My Life As a Medium (14 page)

Read My Life As a Medium Online

Authors: Betty Shine

Some parents try to obtain proof by giving their children tasks to perform. In my opinion they should not
do this. If the children can give proof, they will do so. If not, one just has to have masses of faith. There are parents now who communicate regularly with the children they have lost, and they have told me that they can ‘feel’ when their children are around. As one woman said, ‘I feel an excitement when my son is near me; it feels like bubbles rising all around me.’ She is quite right and has become aware of the energy that the children bring with them.

During my first two years as a medium I would think, every night when I went to bed, of the heartrending stories I had heard during the day. I did not think that I could cope with so much sorrow. There was also laughter, of course, but it is the sad stories that stay with you. I gave absent healing, twice a day, to everyone who had visited me and to those seeking help in other ways. I admit to feeling angry when I was unable to help someone who was terminally ill. This anger was the only way I could deal with it at the time. I used to ask for the impossible, and I knew it, but I still asked. Sometimes my prayers were answered and it was this that helped me get up in the morning and start all over again.

I don’t think people are aware of the sacrifices that healers and mediums have to make. I was still trying to have a normal life, to go out with my friends and have fun, but it was becoming impossible. There was just not enough time. I had to make my career my life, or I would only have been doing half a job. It is only enthusiasm and hard work that give results, and in this respect mediumship is no different to any other
career. Where it differs from other careers – at least until you have made a name for yourself – is in the fact that it is difficult to share with others. I was extremely careful during the first two years not to discuss my work with anyone other than my clientele and close family and friends. Times have changed, and the paranormal is now being discussed openly on television and in the media in general. I hope that one day there will be television programmes teaching families how to heal within the home. It is quite extraordinary how many families do not touch and hug each other every day. Touching is a way of passing on the energy of pure love, and that is what healing is. It is totally unlike any other kind of love. It is a chemistry that comes from the soul and that is why lovers feel and look incredibly healthy. Even when they are not having a sexual relationship, they still cannot keep their hands off each other. No matter how old you are, being in love can take years off you, and conversely, when the love affair ends it can put years on you. Remember to touch and heal every day, and in doing so you will be reversing the negative energies in your home.

It is wonderful to receive survival evidence, and to know that someone we have lost still cares about us. But how much love and care did we give them whilst they were still alive? In my work I have seen grown men and women distraught with guilt when their late parents communicate with them. They have told me that, although they had loved them, there never seemed to be time to visit them as often as they would
have liked. It is very difficult, when one has a family to bring up, or a taxing career, to find the time. But old people need that loving energy more than the young, and it would extend their lives.

Many of my patients believed they had touched the source of that pure love when they experienced a Near Death Experience or NDE – and I will describe this in the next chapter.


I am very grateful to those patients who shared their NDEs with me, for teaching me so much about the process of dying, and for confirming my theories about the survival of the mind.

John was an extremely handsome, ambitious man in his early fifties. Because he had asked for healing to rejuvenate his cells, I assumed that he had studied cell therapy. But when I asked him if this was so, he laughed and said, ‘You must be joking. I don’t know anything about it.’

‘So why did you specifically mention the rejuvenation of cells?’ I asked.

‘Because that is what I was taught when I died,’ he replied, and jokingly suggested that I hadn’t realized he was a spirit entity.

‘If I tell you my story,’ he said, ‘you probably won’t believe me.’

‘Try me,’ I suggested.

‘Well,’ he began, ‘two years ago, I had a heart attack. The pain was so excruciating that I lost
consciousness. What happened after that was incredible. I was spinning around in space and although I knew I was looking for something, I didn’t know what it was.’ He sighed, and continued. ‘Not that it mattered, because I was so relieved at being free from pain. The next thing I remember was spinning toward a black hole. He shuddered. ‘I was frightened and tried to draw back from it, but I was propelled into it. I didn’t remember anything else until I saw a bright light so dazzling that I had to close my eyes. Then I noticed a man in the distance. He looked very strange, but as I got closer I could see that his image was distorted because he was standing behind a transparent wall.’ I suggested that this was probably an energy screen, and John agreed. Then he continued with his story.

‘The man spoke to me, and told me to stay where I was,’ he grinned. ‘As I had no control over my movements I didn’t have much choice.’

‘Then what happened?’ I asked, anxious to hear the rest of the story.

‘Well,’ John went on, ‘the wall disappeared, and I found myself standing in a circle of light. At first the light was sunflower yellow, then it turned into all the colours of the rainbow. I couldn’t understand what was happening. And then I saw a Being of Light walking toward me.’

‘Why do you say it was a Being of Light?’ I asked.

‘Because the light was coming from within his body,’ he replied.

I asked him how he had felt at this point, and whether he thought the Being was Jesus.

‘All I could feel was Love,’ John said. ‘Not the kind of love you have for another human being, this was different. It was all-embracing. I’ve never felt anything like it in my life.’ He thought for a moment, and then he said, ‘I have wondered since whether it was Jesus, but I just don’t know. I’m not a religious man so I have never had any preconceived idea of what Jesus would look like. Anyway, the Light was so bright it would have been difficult for me to distinguish any features. All I can tell you is that I didn’t want him to leave.’

I wanted to hear more, ‘Did he say anything to you?’ I asked. ‘No,’ John smiled, ‘he was walking toward me then he disappeared. The next thing I knew I was looking down on my body. I was lying on what looked like an operating table and there were a lot of people standing around me. Then I was back in my body.’ He grimaced. ‘And the pain was back.’

I smiled at him, and I said, ‘But what about the rejuvenation of cells? Where did that come from?’

‘When I eventually recovered from my heart attack, I knew that I had to seek out someone who could revitalize my cells. And that’s why I am here. That’s the most cranky part of this
story.’ Holding his head in his hands, he said, ‘Where did I get this information? Do you think I’m crazy?’

‘No, I don’t. This Being of Light was obviously communicating with you telepathically, and has impressed upon you that you must seek help in this way to keep yourself healthy. I think you are also being warned not to continue living life in the fast lane.

‘Don’t worry,’ he said, ‘that experience has taught me a great deal. There’s more to life than working ourselves to death for material gain. I spend more time with my family now, and we are all happier for it.’ Looking at me intently, he said, ‘You know, I have completely lost my fear of death, and I feel free to live.’

I was fascinated by John’s NDE, especially by the first part, when he was drawn into the black hole and then spun into the light. It was very similar to the stories I had heard when listening to survival evidence – the difference being that they had not returned. Through them I had also heard of the Being of Light, and of the Love that came from this person. I had wondered occasionally whether this was one person or whether there were many Beings of Light, and was to find out when a young lady called Celia came to see me.

Celia told me her story whilst I was giving her healing.

‘I was at work one day,’ she said, ‘when I suddenly felt very ill. I remember falling, and then suddenly I was being lifted in the air. My memory of that part is very hazy. Then I heard voices, and saw all these people standing around me. The light was so bright around them that I couldn’t see their faces, but for some reason I wasn’t frightened. Then they vanished and there was only one person left. I knew it was a man, but the light around him was so brilliant it blinded me. He put his hand on my arm, and said, “You will remember this.” Then I woke up in a hospital bed.’ She had a wonderful smile on her face, when she said, ‘I will never forget him.’

‘What was it about him that you’ll never forget?’ I asked.

‘The Love,’ she answered. ‘I can still feel the Love that was given to me, and I try to pass some of it on to others.’

I asked her the same question that I had asked John. ‘Do you think there is only one Being of Light?’

She thought for a while and then answered, ‘I did see others who were similar, but they didn’t seem to have the power of the man who touched me.’

It was all very intriguing. From these two accounts it would seem that there is a group of these Beings but only one all-powerful leader.

Mary arrived on my doorstep one day and asked if I would see her. I explained that I was very busy but I would give her an appointment. She explained that she had to return to America the next day; the reason that she had left the visit so late was because she had only just heard about me from a friend. She said she had to talk to me. I invited her in, and promised to fit her into my schedule if she didn’t mind waiting. I was able to speak to her an hour later.

‘I don’t know whether you’re going to believe this story or not,’ she told me, ‘but I just had to tell someone, and my friend gave me your name.’ Looking slightly agitated, she continued. ‘Six months ago, whilst going through a divorce, I had a heart attack. The pain was dreadful. But what is etched on my mind, and will be for the rest of my life, is what happened to me when I lost consciousness. I was travelling through a tunnel at great speed and I remember thinking “this is the mainstream”.’

‘Were you in darkness, or was it light?’ I asked.

‘I don’t remember, but when I reached the other end of the tunnel it was bright sunlight, and I found myself standing on the banks of a great river.’ She hesitated, ‘Sorry, I’m trying to give you a clear picture.’ I told her to take her time.

‘There were people standing on the other side of the river but I couldn’t recognize any of them as they were too far away. Then, suddenly, I was surrounded by members of my late family and by my parents. They were all trying to speak to me at the same time.
Then there was silence, and my mother hugged me and said, “We have only been given permission to cross the river for a short while.”‘ Mary’s face was wreathed in smiles as she spoke about her mother. ‘I was able to hug her and kiss her. It was incredible.’ As she paused, I asked whether her mother had given her a message. When she answered, she had a faraway look in her eyes, as though she was reliving her experience. ‘My mother told me that I couldn’t stay, that I had to go back,’ she said. ‘I was devastated. We’d only just found each other again. I asked why I had to return, and she smiled, and stroked my face. “It isn’t time yet,” she told me. The rest is all a bit vague. I don’t remember how we parted, or going back through the tunnel, and then I was looking into the eyes of my friend, who said, “Mary, you’ve been far away, haven’t you?” I nodded and fell asleep.’

‘It’s a wonderful story,’ I said, ‘and you obviously have no qualms about accepting the fact that you have been “out of this world”. What is it that you can’t accept?’

Mary smiled. ‘You’ll probably think I’m silly, but I just can’t understand why, having made the journey, I wasn’t allowed to stay. I’ve never been a spiritual soul, and I’m not making any impact on this planet, so why did I have to come back?’

‘Do you mean to say that you still haven’t worked it out for yourself?’ I asked.

‘No, that’s why I’m here,’ she answered.

‘Well, it’s perfectly obvious to me,’ I said. ‘The fact that you were not religious or spiritually inclined
made you a perfect candidate. You’ve been describing your experience to friends and, perhaps, to others who may be interested.’ Mary nodded. ‘Don’t you see,’ I went on. ‘You’re spreading the “word”, and people believe you simply because you are such an unlikely candidate.’

‘What do you mean? What is the “word”,’ she asked.

‘That there is life after death,’ I replied.

Mary looked at me in disbelief. ‘I hadn’t thought of it like that. I don’t believe it, I’ve been conned.’

I laughed. ‘Yes! But in the nicest possible way. To bring about peace, and understanding of an afterlife, the powers that be will use every avenue open to them.’

This information had been given to me by my guru. This is what he said:

There will be great changes in the next twenty years. Those who have never before envisaged a life after death will be given the experience, so that they may return and teach others. We are already using every avenue open to us to bring about a transformation in your world, and I will give you the reason for these actions.

When the soul/mind leaves the sheath/body we have to take everyone back through their earth life so that they will understand how every thought and deed has affected them. This is the so-called Heaven or Hell. They are never alone when this is happening, and although there is
redemption for the crimes – of any kind – that they have committed against life, in the end they are alone and must atone for these actions. It is traumatic for all of us who are involved in this work and we are, therefore, taking every opportunity to educate and give everyone the chance to evaluate their lives before they arrive here.

Most of the people who return to your world to tell their story would never have returned to their sheath were it not for our actions. As I have said, we are taking every opportunity that is given to us.

This message was given to me in 1981, and I have received confirmation of his words many times through stories of Near Death Experiences. It is most inspiring to know that people have lost their fear of being ridiculed.

So many people lead empty fruitless lives which have been changed by a Near Death Experience. Len was one such person.

‘I never cared much for other people,’ he told me. ‘And I hated children, which is why I never married. I’d lived alone all my life and although it was lonely at times, it never really bothered me.’ He stopped, and stared ahead, as though trying to conjure up a picture in his mind, and then he continued with his story. ‘That is, until I went into a coma. I have diabetes,’ he explained, then frowned. ‘You know, if someone
else told me this story, I would never have believed them.’ There was another pause. Intrigued, I urged him to continue. ‘I went to heaven,’ he said. ‘Me! Can you believe it! I went to heaven. I thought only Christians went to heaven.’

‘How did you get there?’ I asked.

‘God only knows!’ he said.

Pursuing my line of questioning, I asked, ‘Did you go into a tunnel, and reach the light?’

‘No,’ he said. ‘Nothing like that. I just arrived.’ His face lit up as he spoke. ‘There was a golden glow all around me, as though there were several suns. Then rays of all different colours danced around me. I was so happy.’ He sat smiling to himself for a few minutes, and then said, ‘But I had to pay for it.’ I asked what he meant. ‘Well, the next bit was horrible. I was sitting in a hall and my whole life was being shown on a big screen. Although it was going very fast, I could feel every hurt that I had caused to other people in my life, and when it was over I was told I had to repay a debt to society.’ Shaking his head, he said, ‘I didn’t understand how I could do that. Then I woke up in hospital. When I recovered I found that I had completely changed. I have plenty of friends now and I married a woman with a grown-up family and give our grandchildren all the love I can. Only now can I see how barren my life was before I went to heaven.’

‘When you were there, did you feel surrounded by love?’

‘Yes I did, though before I died I hadn’t known what it felt like. I do now.’ He laughed. ‘You must think I’m mad.’

‘Not at all,’ I said, ‘I’ve heard too many Near Death Experiences to think that. In fact, it has taught me a lot.’

‘Is that what it’s called?’ he asked.

‘Yes. You see, you don’t actually cross the line into another dimension, so it is a near death.’

Now it was his turn to be intrigued, and he plied me with questions until it was time for him to leave.

What fascinated me most about these NDEs was the fact that all the stories were so different. Although the majority of people were drawn into a tunnel in the beginning, they never seemed to end up in the same place at the end of it – although it seemed that the light at the end of the tunnel was common to everyone who travelled through it.

Because I understood energy vortices I could see that it would be natural for the mind to spin and turn into a vortex, giving the impression that one was travelling through a tunnel.

I understand from my spiritual teachers that the Universe is indeed a mass of vortices, and that the surge of energy created by these controls the mass.

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