My Master (Stepbrother Romance #1) (2 page)

Laura Lee

“So, Bill purchased four of your pieces last night,” Cora said at the end of the following day.

              I stopped what I was doing and stared at her. “He did?”

              “Mmm hmm.” She nodded and shut off the “open” sign. “Said he was extremely impressed with your talent and was proud to be an owner of your original work. I don’t know what you did to impress him, but keep it up. That man will be able to make or break your career.”

              I honestly don’t know what I did to impress him, either, especially considering I’d turned him down cold and was kind of mean to him. He was probably one of those guys who got off on a challenge, and I’m sure that’s how he thought of me. I was a challenge to him, a prize to be won, a thing to chase and conquer. A shiver worked up my spine at that thought. Conquering me. Despite my past, I was attracted to a man who could take control, a man who could dominate me.

              “Want to grab some dinner?” Cora asked.

              “Uh, thanks, but I’ve got plans with Daryl tonight.”

              At the mention of his name, Cora perked up. “Oh? Doing anything fun?”

              I wanted to remind her that my brother was off limits to her, but that might be overstepping my bounds with her. So, I shook my head. “No, we’re just hanging out at his place tonight. Ordering some take out. Watching some movies. We do this once a month or so. It’s our excuse to get together and compare notes about our parents.”

              “Sounds fun.”

              “Yeah, it’s not so bad. I mean, it’s as fun as it can be hanging out with your brother.” I laughed nervously, hoping my real feelings weren’t showing through. But the truth was, I loved these nights. I looked forward to them all month and would never let anything get in my way.

              “All right, so I’ll see you on Monday then.” Cora opened the door and waited for me to step outside before she locked the door behind us. “Oh and by the way,” she dug through her oversized purse and yanked out a business card, “Bill wanted me to give you this.”

              I took the card from her and noticed he’d written his home number on it. “Why?”

              She laughed. “I think he’s got a thing for you. You know how I feel about mixing business with pleasure, but tread lightly with him. I’d hate to see your career die before it even starts.” She waved and then walked away toward her car.

              I sighed and shoved Bill’s card into my front pocket. I had no intention of calling him. Ever. Because if I did, it would just end up turning into him propositioning me and me constantly telling him no. He’d get pissed, and then I’d have to deal with the fallout. It was just easier to keep things with this guy strictly professional.


              “Ugh,” I groaned, sitting on Daryl’s couch and clutching my stomach. “I’m never eating again.”

              He laughed. “Yeah, right.”

              I smacked him, and he laughed harder. “You’re a jerk,” I teased.

              “You know…there is a way to work off all those calories you just ate.” He leaned back too, sitting so close our shoulders were touching.

              My face felt like it was on fire at where my mind immediately went when he said that – sex. My heart thundered in my ears, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. Hell, I couldn’t believe I was even thinking about sex with Daryl. He was my step brother. I cleared my throat. “Don’t be a pervert.”

              “A pervert?” He feigned shock and hurt. “I was simply going to suggest that you clean up and do the dishes.”

              “It’s your house. You clean up.” But I stood nonetheless and carried our dirty dishes to the sink. Then I glanced at him over my shoulder, secretly thrilled to see him watching me. “I’m not doing your dishes.”

              He chuckled. “I don’t expect you to. C’mon.” He patted the spot next to him and grabbed the remote. “It’s movie time.”

              I went back over to him and pulled my cell phone from my pocket and set it on the coffee table. When I did, I accidentally pulled out Bill’s business card, too. Daryl bent over and snatched it before I could stop him. I cringed, knowing his reaction wouldn’t be pleasant.

              “Isn’t this the guy who was giving you a hard time last night?” he asked.

              I shrugged and flopped down on the couch next to him. Then I grabbed the card from his hand. “I probably made a bigger deal out of it than I needed to. You know how I am.”

              Daryl shifted on the couch and faced me. “Yeah, I do, and I know you don’t blow things out of proportion for the hell of it. So tell me, why do you have this jerk’s card?”

              “Cora gave it to me before I left the gallery. Bill bought four of my pieces and wants to talk. Nothing more. But don’t worry, I don’t plan on calling him, so can you please drop it?”

              Daryl studied me for a few moments. If it were anyone else, it’d make me uncomfortable, but this was Daryl. He’d seen me at my best and my worst and everything in between. I could be myself around him and not worry about him judging me or not liking me.

              “What?” I asked after another few moments.

              “You know what happens when you lie to me, Laura.”

              My eyes widened. “Daryl, don’t you dare!” This was a game we used to play when we were kids. He’d accuse me of lying – and most of the time he was right – and then he’d tickle me until I confessed. I tried to stand, but he grabbed me and pulled me back down on the couch. And then he tickled me. My neck. My ribs. My stomach. My armpits. I was laughing so hard, I couldn’t breathe and my face was beet red.

              “Daryl, stop,” I gasped, “I can’t…” In my attempts to get away, he’d somehow managed to get me flat on my back on the couch and he was on top of me.

              He grabbed both of my hands and pinned them above my head. His face was so close to mine, his breath hot on my face. My heart beat wildly. We’d been physically close like this before, but something about this time felt different.

              “You are so beautiful, Laura.” And then he lowered himself down on top of me, every glorious inch of his hard, perfect body was pressed tightly to mine. He laced his fingers with mine, and in the next instant, his lips were on mine.

              I swore my mind exploded in that moment, but I didn’t pull away. I’d been wanting this for far too long to even think about telling him to stop. His tongue parted my lips and I yielded to him, kissed him back with so much passion it made my head spin.

              Daryl released one of my hands and trailed his down the side of my body, lifting the hem of my shirt and sliding his hand up it, finding my breast. He yanked my bra up and then rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I moaned and arched into him, spearing my fingers through his soft hair.

              Leaving my mouth, he showered my jaw and neck with heated kisses. My body was electrified, on fire, ready to combust. I couldn’t believe this was finally happening, and I prayed I wasn’t just dreaming again. Taking hold of his head, I brought his mouth back to mine at the same time he let go of my nipple and cupped his palm over my sex. My clit throbbed for more, for him, and I was so wet, so ready.

              I reached between our bodies for the button of his jeans, and he groaned then pressed his hips into me. His erection shocked me, but I was pleased that he was just as aroused as I was. It made me want him all the more.

              “Laura.” He rested his forehead to mine and sighed. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

              I swallowed hard. Technically, he was right. We really shouldn’t be doing this. It was so taboo, but how could something that felt so good, so right, be considered wrong? I didn’t want to acknowledge that he was rejecting me. It hurt too much, and I didn’t want to cry in front of him, which is exactly what would happen. “I know, but—”

              He cut me off with another heated, frantic kiss. Then, just as abruptly, he stood, leaving me lying there alone. Shocked. Sad. Needy. I propped myself up on my elbows and stared at him. My gaze lowered to his crotch, which bulged with his erection.

              “I’m so sorry, Laura. I never should’ve… Shit!” He blew out a breath and dragged his hand through his hair. “I’m your brother.”

              “Step brother,” I corrected.

              He gave me an exasperated look. “Fine. I’m your step brother. You’re my best friend. I don’t want to ruin that, for things to get weird between us.”

              I sat up and fixed my bra, smoothed my hands over my hair, basically doing anything I could to avoid his gaze. Daryl crouched in front of me and put his hands on my knees.

              “I’m sorry,” he said again. “I never should’ve starting kissing you. You know I love you.” He smiled. “But this…” he shook his head. “This is wrong, Laura.”

              “Yeah, I know.” I smiled tightly and nodded in agreement, even though I didn’t agree. At all. Nothing about Daryl was wrong, but he clearly felt differently. Well, I guess I had my answer. He wasn’t interested in me like I was in him, and nothing more would ever happen between us. “I think maybe I should go.”

              He hung his head. “You don’t have to.”

              “Yes, I do.” I stood and gathered my cell phone. There was no way I could stay here now, not after I had a taste of the forbidden, a tease of my ultimate fantasy. This little encounter made me realize two very important things. First, I wanted Daryl now more than ever. And second, I loved the excitement of doing something wrong, something erotically taboo.

              I needed to get out of here, to find something to appease me, help me release this pent up frustration he’d caused. As I tucked my phone into my front pocket, I felt the edge of Bill’s card. A sinister idea popped into my mind unbidden. Daryl could stand there and tell me how wrong this was, how we can’t do it, but I’d felt the passion in his kiss, the desperation in his touch. No matter what he said, I knew he wanted me just as badly as I wanted him. And if I couldn’t convince him of that, then I’d just have to prove it to him the tried and prove way – by making him jealous. I was going to call Bill and fuck him. That would show Daryl.

              “Please tell me you understand, Laura. I can’t stand the thought of you being mad at me.”

              I placed my hand on his cheek. “Of course I understand, Daryl. It’s fine. Besides, you’re probably right. Doing this would make things weird between us, and I don’t want to lose you. Not over something as silly as sex.”

              “Thanks, sis.”

              I gave him a hug and then left. As soon as I was to my car, I dialed Bill’s number. He answered almost immediately. “Hello, Bill. It’s Laura. We met—”

              “I knew you’d call,” he said.

              So damn arrogant. I almost hung up, but I was on a mission, and despite his cocky, womanizing ways, I was attracted to him. A few beers and I’d get through what I was about to do without any problems. “I just couldn’t resist your charm,” I said sarcastically.

              He laughed. “You want to come over, don’t you?”

              “Yes,” I whispered, resting my head on the hood of my car.

              “I’ll text you directions.” And then Bill hung up.

              My stomach twisted, and I considered not going through with this, but then I glanced back at Daryl’s house and knew I had no other choice. I got into my car and drove away.




Daryl Montgomery

I blew out a breath and dragged my hands through my hair, tugging on it hard enough to make it hurt. “Fuck!” I kicked at the couch and cursed some more. What the hell had I been thinking kissing Laura like that? I knew better. She was my sister for Christ’s sake. I couldn’t go around kissing her. Or feeling her up. But damn… It had all felt so right, like our bodies were made for each other.

              And she hadn’t stopped me either. I don’t think she had any intention of doing so. She was into it just as much as I was. The realization hit me hard. I could’ve had sex with her. I could’ve made my darkest desire come true, and I’d gone and blown it. What the hell was wrong with me?

              I grabbed my cell phone, intent on calling her, apologizing. Again. But then I thought better of it. I’d seen the hurt in her eyes. She felt rejected by me. It was no wonder she’d run out of here so fast. If the roles were reversed, I’d probably have done the same. The thought of losing her over this twisted my gut. Laura was my best friend.

              Well, there was only one thing I could do – stay away from her for as long as I could, or at least until these feelings faded. Not that I honestly believed they’d fade. They haven’t in all the years I’d known her. And now that I’d had a taste of her, now that I knew she was into it just as much as me, it would be harder than ever to do the right thing around her.

              “I’m such a dipshit.” Calling myself names made me feel slightly better, but not by much. There was only one thing that would ever make me feel better: Laura. I had to call her. I scrolled through my call log until I landed on her name, but before I could push the call button, my phone rang. Instantly, I wished it was Laura. But it wasn’t. “Hello?”

              “Daryl? Hey, it’s Cora…from the gallery. Laura’s boss,” she said.

              “Oh, yeah. Hi.” I didn’t remember giving her my phone number, but for someone like her, it probably wasn’t that difficult to find. “If you’re looking for Laura, she’s not here.”

              “What? Oh, no.” Cora laughed nervously. “I was looking for you, actually. I’m in your neighborhood and was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink before I headed home.”

              Not really, but I didn’t say that. I’d been on the brink of calling Laura, begging her to come back, fucking her until she was out of my system. Maybe Cora’s call was a sign. No matter how badly I wanted my sister in my bed, I couldn’t have her. Focusing my attention on someone else was the best thing I could do.

              “Yeah, sure. Where would you like me to meet you?”

              “Really?” She sounded genuinely surprised. “Okay, great. Um, how about Paxton’s Pub. Do you know it?”

              “Yeah, I know it.” It was the same pub Laura and I would hang out in and drink, play pool. It was one of my favorite places. Laura’s, too, and I hoped against all hope that she hadn’t decided to go there. “I’ll see you in a few then.” I ended the call and stared at my phone. Still tempted to call Laura. Why couldn’t I be like other normal guys and just lust after someone not in my immediate family?

              I left to go meet Cora. She was nothing more than a distraction for me, and I felt kind of bad using her like this when I knew she had more than friendship on her mind. But I was desperate, and she was available. I arrived at Paxton’s and was both relieved and disappointed to see Laura’s car missing from the parking lot.

              “Daryl, over here!” Cora waved to me from a corner booth.

              I smiled and made my way toward her, sliding into the seat across from her. “I’m glad you called.”

              “So am I. Laura mentioned that you two had plans tonight, so I wasn’t really sure if you’d be available.”

              My mood dropped again at the mention of Laura. “Yeah, she wasn’t feeling well,” I lied. “I think the excitement of her show and all the late nights prepping for it got to her.”

              “It was a fantastic show. In fact, I’m planning to see if she’d like to do another one next month.”

              I raised an eyebrow. “Really? She’s going to flip.” I laughed.

              Cora nodded and motioned for the waitress, who came right over. “What’re you drinking?” Cora asked me. “It’s my treat.”

              “Just a beer. Whatever you got on draft,” I said to the waitress. Tonight I wasn’t going to be picky. I just wanted to numb my mind enough to stop thinking about how badly I fucked things up with Laura. I felt bad she left so fast. I tried to explain to her why it was such a bad idea, but I think I only made it worse. It was hard to convince her why it was wrong when, in my heart, it was oh so right.

              “I’ll have a seltzer water,” Cora said with a smile.

              I stared at her, confused. “Why come to a pub if you’re not planning on drinking anything good?”

              She shrugged. “I do have to drive home, and I had a couple mojitos with dinner.”

              “Ah,” I nodded, “that makes sense.” We fell silent, and it was extremely awkward and uncomfortable. That was one of the reasons I liked to spend so much time with Laura. We could sit in silence and it felt as natural as being alone. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason I liked to spend time with her.

              “Did Laura tell you the sales from her show were the highest ever for a debut exhibit?”

              “No, she didn’t.” I furrowed my brow. Normally, Laura and I told each other everything. Why hadn’t she told me that? It was something I knew she’d be proud of.

              “Yeah.” Cora nodded and her eyes sparkled. “Of course, it really helped that Bill bought four pieces himself.” She laughed.

              Anger sparked inside of me at the mention of Bill’s name. That guy rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t like how he was coming onto Laura so strongly during her show. And she was toting around his damn business card. It was time to use this little distraction for information. “How well do you know Bill?”

              “I’ve done business with him for years now. He’s really bit on the art scene, and when I first opened the gallery, he gave me a sizeable donation. We’ve been working together ever since. He’s a nice enough guy if not a little arrogant. But I suppose when you’ve got as much money and power as he does, you can act however you want.” She laughed again.

              I nodded slowly. “Did you two ever date?” I gave her my most charming grin.

              “Oh God no!” She shook her head adamantly. “He’s much too cocky for my tastes. I much prefer the strong, silent type.” She smiled and fluttered her eyelashes. I didn’t react. “Plus, I heard he’s into some really kinky shit.”

              “Like what?”

              She shrugged. “BDSM stuff. You know, tying women up, spanking them, teaching them to obey him. I don’t know how true any of that is.”

              My stomach rolled, and I was afraid I’d throw up my beer before I ever took a single drink. The thought of Laura getting involved with a guy like that… She deserved so much better. She deserved a man who would love her, touch her with a gentle hand. A man like me. I opened my mouth to tell Cora I had to leave when she chuckled.

              “Speak of the devil,” she picked up her cell phone, “it’s Bill.” She was quiet for a moment as she responded to his text message. When she was done, she looked up at me. “I gave Laura his business card today before we left the gallery. I think he’s interested in her. And based on the message I just got from him, she’s interested, too. She called and it on her way over there right now.”

              My heart lodged in my throat, and my ears rang. “What?” I had to have misheard Cora. There was no way Laura would go to Bill. No way in hell. Not after the way she reacted to him and spoke to him the night of her art exhibit.

              “Wouldn’t it be great if they got together?” Cora propped her elbow on the table and dropped her chin into her hand, sighing. “I know he could really take her career to the next level.”

              “Yeah, her career,” I ground out between my teeth. In my gut, I knew if Laura was on her way to Bill’s, she was going to end up in bed with him. That thought made all the air rush from my lungs. I hated the images that flashed through my mind. Another man’s hands on her body. Her lips red and plump from his kiss. Her nipples hardening from her arousal. I stood abruptly. “I’m sorry, Cora, but I have to go. I just remembered I have to…” I trailed off and gave her an apologetic smile. Then I rushed out of the pub.

              Normally, I prided myself on being a gentleman, but there just wasn’t any time for that right now. I needed to find Laura and stop her from making a huge mistake. And if that meant I had to give into the needs and desires we both felt for each other, then so be it. I’d do just about anything to make sure she didn’t get into bed with the likes of Bill Reigns.

              There was only one problem: I had no idea where the douche bag lived. I should’ve hung out with Cora a tad longer to get that information from her. Well, here’s to hoping Google could give me some answers. I knew if I tried to call Laura right now she’d either not answer or not tell me what I wanted to know.

              What I couldn’t figure out, though, was why she’d run straight to him? Was she really feeling that low because I told her we couldn’t be together? Or was she trying to prove something to me? Then it dawned on me. “Son of a bitch,” I said as I got into my car. She was trying to make me jealous! And damn it if it wasn’t working. Red hot anger seethed through my veins at the idea of her being with anyone but me. Granted, I’ve seen her with men before, but that was before I knew she harbored the same sort of feelings toward me that I had for her.

              I pulled out into traffic and dialed Laura’s number. I had to stop her from doing anything with Bill. I had to!




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