My Shameful Secret (Forbidden Stepbrother Billionaire Romance) (6 page)

“It’s okay.” He pulled her back close, an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Excitement rippled through her.

Until he started to squeeze.


Damn you, Saehan Charbonneau.

Could shoulder blades break? Misha had a feeling Saehan wanted to find out.

“Smile for the camera,” Elizabeth called out gaily.

She and Saehan both smiled

Another one.”

Saehan suddenly turned towards her, his lips brushing against her forehead. “Congratulations, Misha.”

Misha froze.

“Oh, you guys are going to make me cry! That was such a sweet photo,” Elizabeth sniffed.

Misha could barely pay Elizabeth any attention. She was too busy gazing up at her brother, searching for a sign that she hadn’t just imagined the past few seconds.

But his gorgeous face remained impassive.


His lip curled. “Didn’t think you’d believe that shit.” He lowered his head, whispering to her ear, “It was just for Mom’s sake.”


Pain stabbed her heart, and it was a little hard to breathe again.

Blinking back tears, she said in a fierce undertone, “I hope you go back to England tonight,”

“If not for our parents, I wouldn’t have even come.”

It was even harder not to cry after that. God, what had happened to them?


Saehan knew the right thing to do was to just walk away. Even though Misha was eighteen now and done with high school – even though she was an adult now and capable of making her own decisions…

None of it changed a thing.

She was still his sister, and he would be abusing his role as her brother if he ever made a move.

But God, the temptation…

Knowing that she was no longer a minor, it made Saehan think of ridiculous things. Dangerously ridiculous things like going to her room. Kissing her. Telling her of his feelings. Fucking her.

He tossed and turned in his old bed the whole night, struggling to keep his cock in control. But his dick remained erect the entire time, begging for a chance to sink itself in the warm pussy it coveted the most.

Eventually, he gave up the struggle.

There was no escaping this.

And so here he was, knocking on Misha’s door. He had to do this. Knowing it could very well be the last time he’d ever see her, he needed this.

Because…after tonight…he was determined not to see her again.


Someone was knocking on her door.

Misha forced herself out of the covers and, rubbing her eyes, she peeked at the time display on her cellphone. Her eyes widened.
It was three thirty in the morning!

Another knock.

Only one person could think of waking her up at this time.

For a moment, she thought about going back to sleep.

Another knock.


Curiosity had her getting out of bed. She couldn’t think of any reason why Saehan would come knocking at this time. Stumbling towards the door, she opened it just enough to see his face completely. “
?” Even as she spoke, she struggled not to show her shock and misery at seeing him already fully dressed. It could only mean one thing.

He was leaving.


Saehan had on a pinstriped suit, one that made him appear even more intimidating than usual. When he was dressed like this, she was again reminded by the fact that he wasn’t
her brother. He was also the heir to one of England’s wealthiest businesswomen, a man whose decisions could easily impact the thousands of people who depended on his companies for their livelihood.

“You’re leaving now?” Misha swallowed. “Do Mom and Dad know?”

“I told them I wouldn’t wake them.”

She grimaced. “But you woke me.”

He smirked. “Naturally.”


He was an asshole, but she loved him anyway.

“What do you want?” She managed to sound cold even though inside, she was still reeling from the knowledge that he was going away again. It was too soon. Who knew when she’d be able to see him again?

Saehan’s lips twisted at the sound of his sister’s voice. Funny how it seemed just like yesterday when she used to look up at him with adoration, and she spoke to him like he was a god.

“I’m leaving,” he answered, his voice just as cold. Before she could speak, he forced himself to continue. “Probably for good.”

Misha paled.

And because he had been staring at her the whole time, unconsciously memorizing every feature of her face, he didn’t fail to notice the flash of pain in her eyes.

It made him curse under his breath again, and when she flinched, he knew she imagined he was cursing


“What happened to us, Saehan?” she asked shakily.

His lips compressed. He knew exactly what happened, but it was one thing he could never tell her.

Misha struggled not to break down as she waited for what she knew was the impossible. She could see it in the unyielding set of her brother’s handsome face. He wasn’t going to tell her what was wrong – what he seemed to hate so much about her.

“You really won’t be coming back after this?” she whispered.


Just one word, and it nearly tore her apart.

She inhaled slowly, deeply.
Keep yourself together, Misha.
Her fists clenched as she fought for control. She wouldn’t give Saehan the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She would see this through the end without crying, no matter what. She would make him think him leaving didn’t mean a thing.

Lifting her chin, she asked in a level voice, “What about Mom and Dad?”

“I’ll visit them whenever I can. Away from home.”

“I see.”

“It would be good if you made excuses whenever I fly back.”

Misha flinched.

He wanted to take the words back, but he forced himself to shut up and finish it once and for all between them.
For your sake, Misha. I’m doing this for your fucking sake.

Misha bit her lip hard, the pain the only thing capable of distracting her from the other kind of hurt that was damaging her right now. God, it hurt. Why did he hate her so much? Why?

She wanted to lash out, but she knew she wouldn’t. She had learned her lesson after Jannie. She would only end up hurting herself if she lashed out.

“I…understand.” Two words, and they nearly wiped her strength out. “I guess there’s nothing to say now. Just…” Her own lips twisted, knowing that what she was about to say was something she probably needed more than he did. “Good luck.”

Saehan sucked his breath in at the words his sister spoke. He knew, he fucking knew what those words cost her. She really was the kindest person in the world, and this just proved how right he was by staying away. He didn’t deserve her, and she didn’t deserve being defiled by his perverted feelings for her.

Misha stepped forward.

One kiss,
she thought feverishly. She would kiss him goodbye, and for her it would be the end. The final nail to the coffin, and she’d bury her crazy, abnormal feelings for her brother.

She tiptoed, intending to kiss him on the cheek.

At the same time, Saehan turned his head towards her, intending to wish her luck as well.

Their lips met.

Saehan froze, and so did Misha, their eyes wide in disbelief at what had just happened.

What was still happening, for their lips were still melded with each other.

Blood rushed to her head at the feel of Saehan’s lips on hers. They were softer and firmer than she ever imagined, and God, they were so, so hot.

Saehan’s entire body trembled. What the fuck was happening? And how the fuck was he going to find the strength to end this? His sister’s lips were even sweeter than he ever dreamed of, so damn succulent he wanted to suck on her lower lip.

Slowly, her lips parted, Misha intending to speak.

Saehan’s tongue slipped in.

Heat exploded between them as their tongues touched.

Misha whimpered.

The sound destroyed the haze of passion clouding his mind, and he crashed back to earth. Reality roared at him. What the fuck was he doing, French-kissing his little sister?

With a curse, he pushed her away, and he whitened when his strength almost caused her to fall. He could see in her eyes that she thought he was disgusted with her.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!


“Go away,” she choked out. Her brother’s rejection crushed her, mortified her. All she wanted to do was disappear.

She had never been kissed.
And that it was her brother who was her first kiss – oh God, it was a dream come true, but the way he had pushed her away had also turned it into a nightmare.

“If y-you ever speak of this to anyone—” She choked back a sob.

The threat made Saehan sick, her words making him realize that what felt so fucking beautiful to him was revolting to his sister. “Don’t worry,” he heard himself snarl. “Kissing you is the last thing I wanted to do either.”

Misha turned her back on him, not wanting him to glimpse how she felt like crying at his words. “Just go away. Go away and never come back.”

Silence, and a moment later, she had her answer when she heard the sound of the door quietly closing behind him.

Misha sank to her knees on the floor, the strength of her quiet sobs making her body shake.

Oh God, oh God, what was she going to do now?

Her brother hated her, but she loved him.

Part III: The Revelation


Saehan had barely taken a seat across the bar when a woman came over, taking the seat next to him. She wore a red spaghetti-strapped dress, one so tight her breasts seemed to threaten to spill out of it any time.

“Hello.” Her voice was throaty, the sound matching the lust glittering in her gaze.

A second was all he needed to size her up. Beautiful and assertive, she obviously knew who he was, and she wanted him because of it. He allowed himself a smile. “Hello.” He swung his seat around to face her but did nothing.

The way her lips curved told him she understood what he was saying.

Impress me.

If you do, I’ll fuck you.

“Shall we skip the small talk?” Her words symbolized her acceptance of his challenge.

Her boldness was refreshing. Most of the women he encountered tended to think that playing coy was the way to nab him. In reality, it only guaranteed the opposite. Coyness turned him off, completely. Coyness reminded him of the real thing – shyness, modesty – qualities that none of them had.

Deciding to give the woman a chance, Saehan murmured, “What do you have in mind?”

Her fingers, nails painted in black, trailed down his chest slowly. “Actually, I was thinking of what
want.” Leaning forward, she whispered, “I can do just about anything, you know.”

“Promises, promises,” he taunted.

She shrugged, clearly confident. “I’m that good, darling.”

He looked at her under his lids.

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