca watched him take down handcuffs and some rope.

“Oh no,” she started to push up, but where he’d moved so slowly earlier, he was like a panther now, on top of her in seconds, securing her wrists with the handcuffs before she could fight him off.

“Untie me!” she screamed. “This wasn’t part of the deal.”

With her hands cuffed behind her back, her shoulders were pressed against the soft rug. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she felt the rope against her skin, and she knew he was threading it around the link between the cuffs. Within minutes, he’d secured the ends to two floor O-rings on either side of the rug. She hadn’t noticed them before. She was now secured in place, her ass high in the air.

Anger soared through her as she fought against the bonds.

“Beautiful,” he whispered. “Fight some more, Ms. Steele. It’s making you very wet. Your pussy’s glistening like someone sprinkled fairy dust on it.”

She stopped moving immediately, and as she did, realization sunk in. He was right. She wasn’t pissed. She was excited. She felt a need that surpassed any desire she’d ever felt. Her folds throbbed as if he’d been fucking her already.

“Please,” she said softly. “I need it.”

“I know what you need,” he said, “and being tied up is just part of it. You also need to be whipped, hard. You need to stand in the corner and tell your Master you’re sorry for being a bad girl. You need to suck your Master’s cock, taste his cum.”

“I suppose you’re that Master,” she said, turning her head enough to fix her gaze on him.

“Naturally.” He sat down next to her and started to stroke her back. Francesca wanted to scream at him to touch her cunt, but she knew that wouldn’t get her what she wanted. “Earlier, I told you not to come, or you wouldn’t get dick. Did you see what you did? You slowed your pace, you followed my command.”

“Bastard!” She growled at him, angry when he laughed deeply. “Fuck me!”

“Later.” His hand moved to her ass. He cupped each cheek. “Your butt would look wonderful with a few welts on it.”

“Fuck me!” She tried to rock into his touch, but the ropes kept her in place. When he got up and moved back to the wall, she wanted to cry. He was back quickly, fixing leather cuffs around her ankles.

“Spread your legs as wide as you can so I can tie you to the rings down here.” The urge to tell him to fuck himself was strong, but even stronger was the urge to follow his command. When she did, he chuckled. “You see what I mean? You’re a natural.”

Francesca closed her eyes as she felt him tug on her legs, securing them to the floor. She was wide open for his inspection. The anger was still there, but the excitement trumped it. He was on top of her in seconds, his body pressing against her.

“Beg me,” he whispered into her ear, “and make it good.”

A soft moan escaped her lips as she whispered, “Fuck me, please. Put your dick in me, claim me, make me yours.”

“I’ve already done that,” he said, his voice seeming to go even lower. She shivered as his breath hit her skin. How could something said so softly affect her that way? The need inside her was monumental. “Say, pretty please, Santa, fuck me.”

He’d moved so that the tip of his cock was at her opening. Her body quaked in response. If the ropes hadn’t been holding her in place, she would probably have pushed back, taken him in one, hard thrust. She needed him, hard and pulsing, inside her. Nothing else mattered.

“Pretty please, Santa, fuck me.” He did it so fast she cried out at the initial shock of his entry. There was a sharp stab of pain, and then he started to fuck her, hard, giving her the pounding she so desperately needed. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Come, Ms. Steele,” he growled out, “come as much as you like, and be noisy about it. I order you to.”

It was easy to follow his command. “Santa,” she screamed as she came, feeling foolish that she didn’t know his name. He continued to saw into her, her body kept in place by the restraints as she came yet again, the hard, tight sensations making her scream out yet again.

When he pushed the glass cock against her anus, she fought against the bonds once more. “Hard, do it hard, put it in my ass,” she screamed, frustrated when he stopped and whispered, once more, about who was in charge.

“Do it!” she said again, not caring that she was topping him. In response, he gently placed the dildo near her mouth, then started to fuck her again.

“We’ll save that for later,” he said, “maybe the next time you’ll be more obedient.”

Francesca whimpered with need as his strokes slowed. She’d had two hard orgasms, but she wanted more, at least one, if not two. But the gentle fucking was not going to do it, not after she’d been so turned on by the hard feel of him from earlier.

“Please,” she whispered, hating the fact she’d used that word so much. “I’m begging you.”

“And I like to hear it,” he said as he continued his leisurely pace, “but I’m rather enjoying this more sedate screwing.”

What was another word for please? What could she say? “I implore you, fuck me harder. I…appeal to you…I…oh, damn it!”

He grasped her hips and quickened his movements, his cock sliding in and out of her wetness, hitting just the right spot until finally she cried out again. Her body shook and she felt weak, as if all her bones were gone. There was pain in her arms and shoulders as he lowered his weight on top of her. And yet, she savored the feel of him, the closeness.

“Most enjoyable, Ms. Steele,” he said before he nibbled on her earlobe. “Next time, we use the glass cock.”

“Next time?”

“There will be many next times,” he said as he stood. He went to the washing area and, still bound, she watched him as he cleaned himself, and then put on his costume.

“I’ll send in a sub to tend to you,” he said. “She’s very discreet, and will not tell anyone she found you so…prone. Until later, Ms. Steele.”

“Wait! How will I find you?”

He winked at her and she felt her face flush. “Don’t worry, it won’t be hard.” He put his hand on his crotch. “Or maybe it will. Until then.”

“Wait!” She watched him disappear through the door, and she cried out in frustration.

The asshole had just given her the best fuck of her life, and she didn’t even know his name.





Chapter Two



“Who was Santa?” Francesca slapped her palms against Sally’s desk and leaned toward her assistant.


“Santa, from last night. Who was he?”

Sally shrugged. “Mr. Oliver set it up. I never got the name. Did he do something wrong?”

No, he did everything right. Very right. “Have you set up my lunch with Mr. Oliver?”

“He couldn’t do lunch,” Sally replied. “He asked if it could be dinner. He said he’d come by the office at five tonight and pick you up, if that’s acceptable to you.”

Perfect, she could ask him then, and he would tell her about the man who had screwed her brains out and left her wanting more.

“Call him to confirm, and don’t think you’re getting out of your spanking today. I want you bent over my desk, ass bared, at four-forty-five. That gives me fifteen minutes to give you your bonus for a great party last night.”

Sally blushed. “Thank you, Ma’am. Will you use the crop?”

“I’ll use whatever you like. I was very pleased with the event. Now, get busy.”

Francesca walked past Sally into her private office and shut the door behind her. She leaned against it then groped her breasts. They were hard just from thinking about Santa, from the way he’d tied her and fucked her. Damn him. She didn’t need this sort of diversion in her life. She was fine, if not sometimes bored, with the way things were.

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