Naked (40 page)

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Authors: Gina Gordon

She looked up at him. Wanting her eyes to tell him everything she was thinking. Pleading with him to forgive her. To believe her. To trust her. When he nodded, she continued, “There’s only one thing I need to know.” His body was warm and strong, and everything she’d ever wanted. And with her words, he inched forward, his lips getting closer to hers.

“I need to know what you think of me.”

It had taken a long time for her to get here. To get to the place in her life when she finally felt like herself.

And she owed it all to him.

But in typical Noah fashion, he showed her instead of telling.

He didn’t go in gentle. His kiss invaded, his tongue sliding across the seam of her mouth, thrusting inside.

He clasped his hands at her lower back, pulling her against him, claiming her mouth, her body, her mind. Claiming all of her with one kiss that she’d waited a lifetime for.

When he finally pulled away, he looked down at her. The cold eyes that had greeted her had vanished and were replaced with the soft, playful gaze she loved.

He kissed her again. He bent her backward, and she looked up, his hand petting her forehead. “I…love you.” He pulled her up, clasping his hands at the small of her back. “What do I think of you?” Her heart was going to pound out of her chest waiting for his response. She was certain he could feel it against his own.

“You’re Violet.” He grinned, those dimples smiling at her, welcoming her back into his life. “Just Violet.”

She had bared her scars. She had given him everything. And he’d given her everything she needed in return.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his last words a whisper across her skin. “My Violet.”


“So you’re probably wondering what’s hiding behind door number two.” Violet gestured to the closed doors that led to the other half of the ballroom.

She was standing in front of a crowd of two hundred people giving her keynote speech as the president of the Toronto Women’s Entrepreneurial Association.

“I know this isn’t the format you’re used to. I know you were expecting to come here tonight and sit with ladies you’ve known forever and chat while eating a great meal. But that’s not what tonight is about.”

She’s spent the last two weeks refocusing the event. When she’d called Carly to let her know things were changing, the poor girl had had a breakdown. Given Carly’s anxiety, she had called in Charlotte to help with the planning, and it had all been done in record time.

Violet had called in every favor, used every contact she had in order to bring her vision to life, and as she looked out into the crowd she knew it had been worth it. Her fellow members were scattered around the one half of the ballroom, drinks in hand around high-top tables.

She took a deep breath, gathering up her courage.

“Most of you know I was in a car accident.” She paced the small riser that had been placed at the front of the room. “A life-changing car accident that took the life of someone I cared for.” She stopped in the middle and faced the crowd, reaching up to remove the shawl she’d been wearing since she’d arrived at the venue. “It left me with these.”

She wore a black, strapless dress. The first time she’d worn anything in public that revealed her biggest vulnerability.

She heard a couple of gasps from the front of the crowd, and it tightened the knot that had already formed in her stomach. She searched the back of the room, looking for the one person who could calm her nerves without even saying a word.

She found him there, leaning against the back wall. She caught Noah’s eyes and he urged her on with a nod of his head.


Her savior.

Her supporter.

Her lover.

“I spent a long time thinking that I was only worth the sum of my looks. It doesn’t help that I work in construction, an industry dominated by men. Some of them found me more about boobs and less than about brains.”

Mimi and her crew of jackals were in the front row, eyeing her with their usual judgment. But she wasn’t going to let Mimi get in her head. Tonight was about breaking through that judgment and finding the woman underneath.

“The accident and these scars have forced me to see things differently. I won’t lie, it was tough to look in the mirror every day. It’s still tough. I had no idea how to reconcile how I was supposed to move on when the only asset that had ever been recognized was gone.”

She began to pace again, clasping her hands behind her back. Her stilettos pinched her toes. That’s what she got for wearing brand-new shoes.

“But with the help of a few friends, I’ve come to realize that I’m still the same woman.”

She saw them all in the back. Her friends. The people who had helped her get through the negative thoughts in her brain and come out the other side, happy. Confident.

She might still be working on that one.

Roxy, Harper, Luke, Ari, Charlotte, and Noah watched from the back as she addressed the crowd. All of them smiling wide, proudly staring back at her. And it was just the encouragement she needed.

“Regardless of whether my skin is flawless or not, I’m a smart, successful woman capable of taking my family’s company into the future and it’s not because of what I look like. It’s because I work hard. It’s because I’m proud of my name and what it stands for.”

She was a Walker.

“But over the last year I’ve learned something more important than coming to terms with my scars. I learned that I could oversee the construction of a building, but I couldn’t fix the toilet.”

A few people laughed in the crowd.

“It is funny. Why would I ever want to fix a toilet?” She held her arms up and out. “But when you’re frustrated and listening to a constant trickle of water, you’re liable to do anything to get it to stop. And I did. And I failed. In a very wet, miserable mess.”

Noah had saved the day, but so had she. Instead of doing it for her, he’d taught her what she needed to do.

And then they screwed on the toilet.

It was a damn good day.

“But it got me thinking. I spent my spare time organizing and attending charity functions, but never really took the time to learn about the cause. I spent hours on my appearance: mani-pedis, styling my hair, and buying the right clothes. But it was always a chore, just something else I had to do to look presentable. And most of all, I never took the time to explore my true desires.” She stopped and locked eyes with Mimi. “And yes, I’m talking about sex.”

Mimi wasn’t too impressed, which was the reason why Violet said it in the first place. Getting under Mimi’s skin was usually Roxy’s job, but Violet was nothing if not loyal and used this to stick her one.

“I’ve spent my entire life devoted to the family business. I’m good at my job, but I don’t know how to stop and smell the roses. How to relax and enjoy the moment, or even do the little things. I have a very good feeling that I’m not alone.” She pointed at the crowd. “That many of you are the same.”

Noah had helped her stop and just breathe, and in their case, to smell the lilacs.

“So that’s what tonight is all about—the little things.” She gestured to the closed doors, where Charlotte was now waiting to push them open. “The other half of the room is dedicated to all of you. Explore. Have fun. Relax. Find yourself underneath the entrepreneur. Some of you might have forgotten about her. Maybe some of you haven’t even found her yet.”

These woman had no idea what to expect. The entire theme had been kept a secret. But when no one made a move toward the open doors, she said, “Nothing is going to bite you, ladies. I’ll see you in there.”

She knew walking into a room with no idea of what was waiting for you was intimidating, but she’d set up a mini trade show that was sure to have something for everyone.

Luke and Ari were consulting on tattoos and piercings. Noah and a few of the guys from Walker Industries were demonstrating do-it-yourself home projects. Roxy was offering fashion consultations. There were representatives from a few notable charities, not to collect donations, but to talk about the many volunteer opportunities available. There were makeup and skin-care booths—Roxy had donated all of the products and even conned some the staff from her department store to man the booths offering consultations.

And of course, the evening wouldn’t be complete without Harper, who had recruited some of her clients to help out. There were a total of four Body & Soul booths that Harper was flitting between, offering tips and advice about body type and being comfortable in your own skin. She’d even brought a camera to take boudoir shots. Of course, Harper’s booth was the biggest attraction considering that once the boring part of the evening had finished, she’d stripped down to her bra and underwear.

Knowing some of the ladies would need alcoholic courage, servers made their way between the booths, offering wine and champagne and a selection of hors d’oeuvres.

Violet watched from the doorway. She heard laughter. She heard chatter. She saw smiles and camaraderie. The evening had just started and by the looks of things, it was already a success.

“It’s a good thing you’re the greatest woman I’ve ever met, otherwise, there is no way I’d let you date my best friend.”

Violet laughed as she turned, her eyes darting right to Harper’s enormous cleavage. She sidled up to her, wrapping her arm around her shoulders.

“We both know that Noah is the great one.”

“That’s true.” Harper pulled her into a one-armed hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

Violet let her head fall to the side where it rested on Harper’s. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Violet.” Charlotte ran up to where she stood at the doorway to the room and grabbed her forearm. “I’m sorry but I have to go.” She looked frazzled. “Frat Boy is demanding my presence at work.” She shook her phone. “I don’t even work for him. It’s like he thinks I’m his damn maid.”

Frat Boy was the nickname she’d given the son of her recently deceased boss. Immediately after his death, he’d waltzed into the picture after living in the United States for years.

Harper cocked her hip and pushed up her breasts. “If he wants you to be a maid, you should show up to work in a frilly costume and make his eyes bug out of his head.”

Despite the ridiculousness of Harper’s comment, Charlotte actually contemplated it.

“I just have to go. I’ll see you later.”

“Charlotte?” Violet stopped her before she ran off, placing her hand on her forearm. “Thank you.”

She pulled her into a hug. “Anytime. We’re practically family now.”

She wiggled her eyebrows and her eyes darted over to Noah, who was face-first into a toilet bowl.

“I’m off to find a few more victims.” Harper kissed her on the temple and sauntered off, her hips swaying with maximum sexiness.

Violet turned her attention back to Noah and watched as he demonstrated how to fix the toilet chain. She knew that not one of those women were watching what he was doing with the toilet. Not when his amazing ass was on display.

Violet giggled. She had been just like them not too long ago.

She’d thought she’d never have another relationship. She’d thought she’d never find someone who would take her just as she was, scars and all. But she had, with the sweetest, most supportive, sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on.

She approached Noah’s booth and waited off to the side for him to finish his demonstration. He’d dressed up for her, despite the fact that he was fixing toilets. He looked amazing. She’d picked out the suit herself when they’d gone shopping for her dress. He didn’t like her buying things for him, but it was the least she could do to repay him for showing up tonight and bringing reinforcements.

When he was done, he found her in the crowd and smiled. They hadn’t had a chance to talk since he’d shown up with Luke, Harper, and Ari. They’d barely said hello.

So when he scooped her up and planted a hard kiss on her lips, she melted. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to Noah’s kisses. He always caught her off guard. Always stunned her with his soft, determined lips.

But she’d be lying if she didn’t feel eyes on them.

She pulled away, resting her palm on his cheek. “Is your mom all moved in?”

Noah had been helping his mother move into the house in Stillbride all week and the house in the city was already up for sale. Paige was the listing agent, of course.

“Yes…” His face scrunched up. “And so is Henry.”

Violet smiled. Henry had decided to teach for one more year and then he’d take the retirement plunge. But before the semester started in September, they were going to Italy.

“Thank you, Violet,” he whispered in her ear, his breath warm on her neck, causing a tingle to race down her spine.

“What for? You’re the one spending your free time here.”

She didn’t think she could ever repay him for what he’d done for her. She’d spend the rest of her life showing her appreciation.

“For the house.” He kissed her nose. “For making my mother happy.” He kissed her forehead.

It had taken some coercion, but Violet had managed to convince the board to approve a new plan for the residential build. One that kept Noah’s mother’s house intact.

“I’d do anything for you, Noah.” She looked into his eyes. Knowing that he felt the same way.

“Have you thought about my offer?” Along with approving the new plans, she’d also told the board she was going to offer Noah the job as foreman on the project.

He let out a long breath. “It’s too important. You should have someone like Lewis, someone with more experience.”

She was supposed to be the one with confidence problems. Noah was good at what he did. Exceptional, actually.

“When are you going to get another offer like this one at your age?”

She understood his hesitancy. He’d told her many times he didn’t think it was the best idea that they work together. But she wanted him there. Someone who had the same passion. They could do great things. Together.

“Give me some more time, all right?”

“I guess I can do that for you.” She shrugged with a smile.

He pulled her closer and pressed his mouth to hers. Within seconds the kiss had erupted and for a moment, she forgot that they were in public.

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