Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (26 page)

"You always talk to yourself, kiddo?" Parik, her father's Beta, took the seat in front of her, the large bear more than physically capable of beating anyone's ass should they get close to Victor. There was no need to worry about protection. Parik alone had that covered for her and her family.

"Always. I swear I'm going crazy with everything folding in around me." She picked up her cup and took a long drink.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

"No, not at all. I got here a few minutes ago. Just left the hospital from seeing my father."

"Well, thanks for meeting me this afternoon. How is the old man?"

"You haven't seen him?"

"I'm headed there soon." The large man in front of her took in a long painful breath, his face giving away far too much. "I might look tough, but I'm not sure I can handle losing your dad. He's my best friend."

"I know." Sonya reached across the table and rubbed her fingers over Parik's large hand. "We need to figure out what's next. My brother isn't capable of stepping up, you know that."

"Victor wouldn't want that, Sonya. He's good with Cade being the boy he's become. Not every Alpha births another. It's not set in stone that he would."

"I know, but who will take his place? I can't. I'm a woman."

"He believes you can if you wanted to, but..." He put his other hand on hers and patted softly. "But he knows that you're a traditionalist. He believes that you will find the right man to step in and lead beside you, or rather, with you right behind him, in his ear."

"I'm not even dating anyone, Parik. This isn't about just finding some random puppet. An Alpha has to be prepared to fight and defend all of us. I can't do that for him."

"Speaking of. I needed to talk with you today because there is a threat headed toward us. I know you have a lot on your plate, but we're looking at a serious situation here."

"What? Where is this threat coming from and in what form?"

"A group of rather vicious black bears in Europe have gotten word that your father is falling fast without an heir. They will be sending someone to challenge your family. It will be a great prize to win all of us."

"You must step up until we find someone, Parik. You can defeat anyone."
I'm not an Alpha, Sonya. It's not just about defeating and protecting, but leading as well."

"I'll lead and you defeat and protect?" She set her coffee down and pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. "Does my father know Alec DePort, Parik?"


"Before today?"

"I don't understand the question."

"I went to visit my father and Alec was in there. He's in the hospital because I gave him a message yesterday by pumping his ass full of tranquilizers. I don't need his help."

"You didn't really tranq him, did you?" Parik moved his hands and sat back in his chair with a shocked look on his face.

"I did. He thinks because of our history that he can move in and take MY company and MY pack. It's not happening." She growled softly and leaned forward.

"Your father has orchestrated this, Sonya. Trust him."

"Orchestrated what?"

"I've said too much. Listen to me. There are documents in the safe in your father's office with his will, his plans and his purposes. Your mother's birthday is the code. Check them out, but you need to make hurry. We have only a week or so before the Gareths are here."

"The Gareths? The bears from England?"

"Europe. Don't be an American. But yes." He tapped the table between them.

"I'll go into my father's office today and see what I can find. This thing with Alec leaves me confused. I hate that my father is somehow entangled in all of this. All of my life I've been loyal to him and to this clan. Now I'm left standing alone with decisions to make based off of him planting seeds that are destroying any sense of stability."

"You're never alone, Sonya. Victor wouldn't allow for that. He's been busy for a long time making preparations should this day ever come."

"I can't trust, Alec, Parik. I can't."

"Why? Has he deceived you before?"

"No, but he's the Alpha of the Black Bears. We cannot share packs. It's unheard of."

"Things change. We change. If he's not led you into deception before, then I would revisit him as a potential opportunity."

"And you would be okay serving as Beta of the Brown Bears to an Alpha Black Bear? That's ridiculous."

"Go find the safe, Sonya. Do it and it will make you feel better."

"Fine." She let the conversation die between them, the need to run and lock herself into the belly of the earth reaching up and swallowing her whole.

Why was she fighting against the idea of Alec helping her? What had he done to cause her to feel so violent against him? Oh, right. He had loved her and refused to give her up when the time came.

Maybe it wasn't him she was furious at for their break-up, but her loyalty to the pack. Either way, both meant too much to her to let things slide too much farther.

She needed answers, and now she knew where to find them.

Chapter 8

Alec slept the rest of the day away, his dreams filled with the feisty brown bear that had begun to consume his thoughts. He wanted to see her in her shifted form, to feel the power of her running beside him in the forest. He groaned as he finished showering in the comfort of his own bathroom.

Much like he had promised, he had left the hospital around ten the night before. He snuck back into Victor's room just before leaving and watched the old man sleep for a few minutes.

Someone had helped him get his life together about eight years ago – a secret benevolent benefactor. Was it Victor? Had he known about Alec and Sonya? Would he have the wisdom to set all of this up so long ago? A contingency plan in case his life ended before Sonya was ready?

"Brilliant," Alec muttered to himself as he towel dried his hair. He needed to see Sonya again, and soon. He would meet with the counsel and then invite her to the house for dinner. He would have to be on his guard because she was violent, but after their brief interlude in the hall, he needed more of her – any way he could get it.

By the taste of her desire, she needed him too.

He picked up his phone before walking to the closet. He texted Sandy to get the number to Sonya's cell phone. He would simply plant a seed and let it grow and explode into something that would drive her toward him. She needed his help.

She might not want to admit it to anyone, but it was only a matter of time before other clans found out about Victor's health and came to take what her family had held so dearly – the pack.

He had the number in a few minutes but stopped himself from texting her. He wanted to make sure he was dressed and ready for the meeting before getting wrapped up in a discussion with her, should she actually respond. He finished tucking the black silk shirt into his slacks and checked himself in the mirror.

He looked vicious.

Picking up the phone, he walked to the door, texting her quickly before he decided against it.

Alec: He knew who I was already. He asked for help. I will give it, but you're not letting me. Come to dinner tonight and talk to me. This can be strictly business. Just come.

He got into his black Porsche and threw the phone in the seat next to him, knowing that she would play a game with him. He would be lucky if she texted back at all. He was shocked to hear the phone buzz in the seat beside him. Surely it wasn't her.

Sonya: What time?

Alec: Six sharp. I'll have my secretary send you directions.

Sonya: Don't bother. I know where you live.

Alec: See you tonight.

She didn't respond again and he was glad. His heart beat fast in his chest, his palms growing wet as he thought through all of the things he wanted to say to her, do to her, offer her. He would have to take it slow. She was damaged goods on the emotional front. Her walls were up high and she was not ready to let anyone to break them down.

Alec would focus on business and Varetec. If she offered anything else, then he would welcome it. Nothing personal and no touching her. He needed to build trust and though he was ready to take her company and her pack by force if necessary, he wanted for things between them to be amicable.

He had power and she had a need for it. There was no one else in the world he would rather share it with.

The struggle would be to convince her how badly she needed him.

The council sat at a round table, their eyes all on Alec as he moved to the front of the room from his chair. He was completely comfortable in front of all of them. Not a worry in the world.

He was the Alpha, so ultimately anything he said was the law. The council was a way of providing him with advice in his decision making, which he actually appreciated.

He would never let any of them know that, of course.

"Let's start with our finances. I'll ask Drago to give us an update and then we'll move into a solution I have to help us sustain our future expenditures."

The meeting dragged on as Alec allowed various members of the council to bring up discussion items, his responses well formulated and well received. He had one final discussion point that was sure to ruffle some fur, but it had to be mentioned.

"I have one more item and then we can wrap this up. Prepare yourselves because you're not going to like it, but hear me out." He paused and looked around at the twelve men before him. Jared watched the room like a hawk, his Beta quickly becoming important to the empire he was looking to build. The man seemed to very much be a supporter and willing to serve and protect with nothing more than a nod and occasional snort.

Alec liked him.

"As most of you have heard or recently become aware, Victor Valsek has fallen ill. He hasn't an heir to take his place and though his daughter is quite capable, she's unwilling to challenge tradition."

"Smart girl," someone muttered. Alec turned and let his eyes bore into each of them in turn as the room grew quiet.

"As I mentioned earlier, I will be working to take over Victor's advertising firm, Varetec, and will seek to find union with the Brown Bears. We can share future company revenue."

"Why not just take it over and allow our clan to have the revenue? The Brown Bears are nothing to us. A nuisance at best." Drago stood, his arms moving to cross his chest.

"Yes, but it's a waste to have separate efforts here in the U.S. The Brown Bears are strong and hold many things that we don't, like money. I will bring us into a new era, and it will include the union of our clans financially."

"I don't like it. It's going to lead to something much more disgusting, like mixing of our blood." Jarenth stood beside Drago. "That isn't going to happen, right, Alec?"

"I can't see the future, Jarenth, but I do know that you, nor I, will be capable of separating a Brown Bear and a Black Bear should the male decide he's found his mate. It's that simple, really."

"That's unacceptable," someone else added and the room broke into chaos. Alec lifted his hands and let out a growl that shook the walls.

"Stop it. You can fight this all you want, but I'm telling you as the leader of your clan that we will be moving toward financial freedom. We will do so by assisting the Brown Bears in keeping stability in their clan while using all they've learned and built to lift ours up. We will meet in a few days to discuss whether or not we want to challenge Victor for the rights to his pack."

"What? Are you mad? No Black Bear has ever been Alpha over the Browns. They wouldn't accept that and it's far too many bears to control." Drago threw his hands in the air. His drama and antics were starting to wear down Alec's desire for democracy.

"That's not your concern either. What you can focus on is whether we as a people, as a pack, want to step up and take control of another sister pack. Someone will come for them. You've been lucky to have Victor as your 'rival' for the last forty years. The next Alpha will be a bastard and it's going to leave us with a fight on our hands. Think this through and I'll see you on Wednesday."

Alec turned and picked up his keys, walking out as the sounds of his advisors throwing their concerns and distrust filled his ears. Jared caught up to him and walked beside him until they reached the front door of the old building.

"Do you know what you're doing, Sir?"

Alec stopped and turned to face his Beta. "I do. I'm not sure it's going to be good for my health." He rubbed the sore spot over his chest where Sonya's nails had dug into his flesh.

"She's not going to go for this. Victor might have, but his daughter is a black widow, Alec. You're going forward with it anyway, aren't you?"

"I have no choice at this point. The old man is my benefactor. I'm certain of that now." Alec turned and jogged down the stairs, hoping to get home before the beautiful woman he would be spending the night with arrived.

He hoped the night might turn out to hold more pleasure than pain, but with Sonya one could never truly tell.

Chapter 9

Sonya reached out and brushed her fingers along the safe in front of her. There was no way she could open it while her father was still alive. How many times had he warned her to stay out of it – away from it – when she was younger?

Her fingers trembled slightly as sadness overwhelmed her. The house she lived in with her father was far too huge for two people, much less one.

He was almost gone.

"I can't," she whispered and let her head fall forward. Silky strands of her hair brushed by her cheeks as her tears began to fall again. How weak she had grown over the last few months. She would never survive this transition. How long would it be before a new threat arose?

One week. The Gareths would be arriving shortly. They were known for raping and pillaging, just like pirates in the old days. She choked on a sob, knowing her options were limited. She could go down fighting them, but that would do nothing but incite a blood bath. Her people would rise up and so many lives would be lost.

Wrapping her arms around herself, she tried to find her courage and wisdom. Maybe the answers were in the damn safe in front of her, but she couldn't force herself to open it.

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