My Warrior Fae (11 page)

Read My Warrior Fae Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #paranormal romance;Erotic romance

Aaron felt his cock harden more at the thought of her riding him and moved his mouth lower to her throat. Inhaling deeply, he savored her scent and rocked up as she straddled his lap, legs open over his groin. Licking a path down her vein he found her beating pulse with his tongue, lapped at it, and felt it speed up. Need for her surged into him, hot and heavy.

“Sara, take off your shirt. I want to feed from your lovely breasts, please, baby.” She pulled her blouse open by simply jerking the buttons off in her haste. He groaned when he noticed the scrap of lace that covered her nipples, which were hard and straining toward him. Without moving the bra he licked at the brown hard point and then suckled it into his mouth. Wrapping her fingers into his hair, Sara pulled him closer to her and moaned.

As much as he wanted to free her for him, his need was overwhelming and he bit her

through the lace. Blood, rich and hot, spurted into his demanding mouth. He pulled hard, drew a mouthful of it, and felt her essences begin to heal him. Pulling her hips forward, he began to move her over his cock as he suckled, rocking them both into a heated frenzy. Her arousal poured into him, her scent stronger because of it.

Letting go of her breast, he unsnapped the front closure. Her ample breast filled his hand and he licked the wound closed. Taking another swipe at the creamy flesh, he helped her stand and began pulling at her pants. He wanted her, to taste her, to bring her to climax right now.

Her pants were down around her knees when he buried his face between her thighs, her clit already swollen with need and peeking out of her nether lips just for him. He pulled the tiny nubbin into his mouth and nipped at it, then laved the tiny wound with his tongue. Spreading her wide with his hands, he ran his fingers up between her legs and slowly pushed two into her heat even as he ate at her. Moving to the edge of his chair, he moved onto the floor and turned her around so that she could sit down. As soon as her ass hit the cushion he pulled her forward and licked her in earnest, devouring her like she was his last meal. His fingers fucked her quickly now, in and out, stretching her for him. When she began to beg, wanting him to finish her, he reached down with his free hand and began to unbutton his pants and free his cock. It sprang forward and seemingly reached for her heat. Wrapping his hand around his shaft he began pumping himself, waiting and ready for her release so that he could enter her.

He knew that if he slammed into her at the beginning of her climax she would be tight and wet. And from experience he knew that she would peak again before he found his own release within her heat. When Sara stiffened then tightened around his fingers he knew that she was close, and when she bowed up and screamed out his name he pulled her off the chair and onto his cock, slamming hard into her. As she bowed back against the seat again, baring her throat, he brought her forward toward him and bit her just as she sank her own teeth into him. He roared his own release around her throat, his cum filling her the way her blood did him.

When she settled around him spent, he licked the tiny wound closed and held her to him for long moments before he laid them both on the floor. Not releasing her, he reached over himself, pulled the seat cushion off the chair, settled it under his head, and pulled her over his chest.

Aaron knew that he was completely healed; her blood was so powerful and strong that even now he could feel it racing through his blood stream.

“Aaron, the woman who saved you, who was she? You said she was the one we were

looking for, how do you know? And how did she happen to be here and know about our safety?”

“She’s Nathaniel’s mate and the woman from the bank robbery. I don’t know the rest. She was injured very badly saving me and I hope that Nathaniel can save her. She isn’t an immortal and she could die from this.”

Aaron moved slightly and Sara sat up. They both knew that the men outside the door had heard them, but were too comfortable with their love to care. As Sara started to dress again he thought of something else. “She told one of the men to gather the Fates and bring them here.

Why not Mel? I mean, why the Fates of all beings?”

“I don’t know. Do you think she works for them somehow?”

“Hummm, good question, and I intend to find out. Hurry, love, if you continue to dally getting dressed we will never leave this room. You have a luscious body and I can’t seem to get enough of it.”

When the couple opened the door there were six men standing there. None of them would

look at Aaron or Sara, but when they moved down the hall toward the kitchen the armed men surrounded them in a tight ring.

“Do you think this is necessary? I mean, the vampire is dead and there seems to be no other threat in the house,” Aaron asked when the men said nothing.

“It wasn’t a vamp, sire, but an imp, a demon imp. My mistress will explain it to you.

I…could we please know where that vamp took her? We would like to make sure she is all right.

She could be really hurt and not do a damned thing about it until it’s too late. Damned stubborn girl,” Shamus said with concern and worry written all over his face.

“That vamp is her mate and I guarantee that she is in good hands. They still have twenty minutes before they are required to return to this floor. If we don’t hear from them by then I’ll tell you where they are. Deal?” Aaron put out his hand to the man who was so obviously the second in command of these men. The man did not hesitate, but took the proffered hand and shook it, grinning at Aaron.


Nathaniel took the sponge from the corner of the tub and filled it with liquid soap. As the water rinsed away most of the poison he moved her braid and began soaping up her shoulders with one hand as he held her with the other. The soap would clean the blood off as well as the seeping pus. The smell was horrendous and he was happy she was not awake to feel what it had done to her.

The chainmaille had saved her from most of the blood having been made of magical fibers like it was, but it had also torn at the tender skin when he had pulled it off her. The worst was along her shoulders and upper back, but there were some smaller wounds along the cheeks of her ass as well.

He needed to feed her, to get his healing blood into her, but he also needed to get the wounds free of anything that might absorb into her skin when he did.

She began to stir just as he was rinsing off the lather. When she looked up at him he nearly cried out with joy. She was smiling at him.

“You hurt your hands when you touched the silver. You should have worn protection. What am I going to do with you if you can’t remember that? I don’t have time to keep telling you to be careful all the time.”

Her voice was heavy and he could imagine she was still in a great deal of pain. She was trying to comfort him even as she hurt and Nathaniel, at that moment, he fell in love with her.

Leaning down, he took her mouth beneath his. He had meant only a quick touch of his

mouth against hers, but she was warm and alive and he deepened it slightly before pulling away, but not letting go. “I’ll keep that in mind the next time you have blisters on your back the size of my fist. And they’ll heal soon enough.”

He cupped her chin and kissed her again, slower this time and longer. When she brushed her tongue over his lips he groaned and opened for her. He swiped her tongue with his and cupped her head closer to him. He wanted her, but knew that this could be the turning point of their relationship and did not want to rush her, not this time.

“I need to heal you, Tess. I would prefer that we did it here so that I don’t get carried away and, if I did, I can push you out and turn on the cold water if I need to.”

“You can’t, not now anyway. I need to find the Fates. I need their permission first for you to heal me. They…I can’t let you be hurt anymore.”

~Chapter 10~

Tess left him standing in the shower and walked into the bedroom. She had grabbed a towel, but could not manage to dry herself without pulling on the open wounds on her back. She heard the shower turn off and turned to look at Nathaniel.

“I need to borrow a shirt; may I use one of yours? The Fates are here now and I need to speak to them.”

He did not say anything to her, but went to his suitcase at the bottom of the bed, took out a shirt, and tossed it at her. She grabbed for it and moaned when it caused her a sharp pain. He was still naked and hard. She wanted to go to him, to feel him, to have him take her, but knew that she could not.

Turning her back to him, she struggled with pulling the shirt on. After several minutes he took the shirt from her and held it open so that she could slip it on.

Her pants were soaked and her boots were probably ruined, but she knew that if she tried to take them off he would help. If he helped her she was not sure she could stop from touching him.

“The Fates are here and, if they allow it, I’ll explain to you what they’ll let me do. I know that you hate me right now and I can’t blame you, but…”

“I don’t hate you. Why would you even think that? I don’t understand what’s going on, but I do know that I don’t hate you. I’m trying for understanding and to be there for you, but I also can feel your pain. You’re my mate, Tess, and though you haven’t bonded with me, I have with you.”

Reaching up, she ran her finger along his cheek and, without a word, moved to the door and out of his room. She knew he was right behind her, but he did not touch her. Going to the kitchen, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

To say that pandemonium had broken out in the room would have been an understatement.

There were more beings in the room than there was enough air for.

Along with Duncan and Penny, who were trying to assemble enough food for them, there

were seven of her men, the Fates, Bradley Wolff, Sara, and Aaron. Tess was relieved to see that Mel had not been notified.

“She isn’t healed. I gave you a direct order to heal her. Why have you disobeyed me?”

Aaron stood and stepped toward Nathaniel.

Before she could move, her men did for her. Swords were drawn and Tess and Nathaniel

were both surrounded by six men in a flash. Shamus stood behind Aaron with his blade at the vamp’s throat. If Aaron so much as moved they would cut him in half.

“Aaron, I would suggest you step back. These men are loyal to her and will kill you before you have the chance to say…what is that word you use, Albadar?” Clotho asked the man who had just shimmered into the room.

“Give, my lady. The word is give. Master, what is your word? Shall I have Shamus kill this man?”

Tess stared at Aaron for a full minute before she answered. She was angry. This man had ordered that Nathaniel heal her. Was that the only reason he had offered?

“Tess? The man asked you a question. Answer him. Please.”

Tess glared at Athropos then turned back to her men. “No. Stand down. Albadar, take as many men as you need and check the perimeter and make sure there are no more Shadows

lurking about. Shamus, take three men and check the gates. Make sure that there are no devises that will blow later. The rest of you will take turns on the house; make sure no one comes within ten yards of the door without checking with someone in the house if they are welcome. You guys did a great job today. The men that you killed were demon Shadows and I thank you for your help. Go.”

As the men dispersed to do her bidding, Tess started to feel dizzy and knew that she had very little time before she passed out again. Reaching out, she grabbed for the counter and got Nathaniel instead. He picked her up and held her on his lap.

“He needs to know what I am and why I can’t let him heal me. Tell him what he needs to know. Everything, please?” Darkness finally claimed her.


Nathaniel had taken Tess to the upper floors to put her to bed. Duncan had helped him make her comfortable and, once she was settled, Duncan refused to leave. Nathaniel wanted to stay with her himself, but knew that he was needed downstairs. He leaned down, kissed her pale lips, and looked at Duncan.

“If she wakes I would appreciate it if you’d call me, Duncan. I need to be with her. She won’t let me heal her, but I still need to be with her.”

“Master Nathaniel, if she even breathes differently I will come to you posthaste. She is very special to me and this house. She saved my master from great harm as well as the mistress and the babes. I would endure much to keep her safe for you. Go, be assured that she will not come to harm as long as I am here. I was quite the boxer in my day.”

Nathaniel tried not to laugh, but then realized that the man was joking with him and grinned.

“Yes, I’m sure you were quite good at it too. Thank you, Duncan. I’ll be back as soon as we are finished below.”

Nathaniel walked into the large room and noticed that someone, probably Duncan, had

cleaned up the room and removed the area rug that had been covered with blood and seepage from the carnage.

“She’s resting. I’ve put her into a deeper sleep, but I don’t think she will stay that way for long. She is a tad…stubborn, I guess you could say.”

“That’s a little like saying that I’m a little bit old. Have a seat, Nathaniel. We waited on you.” Aaron gestured toward the sofa.

“I want to get back to her so, if you don’t mind, I’d like to know why I can’t heal her and what other information I need that she’s given you permission to tell me.”

“Tess is a Black Knight. And I’m aware that you have figured that part out, but what you don’t know is that I own her. I took her life from her when she was pressed into service for me,”

Athropos told the room. “Had I not, she would be dead now. I gave her purpose and a job. She is only alive because the men and women that she commands demand her attention and keep her from thinking of anything but them. Tess has been fighting wars and winning them since the week after her family was taken from her.”

“What does that have to do with my healing her? I healed her before and there were no

problems, why now?”

“Because she was not aware and could not tell you no. I put that stipulation into her

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