My Sweet Degradation (7 page)

Read My Sweet Degradation Online

Authors: J Phillips

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

‘You immature little shits,' I growled. ‘How dare you?' But this only made them howl even louder.

‘Just go to bed,' Josh said, softer now, but with clear frustration in his voice, and so I strutted out of the room without so much as a ‘goodnight'.

As I lay beneath my quilt fury still boiled within me. I had met young men like Christian and Ben many times before; spoilt little rich kids who had been brought up to believe they were God's gift. But it was weird also. Perhaps it was only a remnant of my arousal in the shower, but I sensed a deep yearning somewhere dark and dangerous within my body. It felt really awful to admit it, even to myself, but something about the way one of them had dared to pull down my shorts actually turned me on a little, and I imagined how it might have been if they'd gone further, grabbing and stripping me completely.

My clit began to tingle its desire and I couldn't help but allow a hand to slip down between my thighs.

At first I simply rubbed back and forth against the soft fabric of my shorts, while imagining Christian and Ben getting a good look at my pussy as they ripped them away, but then I slipped my hand within the waistband and began to play a little more directly, picturing them also pulling off my top to reveal my pert tits. Harder and harder I teased, sliding my other hand beneath my vest to rub against a nipple, until the little bud swelled hot and erect.

I continued to wind my body tighter and tighter as tiny gasps escaped the back of my throat. Really it was appalling that the idea of being humiliated by such a pair of arrogant pricks should excite me, but it felt so deliciously naughty at the same time. I could sense my orgasm fast approaching and I moved both hands between my thighs, using the fingers of one to stretch my juicy flesh wide while the other rubbed even harder against my clit.

Moaning loudly I was all set to give in when suddenly a loud thump sounded just beyond my bedroom door, causing me to gasp and hold completely still. Through the pounding of my racing heart I listened intently.

‘Will you shut the fuck up? Are you actually trying to wake her?'

It was the unmistakable hiss of Christian's voice out on the landing.

‘So which door is it then?' protested a drunken Ben.

‘How the fuck should I know? We'll just have to try them all.'

I was astonished that they actually had the nerve to be wandering around my parents' home unaccompanied, but was not yet willing to accept what it was they were so obviously looking for.

Again a crash came from behind the door as one of them must have stumbled in the darkness. ‘For fuck's sake...'

And then, in the soft moonlight that streamed through a gap in the curtains, I watched horrified as my door began to open. Part of me wanted to shout at them to get the hell out; part of me wanted to scream for my brother; part of me even wondered if it was not just an innocent mistake and that they were perhaps only looking for somewhere to crash for the night; but mostly I knew the truth of the matter.

But for some bizarre reason I simply closed my eyes and lay back as if asleep, desperately trying to steady my frantic breathing.

‘What if Josh wakes up?' Ben whispered.

‘Will you be quiet? Anyway, you saw him; he's fucking comatose because of all that whisky. Trust me; that boy's not going to be waking anytime soon. Shit, this must be it!'

Floorboards creaked as footsteps slowly crossed my room. My throat stung dry and I so desperately wanted to swallow, but I dared not in case they could see me in the half-light.

‘Oh God, there she is,' hissed Ben. ‘Look, maybe we should just go get another drink instead.'

‘Stop being such a pussy, will you? We're only gonna take a little look, and besides, you saw what she was like downstairs. Do you really think she'd have walked into the room wearing so little if she hadn't wanted us to checkout her body? She's just a fucking prick tease, that girl.'

Anger flooded my senses. I was desperate to rip into him, but something held me back. Christian was right in a way; I
a tease, but that did not give him the right to enter my bedroom while he thought I was sleeping. Once more I considered shouting at them to get out, even prepared myself to claw at the first face my fingernails made contact with, but I was trapped in a spell and as I felt my quilt slowly lifting away, the cooler air of the bedroom mocking my barely concealed flesh, I disguised a tiny shiver of excitement as a reflexive movement within my slumber.

‘See, dickhead? She's fast asleep.'

‘Damn, she looks good,' I heard Ben say. I guess it was only because they were drunk, but neither of them was making much of an effort to whisper now, and they would've been crazy to think that if I really was asleep they wouldn't have disturbed me.

‘Oh yes, she does,' Christian agreed in a drunken drool. ‘Go open the curtains a little wider so we can get a better look.'

Feet padded across the carpeted floor.

‘Mmm, checkout that sexy body,' Ben purred as he returned to the bedside, and I felt an icy chill ripple along my spine with the knowledge that they were there, watching me.

‘Yeah, she's hot all right, but I wanna see more.' And it was all I could do not to gasp as I felt fingertips pull gently at the inner seam of my shorts.

‘Shit, Chris, what the hell are you doing?' Ben gasped.

‘Oh do be quiet, you wimp. I just want to get a little look at her pussy, that's all.'

Slowly I felt the soft cotton between my legs drawn aside, and what I assumed were Christian's knuckles briefly brush against my inner thigh. It was hell trying to remain calm and pretend I was asleep. I still fought the urge to yell at them, but I cannot deny that it felt utterly exhilarating to be so taken advantage of, and I'm afraid I decided to let them continue for just a little longer.

‘There you go, take a look at that,' Christian breathed.

‘Oh my God, it's beautiful,' gasped Ben.

‘I told you it would be. And look, the little slut even waxes. I bet she's had more cock inside her than you or I've had hot dinners,' Christian sneered.

‘Fuck, I'd love to touch it,' Ben whispered enthusiastically, and from the idea alone I was forced to gulp, quickly releasing a soft moan as I pretended to shift in my sleep so that a thigh fell that little bit further to the side.

‘Well why don't you then?' Christian replied, his arrogant tone pissing me off yet more.

‘Don't be stupid; she'll wake up.'

‘No she won't. She's had as much to drink as the rest of us and she's fast asleep. Anyway, if you're not gonna touch it then I am.'

I released a tiny whimper from the back of my throat as a finger suddenly made contact with my naked sex lips. For a drunken pig of a man Christian was remarkably gentle, and he stroked lightly up and down, causing my breath to catch and my stomach muscles to tense with every thrill he released within me.

He pressed a little deeper and my lips parted for him all too easily. ‘Jesus!' he hissed, as his finger worked back and forth. ‘The little whore's soaking wet already. I bet she's dreaming of us fucking her tight cunt right now, mate. Look...' Christian's caress left me and I assumed he was showing off my arousal to his accomplice.

‘Here, let me have a go,' Ben muttered, unable to keep the quavering excitement from his voice.

‘Sure, but let's make things a little easier, shall we?' A monumental shiver shot the length of my spine as I felt my shorts being pulled down my thighs to leave me utterly exposed. He wasn't careful, he wasn't subtle and it was the moment when I really ought to have put an end to it, but I'm ashamed to confess I really wanted Ben to take his turn at touching me in such an intimate way, and as my shorts were soon left bunched around a single ankle, I faked a sleepy movement once more so that I could part my thighs wider still.

‘See Ben, subconsciously she's offering herself to us,' Christian coaxed. ‘Right now she's thinking of your fat cock as it slides in and out of her cunt. She wants you to touch it. Go on!'

Now the tip of Ben's finger pressed against my sex, and I could feel his nervous exhilaration as he shakily slid it a little higher to work against my entrance. ‘Fuck!' he declared. ‘She's so hot,' and taking me quite by surprise he suddenly pushed forward to enter me completely. I drew a short, desperate breath through my nostrils as he penetrated me with his finger, skewering it slightly as it entered. ‘You're right, Chris,' he enthused, his disbelieving excitement obvious, ‘she's fucking soaking.'

Soon a second finger joined the first and he began to frig me a little deeper, my pussy sucking against him as he drew back and forth. It was all I could do not to cry out from the wonderful sensation alone, but more than that, I was profoundly turned on by how outrageous the entire situation was. I kept thinking back to my brother passed out downstairs while his supposed friends took advantage of his sister, of how much I had learnt to despise Christian and Ben's arrogant attitudes, but also how good it felt to be stripped by them and now, to have my pussy fingered while I was apparently sleeping.

‘That's it, Ben, what did I say?' Christian urged. ‘Finger-fuck the little bitch harder.'

I could picture Christian's gloating face above me and it both disgusted and thrilled me at the same time. As though encouraged by his friend's words, Ben began to work his fingers a little quicker while pressing a thumb against my clit, and it felt so very, very good.

‘Let's get a little look at those lovely tits now, shall we?' Christian suggested, and I felt my vest being tugged up until it was left rolled and bunched beneath my armpits. ‘God, check ‘em out Ben,' he whispered. ‘Like two little strawberries just ripe for the tasting.'

‘Shit, Chris, don't,' Ben uttered, but he was too late and I felt warm wet lips encircle a nipple and the tip of a tongue flick against it. I cried out instinctively, arching my back so that Ben's fingers were forced deeper within my pussy. Each of them held utterly still, but I'm mortified to say that I only muttered softly as though dreaming, and collapsed back down into the softness of my mattress.

‘Christ, that was close!' Christian exclaimed, and I could hear by the tone of his voice that he was wearing that conceited smile as he spoke.

‘I think we should go now, Chris,' Ben said softly, and he withdrew his fingers from my wet puss.

Sometimes I wonder what I'd have done if Christian had agreed. My body ached for satisfaction and I'm scared that I might well have begged them to continue, but thankfully I was not put in that position.

‘You go if you want to, mate,' he scoffed, ‘but I'm staying right here. I'm not missing out on this opportunity...'

‘Hey, what the fuck are you doing?' Ben suddenly hissed, and I heard the unmistakable sound of a buckle being released followed by the rustle of jeans being drawn down.

‘What does it look like I'm doing?' Christian challenged. ‘I'm going to make her suck on my cock. Look...'

‘Please, Chris!' Ben objected, but Christian only sniggered derisively in response.

The mattress sank a little as I sensed him leaning over me. I could smell him; the musky scent of his prick so close to my face, and I shivered within my feigned sleep once more. As the exposed head of his cock gently pressed against my lips, daubing them with a sticky bead of pre-cum, I released a nervous whimper from the anticipation of what was about to come. I really didn't know how to respond, and I'm not sure what would have given me greater pleasure if he'd tried to force it into my mouth – for me to bite and cause the cocky little shit to scream in agony, not to mention probable permanent damage, or to disgrace myself by allowing him to use my mouth for his own selfish pleasure, but in the end the choice was not mine to make anyway.

‘I'm only kidding, dickhead,' he scoffed, lifting away from me as reflexively the tip of my tongue traced across my lips to taste the salty tang where his prick had touched them, and I actually felt a tiny pang of regret. ‘Out of the way,' Christian then instructed.

‘But why?' Ben asked. ‘What are you...?'

‘Oh, stop whining, little girl,' Christian mocked his so-called mate. ‘I only want to feel her cunt against my cock.' The mattress sank again as I felt his weight shift. My legs were parted without a great deal of care, and I couldn't stop myself from moaning as the head of his prick pressed against me.

‘You're right, Ben, she really is a beautiful girl, this one,' he drawled. ‘I guess I'm just an old romantic at heart, but I almost feel like kissing her.'

I could feel the warmth of his breath tease so close to my cheek, the smell of beer assailing my nose, and I rolled my head away in response. But not to be put off Christian began to work his cock up and down against my sex, pressing into my clitoris and causing me to open my mouth and gasp involuntarily. And then the supercilious sneak moved the tip of his cock against my entrance and I finally accepted the truth of what was to come...

‘Okay, Chris, that's enough, let's go now,' Ben implored.

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