My One and Only: Book 1 in the Love and Weddings Trilogy (2 page)

              Asher groaned. “You’re such a romantic, Mer. You’re going to be out on the streets begging in a couple months and here you are giving your services away for free. You need an assistant to do this part of the initial meetings so that you don’t get taken in by every sad face who shows up with empty pockets.”

              Meredith frowned and looked away from Asher. “Ash, she was a foster kid growing up. She doesn’t have any family.
She has no one and she’s doing this all on her own. How could I say no?”

              Asher sighed and reached over and touched a strand of her hair, pulling it through his fingers. “Easy, you say,

              Meredith glared at Asher and then punched his arm when he began laughing at her.

              “Sorry, stop hurting me,” Asher said, rubbing his arm. “But seriously, if you want to stay in business, you’re going to need clients who actually pay what you’re worth.”

              Meredith took another sip of Cleo’s smoothie and set the glass down before leaning back. “I know. I ran into Kam at the bakery before Jo showed up and he said something interesting to me. He said, I need to stop waiting for clients to come to me and I need to go out and get them.”

              Asher laughed and leaned his head in his hands. “That’s actually a good idea, but how are you going to do that? Walk up to people holding hands in the park and hand out your business card?”

              Meredith bit her lip and looked at the ceiling as a crazy thought popped into her head. Her eyes went wide and she wondered if it was even possible.

Not exactly
. I’m thinking more along the lines of matchmaking.”

              Asher stared at her silently for a moment. “You can’t be serious.”

              Meredith glanced at him and winced. “Like you said, I could be out on the streets soon. Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

              Asher licked his lips and lowered his arms. “There’s desperate and then there’s crazy. Mer,
is crazy.”

              Meredith glared at Asher and sat up, turning her body to face his. “Hear me out. I start up my own little dating website and I give the people who end up falling in love a discount package on wedding planning. What do you think?”

              Asher massaged his forehead before answering. “First off, dating websites aren’t just something that you can snap your fingers and create in a day. But I have to admit it could be good advertising for your wedding business even if you don’t make it as a matchmaker. Any way you can get your name out there is a good thing.”

              Meredith nodded. “I know who can help me with the matchmaking website. Brogan Moore. He’s a computer whiz. I could go in with him fifty, fifty and like you said, I’ll get all of that business funneled my way. Plus it will give me an income until my business takes off. What do you think?”

              Asher pursed his lips as he looked at his hands before answering. “Dang, Meredith …
it just might work
,” he said, sounding surprised. “What does Brogan say about it? How fast can he get the site up and running?”

              Meredith’s smile slipped. “Well, I haven’t actually talked to him about it yet. I kind of just came up with the idea a few seconds ago.”

              Asher tilted his head back and laughed. “
, Meredith, you crack me up. Such a firecracker. Tell you what, I’ve got his number in my phone, I can give him a call for you and set up a meeting.”

              Meredith began bouncing up and down on her couch as she clapped her hands. “Yes!
but why would you do that?”

              Asher pulled out his phone and scanned through his contacts. “Easy, because I want in on this.”

              Meredith’s face lit up as she grinned at Asher before throwing a pillow at him. “Tell me I’m brilliant first.”

              Asher glanced at her and winked. “Meredith, not only are you beautiful, but your mind is gorgeous.”

              Meredith’s smile went up a few more degrees. When Asher wanted to be charming, the man could be charming. “Well, having you on board would be a huge bonus. You could run the business side of things, Brogan could run the website and I could deal with the people. We could all do what we do best.”

              Asher nodded his head and then held up his hand as he began speaking. “Brogan, how’s it going? . . . Great, great. Listen, Meredith Jensen and I have a proposition we want to run past you and we’re wondering if you’re free for lunch today? . . .
. One sound good? . . . Okay, we’ll see you then,” he said and hung up.

              Meredith stared at Asher in shock. “I have an idea one minute and now we have a business meeting in two hours?
Are you kidding me

              Asher shook his head and slipped his phone back in his pocket. “Deadly serious. This will give me time to draw up a business proposal. I like what you’re wearing, but put your hair up. Bring your laptop so you can show him your wedding planning website. Sweetheart, if this works, you’ll never have to worry about being penniless again.”

              Meredith tried not get too excited. “That’s assuming a lot, Ash. That’s assuming Brogan even wants to help me with the dating website.”

              Asher laughed and stood up, reaching up to stretch. Meredith’s eyes went wide as she couldn’t help noticing his wide shoulders and trim waist. She cleared her throat and looked away, blushing.

              “Life’s a gamble, baby. But nothing ever happens unless you try, right? Meet me at The Iron Skillet at one and don’t be late,” he said, shooting his finger at her like a gun before walking out.

              Meredith walked over and automatically locked the door before turning around and leaning against it. Life. Was. Crazy.

              She grinned and pumped her fist into the air. And wasn’t that a good thing?


Chapter 2 – Business Partners



Meredith walked into The Iron Skillet and smoothed her skirt as she glanced around the dim interior. Rob always liked to keep things romantic but today was not a day for romance. Today was a day for business and conquering the world. She smiled at herself and walked over to the hostess.

              “Hi, Courtney. Has Asher Murphy or Brogan Moore arrived yet? I have a meeting with them at one.”

              Courtney was Rob’s new hostess and she was darling; tall, Black and dazzling. She went to school at nights and worked the days and was friendly and sweet to everyone.

              “They’re waiting for you, Meredith. Follow me,” she said with a bright smile and led her back to a corner table where Brogan and Asher were already deep in conversation.

              Meredith glanced at her watch and frowned. She was right on time. This was
baby and she didn’t want Asher hijacking it. She glanced at him suspiciously as he caught sight of her and stood up with a quick grin.

              “And there she is, the woman of the hour. Or, should I say, the
Business Woman
of the hour,” Asher said, holding a chair out for her.

              Meredith smiled and sat down but narrowed her eyes at Asher warningly. Asher blinked in surprise and lifted his shoulders questioningly. She shook her head slightly, knowing she’d be having a talk with him later that day. She ignored Asher for the moment and turned to Brogan. She had to control the urge to sigh, the man was too gorgeous. Silvery, blond hair, blue, blue eyes that Chris Pine would be jealous of combined with the sweetest personality. Taryn Moore was one lucky woman.

              “Hi, Meredith. Asher has been filling me in on your wedding planning business. I have to say, I’m impressed. You’re ambitious, hardworking and you have a clear vision of your future. Asher’s a big fan.”

              Meredith blushed and glanced at Asher.
The man was totally forgiven,
she thought as she smiled at Asher. Asher lifted an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes at her. She grinned and turned back to Brogan.

              “Asher is a business man first and foremost and we all know that you’re very talented when it comes to website design. I think the three of us can come together and do something amazing,” she said, feeling the excitement bubble up inside.

              Brogan’s mouth tilted up on one side as his eyes sparkled. “I’ve been looking for a new business opportunity. Tell me what you have in mind.”

              She glanced at Asher and saw him nod his head to her. She took a deep breath and then poured her heart out to Brogan. She told him her dreams of being the best wedding planner in the Pacific Northwest and of her idea of a matchmaking website that would funnel business to the wedding planning. After an hour of talking and discussing and an incredible lunch of seared scallops, shrimp Carpaccio and sourdough bread prepared by Kam, they had agreed to go into business with each other.

              Brogan and Asher stood up and shook hands and then turned to her. Meredith stood up and held out her hand but Asher picked her up and twirled her around in his arms, making her laugh and her hair fall down around her shoulders. He finally set her down and she smiled up at Brogan.

              “I think I better stick with a handshake,” Brogan said, grinning at her as he held a hand out.

Very wise

              Meredith turned to see Taryn Moore standing to the side with her arms crossed over her chest, looking at them curiously. Meredith’s smile faded a little as she remembered her most memorable experience with Brogan’s wife. Getting punched in the stomach. She rubbed a hand over her stomach as she pasted a polite smile on her face.

              Brogan smiled at his wife and held out an arm for her. She stepped into his side, slipping an arm around his waist as she looked back and forth between her and Asher.

              “Congratulate me, Beautiful. Asher, Meredith, and I are going into business together. We’re diving into the world of online dating.”

              Taryn’s eyes went wide in surprise as she turned and looked up into her husband’s face. “You’re going into business with
Asher Murphy
Meredith Jensen
,” she said, as if she was hoping Brogan would laugh and say he was joking.

              Meredith cleared her throat nervously and shared a worried glance with Asher. Asher stepped closer to her and put a hand on the small of her back in a sign of comfort or support, she wasn’t sure.

really. It’s a brilliant idea and we all have our separate areas of expertise that will mesh perfectly. I’m excited about it,” he said, touching Taryn’s cheek as he smiled at her.

              Taryn sighed but put on a stiff smile before turning back to them. “Well, this calls for a celebration then, doesn’t it?” she said dryly.

              Brogan laughed and kissed Taryn’s cheek. “Yes it does. But not today. We’ll have to take a rain check. I have an appointment with a client back at the office in thirty minutes.”

              Taryn nodded her head and kissed Brogan’s cheek before he waved and hurried off. Taryn turned slowly to pierce them with her dark brown, suspicious eyes.

              “If I’m not sold, you better believe Brogan will be backing out. Now tell me what my kindhearted husband just agreed to,” she said coldly and pointed to the chairs.

              Meredith felt nauseous as she sat down slowly in her chair and turned and looked at Asher with desperate eyes. Asher reached under the table and squeezed her hand before turning to Taryn. Meredith watched as Asher basically gave their whole business proposal without any help from her. Meredith began to relax as she watched Taryn’s shoulders relax and her eyes soften. When Asher stopped talking, it almost looked like Taryn was smiling.

              Meredith wiped her sweaty hands on her skirt and swore to herself that she would be much nicer to Asher from now on. If he could calm Taryn down, there was honestly nothing he couldn’t do. Taryn Moore scared most people to death. She was a force of nature and the general public was smart enough not to get in her way. But Asher wasn’t acting intimidated at all and Taryn seemed to be responding very well to his confidence.

This might actually work.

              “Brogan’s right. This does sound like an exciting venture. I’ll keep my doubts to myself for now.”

              Asher sat back in his chair and took a sip from his water glass. “
?” he asked, frowning at her. “What doubts do you have about your husband going into business with Meredith and me?” he asked, sounding honestly confused.

              Taryn made a huffing sound and shook her head. “Come on, Asher, you were fired by your brother just two months ago because you weren’t pulling your weight and you were being a brat to Becket.
And Meredith?
As if I have to explain. The woman picked a fight with Bailey over Kam. She’s an emotional train wreck.
No offense
,” she added with a wince.

              Meredith felt as if she’d been slapped and couldn’t even look at Asher as her cheeks turned bright red at the cruel words. She cleared her throat and refused to look away from Taryn though.

              “No offense, Taryn, but if I’m an emotional train wreck, then so are you and so is your sister. I wasn’t the only one throwing my fists that day.”

              Taryn made a snorting sound but her cheeks reddened. “
. I guess I can leave the past in the past as long as you promise to act like a mature adult. I don’t want to hear from Brogan that you’re not pulling your weight,” she said, standing up and putting her hands on her waist.

              Asher looked up at Taryn, frowning darkly. “Meredith and I didn’t have to approach Brogan with this business opportunity. There are thousands of people just like your husband who can help us build a website. We thought we’d ask him first because he’s a friend. But if working with us is too offensive to you, or beneath you, then by all means, we’ll take our offer off the table. I’m sure since you control your husband’s business decisions, you’ll be able to find him an opportunity just as good as the one we’re offering him,” Asher said coldly.

              Taryn blinked slowly and looked down at her feet. “It’s possible I spoke just now without thinking everything through. Please accept my apology if I’ve offended you,” she added in a tight voice.

              Meredith looked at her hands as she tried to stop the grin that wanted to break out. No one got in Taryn Moore’s face. No one.
Except for Asher
. She glanced at Asher out of the side of eyes and felt a strong wave of attraction for him. She blinked in surprise and looked back at her lap.
. Where had that come from?

              “Apology accepted,” Asher said genially and then nodded his head at Taryn before she turned sharply on her three inch heels and strode away.

              Meredith turned to Asher and shook her head. “You are either very brave or very stupid. No one survives going up against Taryn.”

              Asher rolled his eyes and threw a few bills on the table before standing up. “You’re still breathing and you went up against her.”

              Meredith laughed and stood up, grabbing her purse and her laptop. “Barely, and not with my dignity intact, that’s for sure. You on the other hand, came out the victor in that exchange. I’m impressed, Ash.
impressed,” she added knowing it was true.

              Asher paused and smiled at her, before putting an arm around her shoulders as they walked through the restaurant. “You’re easily impressed. Standing up to bullies is what I do best.”

              Meredith grinned and put an arm around Asher’s waist, hugging him. “My hero.”

              Asher laughed and slipped on his sunglasses before opening the door for her. “Anytime you need a hero, you know who to call. Listen, I have to get to work, but I’ll stop by tonight and we can talk business.”

              Meredith nodded and waved as he walked away. She turned to walk towards her car but then stopped and looked back at Asher. He’d changed a lot in the last couple of months. When she’d first met him, she’d thought he was spoiled, entitled and too much work to even consider dating.
Meredith smiled at herself and sighed before heading for her car. Now, Asher was more than tempting. He’d grown up a lot and quickly, but now that they were business partners, getting involved romantically was a definite
Mixing business and romance could never work.

              Meredith frowned and realized she was disappointed. “Darn that Asher,” she muttered. Just when he became a man she could fall for, he became off limits.


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